Bulk water heaters: design features and review of models

In our time, it would seem, not to find a home without hot water. However, this is only an appearance: there are many residential buildings without water supply. For such cases bulk water heaters were created. This article will discuss their design features and existing models.
Water heaters can be of various designs. Their design is justified by destination, location and many other factors. For the manufacture of drives can be used various types of plastics, stainless steel and galvanized steel.
Capacities from stainless steel differ in long service life and high reliability, however their cost is significantly higher, than at plastic products.
Different heaters have their own design features. However, each of them must contain certain elements.
Without them, heating and water supply will be impossible:
- airtight container;
- TEN;
- crane;
- thermostat;
- heating mode indication system.
The water heater can be equipped with a hose and a spray for a liquid. This will help the owner take a shower with warm water. There are also whole sets for the organization of shower rooms in country conditions. In such sets there are pallets, blinds.
Advantages and disadvantages
Bulk-type boilers are designed for use in the absence of organized water supply. They are designed so that the water in them can and should be poured mechanically.
When operating in such conditions, the boiler will please the owners with the following advantages:
- economical power consumption and low power;
- mobility and compactness (you can move the device on your own);
- sufficiently rapid heating of the liquid;
- preservation of temperature for a long time;
- the ability to select the correct mode of heating using the thermostat;
- safety in operation (protection from work on the "dry");
- relatively low cost;
- good warranty period;
- availability of service centers (the possibility of repair of any complexity).
As for the flaws, with the right choice of the type of device, the user may never encounter them.
However, it’s still worth telling about them:
- limited functionality (a washbasin boiler cannot be used for a shower);
- Since the self-leveling model uses electric energy for heating, in the situation of its absence it is impossible to warm the water.
To date, there are several varieties of water heaters in bulk type. All of them meet the following requirements: maximum autonomy, ease of use, user satisfaction.
- The traditional option ("moydodyr"). It is a cabinet with a tank on top and a sink. Under the sink is a niche for the tank under the used liquid. The price of the model is very affordable.
- Kitchen option. The main part is a small tank. It is attached to the wall with special brackets for anchors above the sink.
This option is designed for simple everyday activities: washing dishes, for example. Water in the tank will be enough for this. This is the cheapest and most affordable option.
- Shower option. A distinctive feature of the described device is a capacious tank equipped with a hose and a watering can. It can easily accommodate a hundred or more liters of cold water. The rest of the design is the same as in other models.
It is possible to pour liquid inside with the hands or the electric pump adapted for this purpose. In the case of installing a boiler on the street, you can save on electricity: water will warm the sun.
- Option with shower. In cases where it is necessary to fully equip the shower cabin, the use of a special type of water heating kit would be ideal. It includes a fully equipped heater, shower, shower tray, curtain, watering can. All this allows to equip an absolutely autonomous shower at the dacha.
This product will allow to introduce elements of urban comfort and manufacturability into the country and country life.
To use the heater enough to have a natural water source. Installation of the entire kit takes a minimum of time and money. This is a much more attractive option in comparison with the construction of a full-fledged room with the connection of all necessary communications.
You can choose to give bulk water heaters, combined with the pump "Aquarius" or "Summer Resident", which are distinguished by their quality, affordable price and have good reviews. These garden options are designed for 10, 20 or 30 liters.
Popular models
- Among the bulk boilers with stand and washbasin distinguish floor model "Aquatex". The volume of the tank of various modifications of the product is sufficient for daily household chores (up to twenty liters). The maximum heating temperature is fifty-five degrees. The mass of the structure is about twenty kilograms. The cost of the product is quite affordable.
- A water sink competes with the previous model "Summer resident EVN-25". It has approximately the same design, but the volume of the tank can be 25 liters.
- Among the wall models can be identified "Alvin EVBC-17" with a metal tank. Its volume varies from seventeen to forty liters. The mass of the product ranges from five to twelve kilograms,depending on the modification. The cost is significantly lower than the previous analogues. Water heating temperature reaches 70 ° С.
- Wall heater "Comfort 20" made in plastic. The capacity of the model is small: only twenty liters. The heating temperature does not exceed seventy degrees. But mobility is significantly higher: the mass of the product does not exceed three kilograms. All these characteristics form the lowest price among the models presented.
- A number of models opens Ariston ABS SLVas the most powerful among its peers. He also provides the highest temperature of heating - seventy-five degrees. The volume varies from fifty to one hundred and fifty liters. This affects the mass index: from seventeen to twenty-five kilograms. In its group, the model has a high price.
- Slightly weaker, which means cheaper option Garanterm er. The maximum heating temperature is seventy degrees. Weight is about thirty-seven kilograms.
- When choosing models for the organization of the soul should pay attention to "Ariel 09A-B250" with a shower cabin with a height of more than 2 m. The structure includes aluminum racks, polycarbonate walls, wooden floor. The heating temperature is seventy degrees. Volume - two hundred and fifty liters of warm water.The price may seem too high only at first glance.
- The budget model can make a serious competition to the presented versions of the boiler. "Economy 095". The manufacturer claims it is easy and simple to use. Capacity and volumes are stated at a level above average.
Tips and tricks
Using a water heater will bring joy only if it was chosen correctly.
In order not to make a mistake, you should decide on the following points:
- where and for what the bulk electric heater will be used;
- the number of users or the required volume of heated fluid;
- material of the product;
- financial opportunities;
- fame and reliability of the manufacturer; warranty period;
- geographical proximity of service centers for repair and maintenance.
In a situation where it is impossible to answer some questions on your own, it makes sense to seek advice from knowledgeable people.
Special attention after the purchase should be paid to the installation process of the product. Incorrect installation can reduce to zero all the advantages of the device.
When installing, remember the following:
- mounts must withstand the mass of the device with water poured into it;
- Electrical connection must be made professionally, in accordance with current quality and safety requirements.
In the end, I would like to say that waiting for a miracle from the filling heater does not make sense. He will not be able to completely replace the urban version of hot water. But the buyer does not need this. If for complete happiness there is enough constant presence of warm water without additional efforts, then such devices will be an excellent solution to the problem. All that is needed is to fill a full tank of water from a bucket or basin and turn on the magic button!
For more information on how to install the water heater in the country, tell the following video.