How to choose a collector for water supply?

The water supply system is an integral component of the majority of residential buildings, institutions and shopping facilities. The water supply system consists of a mass of parts, each of which performs its own special function. The same applies to collectors, the rules for the selection of which will be described in detail in this article.
Special features
The manifold is also called a distribution comb. By these concepts is meant a nozzle equipped with side taps. They are located at the same distance from each other, perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle itself.
The inlet on the collector has a larger diameter (by 20-40%) than the outlet. This feature allows you to provide a stable water pressure for each consumer, even if the water is distributed to several people at the same time.The collector is responsible for distributing the main stream to several small ones.
The amount of water that the system can pass per unit of time depends on the diameter of the inlet. This scheme is more comfortable and reliable than the traditional one, without a distribution comb. This fact compensates for the more expensive cost of the collector. If the budget allows you to install just such a system, then you should not save.
The water collector is necessary for simultaneous connection of several devices or creation of taps to several groups of such devices. The last installation option allows you to achieve the alignment of the pressure of water supply on all lines. At each nozzle, there is a stop valve, with which you can disconnect the device or group of consumers from the water supply at any time.
The collector is good for the water supply system also because gives the user control over pressure. For example, at the moment of switching the washing machine to the water set mode, the pressure in the shower will not change. In a system with a collector, there are no unnecessary connections that always have a high risk of leakage.
When there are already ideas about the principle of the collector, it is important to familiarize yourself with the secrets of his choice. After all, the collector market is diverse. There are models for heating systems, the organization of warm floors, the installation of water supply and the connection of additional elements. Recommendations on the choice of necessary that the inexperienced user is not confused in the variety of goods.
This nuance is one of the key points, although few people pay attention to the company when choosing components for a water supply system. And after a while the system turns out to be a source of problems and requires frequent repairs. Nevertheless, it is better to spend a little time studying manufacturers who are to be trusted, than in the future to constantly repair or replace a collector. The most popular companies are:
- Italian company Far, whose products are well known to the Russian consumer. Despite the affordable pricing policy, Far collectors have decent quality. For example, a two-tap model is offered for 1000 rubles. Three withdrawals will cost about one and a half thousand.Almost the most expensive copy will cost 2.4 thousand rubles.
- Products Rehau also popular in the Russian market. It is often chosen by professionals and people who do not want to pay twice, because the product has a special German quality. The company enjoys such popularity, despite the higher pricing policy compared to the previous manufacturer. Collectors for water supply systems are equipped with connecting nipples, which are intended for clamping connections. The manufacturer uses high quality and safe brass capable of withstanding high workloads.
- Another high-quality products from the Italian manufacturer are collectors for the brand’s water supply. Tiememe. Collectors for organizing water supply systems from Tiemme are an affordable, reliable and high-quality product, which is often chosen by professionals.
A model with two branches will cost about 500 rubles, for three branches it will be necessary to pay about 800 rubles. A 4-outlet model has a cost of over a thousand rubles.
- Choosing brass collectors, you should pay attention to the company Luxorwhich is also located in Italy. The company strictly controls the quality of each model, uses innovative solutions and produces a wide range of products. Luxor collector will serve for a long time with proper installation and proper maintenance. Experts trust this manufacturer.
- And again our attention is attracted by a company from Italy. Manufacturer UNI-FITT in the Russian market presents its products for more than 7 years. During this time, it was possible to significantly expand the range, which now includes more than 41 product groups and more than 1,000 product items. It is easy to assemble the entire system from the Uni-Fitt elements. The products of this manufacturer are well known among specialists, and the company continues to expand its product range.
- If you need a budget option, but you do not want to save on quality, then you should pay attention to the company Solomon. This is a Polish-Chinese trademark, which is very popular in the CIS countries. It is valued primarily for low pricing. Price reduction does not affect the quality of products.
Production is organized in a modern factory and automated in accordance with the latest innovations.Quality standards and strict control of products do not allow to doubt its reliability.
It is difficult to distinguish among Russian brands those that would correspond to Italian or German products. In order not to resort to frequent repair and replacement of the collector, it is better to immediately purchase products of foreign manufacture.
How to pick up?
Due to the large variety of collectors for water supply, it is very difficult to make the right choice. Before going to the store, you need to understand the classification and decide on the desired model of the comb. First you need to choose the material from which the water supply manifold is made. It must be selected according to the pipes from which the plumbing system will be assembled. The following types of raw materials are distinguished:
- Brass - decent material, it is expensive, but durable and durable.
