Features and installation of kitchen hoods with a vent to ventilation

Hoods with a vent to the ventilation are widely used in the arrangement of kitchen work areas and are in high demand. The devices allow you to completely update the air volume of the room and prevent fatty drops, moisture and gas combustion products from settling on the walls and ceiling.
In contrast to the closed loop extracts, which operate according to the following scheme: polluted air intake - run through the filter system - output of the cleaned masses into the room, instruments with a vent into the ventilation take the air out. This technology allows you to quickly clean the space from the smells of cooking food and does not require regular replacement of filters.For large kitchens are provided overall models equipped with two engines and suitable for use in catering establishments.
Structurally, exhaust hoods with a vent to the ventilation consist of a body, a control panel, a coarse filter - a grease catcher, and an air duct extending into the ventilation duct.
The case of models can be made of several materials.
- The most budgetary option are metal devices, painted with thermo - and moisture-resistant enamels. Such models require careful maintenance and careful operation. The advantages of such cases include an attractive appearance, and the downside is the tendency to scratch under mechanical impact, and enamel opacification over time.
- Tempered glass hoods are moderately priced and stylish in appearance. The disadvantage of such products is their demands for regular and painstaking care, which requires some skills and time. The fact is that on the surface of the glass, especially painted in dark colors or tinted, fingerprints, water droplets and stains are very visible.Therefore, the washing of such a body requires the use of a special liquid for glass, patience and skill.
- The most spectacular and expensive are chrome stainless steel models. Devices differ in ease of designs and grace of forms. Products do not require painstaking care and retain their original appearance throughout the life of the product.
All hoods are equipped with control panels, which can be push-button or touch. Mechanical panels are more understandable and familiar to the elderly. Buttons on such models are located on the front side, so it is not difficult to establish the desired mode. Touch panels are modern and comfortable. They are equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, the change of which automatically changes the operating mode of the device. Programming the hood using the touch control occurs once - when it is installed. Next, the device operates in standalone mode and does not require constant adjustment.
The air ducts installed on the hood are corrugated pipes and plastic channels. The first ones are round-shaped, they are easy to install and have good flexibility. Installation is carried out using clamps that come with the device. A plus of corrugations is the possibility of giving the pipe any bend radius, while the minuses include noisy work and the likelihood of fat settling on the inner folds of the pipe. Plastic air ducts can have both round and square cross-section, they are produced mostly white and fit perfectly into the interior. The advantages include a completely flat inner surface, which contributes to the passage of air at a higher speed, and a low noise level. The downside is the lack of flexibility and the need to use connecting fittings, such as elbows and adapters, for installation.
On the hood install two types of filters. The external metal filter does not require replacement and precipitates up to 95% of grease and dirt on its surface. Removing dirt is done by washing the grate with any detergent that breaks down grease. The second type of filters is represented by replaceable synthetic catchers, which, after heavy contamination, are discarded and replaced with new ones.
Advantages and disadvantages
High consumer demand for models with ventilation intake due to a number of indisputable advantages of these devices.
- Due to the diversion of polluted air masses to the street, the degree of purification of the room is almost 100%. This is almost 30% higher than the efficiency of the work of the closed-cycle units operating on the principle of filtration.
- The absence of a filter system in the design eliminates the need for their regular replacement. This greatly facilitates the maintenance of the device and significantly saves money.
- Aesthetic appearance and neat forms of the unit allow you to install it in any style of kitchen, without fear of cluttering the space and spoil the interior.
- High performance hoods due to the presence of a coarse filter with minimal resistance. This allows the steam and smoke to freely leave the room, without staying in the pre-filtration zone.
The disadvantages of the devices include the complexity of installation, which is associated with the need for duct equipment, and the presence of noise during the operation of the unit. In addition, for the correct and effective operation of the device requires a fairly good traction, in the absence of which there is a need to install powerful fans. In addition, in houses that are not equipped with ventilation ducts, you will have to hollow the wall and independently form a hole for the air duct.
In the modern market of ventilation systems exhaust hoods with access to ventilation are presented in a wide variety. Models differ from each other by the method of installation and power.
