The device of ball valves 3/4

Repair in a private house or apartment is often associated with the replacement of plumbing systems, which include not only pipes, but also various valves, taps and valves. Not only comfort, but also the safety of the residents and their property depends on the quality and proper installation of such elements. Error when buying sanitary items can lead to flooding, so you should understand their purpose and principles of operation. Today, in most kitchens and bathrooms, ball valves are installed, almost completely replacing wedge valves, which are popular not so long ago.
Special features
Ball valves are shut-off (and sometimes adjusting) fittings that are used to install heating systems and hot and cold water systems.However, it is such a universal device that it is also used in gas pipelines and oil pipelines.
For example, the latest development of the company "NPC Anod" is a segmented ball valve for the oil pipeline, which is imported abroad.
Fire hydrants and various tanks used in industrial production are equipped with a simpler crane. But perhaps the most common is a regular 3/4 inch crane installed in apartments and private houses.
The product itself consists of several elements.
- Brass body, which has higher anti-corrosion properties than copper, and much cheaper to manufacture.
- Sealing saddles from various synthetics, for example, from teflon. With their help, the cork is sealed securely.
- Ball plug that blocks the path of gas or liquid. Inside the tube there is an axial hole, which in its diameter coincides with the diameter of the tube and allows water to flow. If you turn the crane's handle 90 degrees, the ball will turn to the side through which the hole does not pass, so the feed will be blocked.
- The handle, which has the shape of a butterfly lever or a lamb lever.In order to automate system management, a servo drive can be installed instead of a handle.
- Brass spindle that transmits force to the handle of the stopper.
Such a simple device of the crane increases its service life and allows you to set a low price for the product.
In order to choose the right ball valves for repair or replacement of gas and water supply, you need to know their technical characteristics. The most important of these is the nature of the working environment - the temperature and type of liquid or gas with which the product can interact without the risk of destruction. Equally important are the working pressure and the location of the thread at the inlet nozzles.
There are models with internal thread at both ends, with external thread at one end and internal thread at the other. There are half-cranes on one side, as well as cranes with gantry and a special cap nut, called “American.” The last but no less important characteristic is the diameter of the channel of the crane. It is denoted in millimeters (1 mm, 1.5 mm) or in fractions of a whole inch (1/2, 3-4).
There are certain differences in color.: yellow-faucet cranes are used exclusively for gas supply, all other colors for liquids. Traditionally, blue indicates cold water constipation, red is hot water constipation, and decorative white can be used for radiators and heated towel rails.
The type of connection are distinguished:
- welded;
- flange;
- interflange;
- coupling valves (threaded).
The device can supply water both in one and in both directions, therefore they distinguish:
- L-shaped three-way valve (one way flow);
- T-shaped three-way (both in one and in both directions);
- not full passage;
- full bore
In addition, ball valves vary depending on the direction of the pipe, they are:
- straight;
- angular (in places of pipe bending by 90 degrees).
Depending on the material of the product can be made of:
- brass;
- stainless steel;
- cast iron and polypropylene.
Such shut-off structures not only supply and regulate gas and liquid. They can mix water with different temperatures, be equipped with different filters and be used when mounting various pressure indicators.
Subtleties of choice and installation
In order to properly select the ball valve, it is necessary to pay attention primarily to the appearance and material of its body and shutter. It is advisable to purchase taps from the same manufacturer as the pipes. For ordinary apartments, brass faucets installed together with plastic pipes are best suited. The shutter sphere of a quality product should be perfectly smooth and shiny.
It is mandatory to examine all the markings on its body. They must comply with the attached documentation and be easy to read. A reliable manufacturer will surely put his own emblem on the crane, indicate its nominal diameter and working pressure.
The shape of the handle looks more aesthetically small “butterfly” than a long lever, but the latter is more convenient.
It is best to dwell on well-known brands in the middle price category, since most often cheap Chinese products are a guarantee of a quick breakdown.
Installing ball valves with their own hands is quite simple. You will need the following tools:
- Bulgarian;
- adjustable wrench;
- file;
- die for applying thread and holder for it;
- various seals and sealants, fum-tape.
Step by step instruction is as follows.
- Measurements and purchase. Carefully measured and rechecked all the necessary quantities (length of pipes, their diameter, the presence of angular turns). Purchased the necessary tools, pipes and cranes themselves.
- Trimming and stripping. The pipe is cut in the right place with the help of the grinder, the end is cleaned of paint (in the event that the pipe has already been painted) and the chamfer is removed with the help of a file.
- Pipe cutting The die for cutting is lubricated with machine oil or with ordinary lard, and with the help of a die holder a thread is applied to the pipe (at least 4, but not more than 5 turns). Fum-tape or special sanitary flax is wound on the obtained thread, after which the winding is covered with a sealer along the length of the thread.
- Landing crane. The crane is screwed onto the wrapped pipe thread. First, they tighten it with their hands, and then with an adjustable wrench. If two pieces of pipe are connected, then a second piece of pipe is wound onto the crane with the drive (American) using the same algorithm.
You will learn more about how to choose a quality ball valve by watching the following video.
Tips and tricks
- An important point is the way to distinguish high-quality brass taps from stainless steel counterfeits. It is quite simple to do this by taking two cranes with the same diameter and working pressure. The one that will be harder, just made of brass. It would be nice to get acquainted with various certificates and registration documents when purchasing.
- When purchasing sanitary ware from a foreign manufacturer, it is important to clarify that the product is adapted to domestic conditions. Since in winter in many regions of the country the heating temperature reaches significant indicators, the sealing rings of the ball valve must be made of heat-resistant polymers.
- If the installation is not particularly difficult, but the planning and selection of quality products is too time consuming, you can invite a professional plumber. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to pay for work, if there is an opportunity to do it yourself, but for a small amount a specialist can give his advice or draw up a drawing of the entire plumbing system that will help with repairs.