Rules for cleaning water from the well from iron

Outside the city there is no running water. Therefore, using underground sources, there is a need to purify water from an iron-rich well. To carry out this is necessary according to certain rules.
Special features
Search for an underground source, to reduce the concentration of ferrous and ferric iron will have at home most. To prevent problems associated with the presence of iron salts in water, plastic pipes should be used during well construction. When autonomous water supply country house is best to use artesian well or a well.
For the final selection of the source, you must first carefully examine the neighboring houses or suburban areas. To ensure good water quality, pay attention to the location of the outdoor toilet on the adjacent site and the proximity of the cesspool.
When inspecting the well you need to pay attention to its depth, smell, temperature and transparency of water. Ask the neighbors how long they dug a well, and what were the problems. Pay attention to the surface of the puddle after the rain and the smell of the soil.
Sometimes, despite the money spent on drilling an artesian well, a brick-red liquid with a very unpleasant smell of a rotten egg flows out of the crane in the morning, and a black mucous sediment drops to the bottom when standing. This means - iron cleaning is needed. Its excess is harmful to the body, it can disrupt oxygen transfer, cause a serious illness - hemochromatosis, lead to the destruction of the liver, heart muscle, blood diseases, exacerbation of diabetes, problems with joints.
Before you choose a cleaning method, you need to do a chemical and bacteriological analysis of water. The most easily removed bivalent and trivalent iron. Bivalent dissolves well and reveals itself only when water is settled in the form of a yellowish precipitate on the vessel walls.When exposed to strong oxidizing agents, it adds one oxygen atom and becomes trivalent — a well-known rust that can be easily removed by ordinary filtration.
Organic or bacterial is much worse removed. It looks like black jelly with an unpleasant odor and a high content of iron bacteria. Sometimes in this mass there are separate threads of blue-green algae.
Iron is a real threat to health, because it is very poorly excreted from the human body and causes diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, and skin. As well as steel pipes affected by iron bacteria, very quickly fail due to leaks.
There are quite a few options for solving the problem of excess iron content in water based on the volume of work and the amount of financial expenses.
- Drill a new well. Advantages - guaranteed solution to the issue of improving water quality. Disadvantages - the cost of the study of deep soil layers, the purchase of plastic pipes and the drilling of new wells.
- Purchase ready equipment to clean the iron and disinfect water and install it.Advantages - guaranteed water quality for a long period. Disadvantages - high costs for the acquisition and installation of water treatment systems.
The equipment consists of several stages of cleaning:
- filter to remove sand, debris and sludge;
- filter to remove metal salts;
- filter to remove calcium salts;
- crystal salt removal tank;
- carbon filter;
- Ultraviolet lamp;
- drinking water fine system.
- Independently design and build a system for the preparation and purification of well water from standard components. The deironing occurs in parallel with the removal of other metals and chemicals using a combined water treatment system. Advantages - the ability to improve the standard parameters of the water treatment system. Disadvantages - the need for calculations for water supply and sanitation, the complexity of assembly and installation.
- Iron degrading with activated carbon filter. Processing is carried out using a filter made of scrap materials. For manufacturing you need an old aquarium, a large sheet of plastic, granular activated carbon, sand, gravel, granulated clay, ready-made bags of filter paper.The plastic sheet is cut into individual plates according to the size of the aquarium, which are glued to the side wall parallel to each other with a gap of 3-4 centimeters.
At a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the bottom of the fixed spacer plate - a separator for structural stability. Fine sand and gravel, expanded clay are poured into the gap between the plates, bags with activated carbon granules are inserted. In appearance, the filter is very similar to the old lead-in car battery.
Advantages - low cost of manufacture, high speed cleaning. Disadvantages - as a result of processing the desalted liquid is obtained. To replenish the body of minerals, you need to take complex vitamins or periodically drink untreated water.
- Use universal station water treatment. The stations operate on the principle of reverse osmosis and provide complete cleaning of bacterial mucus. They make it possible to remove sand, clay, mechanical particles, chlorine derivatives, metals, hardness salts, iron compounds from a liquid, and to completely disinfect water. Advantages - guaranteed water purification, disadvantages - high price.
