Recommendations for the selection and installation of pumps to increase the water pressure

Residents of an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building may face a rather unpleasant situation: due to the weak pressure in the water supply system, it is impossible to take a shower of high quality, wash dishes or do laundry. Checking the pipes shows that they are in perfect order and not clogged with debris, and the neighbors do not suffer from a similar problem at all, which confirms that insufficient pressure is present only in one room. The solution to this problem will be to install a pump that will increase the pressure.
Special features
As a rule, a pump for increasing the pressure of water is used in cases when the water pipes are relatively new, they are not blocked by anything, just like a filter with aerators, and the liquid still slowly flows. This is usually due to the fact that the water initially enters the water supply from the central tower under low pressure. In most cases, the purchase of a pump completely solves this problem, bringing the pressure to the norm.
According to European standards, the pressure in the pipeline should be approximately 4-5 bars or atmospheres.that explains the requirements for plumbing fixtures. For example, if the pressure corresponds to 2 atmospheres, the washing machine may simply not start. If we talk about a jacuzzi or shower stalls with special functions, then the situation becomes even stricter - an indicator of 4 bars will be the minimum acceptable for them.
Therefore, insufficient pressure can really lead to big problems.
Lifting and constant maintenance of pressure in the system is carried out using two types of pumps: circulation or self-priming.The first construction is arranged as follows: there is a rotor, an impeller is fixed on it, and there is also an engine that rotates the entire system. A circulation pump is called due to the promotion of fluid circulation in the pipes. Suction pumps are more productive and more complex. They are completed with a hydroaccumulator with a special membrane. Water is first fed into the storage tank, and then enters the water supply. It can be concluded that the circulating pump, which raises the pressure, is able to solve the problem only in a separate section, and the suction pump - to adjust the water supply system in the whole apartment or even the house.
Pumps that increase the pressure in the water supply are also divided into two large groups: with the so-called "dry" rotor and "wet" rotor. Wet models are much more compact than dry ones. They do not make noise during work and do not require special maintenance due to the fact that the lubrication of parts is carried out by itself, by pumping fluid. Such a booster pump simply crashes into the pipe and functions as a regular flow pump.Installation takes place before the point of water pumping or in front of household appliances, for example, a washing machine that requires water under a certain pressure.
These models are cooled due to the fact that water is being pumped.
Among the disadvantages of a booster pump of this type, it is distinguished that it does not feature high performance and does not demonstrate a high head-to-head ratio. In addition, the "wet" unit can be installed only in one position: the axis of the rotor of the electric drive can be placed only in the horizontal plane.
The second variation is the dry-rotor model. They have better power and performance when compared with “wet” models. This pressure boosting unit can be used simultaneously for several points of intake. Its power unit is equipped with an individual air cooling system and is located slightly away from the main body. As a result, a “dry” pump can only be attached to the wall surface with a cantilever. Internal details of these models are periodically subjected to friction, therefore it is necessary to ensure constant lubrication.In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that it creates significant noise.
The device is cooled with the help of blades located on the shaft.
In general, the start of the water pump should be carried out only in cases of reduced liquid head. Control systems that offer both manual and automatic mode help to ensure this. In the first case, the owner himself turns on the pump if he sees that there is a need to raise the head. Of course, it must control its use and avoid situations when the pump runs dry, without water.
In the situation with automation, the water flow sensor is responsible for the operation of the device. It turns on when a liquid appears in the pipeline and turns off when it is empty. Thus, the pump is protected from running dry and, accordingly, from overheating and breakage. Most often, the design is sold, being equipped with a sensor, but otherwise it can be purchased.
When a part is purchased separately, it is mounted after the pump itself.
If the installation is carried out in a domestic water supply system - that is, in a situation where the pressure of the liquid can be both normal and low, then it is recommended to give preference to an automatic pump with a water pressure sensor.The device will turn on when the pressure is below normal, and turn off when everything is fine. When problems arise in a large apartment or house, you can purchase the whole pumping station. In addition to the pump, there is a diaphragm-type hydroaccumulator and a pressure sensor in the kit. They will not have to increase the pressure of the water, as they will create it themselves.
For hot and cold water use different systems of pumps. To interact with hot water, designs are created from special materials that are heat resistant. Due to this, the price for them is much higher than on models that come in contact with cold water only.
There are universal models that work in both cases.
The water pump, which is responsible for the increased pressure in the system, also has the following technical characteristics: maximum flow, flow rate at which the equipment is switched on in automatic mode (varies from 0.12 to 0.3 liters per minute), maximum and nominal power, temperature working environment and dimensions of a suitable pipeline.
We should also mention the automatic fire-fighting devices that increase the pressure, because these pumps are used not only in everyday life, but also in industry. They are large backup installations and are used both in various water supply systems and in fire extinguishing, irrigation and water cooling systems.
