"TermoZvukoIzol": properties and characteristics

Many people in arranging their homes can not decide how to conduct sound insulation and thermal insulation of the room. At present, any person will be able to find a wide range of materials for these tasks on the building materials market. It is worth more to consider the products "TermoZvukoIzol."

Special features

"TermoZvukoIzol" ("TZI") is a special three-layer material. It consists of a pierced glass fiber cloth and a double-sided protective sheath made of polypropylene base. Such a roll product will be able to provide complete sound insulation and heat insulation. Quite often it is used in the construction of country cottages, offices, apartments.Separately, it is worth noting the high density of ThermoZvukoIzola, which allows you to cover almost any surface with this material. In addition, it is important to remember that it can also be mounted on any bases (floor, walls, ceiling, partitions).

Use "TermoZvukoIzol" can not only standard sizes. After all, it is quite easy to cut out parts of the required size and shape from it, while the edges can easily be sealed with a special tape.

It should be said that in comparison with other building materials for sound insulation, TermoZvukoIzol has a higher service life. As a rule, it is equal to the lifetime of the building itself.

"TermoZvukoIzol" it also has a greater degree of elasticity. Even with strong and sharp deformations such a product is able to return to its original shape. He has a certificate of conformity Gosstroy Russia, hygienic certificate. In addition, it has a special protocol of fire and technical characteristics and the results of all official material tests. Therefore, these products can surely be called reliable and absolutely safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

TermoZvukoIzol boasts a number of important positive characteristics:

  • Excellent sound insulation. This material is able to completely absorb all the extra sounds, so that they do not penetrate the room.
  • It is a good insulation. "TermoZvukoIzol" perfectly protects the main layer of insulation from the ingress of vapor and moisture, is itself a good element for preserving heat.
  • Good elasticity. This property allows the use of such material as a special layer of filler in plasterboard partitions. However, he also will not miss any extra sounds.
  • Can be used for different basics. Such noise insulation roll products can be laid under any surface (linoleum, laminate).
  • High level of vibration isolation. "TermoZvukoIzol" can significantly reduce the degree of shock noise and unnecessary vibrations.
  • Environmental friendliness. This rolled material is made on the basis of absolutely clean and safe elements, so it will not be able to harm human health.
  • Can be laid on the wiring, while not subjecting it to preliminary processing.
  • Good hygroscopicity.This important property allows the layers to absorb all the excess water, which provides a favorable humidity conditions in the room.
  • Does not change properties at strong squeezing. This feature makes it easy to transport and transport rolls, without fear that they may be damaged. In addition, this property facilitates the installation of the coating itself.
  • Incombustible. Similar elements for sound insulation are made using parts that are not subject to burning. And also they are additionally treated with special substances and solutions, which also counteract the fire.

But, despite such a rather big list of advantages, this heat and sound insulating material has some negative characteristics:

  • Considerable weight. Many consumers noted that TermoZvukoIzol has a rather large mass, which significantly complicates the work and installation with it.
  • High price. Some users have noticed that this roll product has a higher price than other noise insulation elements. But at the same time, the overwhelming majority of experts confidently assert that the quality of ThermoZvukoIzola fully justifies its cost.


Currently, manufacturers can offer consumers a variety of models of material "TermoZvukoIzol." A rather popular sample among consumers is "Standard". It consists of a fiberglass canvas coated with a special polypropylene layer. This model is most often used in rooms with a high degree of vibration. After all, the sample "Standard" is able to easily reduce all shock noises.

This sound-proof material can be used when installing a floor covering with water heating, laying the substrate under the parquet or laminate. Often, it is taken as a sealant into the log houses of wooden dwellings. Model "Standard" boasts an excellent level of sound insulation. It is able to fully absorb up to 80% of all noise in the room. This basis has good fire resistance. After all, it is made of non-combustible elements and covered with special mortar.

