Watering pumps: description of species, principle of operation and selection according to characteristics

To guarantee a stable crop in your garden plot, you need to take care not only of proper planting and caring for plants, but also of timely watering. It does not make sense to rely on weather conditions, and the transportation of water in watering cans and buckets takes too much time and does not guarantee sufficient moisture. Therefore, the best solution would be to buy a watering pump.
Device capabilities
Watering devices differ among themselves in many ways, thus they enable the owners of the dacha plots to choose a product that will ideally correspond to their particular situation.
Source for water intake
The choice of a suitable pump model largely depends on where it comes from and what kind of water will be used for watering the garden plot. There are three options for solving this issue:
- The first is the well-drained rainwater, which accumulates in barrels. It has a comfortable acid-base environment and a minimum amount of impurities that are dangerous to plants. Such water is collected in large containers or barrels, which are located under the drains. For watering it can only pump out the pump, or simply scoop a bucket.
- In the second case, the water is extracted from the well or well. However, this method is quite dangerous, because ice water can harm the roots of plants - they just start to rot. For this reason, the produced water is allowed to settle and warm up in special containers, and then used for irrigation.
- Finally,water is taken from a nearby pond or own artificial pond. When extracting water from an artificial pond, in addition to watering, the structure is also cleaned.
In all three cases, the purity of the water obtained varies, therefore, the pumps used for these purposes are also different.
For watering the garden requires a relatively small capacity - from 3000 to 5000 liters per hour, which is able to reach most models of pumps of high quality brands and with good power. However, if low productivity is required, then you can take a chance and buy a cheap Chinese pump designed for pumping dirty water. He will fully cope with the task.
You can also reduce the performance of a quality product by installing a small-sized hose or an adapter after the irrigation point. This will help reduce water consumption and maintain high pressure.
Criterias of choice
Choosing a watering pump, one has to take into account a large number of factors, in addition to the standard power, performance and filtration systems:
- what distance exists between the beds and the water source;
- are there elevation differences at this distance, and how many meters do they constitute;
- what area needs regular watering;
- how often the pump will be used and for how long;
- How exactly should be irrigation: sprinkling, drip or below the root and in what areas.
For example, for drip irrigation enough and low-power equipment. For sprinkling will have to purchase a pump that can withstand high pressure. The volume of the tank and the rate at which it pumps water per hour are taken into account.
Most often, preference is given to powerful models with two-stage mechanisms.
Types and features
In general, two basic types of pumps are used to water the plants. They differ in the mechanism of water intake and placement of the unit relative to the source of moisture. Allocate surface pumps and submersible.
Barrel pumps are used to extract water from a small barrel or from a tank, the depth of which does not exceed 1.2 meters. Barrel models are considered the most simple to use, compact and mobile. Their weight ranges from 3 to 4 kilograms, the mechanism can be independently transferred over the territory and used for pumping water from different tanks.The technique is as follows: the pump is attached on the edge of the tank and connected to electricity. This is usually done when using the bracket.
It is important to add that barrel products produce very little noise, and the water used can be pre-fertilized and filled with nutrients.
Many models have a pressure regulator to establish the best head. The pumps also have filters designed to trap large particles, but, according to customers, they do not do the job well. Therefore, it is better to resolve the issue with the filter by placing gauze or net tulle inside. To prevent the pump from clogging with rust or silt during operation, it is necessary to ensure that it does not reach the bottom of the barrel at a distance of about 5 centimeters.
Submersible pumps are used as follows: the working part is immersed directly in the source below the water level. Pumping occurs, and the liquid is brought to the surface under pressure through rubber nipples. Depending on the models, such constructions can pump out water from a depth of up to 80 meters! Naturally, therefore, they are most often used to interact with wells. The shell of the submersible design is made of plastic or stainless metal, designed for permanent stay in a specific environment.
According to the method of water supply, submersible pumps are divided into vibratory and centrifugal:
- The first function due to the membrane, which, moving, causes pressure drops. As a result, water is first sucked and then pushed out. Such models are quite cheap, but fail when clogged with silt.
- Centrifugal pumps "grind" water. The blades and wheels rotate and it moves to the surface.
Such models are not afraid of pollution, but they cost significantly.
Automatic Drip
Automatic drip pumps can not be called affordable, but they have a lot of technical advantages and, while doing a good job, they decide to master the task of regular watering. Usually they are equipped with a timer, pressure switch and accumulators. The owner chooses the level of pressure, and the water begins to flow out of the nozzle in a thin stream. Battery control is manual and automatic.Most often, such models are used for watering the lawn.
