Choose a pump for pumping water from the basement

Almost every private house has its own basement. With a certain specificity of soil, poor waterproofing, breakthrough of water supply pipes and / or sewage basement can be filled with water / feces. In such conditions, the pump for pumping water / faeces is needed first. It will help to eliminate the liquid, which adversely affects both the contents of the basement and its foundation. In addition, the pump can perform other tasks of pumping water or its supply for irrigation.In the absence of constant problems, mobile pumps can be purchased for several owners and be in common use, which will allow the customer to buy a better unit.
Special features
A portable pump for pumping water is used in basements flooded after the snow melts in the spring, with high groundwater levels and other similar situations. In addition, this unit is necessary for regular pumping of wastewater, if the bath or bathroom is located below the sewage level - in the basement. And also It may be used for other purposes.
- Pumping out fluids from pits, trenches, trenches and ditches when they are flooded from melting snow, after a rainstorm, and the like, if any work is needed on them. For example, a ditch rummaged in the fall under a guest house, and the construction was transferred to the beginning of spring.
- Maintaining a garage pit in good condition.
- Circulating water in a decorative lake.
- If necessary, drain the various cavities filled with water for the winter.
- Purification of gray drain from the shower and washing machine.
- To increase the water pressure in the water supply.
- To ensure the pressure when extinguishing a local fire, fire, ignition of grass and so on.
- For irrigation of the territory by means of water from a nearby reservoir.
A different kind of problem is the flooding of the basement, underground garage, other room or container, located at the level below the basement, waste water. In this case, solid objects are present in the liquid, and to eliminate it, pumps equipped with a cutting mechanism are needed.
Water pumps, which will help to pump out water from the basement, it is not difficult to choose, given the advice of experts. The quickest way to get rid of dirty liquid is the vacuum version, which is quite simple.
Types of household pumps
Pumps are classified according to different signs.,
To destination
According to this criterion, household pumps are divided into two main types.
- Drainage The pump is designed for pumping out a liquid that does not contain solid inclusions. In this regard, the device of such a unit assumes the presence of a special filtering mesh at the point of water suction. The mechanism itself is not designed to get into any solid objects and when you remove the filter will quickly fail.The main purpose of this class is to pump water from a specific cavity / container in everyday situations.
- Fecal. A powerful device with a more robust structure designed for pumping out liquids in which there are hard and soft objects of small size. They are equipped with a special cutting device that grinds household waste into the pump, for example, paper, cellophane, and the like. They are used both in domestic conditions and in commercial and industrial institutions.
By drive
Pumps, depending on which source of power drives the mechanism, divided into two main groups.
- Hand held Such mechanisms require the efforts of the hands, less often the legs, for the operation of the pump; they are irreplaceable in the absence of electrical wiring or its damage due to the flooding of the shield. Used for pumping out small volumes of water and arranged in a piston type with the creation of a zone of rarefied pressure.
- Mechanical. Pumps driven by a motor can be placed both inside and outside the fluid. The power of such units is variable, for household purposes pumps from 0.3 to 1 kW and more are used.
By type of fuel used are divided into two main subspecies:
- electrical;
- petrol (diesel).
By location relative to the working environment
This property primarily determines the specifics of the work and the location of the unit, the main distinctive quality - the waterproofing of the power plant. There are two main types.
- Immersed. Such pumps can fully or partially descend into the liquid. Their case is completely waterproof.
- Surface. Units of this type are installed in close proximity to water, into which a hose is sucked in to suck up water.
Common types of pumps
Pumps are designed for various conditions and tasks with appropriate features: purpose, location relative to the working environment, and so on. The most widespread species with a certain combination of qualities.
- Submersible pump for pumping feces. An indispensable thing when breaking through the sewage system, although it can also work with clean groundwater that flooded the basement.
- Submersible pump for pumping water from the basement, tanks and the like. Such units have average power, often the elements are made of materials resistant to household chemicals.
- Semi-submersible pump for pumping water.The main distinguishing feature is the surface location of the pump on the floats, as a result, less wear and tear from the environment.
- Surface pump for contaminated water. They are installed on a dry surface and can pump sewage containing solid inclusions of small and medium fractions.
Household Pump Manufacturers
Choosing a particular product, you need to study many of its characteristics, one of the most significant is the manufacturer. Two similar models, but made from different materials and with different quality standards, will show different results, the main thing is that a better product lasts longer. The market of construction equipment is overflowed with various brands, and choosing a pump for pumping, you should look at several names.
