Choosing a gutter bracket

Gutters drain rain and melt water from the roofs, redirecting it to specially designated areas. It is better to be engaged in their installation before the completion of construction work, this will help to optimally choose the fastening system. The drain brackets should be given special attention; the stability of the system, which takes on the load of snow cover and strong wind, depends on their strength and reliability.
The holder is a fastener for the installation of drainage. With it, the gutter is attached to the facade of the building, the roof or any base. The shape of the bracket should follow the design of the gutter. It has several holes, which allows the installation to use screws.
Gutters most often come on sale complete with fasteners suitable for this model. If the drain is created and installed by hand, the brackets are selected independently.
In order to calculate the number of hooks required, one should calculate the total distance of horizontal segments and multiply them by two (assuming the step stipulated by GOST is 50 cm).
Choosing holders, you can give preference to metal products with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm. It is necessary to check the integrity of the corrosion-resistant coating, the quality and stability of the hooks, because they will have to withstand a certain load. It is necessary to choose monolithic products, without seams. To the gutter is not destroyed by gusts of wind, on the brackets is better not to save.
These are general rules of choice, but an individual approach is required for each system. Holders must follow the shape of the gutter. The length of the elements is chosen according to circumstances. Long hooks are mounted before the roof is finished, and short and universal ones can be used at any stage, even after construction is completed. Fasteners must be larger than the gutter.It is also worth paying attention to the size and shape of the section. Elements that match in color with the drainage system are selected.
Giving preference to well-known brands, you can be confident in the durability of the original product. To date, the brackets of the Rohrfit, Rainway, and Kwado brands have proven themselves well.
On the types of holders for drainage can not be said unequivocally. They are separated by size, shape, material, attachment point. Depending on the size of the brackets are of three types.
- A long bracket produced in the size of 200-350 mm. Made in the form of a hook with an elongated strap, with its help, the holder is mounted to the base. Such fasteners are used to cover the roof.
- Short the bracket has a small mounting base, it can be installed on the finished roof. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to long structures.
- Universal hooks are collapsible models, which include a small bracket and holder. They are adjustable in size and can be mounted anywhere, even on metal pins hammered into the wall.
Different brackets and shape. In this case, the holder must follow the shape of the gutter, so their designs differ.
The most common fasteners are square and semicircular:
- square the brackets are easy to install, they can be fixed either side to the chute or to the base;
- semicircular fasteners cover pipes or a semicircular gutter and fix them to a wall or other base.
Bracket attachment points can be very different.
Already found that the long brackets are attached to the roof covering, short - on the finished roof. A variety of holders depends on where they will be mounted: on rafters, crate or front wall of a house.
- Frontal holders are fastened with screws to a wind board installed along the roof slope, to the rafters vertically or at an angle.
- Flat curved brackets attached to the rafters, crate or flooring of the boards. It is necessary to withstand the step of attachment, but working with the crate, it does not always work. Flat holders are also side, they can be fixed to the rafters from the side.
There are also non-standard types of fastening.
- Brackets, regulating the slope with a sloping base.
- Hooks in the form of clothespins or staples for fastening to plastic or polymer base.
- The bracket extension straight is used for short holders as an additional element.Applied for attachment to the flooring when crate with a large step. There are side options to mount the gutter to the rafters from the side.
The differences may be on the material of manufacture. The material of the brackets affects their cost, weight and appearance. The most common metal products in the polymer coating or plastic. Copper or aluminum are installed less frequently on individual customer requests.
Material holders must fit the chute. Do not install plastic fasteners on heavy construction. It is desirable that the mounting in color and texture coincided with the other elements of the drain.
- Plastic products attract low cost, light weight and ease of installation. Lightweight hooks are suitable for polymer gutters. In order to avoid deformation under the weight of snow, the step between fasteners should be no more than 50 cm. Plastic fasteners for greater stability make them thickened and high, which makes them bulky, so they are used infrequently, only in a set with plastic and other light material.
- Metallic the brackets are most often made of steel.They are galvanized or in a polymer coating. On the positive side is their strength, a large selection of colors, factory completeness.
Drainage - an integral and important part of the house. If you do not remove rainwater from the roof and walls, they will soon become useless and begin to collapse. High-quality fasteners and other structural elements, proper installation, will help the system to work for a long time and perfectly.
Before you start installing the drainage system, you need to calculate the number of brackets you may need. Their number depends on the material and configuration of the roof, the more bends and turns, the more fasteners you will need to install the gutter. Plastic holders can use up to three pieces per meter, metal ones do not require frequent fastening, a pitch is enough - 50-90 cm. You should not increase the distance between the brackets, the chute can bend and deform under the weight of snow.
For the installation of the drainage system, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary elements: a gutter, pipes, fixings (tongs, clamps, brackets). Reliability and service life depend on proper installation of fasteners.whole design.
For mounting fasteners on the finished roof, short brackets are selected. They are suitable for vertical fixation of pipes. Hooks have additional stiffeners, which allows them to withstand fairly large loads. Such holders are reliable even with strong gusts of wind.
Hooks are mounted on any board, in case of its absence, use additional extensions that allow you to mount through rafters. If there is no tolerance to the rafters, install metal props, fixing them on the wall of the house.
During the installation of fasteners, the incline angle is directed towards the nearest funnel or drain pipe. It is 5 cm for every ten meters, this will be enough to form the direction and speed of water along the gutter. With a weak slope precipitation will not have time to go into the pipes. Too much bias does not look aesthetically pleasing, and the funnel can not cope with the active flow.
Properly installed the first and last mount will help to make a proper bias. Between them, it is necessary to make a marking along the line of descent, where each hook will be located starting from the top point.Holes are drilled in marked places and brackets are fixed with screws. On the holders with girders are installed gutters.
In order to avoid mistakes when installing the drain, some nuances should be taken into account:
- the step of fixing the gutter is specified in the kit from the manufacturer; you should not do it anymore, this will lead to the structure sagging under the weight of precipitation;
- if the slope is not ideal, it can be adjusted by bending the bracket in certain places;
- so that the movement of the snow covers does not damage the water outflow, it is necessary to block the gutter laid on the holders during installation (with weight up to almost half of its diameter);
- if the edge of the roof does not coincide with the center of the gutter, this can provoke an overflow of water;
- a large gap between the edge of the roof and the gutter can also lead to overflow or cause splashing of melt water.
Selecting brackets for your drain, you must remember that the price is affected by their quantity, size and material from which they are made. By making markup along the line of the entire system, you can calculate the number of holders, but it is better to add a few extra elements in case of an error in the calculations.Material fasteners selected in accordance with the texture of the gutter and pipes.
You should know that long brackets are more expensive short. But the strength of the product does not depend on their size.
The price of metal holders above plastic. It ranges from 120 to 200 rubles per piece, depending on the model. Plastic products can be purchased at around 100 rubles, but low cost does not add to their popularity. Creating a drainage system is an important element in the construction of the house. Proper installation of drainage guarantees long-term operation of the building.
For information on how to install a gutter, see the following video.