Phonestar: soundproofed by German technology

The German soundproofing systems PhoneStar are designed to reduce the noise level, which is an urgent problem for most residents of large cities. In our country, the company began active work in 2011 and since then has gained a lot of loyal fans and loyal customers. This became possible due to the high quality of the products and its uniqueness, because the multilayer insulation PhoneStar, which produces the company Wolf Bavaria GMbH, is unique in its composition.
Features and composition
The panels of PhoneStar have a filler of high density and at the same time of small thickness (12 mm).Thanks to this, the panels are quite thin and provide a sound-proof effect, without “stealing” the usable space of your apartment or private house.
German triplex panels are made of natural rubber and multi-layered cardboard frame, which are filled with such natural and harmless filler as quartz sand. Or, to put it differently, the cellulose cage is filled with mineral granules.
The effect of sound insulation is achieved through the reflection and scattering of sound waves in different layers of the frame.
In fact, the PhoneStar panels are simultaneously:
- sound absorbing material;
- soundproofing material against shock and airborne noise;
- substitute cement screed for the floor.
The advantage of the PhoneStar panels over the GCL is the high internal losses that increase the sound insulation effect in the range corresponding to the resonant frequency of the wave coincidence of the cladding. The weight of such an innovative panel is 17.4 kg, and the dimensions are 795 x 1195 x 12 mm (width, length, thickness).
Among the other technical characteristics, we note:
- reduction of impact noise - up to 75%;
- reduction of airborne noise - up to 85%;
- thermal conductivity - 0.17 W / m * s;
- combustibility class - G4;
- static load - up to 65 t / m2.
Among the advantages of the German PhoneStar panels over other sound and noise insulation materials, we note:
- affordable price - thanks to our own production and optimized German technology;
- easy installation - the panels do not dust during cutting and are mounted faster than the “classical” systems;
- strength - thanks to the innovative structure of the panel can withstand weight up to 65 tons;
- economy when used, there is practically no waste, everything goes to work, since the panels are easily cut into fragments, and the next level can be mounted on the brickwork principle;
- versatility - suitable for various purposes, for example, for sound insulation of walls, partitions, ceiling and floor;
- because thin panels (12 mm thick), facing with such soundproofing material does not “steal” the useful area or height of the room;
- excellent sound insulation, since the basis of the panels is natural wood and small fractional stone;
- heat insulation, as sound waves, encountering a dense panel filler, are converted into thermal energy;
- environmental friendliness - due to the use in the manufacture of exclusively natural materials: wood and natural quartz, while the insulating materials of competitors mostly contain bitumen, resins, glass wool and formaldehyde, which have a negative effect on health;
- room with such insulation "Breathes", as natural materials are able to pass air;
- high qualityas the plates are manufactured according to innovative technologies, which is confirmed by numerous European certificates;
- panels are easy to decorate different ways.
As with any finishing material, the PhoneStar panels also have drawbacks that you should pay attention to even before the start of the repair:
- low class of fire safety and, as a result, flammability of panels;
- water absorption, for example, in the case of flooding, will partially change the shade of the panels, and the damaged areas will have to be replaced;
- panels are susceptible to point-type loads; therefore, it is possible to pre-protect them with putty or fiberglass;
- the massiveness of the panels complicates the installation process, so you need a few workers.
Scope of application
Soundproof PhoneStar panels are allowed for use in many European countries for sound insulation of apartments, private houses, non-residential premises and structures for various purposes:
- cinemas and theaters;
- recording studios;
- educational institutions;
- lift shafts;
- business centers;
- industrial equipment;
- banks;
- noise screens on the roads;
- medical institutions;
- night clubs;
- secret objects;
- cafes and restaurants;
- conference rooms;
- karaoke bars;
- workshops;
- shooting galleries;
- radio studios;
- music schools;
- boiler rooms;
- printing houses;
- hardware;
- compressor;
- pumping;
- electropanel board;
- laboratories.
German panels are used for sound insulation of various surfaces of wood, brick, aerated concrete and concrete. But also triplexes PhoneStar are used for the construction of partition walls of frame-sheath type. In this case, the panels are installed not only on the frame, but also on the surface of the building envelope. The panels can be mounted both on the crate and without it.
Installation on the frame takes place when finishing the ceiling, and without a frame - for the repair of walls or floors.
In addition to the main function of sound insulation, PhoneStar panels are used for flooring under floating flooring, as they replace cement screed by their properties. Moreover, when using the PhoneStar system for soundproofing the floor of the panel with its small thickness, they perfectly perform the function of “floating floors”, exceeding them at the same time in their noise-insulating properties. Screws, self-tapping screws or Wolf special dowel-nails are used for fixing the plates.
Installation Features
Before the installation of Phonestar soundproofing panels, it is necessary to align the walls, getting rid of all the gaps and holes. Soundproofing German panels performed on metal profiles or wooden crates. When installing conventional sound insulation panels, it is additionally necessary to put a noise absorbing material. In the case of the PhoneStar panels, this will not be necessary, since they simultaneously bear the functions of noise reduction and sound insulation.
PhoneStar panels are attached to the wall, so labor and time costs will be reduced as much as possible.
A feature of fastening without lathing is the need to use branded dowels of the German company, since the indicators for sound transmission of these hardware are also significantly lower than normal. For an additional effect of noise absorption of the panel during installation, it is necessary to have a “razbezhku”.
The clear advantage of the products of the German company - using such material is very simple to make internal sockets and switches. First, the internal boxes are removed from under them, then a panel trim is attached to the wall from inside the recess. A hole for a new box is drilled in it - in this way, you will solve the problem of noise coming through sockets. And around the box under the noise insulation panel mounting foam is annular collar.
At the end of the installation you need to make the lining of the surface. You can, for example, sheathe it with drywall, and glue the slots with special tapes and fill it with silicone. Remember that the quality of sound insulation primarily depends on how carefully you approached the problem of eliminating defects after installation.
After elimination of defects on self-tapping screws (gypsum / gypsum) we install drywall.
Wherein the length of the hardware should not exceed the thickness of the soundproofing material and drywall combined. This is necessary so that the self-tapping screws protruding from the structure do not conduct sound from the room to the wall and vice versa.
The Wolf Bavaria company offers customers not only a unique soundproof material, but also tries to simplify the installation process as much as possible by developing fasteners and other additional elements for installation: dowel-nails, rubber tape, acoustic material, sealant and vibration-proof tape. In addition, in the assortment of this brand you can find soundproof doors and windows of various sizes, providing a comprehensive sound insulation of the room.
Due to the absorption of sound waves by the mineral fillers of PhoneStar panels, your house will always be quiet and comfortable, because this sound-proof material effectively smoothes out not only sound vibrations, but also maintains a constant level of humidity in the rooms. Buyers in their reviews note that PhoneStar products are easy to process, easy to cut and process, and can be used for various purposes - facing walls, ceilings, floors, roofs or partitions. In addition, the use of the panel is profitable, easy and safe.
By installing PhoneStar products in your home, you can be confident that up to 85% of external noise will remain outside the home.
See the PhoneStar soundproofing test in the video below.