Sound insulation membranes: technical characteristics and scope of application

In order to be comfortable in an apartment or house, it is necessary to ensure an adequate level of silence. Extra sounds will irritate the psyche and will not let you relax after a busy day of work. If you live in a big city, especially near railway stations, highways, night clubs and other similar objects, you cannot do without effective noise isolation. Modern manufacturers offer a huge variety of sound barriers for walls and ceilings.Learn more about the sound insulation membrane, its effectiveness and characteristics.
How to get rid of excess noise?
Experts calculated the optimal noise level in the residential areas. In the daytime, it has 40 dB, and after sunset the sun goes down to 30 dB. Special sound insulation is used in combination with a variety of finishing materials. For greater efficiency, cladding covers the entire room, including the walls, floors and ceiling.
Most often, noise-absorbing products have a special fibrous structure and expressive texture (granular or cellular structure). The minimum sound absorption coefficient of such materials should be 0.4. The principle of work depends on the type of product and the task assigned to it.
Sound insulation membranes create a physical barrier, preventing extraneous sounds from getting inside.
Experts identify three types of membranes that can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the room.
The choice of buyers offer:
- Teksaund;
- SoundGuard Membrane;
- "Front Acoustics."
The above product is universal and is suitable for use on the basis of various objects: residential premises, office buildings, commercial (industrial) buildings.The maximum material thickness is 3.7 millimeters.
Installation is not particularly complex, due to which it can be done on its own without the involvement of specialists. Additional tools and expensive equipment in the process you do not need.
Permitted to use on any surface type.
General characteristics of the material and the advantages of choice
Noise-absorbing membranes have special characteristics and several advantages.
The soundproofing membrane is durable, but at the same time thin material. Sheets are convenient to install in any room, regardless of their size. Compact material practically does not take up space, saving space in the room. A practical choice for small spaces.
High density provides reliable protection against extraneous sounds, even with minimal thickness. The experts, analyzing the efficiency of the membranes, noted that the noise level drops to 28 dB. This is one of the highest rates among other similar insulators.
The quality membrane boasts high efficiency. The layer of material 5-7 centimeters in effectiveness is not inferior to a 30-centimeter wall of concrete. Given the huge difference in size, the effectiveness of a dense and compact material is obvious. On the basis of apartment buildings, 3-5 centimeters of noise-absorbing material is quite sufficient. This should be enough to protect yourself from unnecessary sounds from neighboring apartments.
Sound insulation in the form of a membrane will protect you and your home from the noise of various types. Regardless of the frequency of the noise, the quality of protection remains unchanged. Due to this characteristic, there is no need to combine different protective materials.
Sheets have high flexibility and elasticity, due to which they will be easy to mount on different surfaces. An ideal choice for buildings with complex architecture. The material without problems stretches and reliably keeps within both on horizontal, and on vertical planes.
The soundproofing membrane is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and other changes in the microclimate. And she is not afraid of dry air and high humidity. Education on the material of fungus or mold is impossible. The product does not rot. Due to this characteristic, the veneer can be safely used in regions with a capricious climate, without fear of spoiling the finish.
Environmental friendliness
In terms of environmental friendliness, the membranes are completely safe. The production process eliminates the use of toxic impurities, heavy metals and other dangerous additives that may cause the occurrence and development of diseases.
Fire safety
Sound insulation membranes - refractory material. The material belongs to the section of self-extinguishing substances. From the point of view of fire safety, this product cannot cause a fire.
The process of laying the membrane does not change depending on the type of surface. If you make out a carrier coating, a direct suspension is first installed to it, after which it is sheathed with a sound-absorbing material. After the process of laying the insulating layer has come to an end, drywall is laid over the top.
To increase the barrier properties of the membrane, mineral wool is used. It is placed between the wall and sound-absorbing material.If you properly use the finish, the wall thickness will increase by no more than 5 centimeters. In this case, the amount of excess noise will fall by about 70%.
Advice from a specialist
To increase the efficiency of the membrane, it can be combined with other insulating materials. With proper combination, you get reliable and durable protection against unnecessary sounds.
Despite the high efficiency, larger-sized and massive barriers are better suited for the full protection of industrial premises. Some buyers noted the presence of an unpleasant odor, but this product is absent in high-quality products.