Their design is based on vertical and horizontal pumps, but the final design depends on the requirements of the customer.
Scope of application
As a rule, in a private house you can independently adjust the water pressure in the pipeline, but in a normal city apartment there are no such possibilities. The hardest thing is the inhabitants of the upper floors. It is possible that the old pipes are thoroughly overgrown with rust or limescale. The reason for the drop in pressure can also be long-unchanged or not cleaned filters. In addition, there is a human factor - utilities do not fulfill their duties qualitatively, the neighbor has a narrower diameter of the pipe for one reason or another, and sometimes the required capacity of centralized equipment is initially mistakenly calculated.In such cases, all sorts of domestic problems begin to arise: a shower can be taken only if the neighbors go to work, there is a malfunction of the washing machine, gas boilers and electric boilers are turned off. There are also situations when the level of pressure in the water supply system not only fell, but it simply does not exist, and the water does not reach the consumer. For example, if the riser is too long and inlet booster pumps are not able to raise water to a sufficient level.
Detect pumps that increase the pressure, it is possible and with the owners of car washes, however, in this case, they differ from the pipeline. The body is made of plastic, metal or high-quality alloy. Due to the movement of the pistons in the piston chambers inside the system, a high pressure is created. In such structures there is also a control system that prevents work on a dry run. When the discharge valve in the gun is shut off, the automatic switches off the electric motor. This happens at the moment when the pressure inside the pump rises to the worker.
Of course, the best manufacturers of pressure-boosting pumps are considered to be European firms.However, domestic companies also show decent results, especially in collaboration with Chinese ones.
The German unit "Wilo PB-201EA" is considered the best water pump produced in this country. It provides both manual and automatic control, has a capacity of 3.3 cubic meters per hour and a pressure of 15 meters. In addition, it functions seamlessly in hot water and is able to withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees.
The Russian-Chinese booster pump “Jemix W15GR-15A” occupies a leading position in the “dry rotor” category.
It is inexpensive, reliable, and used in both hot and cold water.
The Danish device “Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N)” is equipped with a stainless steel case and an asynchronous motor. It can function either manually or automatically. The pressure corresponds to 8 meters, and the flow - 1.5 cubic meters per hour. It is very economical, because the power consumption reaches only 0.12 kilowatts. In addition, it does not make a lot of noise, it is very durable and has protection against overheating and dry running.
Comfort X15GR-15 is one of the best low cost water pumps.It is made in the Russian-Chinese production and has the following parameters: productivity - 1.8 cubic meters per hour, head - 15 meters. The device operates in both manual and automatic mode and is mounted horizontally with additional fixation to the wall. The maximum possible water temperature reaches 100 degrees, and this means that it can be used in hot and cold water supply.
The pump consumes little energy, is not subject to corrosion and is cheap.
Among the pumping stations, the Danish booster station “Grundfos MQ3-35” with automatic control is distinguished. The suction depth reaches 8 meters, the head - 34 meters, and the flow rate - 3.9 cubic meters per hour. The station is equipped with a self-priming pump, an electric motor and a hydroaccumulator.
It is reliable and has the function "anti-cycling".
How to choose?
The more thoroughly the buyer approaches the pump selection process, the better effect he will receive.
When purchasing a device, you need to take into account the following parameters:
- Device power. Knowing this figure, you can determine how much the pump will be able to serve the water intake points.The required capacity depends on what kind of taps, what household appliances and in what quantity they require an increase in pressure.
- Noise level. This option is also recommended to know in advance.
- Installation requirements. Some models can only function complete with pipes of a certain diameter. Otherwise, the pump not only fails to cope with rising water, but also quickly fails, being operated with overloads.
- The height of the water level raised by the pump. This indicator is relevant in the case of pumping stations serving several apartments at once.
- The performance of the device or the amount of fluid that the pump is able to pump to create the necessary pressure for a certain time. It should be borne in mind that the value of this indicator should be higher than the average water consumption at the water intake point where the pump will be installed.
- Maximum allowable water temperature. Depending on this indicator, it is determined whether the pump will be installed for cold or hot water supply.
- Dimensions of the device. They need to know to determine which part of the water supply will be installed pump.
- Manufacturer. It is recommended to give preference to well-known companies with due authority and numerous positive reviews.
In this case, you can count on the warranty, and maintenance, and repair.
First of all, the pump is selected on the basis of the pressure indicator at the outlet, which should reach 4 bars. When choosing a high-pressure pump, the presence of automation or manual control can be decisive.
Wiring diagram
The wiring diagram of the pressure boosting device is simple. The pump must be installed before the water intake points. Thus, as soon as he feels a weak movement of water, the flow sensor will react and the pump will turn on. To create a system that will provide all the devices that need stable pressure, you will also have to think through the water distribution. Installing the pump at the correct point will limit to one unit serving all water intakes.