- Crosslinked polyethylene is more affordable than, for example, brass or steel, compression fittings are used to connect.
- Polypropylene collectors are also an affordable option. Although their quality and reliability are at a high level, installation is carried out by soldering.
- Stainless steel - This is an expensive, but very high quality and reliable option that can withstand heavy workloads and rarely requires repair / replacement.
When you decide on the material, you will need to select a collector according to the method of installation. There are the following varieties:
- The thread can be internal or external. This type of connection allows the installation of removable headers.
- Can be used for fixing Eurocones or compression fittingswhich are issued for pipes from metalplastic or plastic.
- For the system, assembled from plastic pipes, solder fittings are also intended.
- Combined view fasteners It can also be used for the installation of a collector, for example, for a large diameter a thread is selected, and a compression fitting or an eurocone is installed on a small diameter.
You must immediately determine the number of taps that will be located on the collector. Models with a large number of taps are more expensive. The minimum number starts with two, the maximum rate is at 6. To determine the required number of taps,it is necessary to carefully plan the water supply system, make a drawing, count the number of consumers and think over their location.
In the case when there are more consumers than the number of taps on the proposed collectors, several distribution dies can be connected. Such group designs significantly expand the number of consumers that can be connected to the system. But it is still better to reduce the number of connections in the system, the probability of leakage in this case will be lower.
When the collector comb is selected, and the water supply scheme is finally approved, you can proceed to installation work. Do-it-yourself installation of the collector is a very real task for which you do not need to have special skills. You just need to adhere to a special work plan and follow the instructions exactly.
- Before proceeding with the installation of the collector, it is necessary to install meters, a check valve, filters and other elements of the water supply system. Also required to complete the installation of water supply for each consumer.
- Only then can you install the distribution node.
If you perform the work in this sequence, you will be able to reduce the load on the joints that will not be deformed during the installation work. This is especially true for users who do not have experience in performing such work.
- The collector must be positioned so that installation and maintenance is convenient. The place for the location of the comb should not be very dry, it is better to choose a bearing wall. The ideal option is to place the wiring in a separate cabinet. The presence of additional lighting in the future will greatly facilitate system maintenance.
- No additional seal is required for mounting the assembly.
- The distribution system requires the installation of valves, through which the adjustment of the water supply will be provided.
- In a system that is mounted in a two-story house, there must be a circulation pump.
- For fastening the collector to the wall fixing clamps are used.
- In place of the tie-in to the main riser, the system is equipped with shut-off ball valves. There is also a coarse filter and a meter to monitor water consumption.
- Inset into the riser should have a larger diameter than the standard 15 mm.In this case, the input group of pipes will be able to provide the user with the required volume of water at the time of simultaneous consumption by several devices.
- To neutralize the water hammer, which can cause serious damage to the system, it is necessary to fix a special damper.
- The fittings-adapters should be located on the thread of the valves or outlets from the manifold. They connect the liner to the devices that are water consumers.
- Hidden scheme requires insulation on linings. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the appearance of cracks on the screed or gouges. Also, the heat loss on the hot heat supply system will be reduced.
The collector is needed in the apartment and private house, public, medical and educational institutions, shopping facilities. In short, it is useful wherever there is a water supply system, and there are several water users. The collector has an important function and is one of the most important elements in the water supply system. Therefore, the choice of this element must be approached consciously and with skill. It is advisable to use a number of recommendations:
- For hot and cold water, two corresponding models are selected that have different markings of blue and red.
- Choosing a quality collector from a trusted manufacturer will ensure a stable system.
- Proper installation and adherence to technology will make the likelihood of leakage minimal and will allow you to enjoy a stable system.
- A collector with locking mechanisms on each outlet is convenient, especially when one of the elements needs to be repaired.
- The collector material must be selected in accordance with the pipes used during the installation of the system.
- The number of taps should correspond to the number of water users or groups created from multiple users.
- It is better to buy a manifold, fittings and all other additional elements (FUM, gaskets, adapters and pipes) from one company. In this case, all elements will fit together. Otherwise there may be inconsistencies in size, and parts will have to be replaced.
- To make changes to the system, it is necessary to leave free bends in the comb, which will be closed with plugs.In this case, you will not need to change the collector or add an additional comb to it.
- It is better to choose a manifold with valves. In this case, there is no need to perform a separate installation for each of them. The choice of such a collector will reduce the time and amount of installation work, minimizes the likelihood of leakage at the junctions.
See the following video for assembly of the water collector.