According to the method of installation, there are five versions.
- Hinged units are usually represented by standard and flat models. The appliances are fixed under the shelf or wall cabinet hanging above the hob. They are installed in small-sized kitchens, and are distinguished by their compact size and modern design.
- Wall mounted models are characterized by a wide range with a large selection of colors and designs. They are hung on a section of a wall located above an electric or gas stove.
- Island appliances are designed for spacious rooms and are installed by hanging on the ceiling above the hob.They are used in cases where the hob is installed in the middle of the room and has no abutment to the wall. Fixing the device to the ceiling is carried out with a steel cable.
- Corner models are designed for kitchens in which the plates are located in the corner, and the use of other types of hoods is impractical. Devices have a stylish design and look very interesting.
- Embedded hoods are used in the event that the size of the room suggests their placement in the cabinet cabinets or decorative boxes. Such models are selected individually and strictly by the size of furniture. Due to its integration into kitchen sets, they are a very common type.
- Fireplace models belong to wall-mounted appliances, but for their unusual design and similarity with real fireplaces, they were singled out into a separate group.
- Dome household hoods are also popular with consumers. They can be angular or wall-mounted, and can almost instantly remove polluted air masses through the ventilation shaft to the street. However, due to their small capacity, they are used only for domestic needs.In catering facilities, this type of hood is ineffective.
By their constructive device, hoods can have a solid or telescopic body. The first are traditional models, with constant dimensions and complete design. Telescopic instruments are equipped with a sliding panel capable of 2-fold increase the working area of the hood. This type of units is an effective solution for small areas, and allows you to install full exhaust equipment without losing some of the space or its blockage.
Power units are divided into household single-engine and powerful twin-engine models. The first are installed in the kitchens of apartments and houses, and the second are used in cafes, restaurants, pizzerias and other catering establishments.
In addition to the main mode of removal of polluted air, exhaust hoods with a vent to the ventilation are equipped with a number of additional options. For example, in many models there is a working area lighting. The brightness and direction of the beam are adjusted independently, which is very convenient when placing the hood in studio apartments: the lighting function allows you to cook without turning on the big light.The most technologically advanced models are equipped with motion sensors that react to the approach of a person and automatically turn on the light.
In more expensive hoods, halogen lamps are installed as a light source.while cheaper models are equipped with incandescent bulbs. Light from halogen lamps can be scattered or focused at one point at the request of the consumer. Incandescent lamps operate in a stable mode and can only slightly change the brightness. In addition to the lighting option, some models are equipped with a timer that allows you to control cooking time and simplify this process.
Selection criteria
One of the most important indicators of the efficiency of the exhaust is its performance, indicating how much air the device is able to pass through in one hour. The calculation of this parameter is individual for each kitchen and can be determined independently. To do this, the volume of the room should be multiplied by 10. The obtained value will indicate the instrument capacity required for this area.
Some sources recommend multiplying this number by a factor of 1.3, and, based on the value obtained, acquire an aggregate.In the coefficient, the maximum air pollution and the length of the air duct are laid, therefore the productivity calculated by this method is 15% higher than that obtained as a result of the initial calculations. The need for this reserve is due to the fact that the device often works at full capacity, which is why it wears out quickly and makes a lot of noise.
The second criterion when choosing a model is to determine the desired size. In this case, you must be guided by the area of the cooking surface, which must completely overlap the area of the working area of the hood. For small-sized kitchens, it is better to choose a telescopic version: when folded, it takes up very little space, and, if necessary, will be able to fully refresh the air in the room.
No less important criterion when choosing a hood is the noise level, which produces a device operating at full capacity. Optimal for humans is considered to be 35-40 dB. For comparison: a conversation between two people at a distance of 4-5 meters corresponds to this value. As you approach the speaker, the noise level will increase, and when you are two meters away,noise will reach 60 dB. The same noise is produced by an extract of medium and low power, working at the maximum number of revolutions.