If in a private house the necessary pressure is not in the rooms of the upper floors, then it is worth thinking about using the maximum possible volume of the hydraulic storage membrane tank and the pump highpressure. Increased consumption will lead to the inclusion of a pump that, in turn, will serve the system on all floors. Such a pumping station operates in automatic mode. Its main element is a self-priming centrifugal pump. Even if the pressure in the pipes is zero, it will raise the water from the required depth, for example, from the basement collector, and create the required pressure. The pressure switch will be responsible for turning on the electric motor only in a situation when the pressure is below the required level. The accumulating tank will create a certain supply of water. It will also be under pressure and go into consumption if the water supply in the mains is interrupted. Following this scheme, the pumping station will raise the water to the top and provide the necessary pressure.
In a multi-storey building, it is recommended to create a similar system, but with large capacities, with a huge reservoir and with the collected funds of residents from the entire riser. In the basement is placed under the pressure of the supply of water, the required amount of which will receive each resident.
How to install?
It is very easy to put a pump to increase pressure with your hands - the installation is no different from inserting other devices into the pipeline. First of all it will be necessary to block the flow of water.If there are common valves that are located outside the apartment, then you should take care that they do not accidentally opened. In the selected area, the pipe is cut off and a pump is inserted into the empty space, which has two taps: at the inlet and at the outlet. If necessary, they will allow the replacement or repair of the device. During installation it is also important to consider which way the water usually moves.
An external thread is also created at both ends of the pipe, while the adapters have an internal thread. Adapters are also fitted with fittings.
During the installation process, it is recommended to look at the arrows indicating the direction of the flow.
Then, depending on the material from which the pipes and the booster are made, technologies are used for joining. For example, to work with plastic pipes you need a soldering iron. Integrity is then checked, and the control procedures are carried out under pressure and the motor is connected to the mains. For this, a three-core cable is used connecting the pump to the electrical panel. If it is possible, then it is better to arrange an additional outlet near the installation site and connect the device through a separate protective disconnect device.After the final check in the operating mode, you can complete the procedure.
As a rule, the installation of the pump is carried out according to the instructions, which is initially attached to it.
If any model can be mounted only in a certain position, this condition will be indicated.
- Before buying a pump, it is still worth clarifying the state of the system. For example, the spreader on the tap must be cleaned from contamination, for example, using citric acid. If this is not done, accumulating calcium salts can critically reduce the working holes, which will lead to negative consequences. It is also recommended to go to the neighbors and find out if they have the same problems. In the case of a positive response, it becomes clear that the reason is more global, and the usual purchase of a pump is not solved.
- It is also worth remembering that the situation becomes critical when the pressure drops below 1-1.5 atmospheres. The standard indicator corresponding to the operation of household appliances is from 2 to 3 atmospheres, and 4 bars are the norm for pipes. If the pressure in the tubes is less, then the devices are turned off.
At 6-7 bars, leaks appear in the line, and at 10 atmospheres the pipes can break.
- If a pressure measuring instrument combined with a filter is placed in the inlet line in advance, you can always quickly check the pressure level and also get rid of problems with clogging.
- When the cost is important, then, of course, you should choose a pump with manual control, which is also very reliable. However, such models consume energy economically and are not very convenient to use.
Automated models cost much more.
- To increase the service life of the pump, it is recommended to install a mechanical filter at the inlet, which will prevent the device from clogging with solid deposits.
- It is important to install the raising unit in a dry and heated space. If the temperature drops below zero, the water will freeze and the machine will break. In a situation with too high a temperature, it will overheat.
The place for the pump also can not be in the fresh air under direct rays.
- Any pump, even with outstanding performance, will vibrate during operation.This means that after some time the device may loosen. Therefore, you should periodically check the condition of the fasteners and, if necessary, tighten them.
- Flexible fittings and tubes significantly reduce pump performance and adversely affect the reliability of connections. If possible, they should be avoided.
- A circulation unit for increasing pressure is worth buying if there is water in the pipes, but its pressure is too low. To eliminate the lack of 2-3 bars, one model is enough, but in some cases it will be necessary to install two pumps. Pumping stations should be chosen if there is no water in the faucet at all, but lower in level, i.e., at the neighbors below or in the room located under the “problem room” it is available.
- It is worth remembering that the circulation models are mounted in the only correct position, which is indicated on the package. If you install the device in error, it will either perform poorly in its work, or will not start at all. It is not recommended to connect pumping stations by yourself.
- Unfortunately, many people who install the pump on their own do not read the instructions provided by the manufacturer.As a result, they install the device in the wrong position, connect it incorrectly and get significant problems in operation.
Therefore it is worth paying close attention to the recommendations from the manufacturer.
You can find out how to install a water pressure increase pump in the apartment from the video.