Basic rules for installation of water supply

To equip the water supply system in a private house, special skills are not required. Even an inexperienced person can do this. After all, modern manufacturers of valves for plumbing have simplified the technology of pipe joints, facilitating in many respects the installation work.
Special features
The water supply system itself is a combination of various plumbing appliances, pipes and valves, which provide not only a connection, but also water supply for the needs of both domestic and industrial needs. The source of water is called water intake.
In order to prepare food, wash the dishes, wash and even take a bath, you need both cold and hot water. Also need water for heating and sanitation.
Installation of such a complex system consists of several stages:
- designing a scheme for water supply;
- purchase of necessary materials;
- assembly work.
In the end, the whole system worked properly, you need to carefully follow the instructions at each stage.
There are two types of water supply - individual and centralized, which are designed for internal and external supply of consumers with water.
For country houses used autonomous water supply system, which is an integral part of the life of any person. This also includes a water supply system with a membrane tank, which is called a hydroaccumulator.
Membrane tank
Such a system is used in the construction of both cottages and private houses or villas. The principle of operation of such a system is as follows. Havethe pump is installed in the already completed well, the pipeline system is connected to it. Next are the pipes that need to be connected to the cleaning filters, and only then to the hydraulic accumulator and the automatic closed relay that maintains the desired pressure.All this is called a control system, which distributes water between different collapsible points. Such a system all the time maintains a very high pressure for a long time.
Storage tank
This system is often used for plumbing in the new building, where there are interruptions in water supply or even its absence. His work is as follows.
- In the house, it is necessary to install a storage tank having an overflow valve. Most often it is installed in the attic.
- Then the pump is installed in the well or well, from which the pipeline is laid in the house, and already there it is connected below to the bulk tank. After turning on the pump pumps water into the storage tank.
- When the maximum level is reached, the pump is turned off, and at the minimum level, on the contrary, it is connected. It turns out the automation system.
Since a larger number of houses have independent sources of water supply in the form of a well or a well, the internal water supply in the house starts from the pumping station. And if it is correct to say, from the first valve, which cuts off the pressure knot. Behind this valve is a branching cold and hot water supply.Hot drainage comes from the cold pipeline and enters the heater, which generates already warm water.
For cities, this source is the central highway, which serves for a huge number of people. It includes both underground and surface pipe systems. With their help, water is supplied to the entire city or district simultaneously. The use of such a system is possible both in cities and in urban-type settlements or even in developed villages.
Such a water supply system is a structure where water flows simultaneously from several sources into one. This allows consumers to get it from a single plumbing system.
Necessary equipment
When a person has already decided on the choice of the source, then with confidence you can proceed to the preparation of calculations and drawings. The first thing to do is decide on the choice of equipment.
First you need a pump, which is both the "brain" and the "heart" of the water supply system. Therefore, it is not worth saving on its purchase. It is necessary to choose a pump with the calculation of the dynamic water level plus forty meters and plus 20% to increase the pressure.
They are "arteries", without which it is impossible to supply water to the tap. For not very deep wells, as well as for laying in the ground fit polypropylene pipes. They withstand pressures up to ten atmospheres. And those that are designed for both cold and hot water, can withstand pressure levels up to twenty atmospheres. Buying pipes for water supply you need to take into account other subtleties.
Here are the main points to pay attention to:
- If we take pipes with thick walls, they may slightly narrow the aisle, and the pump will work with this with a greater load.
- Making installation works with your own hands, you need to pay special attention to sealing, so that you do not have to remove the entire barrel with a pump full of water.
- In case of severe frosts it is impossible to work with pipes.
- Couplings must be purchased from the same manufacturer as the pipes.
- Be sure to read the operating instructions to know how much you need to heat and cool them.
- You can not solder dirty or wet pipes, they need to be cleaned and dried, and only then get to work.
- If the compounds are combined, then they should be installed on flax and sealant.
- It is necessary to test pipes under pressure only by installing and loading the pump to a depth.
Metal fittings
These are integral parts of the water supply system. These include a check valve, which is installed at the pump outlet itself, metal or plastic valves, various couplings, tees and other elements.
Safety cable
The pump itself is literally hanging on the pipes, and the cable is used as an insurance, and also helps when lowering and raising it. The deeper the pump is, the thicker the cable diameter should be. If the depth of the location is about thirty meters, then the cable should be up to 3 millimeters in diameter. More than thirty meters - the diameter of the cable should be up to 5 millimeters.
Buying a membrane tank, you need to count the number of people who live in the house. Usually bought a tank of 50 liters.
Where to begin?
To install water supply systems, the first thing to do is to calculate the length of pipes and the number of fittings. If the water supply goes from the main pipe, then the water distribution for the building must be started from the center line, which will surround the building along the entire perimeter.In this case, the length of the pipes will be equal to two perimeters.
