Sound insulation for floor "TechnoNIKOL": characteristics and application
Thanks to modern technology, it became easy to make your home comfortable. So, in order to protect themselves and their families from extraneous noise, special sound-proofing materials are used in the finishing of walls and ceilings.
But few people know that this technique is used for sex. This allows you to achieve the perfect equipment of the space and get complete peace and quiet in the apartment. Let us consider in more detail the materials for sound insulation of the floor from the manufacturer TekhnoNIKOL.
Product Specifications
The material is sold in the form of a rather thin rolled web. It provides excellent sound absorption when laying on interfloor ceilings. Thanks to this product, the propagation of noise from shocks and steps, which is usually transmitted through the supporting structures of buildings, is excluded.
Thickness of cloths can be 30, 40 and 50 mm.Depending on this indicator, the degree of sound absorption also varies.
Material advantages
- Duration of service life. You do not have several times to open the floor and change the whole structure. Having established a cloth from the TekhnoNIKOL trademark, you can forget that such a noise isolation (at least - for fifty years).
- Protection against electromagnetic field. Today, people think little about the fact that a huge amount of technology, without which they can not imagine a day, has a significant impact on the body. In this case, the radiation from some electrical appliances extends far beyond the limits of a single apartment. Material manufacturers took this into account and created a canvas that reduces the effect of electromagnetic fields on the floors next door (shielding factor 48 dB).
- High-quality noise absorption. Thanks to this material, your neighbors will no longer hear that something heavy has fallen to the floor. And other extraneous sounds won't get to you.
- Ease of installation. To install the canvas, you will not need to spend a lot of time and effort. Even tools and specific knowledge are not needed.You can install soundproofing yourself, be sure to follow the instructions. Or seek help from experts.
Scope of application
Most often, the products of the brand "TehnoNIKOL" are used for the internal equipment of various premises: residential, office, industrial. Also, the material is used for finishing the floating floor, underfloor heating, on the logs and for partitions between rooms.
The size of the space can be any: 7 m2, 7x1 m, etc. With the help of this material is achieved not only sound insulation, but also additional heat preservation. The same properties are distinguished by the products of the trademarks Tekhnoflor, TekhnoAkustik and Akustik Super.
Installation Features
In order for the material to fulfill all declared properties, it must be correctly set. To do this, it is important to mount the canvas with a noise insulating layer to the base across the full area of the interfloor covering without the appearance of gaps and gaps over the entire surface. During the work with a floor on logs or interroom partitions material needs to be divided into tapes. Then - place in the place of contact with the base.
The material on the sides has a self-adhesive base.But for additional reliability, it is important to roll these places. And the overlaps from the ends must be fixed with a sealant.
For cutting material it is necessary to use a special hacksaw with fine teeth or a construction knife. You can not break the plate, because so you damage the material and degrade its quality.
Customer reviews suggest that TehnoNIKOL products are ideal for flooring in private homes and attic floors. Since in such rooms joints and seams have a rather weak sealing. And this material for sound insulation perfectly solves this problem. But for modern apartments such plates will be an excellent solution.
How to make a soundproof floor, see the video below.