More serious industrial devices produce already 70 dB of noise. Therefore, in the case of the adjacent location of the kitchen and bedroom, as well as in studio apartments, where the spatial separation is completely absent, it is recommended to purchase instruments with a noise level not exceeding 45-50 dB. In the apartments of the new layout, where the kitchen is located at a considerable distance from the living rooms or is separated from them by a corridor or bathroom, it is allowed to purchase instruments with a maximum noise level of 60 dB.
Hoods in which this figure is 70 dB are not recommended for residential use. When buying a design, you must ask the seller to turn on the device and test its operation in different modes. If the noise from the work of the unit will cause irritation or there will be audible tapping or grinding, you should not buy such a product.
You can install and connect the hood to the ventilation duct by yourself. To do this, you should only follow a number of rules to which experienced experts recommend paying special attention.
- The attachment of the instrument housing must be done in strict accordance with the horizontal position. If the house has a building level, then people who do not have experience in installing extracts should use it. The correct operation of the fans and the thrust force will depend on the correct location of the unit.
- It is important to strictly observe the manufacturer’s recommended distance between the hood and the hob. When installing the device above the electric stove, this distance should be 65 cm. Above the gas stoves, the hoods are set to a height of 75 cm.
- Observe the maximum permissible bending of the airway pipe, which cannot exceed 90 degrees. Otherwise, the products of gas combustion and fat droplets will settle on the inner walls of the pipe, and over time will lead to a decrease in its aerodynamic properties and deterioration of thrust.
- If the length of the duct is greater than three meters, the installation of an additional fan is required.
- When connecting the duct with the ventilation shaft, it is necessary to use pipes of the same section. If you connect a wide pipe with a narrow one, then the level of aerodynamic noise will increase significantly and it will be unbearable to use the hood.
- You can not neglect the installation of a check valve that prevents the appearance of reverse thrust in the wind or in case the temperature outside is above the indoor temperature.
- When installing the duct should be remembered that the installation of more than three bends significantly reduces the efficiency of removal of polluted air. The diameter of the pipe should be selected individually, taking into account the cross section of the exhaust outlet. But in any case, it should not be less than 12 cm.
- When installing hoods in homes with gas stoves, it is necessary to take into account such a phenomenon as "overturning of thrust", which occurs due to the mismatch of the throughput of the general ventilation with the power of the hood. For example, the capacity of the ventilation duct corresponds to 110-140 m3 / h, moreover, the performance of the device is 180 cubic meters per hour. In this case, a special hole in the wall should be made for the duct, otherwise, if it is connected to the general network, carbon monoxide will be swept into the room and people will be poisoned.
- The socket to which the device will be connected is strongly recommended to be grounded.This is due to the contact of the appliance with water vapor and fat droplets, which in case of malfunction of the electrical equipment of the hood can lead to a short circuit.
- When connecting the duct to the general house ventilation duct, a grille should be installed. This will help preserve the ventilation clearance, and will not allow the duct to block it.
If you listen to these simple recommendations, installing a hood with a vent to ventilation will be successful and will not cause difficulties even for people who do not have such experience.
Operating rules
In order for the hood to serve as long as possible, and its work to be most efficient, it is recommended to provide timely care and follow the rules for using the device. Before you start washing the hood, you should disconnect it from the electrical network. When cleaning the case from dust and grease deposits, you should not use abrasive detergents and compositions containing acids. It is better to buy dishwashing liquid and care product for stainless steel. The first will dissolve fatty contaminants, and the second will give the product its original shine and purity.
Extracts of this type are equipped with two types of grease filters: metal or acrylic. The first should be washed a couple of times a month in the dishwasher or under running warm water using liquid detergents. If the filter is made of aluminum, then it is recommended to wash it in cool water using dishwashing detergent or laundry soap. Acrylic filters cannot be cleaned: they should be replaced with new ones once every three months. After cleaning the device, you need to wait until the washed-out parts are completely dry, and only then connect it to the electrical network.
Hoods with a vent to the ventilation are modern high-tech representatives of ventilation systems. The devices provide an efficient outflow of polluted air, make staying in the kitchen pleasant and comfortable.
How to install a kitchen hood with a vent to the ventilation, see the following video.