If the house is a collector, then a separate line should go to each individual faucet. The footage in this case is determined only by the scheme drawn on the walls, where the layout will go. Then the length of the hot and cold lines is measured.
Such a scheme will be needed if the water supply system is built by hands with virtually from scratch. With the help of multi-colored crayons on the wall you need to draw a diagram, as well as designate with special signs the places where corners, taps and tees will be located. Separately allocated space for the check valve.
This scheme helps not only in the installation of pipes. It is also used as a contour for fixing the elements that hold the pipes on the walls.
The number of corner fittings is determined by the angle fittings. The number of valves is calculated according to how many sources of consumption there will be. Additionally one more is added - to the mixer. The number of tees is considered only when arranging the water supply itself and is determined by the number of valves in the system. After the correct calculation and purchase of all materials, the wiring can be done literally one day.
When all the components are purchased, you can proceed to the assembly of all the individual parts into one system. First you need to lay a trench leading to the house. It must be set at an angle so that the water does not stagnate. It is also worth considering the fact that in pipes that are longer than 50-70 cm, the water will freeze during the cold season.
Next you need to connect the pump to the well and install the water supply system. You can do with cold water pipes, but it is better to do everything at once. Next is distributing pipes in the room.
Plumbing devices can be connected in series (relevant for small houses) or collector method (suitable for cottages). After this, the selected accumulator and tee are installed. Two pipes are mounted to it. This number is ideal, since one of the pipes will supply drinking water, and the second - the one that is used in everyday life. It is advisable to install a filter on the first pipe to remove all kinds of microbes and small debris.
Cold water distribution
Installation work on the installation of a cold line begins with the installation of a collector, which is placed in the kitchen, if it is located next to the toilet and bathroom. If not, then the collector is placed closer to the sanitary zone.This work is not hard and you can do it yourself.
To do this, you will need a collector with a tap equal to the number of sources of consumption. Then it needs to be fixed on the wall, using for this purpose screw clamps or brackets. Further, from the central valve of the water supply system, a metal-plastic pipe is laid, having a diameter of three-quarters of an inch, to the inlet pipe in the manifold.
Collet fittings are used for mating.
They are also used for arranging branches that have a diameter of half an inch from the collector to the points of consumption. At the same time pipes keep within in a zone of a plinth. It is imperative to install a valve between the collector and the pipe, which will lock each outlet.
When the drain reached the sink or bath, you need to arrange a vertical section. To do this, the pipe must be raised 50 centimeters above the floor. Next you need to connect the pipe with a mixer or tank reinforced with a hose. In conclusion, the faucet is mounted on the sink and a drain is connected to the sewer.
Hot water distribution
Rules for distributing hot water are almost the same as when installing a classic water supply. The only difference is that the starting point for the hot pipeline will be the cold water collector. From it stretches a pipe with a diameter of half an inch to the heating device. At the same time at the point of connection the non-return valve crashes. This is done so that the water from the boiler does not go back.
Installation methods of the water supply system are very simple. If you do everything right, then even when dismantling will not have any problems. This also applies to the cold water system, and warm.
The next step is to mount the hot water collector. It is placed either under the water heater, or in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Next, a ½ inch diameter pipe is attached to the distributor mounted on the wall, connecting the collector and the “hot” boiler / boiler fitting.
In the final, autonomous hot water supply lines that connect the taps and the distributor are supplied to each mixer. Moreover, to facilitate the connection of the pipeline to the valve, you can use a bellows hose. The reinforced version offered in many stores is not recommended in this case - it is designed for cold water.
If the house has no more than 2-3 sources of hot water consumption,then the collector can be replaced with a pair of tees, paving the main line to the shower or faucet in the bathroom and equipping the drain to the kitchen. But in this case it is necessary to be ready for pressure surges in case of simultaneous operation of faucets in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
Installation of a water supply system in a private house will be much cheaper if you follow simple recommendations:
- Need to abandon the purchase of fitting-corners. Metal pipe can be bent to a 25-cm radius, inscribed in any turn.
- Special manifolds with shut-off nodes at each outlet can help save on valves that are mounted under each entrance to the faucet or mixer.
- It is necessary to find a suitable place for a splitter. It is best if he will stand between the kitchen and the bathroom. But if the bathroom has more taps, then the collector is better to move there. In this case, you only have to spend money on one kitchen tap.
- If the distributor and the consuming device divide 2-2.5 meters, then instead of pipeline valves you can use reinforcing or bellows hose of the desired length.
- Making a choice between metal-plastic and polypropylene, it is better to stop on the first variant.
In fact, installation of heating and water supply systems is a process with a lot of nuances. In a small cottage or one-story residential building you can do it yourself. But for the wiring of such communications in the cottage it would be better to hire experts who are well versed in this.
To learn how to create a water supply system correctly, see the following video.