- Pedrollo - an Italian company that produces excellent drainage pumps with the function of cutting debris. The price of products ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. The Vortex model is intended for domestic needs. Refers to the submersible type. It has a strong polymer case with reliable sealing. It can work in automatic mode, pumps out water from basements up to three meters high. The maximum fraction of solid inclusions in water is 20 mm in diameter.The material is resistant to liquids of natural origin and household detergents. At a power of 0.4 kW, it operates at a speed of 10.8 cubic meters. m / h = 180 liters / min. Head pressure - 7 meters. The maximum fluid temperature is 400 ° C. Reliable and unpretentious to maintain. Produced directly in Italy.
- Makita - Japanese company producing high-class construction equipment. Their pumps are characterized by high power, for example, in the model “PF 1010” costing from 5500 to 6000 rubles it is 1.1 kW. Other characteristics of this pump include: the maximum fraction of solid inclusions in liquids up to 35 mm in diameter, the speed of pumping water is 240 liters / min., The pressure force is 10 meters, the minimum working medium depth is 4 cm, and the maximum is 5 meters. The versatility of this model makes it possible to use it in the conditions of various water bodies: basements, septic tanks, trenches and trenches of natural origin. The product has high protection against corrosion processes, and impact-resistant plastic provides a long service life under adverse conditions.
- "Dzhileks" - Russian company that produces reliable pumps for harsh operating conditions.Model "Dzhileks 350 17" is equipped with filters and is able to pump out liquid with solid inclusions up to 5 mm in diameter. It has good motor overheating protection. Other characteristics of the model are: power - 1.2 kW, pump speed - 350 liters / min., Maximum pressure -17 meters, maximum reservoir depth - 8 meters. It can be used for pumping water from the basement, pool, pit, well and the like.
- Al-ko German high-capacity pump manufacturer. Capacity of household pumps for their production varies from 0.65 to 1.4 kW for water with minor pollution. The cost of such equipment starts from 5,000 and reaches 15,500 rubles. For pumping contaminated liquids, the “11001” model with a capacity of 850 W with a working speed of 200 liters / min is well suited. Its maximum head is 9.5 meters, and the working depth is up to 5 m, while the size of solid inclusions should not exceed 30 mm in diameter. The temperature of the working environment is up to 350 ° C. German pumps are of high quality and reliability, as well as quiet operation and a full guarantee.
- Pump "Kid" - Economvariant from the Ukrainian manufacturer.Durable cast-iron housing is combined with a small size and low weight - 3.1 kg, which provides easy transportation and unpretentiousness to operating conditions. The power of the unit is 0.43 kW, the maximum working depth and pressure are identical - 40 meters, it allows not only to pump groundwater from the basement, but also to get water from deep wells. Throughput - 0.43 cu. m / h It has two positions for the location of the pipe: the top and bottom, and therefore can work in the basement with a silted bottom. The kit includes a set of removable filters with different membranes. The cost of the pump depends on the completeness, from 1300 to 2250 rubles.
Subtleties of choice
When choosing a pump for pumping water from the basement, every moment that will accompany its operation must be taken into account. It is worth paying attention to important aspects.
- The cost of the product. A good pump cannot cost too cheap, you can find a low-power model with decent quality for 2,000 rubles, but a stronger one won't cost as much.
- Performance characteristics. They need to be compared with the conditions of their basement or other place from which the liquid will be pumped out prior to purchase.The main parameters of the pumps include: the specificity of the liquid, whether household waste can be sucked in, what size, how solid; working depth; performance; engine power and so on.
- For submersible type It is important to consider the material of the hull, the best options: cast iron, plastic or steel. Particular attention should be paid to the execution of sealing gaskets and specify how resistant the rubber from which they are made to aggressive chemical compounds. When working with sewage, gaskets must withstand alkaline agents and other household chemicals.
- Chopper. If you buy a pump that can cut various debris, you need to pay attention to the cutting element. The best option is a knife mounted on top of the impeller, it provides high performance even in highly polluted conditions.
- Power. The optimum is to exceed the maximum power by 30% of the standard mode of operation. Such a reserve will allow the motor to operate not at maximum speed, which create overloads and shorten the operating period.
- Automatic operation function. An option that allows the pump to turn on and off independently at given fluid levels in the sump.
- Manufacturer. In addition to guarantees of higher quality, proven solid companies often have their service centers, as well as provide services for the maintenance of goods: instructions for use, the option to install equipment, sharpening cutting elements and the like throughout the entire period of operation.
On choosing a pump for pumping water, see the following video.