Another type of sound insulation material is a model. "Light". This copy is a single-layer fiberglass mat. In the manufacture of this sample, manufacturers use a special calibrated canvas.

The “Light” model provides excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation in residential areas, as well as eliminates unpleasant shock vibrations.

This material can be used not only for walls and floors, it is often used in the construction of attic zones, roofs, balconies, heating mains and pipelines. Quite often it is used for suspended ceiling systems. It is worth noting that the sample "Light" is distinguished by maximum subtlety, which greatly simplifies working with it. In addition, he is completely not exposed to the effects of harmful insects and rodents. After all, this material is additionally protected by a special shell consisting of a spunbond.


As a rule, manufacturers produce ThermoZvukoIzol noise insulation products in standard sizes, which are 10000x1500x10 mm. But at the same time, at the present time in the market of building materials, each consumer will be able to meet samples with dimensions of 10,000x1500x14 mm It is with such measurements that such sound insulation products are most often made. Often, manufacturers produce models "TermoZvukoIzol" with a thickness of 14 mm.Such samples are usually used in the construction of premises that will be subjected to strong shock vibrations and sharp sounds. For standard buildings, conventional patterns can be used.

Today, in the building stores, buyers can see this material with dimensions of 5000x180x14 mm. According to many experts, it is the easiest to work with such products. But it should be remembered that it is better to choose them for premises of small areas, otherwise problems may arise during installation.

If the roll was too large, then you can easily cut a part of the desired shape and size out of it. This can be done with the help of a special construction knife, because the products of TermoZvukoIzol are excellent for cutting.

How to install?

According to most experts, the installation of materials "TermoZvukoIzol" quite easy to hold even with their own hands, without the help of professionals. First, before directly fastening the parts, it is imperative that you thoroughly clean the surface of dust and other debris. Laying should be done only on a completely dry and clean basis. After that, apply a primer on the surface.It should be evenly distributed throughout the plane. Be sure to wait until it dries, and only after that you can already begin to lay the material itself. It is important to remember that putting rolls under the floor should be perpendicular to each other.

Then you need to apply to the product the first layer of the screed, reinforcing mesh. If this material is attached to the ceiling or to the wall, then you should use special dowels, umbrellas. After laying all the rolls, as a rule, a strong frame construction is built. It is needed in order to produce on it a further finish of the coatings. It should be noted that such frame structures can be made of wooden bars or metal profiles. Practically any material can be laid on such bases (plasterboard, MDF panels). After that, you can finish the surface with a finishing layer (painting, wallpaper).

Useful recommendations

Many experts give advice on installing ThermoZvukoIzol. So, most recommend placing such a rolled material overlapping, while it should be at least 5 cm. It should be glued with a special double-sided tape.After a layer of sound-proofing material it is necessary to lay a reinforced screed. As a rule, it is made from sand-cement mortar. The thickness of such layering should be 40–70 mm. It provides durability and reliability of the coating. In addition, such a lattice will be able to provide complete insulation of the structure from excess moisture.

Often, professionals pay attention to the material properties of consumers. So, the majority of noise insulation materials are divided into sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing. The former are most often used to protect the room from outside noise, while the latter are usually used for sound insulation of one room from another.

Often, experts recommend combining these types of material during construction, which will provide a more effective result, but this option will cost more, so many people simply choose analogues of this product.

Customer Reviews

Currently, on the Internet you can find a considerable amount of feedback on sound insulation products "TermoZvukoIzol." So, most users have noted excellent sound insulation material.Many also spoke about the excellent absorption of shock vibrations by the product. Often you can find reviews and good thermal insulation characteristics "TermoZvukoIzol." So, many people who took advantage of this product, noted that the room has become much warmer. Often, users speak about the fineness of the rolls, which dramatically simplifies their installation. But while some consumers believe that because of this, the foundation should be installed in several layers at once, in order to achieve the required sound insulation.

The test material ThermoSound for sound insulation, see the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