- The budget option - activated carbon treatment. Tablets of activated carbon are crushed and poured into water. After that, water is vigorously stirred or shaken and left to settle for 12-16 hours. Removal of excess iron and calcium salts leads to water softening. The advantages of the method - simplicity, disadvantages - there is no selective cleaning.
- The use of electrolysis. As an iron remover can be used electrolyzer. Rods made of carbon are immersed in a liquid and connected to a high-power network rectifier. With the flow of direct current through a solution of salts on the rod connected to the minus of the power source - the cathode, the reduced metals are deposited in the form of a thin crust. Indoors for electrolysis can not use open fire and smoke, it is necessary to constantly maintain supply and exhaust ventilation. On the floor near the electrolyzer, you must put a rubber mat.
Advantages of the method - cleaning of glandular fluid occurs very quickly. Disadvantages - high energy consumption, release of hydrogen and oxygen into the air, forced ventilation in the room,the need for frequent replacement of carbon electrodes and strict observance of fire and electrical safety equipment.
- Long boiling. Iron-free H2O can be boiled for a long time - without chemical reagents and additional devices. Capacity cover with a lid and put on a strong fire for 30-40 minutes. Water softening occurs - salts of calcium, magnesium and other metals are deposited on the walls of the vessel, covering it with a thick layer of sediment. Advantages - simplicity, disadvantages - reduction of the amount of liquid and the need for periodic cleaning of the tank from scale.
- Upholding. Dissolved ferrous iron is oxidized to trivalent by the action of atmospheric oxygen and settles to the bottom. Advantages - no need for special equipment, disadvantages - in the presence of a large number of bacteria and fungus, the liquid can sour.
- The use of silver. Silver plates are placed on the bottom of the well. The ions of this metal have a very strong disinfecting effect. Tibetan monks and warriors of Alexander the Great kept water in jars and vessels covered with silver amalgam. For the manufacture of ionizer need two silver coins with a printSamples (not from the MNC alloy) and DC source. Battery type "Krona" is connected to silver coins. After turning on the current around the coin, connected to the power source, there is a “haze” consisting of chloride and silver hydroxide.
Instead of silver coins, you can use cartridges from the old water ionizer. The wires from the battery type "Krona" or battery is connected to the cartridges, then connect the current. Processing takes 45-60 minutes.
Advantages - complete disinfection, removal of fungus and spores. Disadvantages - when using treated well water, contact with enamel containing copper or zinc should be avoided.
- Removal of bacterial iron. It is a particularly difficult task. Organic substances can bind iron into complex water-soluble complexes called chelates. Externally, these complexes are smelly mucus. Iron and magnesium chelates are found in chlorophyll, a green pigment in plant leaves that synthesizes oxygen from H2O under the action of sunlight.
Against them, filtration is ineffective, they do not precipitate, are not oxidized by oxygen and enzymes, and are difficult to clean with the help of surfactants.In the presence of air nitrogen and atmospheric moisture, they form hydrogen sulfide and methane.
Bacteria that form bacterial iron destroy metal. The addition to the composition of the metal compounds of sublimate, arsenic, chromium helps very little. In the summer, due to biological corrosion, a metal body with a thickness of 3 millimeters is destroyed in less than a month.
Good help in the fight against bacterial iron disassembly of the filter unit, drying components in the bright sun, irradiation with ultraviolet lamp, treatment with bleach or ozone.
- Ozone treatment. A quartz burner from an old DRL lamp is used as an ozone generator. Inside a quartz glass burner are high-pressure mercury vapor and a microscopic drop of liquid sodium. When the current is turned on, the bimetallic plate bends and short-circuits the starting capacitor — a high voltage pulse arises, which evaporates the liquid sodium and forms an electric arc inside a quartz glass bulb.
The arc heats the mercury vapor - the lamp starts up. In the emission spectrum of mercury vapor there are a lot of ultraviolet rays,therefore, the burner can be used as an ozone generator - two molecules of ozone are formed from three oxygen molecules of the air under the action of ultraviolet radiation (3O2 = 2O3). The appearance of ozone in the air is accompanied by a strong odor.