It is worth adding that for such irrigation can be used not only specialized drip pumps, but also other pumps with similar characteristics.
So, for a greenhouse with an average area with 20 drip devices, the usual circulation pump, which is used in autonomous heating systems, is quite enough.
Surface pumps are usually used for shallow water bodies, for example, they use water from a well or an artificial pond. Such a model should be located near the collection point, and the water itself should be supplied by immersing the suction hose into it. The device is able to take water from a depth of up to 8 metersand then “stream” to a level of 30 to 50 meters, which is considered a very strong pressure.
By using a surface pump from one point, several areas are watered at once. The technique is as follows: the instrument case is installed on a flat surface near the reservoir. Attached to it is a hose and an outlet, usually a metal pipe. Rubber can not be used, because of the rarefied air walls will begin to shrink and impede the movement of water. Finally, the pump connects to electricity.
The only drawback of surface pumps is called overly loud sounds and even vibrations produced during irrigation. However, if you put the body on the mat or stand, or even put it in a nearby outbuilding, the problem will be solved.
It is worth adding that commercially available pumps with two outputs, which allows the use of two watering tools.
Drainage pumps are advised to purchase in cases where the water used is rather polluted. Such models are able to get rid of impurities that reach up to 10 millimeters in diameter with the help of special grinders. They can also be used for cold water. The shredder itself is located just above the suction device, so it will immediately “crush” the trash, while enriching the water with fertilizers.
A significant disadvantage of drainage systems is low pressure, so the irrigation process can be very difficult. It is recommended to carry it out in two stages: first pump the liquid into the tanks, and then water the garden using a different pump model.
Technical specifications
Regardless of the type of pump, he must cope with the task. Therefore, when choosing a unit, several important technical parameters are counted.
What are the?
The first parameter is the capacity or volume of water that the pump is able to pump in a certain time. The essence of the performance is that the landlord was able to water the entire area of landings for a comfortable time for him.
The second indicator is the amount of pressure that the unit is able to create. Usually it is indicated in meters of water. From this value it is required that the water could rise to the required height from point A to point B, while moving smoothly along horizontal intervals and withstanding the necessary pressure.
Some manufacturers also indicate the pressure that the pump creates.
In addition to the traditional characteristics, the possible depth of immersion is estimated for submersible pumps., and for surface models - the depth of absorption. Both values are in meters. What is important is the power of the power unit, which usually ranges from 600 to 800 volts. The characteristics of the pump also indicate whether it is designed for clean or dirty water and what is the maximum permissible value of solids. Estimated and the level of emerging noise.
Important parameters also include pump weight, compactness, easy carrying and body protection.
How to choose?
To understand what is required pump performance, you have to refer to the norms of SNiP and average indicators. Approximately 1 square meter of vegetable garden requires between 3 and 6 liters per day for irrigation. Therefore, to cover the area of the whole garden, for example, 300 square meters, it will take 1500 liters of water. The pump must pump the required amount of water for the time that suits the gardener. In this case, the pump capacity should be approximately 30-50 liters per minute.
The data states that the most powerful barrel pumps produce up to 4000 liters per hour, and the weakest - 2000 liters per hour. One of the most high-quality models is Karcher, ready to move 3800 liters during this time period.
With a large capacity of 200 l of water, an average power pump will pump out in 1-3 minutes.
Drainage models are capable of producing from 83 to 250 liters per minute, while “directing” water to a distance of 5 to 12 meters. For water from particularly dirty water bodies, the inclusions of which will require abundant grinding, it is recommended to choose pumps with a capacity from 37 to 450 liters per minute.
The pump head is also important. This value is calculated using two components. The first is vertical - the depth from which water rises. Every meter of depth is equal to a meter of pressure. The second, horizontal, is the distance that water will be transported to the irrigation site.
Usually 1 meter of lift is required for 10 meters of horizontal transportation. The resistance of the pipes is also taken into account.
Often, preference is given to the “minimum” submersible pump at 12 volts. For some of its varieties, there are even alternative sources of energy. After completing its tasks, such a pump can even be used as an external battery. Finally, it is even possible to design it yourself.
It should be borne in mind that automation increases the cost of the pump, but protects its motor. Since the product has been operating for a long time and often in a not very comfortable mode, the motor can overheat. Therefore, a special protection is very important - thermal relay. It acts in such a way that as soon as inside the maximum allowed temperature is reached, the electricity is simply turned off.