Description and installation of the Teksaund membrane
Sound insulation materials can be stacked by one or several methods. When facing plasterboard partitions, it is recommended to use a Teksaund-type membrane, provided that the thickness of the gypsum board is 13 millimeters. After laying the insulating material, it is covered with another layer of drywall. Next, a layer of mineral wool is made, which is also covered with a gypsum plasterboard.
To protect the apartment from the noise of the neighbors below, the membrane is laid on the floor. In this case, ceramic tile can be used as the outer layer. Cement screed fits under it. The membrane is placed between the concrete base and the screed. Insulation can be used with bricks.
- plaster;
- a wall of brick (13 cm thick);
- Teksaund;
- mineral wool;
- sheet of drywall (1.3 cm).
Alternative use of Teksaund
The membrane of the above type is actively used for gables, facades and ceilings. The base acts as the inner layer, then there is plaster and then the sound barrier. The hollow space will be located below and will complete the composition of an adjustable acoustic caliper.
The sound insulation membrane can be used with air ducts and drainage systems. Inside the structure there will be pipes that are fixed to the plastic element.
After laying, the membrane is securely fixed with a sturdy aluminum tape.
SoundGuard Membrane 3.8 Feature
This variant of noise protection is one of the most common.Specialists from the construction sector and ordinary buyers who have decided to protect their homes from noise, note the high efficiency and convenience of the membrane of the above type. The material is recommended to use on the basis of buildings of various types.
The noise-absorbing barrier is recommended to be installed on both frame and frameless structures. When working with plywood and drywall, the membrane can be used as an interlayer. For flooring, SoundGuard Membrane 3.8 also fits perfectly. The material is used as a substrate for the design of floating screed.
In the manufacture of membranes using a special mineral filler of natural origin and polymer binding elements. Soundproof material retains its elasticity and flexibility even at sub-zero temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius. The material retains its shape when bent.
Due to the increased resistance to different temperatures, the material can be used on the basis of rooms with high humidity. For temporary stay, the membrane is also suitable. According to consumers, the barrier retains operational properties in such temperature conditions - from 60 degrees of frost to 180 degrees Celsius above zero.
Sound insulation material "Front Acoustics"
It is strongly recommended to choose the membrane "Front Acoustics" for facing the interior partitions. Sheet dimensions: 1200x2500x4 millimeters. Weight per square meter of material - 7.5 kilograms. Outwardly, it is a thin, practical and elastic product. As part of the "Front Acoustics" there are rubber mixtures.
The main advantages of the material are:
- density;
- small weight;
- efficiency (noise level after laying the membrane will be 29 dB);
- the presence of a sharp odor;
- resistance to rot and fungus formation;
- water repellency;
- material on the basis of glue greatly facilitates the process of laying, it is convenient to mount self-adhesive cloths on vertical bases.
It is possible to use a membrane of this type on the bases which have an insignificant thickness.
Compact material does not take up much space, saving precious space.
Sound insulation membranes are one of the most popular and common options for protection from extraneous noise. In the open spaces of the worldwide network, experienced buyers and builders, used barrier material of the above type, share their impressions of the products.Thematic sites and forums are replete with articles, feedback and views on noise-absorbing membranes.
After analyzing the expanses of the worldwide network, it is safe to say that most of the reviews are laudatory. In positive reviews, users indicate the effectiveness, practicality and ease of use of the membrane. However, not all customers share this opinion.
Others believe that heavy and bulky noise absorbing materials are more reliable and efficient.
Considering the noise level in large cities and cities, high-quality protection from unnecessary sounds is necessary. The use of special membranes will provide compote conditions indoors, regardless of what is happening outside the window. Effective insulation - a guarantee of rest and excellent well-being.
The many advantages of the material, including the possibility of combining sound barriers, played an important role in the development of the product and its prevalence. Due to the compactness of the membrane is ideal for the design of small apartments. This is an important feature, given the problem of the size of modern housing.
Affordable material has also influenced its popularity.Finishing on a self-adhesive basis will cost a little more. The main thing when choosing a membrane is to take into account its properties, and to make a choice in favor of a quality product.
You will learn more about sound insulation membranes in the following video.