Scientist Christian Friedrich Schönbein discovered the formation of ozone from oxygen in an electrical discharge. After examining the spectrum of the electric arc, he described the physical and chemical properties of ozone and called it "detonating gas" - because it forms in the atmosphere during a flash of lightning, which is accompanied by a roar of thunder. Ozone is an extremely strong oxidizing agent. In free form, there is 3-5 minutes, after which it decomposes with the formation of oxygen (2O3 = 3O2).
When ozone is passed through water, bivalent iron oxide oxidizes to trivalent - rust, which settles to the bottom. Ozone, unlike bleach, does not dissolve in water and does not change its chemical composition. Now it is used on Mosvodokanal instead of sodium hypochlorite. Advantages - disinfection occurs along with metal cleaning, ozone does not change the chemical composition and properties.Disadvantages - high energy costs for the production of ozone.
- Cartridge with ion exchange resins. Extremely effective, but rather expensive way of water purification from metals and impurities. When preparing for work, the epoxy resin inside the cartridge is saturated with “Trilon B” and catalysts. Upon contact with ions of Fe + resin in the cartridge captures it, giving the solution a sodium ion Na +. Advantages - simple processing technology, the possibility of selective cleaning, disadvantages - incomplete cleaning of harmful substances and impurities, with intensive work, the cartridge quickly fails.
- Freezing. Allows you to clean the water from dissolved salts without the use of filters and chemical reagents. It is well known from a school course in physics - a mixture of salt with ice freezes at a temperature of - 21.2 ° C with a salt content of 22.4% by weight. From this it follows that after cooling the polluted water in the freezer of the refrigerator to - 8 ... 10 ° A piece of ice, which was formed from the solution, does not contain salts - since salts freeze at a lower temperature. It is enough to drain the unfrozen liquid into the sink and defrost the ice to get fresh water.Advantages - simplicity, disadvantages - incomplete cleaning of salts.
Installation of water treatment system
Properly designed and well-assembled filter scheme for cleaning iron will provide you and your family with clean water and keep you healthy.
When designing and building a water treatment system, you must:
- determine the volume of water to be cleaned per unit of time;
- make a vertical section of the soil at the location of the well;
- to issue permits for hydrogeological work;
- make a cost estimate of the work and equipment;
- purchase the necessary equipment for the water treatment system and the required number of plastic pipes, taking into account the depth of the well;
- provide easy access to the work site.
After the well reaches the aquifer, it is necessary to determine the flow rate and make a chemical analysis of the water. If you have any doubts in addition to produce ultrasound logging wells - similar to ultrasound for humans. This will avoid annoying mistakes and miscalculations made during drilling operations,and will also help make an informed decision about transferring the well to another place in case of failure.
After completion of construction, you must issue a passport to the well. This document confirms the right of ownership and is needed to resolve issues in the event of deterioration of water quality due to the appearance of iron or other reasons in the future.
In order for the system to be able to purify water, it is necessary to have a high-quality assembly with your own hands, the presence of components without rejects, which will make it possible to guarantee high-quality and durable work. It is necessary to control the absence of water flow in the joints and reliable insulation of the current-carrying parts of the pump. Care must be taken to ensure that the joints of plastic pipes are sealed with rubber pads installed or filled with silicone sealing grease.
After the first start of the installation, it must be rinsed with water in the amount of 40-60 liters. If activated carbon is present in the system, it is necessary to flush the system until the disappearance of fine black powder in water. During operation, it is recommended to follow the schedule of replacement of filter elements.Remember - the quality of the cleaning system depends on people's health.
When choosing a dacha or a country house, it is necessary to provide for the supply of water to a private house from a reliable source. A careful examination of nearby wells will help determine the depth of the aquifer, the taste of water in them - the mineral composition, the smell of water - the presence of dissolved gases. We strongly advise to pay attention to the geological features of the soil - the smell of the soil, vegetation, mineral salts protruding after the rain on the ground in the vicinity of the holiday village.
Learn what they write about the holiday village on the Internet, what services for water supply and water purification are offered by individuals and organizations, which ads are most often published. Look closely at the State geological map of a large scale or on the scheme of soils and minerals on the Internet.
To learn how to make a simple station of water deferrization with your own hands, see the next video.