Ideally, there is also a float inside the pump, which is activated when a particular water level is reached.It protects the mechanism from the "dry run", thereby minimizing the risk of breakage. Its essence is that in any source there may be too little water, it can end not only in the barrel, but also in the well or well. If the pump will work in this mode for some time, it will simply burn out, because the water simultaneously cools the case. Therefore, special protection is so necessary.
The float is its cheapest, easiest, but at the same time reliable variety. As soon as this sensor detects an insufficient water level, it turns off the power. Some pumps are immediately sold complete with a float, but if necessary it can be installed independently.
In more detail how to choose the pump for watering, the following video will tell.
Nuances of operation
Work with the pump is quite simple, but still it is recommended to follow a number of rules:
- watering mechanism should not work without water, at the so-called "idle";
- if the pump is filled independently before starting work, then we must not forget to empty it with the onset of cold weather;
- It is forbidden to use a water-cooled pump for working with hot water, otherwise it will overheat;
- the pump can be used only under all the conditions specified in the instructions and corresponding to its technical characteristics.
Water tanks are best used plastic, they will accumulate less debris. During watering, you should carefully monitor the condition of the filter, periodically make a visual inspection and, if necessary, wash it or replace it. If the filter began to clog frequently, water is removed from the barrel (in the case of barrel pumps) and the internal surfaces are cleaned of dirt.
To reduce the amount of debris that arises, the tank should be covered with something, and for rainwater, make a receiving opening exactly according to the diameter of the drainage system.
Manufacturers Overview
Domestic and foreign manufacturers implement an extensive line of pumps at different prices. Among the "foreigners" the German Hammer and Karcher, the American Patriot, the Italian companies Calpeda and Quattro Elementi are deservedly popular. Makita and Gardena, as well as Chinese Sterwins, stand out among growing and developing manufacturers.
“Whirlwind” is the leading Russian manufacturer, “Dzhileks” and “Gardener” also have their fans.
Products brand Karcher hailing from Germany are of high quality and are reliable. In addition, they do not create noise, and therefore can be used at any time of the day without causing inconvenience to neighbors. Due to the high pressure, several trunk lines can be connected to the product.
This technique is not only high-tech and efficient, but also environmentally friendly. In the process of watering there is no energy consumption during waiting. In addition, the company confirms the possibility of obtaining water from alternative sources, managing water consumption and irrigation without loss.
Karcher for barrel irrigation is considered one of the most popular pumps of this company. The design has a filter for water treatment, a special float that prevents "dry running", and a hose 20 meters long. If the capacity is empty, the unit will shut down. The valve allows you to adjust the pressure, and the gun - to spray the liquid, improved fertilizer.
The pump is very compact, it is stored in a container and transported with a pen.
Features of the Gardena brand are low energy consumption, but at the same time high performance.Almost all models are protected by floats and equipped with a filter for water purification. The pump has a sealed housing, so the likelihood of water inside the engine is excluded.
Garden products are suitable for comfortable and safe irrigation using sprinklers, nozzles, sprayers and micro-drop irrigation systems.
The Russian brand "Zubr" demonstrates additional protection of windings from heating. Impact-resistant plastic, from which the body is made, can withstand heavy loads, and, in addition, during operation of the pump, the head can be adjusted.
Hammer pumps are used to pump clean water from ponds, wells and wells, which is then used for watering or fed into the house. The body is made of aluminum, resistant to shock and mechanical damage, it does not deteriorate, constantly being in the water. The maximum depth of the water intake is 10 meters.
A special advantage of this brand is that the pumps work well, even if the water source is far away.
Italian brand Calpeda is also among the leaders in pumping.The product quality control department provides products with the best properties and characteristics. In addition, Calpeda products meet the requirements of pumping equipment. It produces industrial models for domestic use, options for heating and air conditioning, for irrigation and irrigation, as well as for lowering the level of groundwater.
Well submersible, sewer, drainage, pumps for pools and for water systems are also available.
Domestic-made surface vortex pump is considered one of the leaders in this segment. Despite the low cost, its performance is in many ways superior to foreign counterparts. The superficial pump “Whirlwind PN-1100N” has the highest productivity, which is capable of producing 4.2 cubic meters per hour, which guarantees the efficiency of water supply for irrigation at the dacha in any conditions.