Features of the soundproofing substrate "Vibrostek"

The tape sound-proof laying "Vibrostek" provides blocking of noise in designs of panel type, facing materials, partitions, floors. Features of technical characteristics make it resistant to various loads.
The tape "Vibrostek" is made of porous fiberglass type "C", characterized by elasticity and durability. Features of the structure of the material provide a reduction in impact noise, which is effectively used in construction work.
There are different types of gaskets, which have their own characteristics of use.
"Vibrostek M-100"
Resistant to heavy loads. This type provides effective noise insulation with a small thickness. It is characterized by a long service life. It is used in the construction of panel structures, facings, partitions, floors of wood.
Damper tape is available in rolls that are 30 m long, 10 cm wide, and 4 mm thick. The weight of the roll is 1 kg. Surface density - 300 g / m2.
Installation Features
A two-layer gasket is placed at the points of contact between the panel structures and the floor, walls, and ceiling. When installing frame partitions, sound-proof sheets are placed at the joints of the profile with the floor and ceiling. When installing a wooden structure laying put in contact with the wall.
"Vibrostek M-150"
Laying reliably protects against structural noise, having a small thickness. The material is immune to various dynamic loads, characterized by a long service life. The tape is designed to protect the ends of the panel structures, frame partitions, wooden floor from noise.
Damper tape is available in rolls 30 m long, having a width of 15 cm, thickness - 4 mm. The weight of the material is 1.5 kg. Surface density - 300 g / m2.
Installation Features
A two-layer gasket is placed at the points of contact between the panel structures and the floor, walls, and ceiling. When building partitions laying put in places fasteners frame. When facing works, the tape is mounted at the junction of the facing with other structures.
"Vibrostek V300"
The gasket has high elasticity with a small thickness, resistance to heavy loads, long service life. Effectively used when laying the "floating" floor, as well as the use of cement-sand flooring using moisture-resistant materials.
Damper tape is available in rolls, which have a length of 450 m, width - 1 m, thickness - 4 mm. Surface density - 300 g / m2.
Installation Features
When carrying out sound insulation of a “floating” floor, the gasket is laid tightly squeezing the materials between them. The seams are glued with adhesive tape, the width of which should be no more than 50 mm.If the parquet is insulated, then a gap is left on the edge of the wall for mounting the baseboards. This is done to ensure the circulation of moisture.
When working on laying screed to exclude its contact with the walls put a sound insulation strip.
When choosing a material for sound insulation should be guided by its technical parameters, as well as operating conditions. On the Internet you can find reviews that allow you to navigate in a variety of building materials.
So, when using products "Vibrostek V300" marked flexibility, softness of the material, small thickness, as well as a reasonable price. The material is convenient to use. It is noted its greater efficiency, compared with other elastic pads.
Among the negative aspects there is a risk of destruction of the glass fiber, on the basis of which the gasket is made, which will further lead to a decrease in the efficiency of its operation. There are also opinions that the small thickness of the material does not provide reliable sound insulation. Such a gasket is used to smooth the unevenness of the screed and reduce the impact noise in the apartment below.
It should be noted that the long service life, as well as the efficiency of the operational properties of the “Vibrostek” gasket, are ensured by proper installation and the expediency of using this material.
Detailed video instructions on sound insulation of walls in the apartment, see the following video.