How beautiful to draw a well: recommendations of designers

Wells from ancient times decorated the house adjoining sites. But if earlier they performed a utilitarian function - they served as sources of water, now it is rather a decorative element of landscape design. Beautifully decorate the well and harmoniously fit it into the style of the site will help the recommendations of designers.
Special features
The design of the well must meet certain requirements. First, it must be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and exterior style of a residential building, and secondly, if it is used for its intended purpose, as a source of water, it must be protected from possible ingress of sewage, precipitation and other contaminants.Finishing can be carried out with the help of stone, wood, brick, flowers. In the end, the well can simply be plastered or painted.
If you plan to draw a well with a tree, then it is better to choose hard rocks.which are not afraid of the negative effects of the environment. In any case, the selected material should be wear-resistant, insensitive to temperature extremes, precipitation. If upon finishing it to finish plastering or painting it, the service life will increase, and it will retain an attractive appearance longer. You can build a house above the well itself - this will additionally decorate it and protect it from precipitation.
The location of the well must also be selected in accordance with certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine how good the soil is in this area, what is its composition, since all possible sources of pollution should be located no closer than 30 m from the future well.
You can make a key, mine or tubular well.
- The first type, the keyis the simplest and most economical option. It is possible if the site has a natural source of drinking water - the key.Above it, and set the structure. At the same time it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil - the ground (10-20 cm).
- The second option - a mine well - suitable if the water does not reach the surface of the earth, but lies shallow - up to 25 meters. During the construction of such a well, it is necessary to take into account the volumes of incoming water and relate them to the needs of the family. This is to avoid stagnating water.
- Tubular well reminds artesian version. Its device uses a pipe with a diameter of 25-45 mm, having a sieve tip for filtering water.
When constructing a well, you first need to decide on the task that it will perform. If it is just a decorative element of the landscape, then the list of works will be reduced to three points: the choice of location, in fact, installation and finishing. If the well will serve as a source of water at the dacha, then its device will require more time. In addition, the well can perform the function and drainage facilities, which will divert excess water.
In the latter two cases, first of all, it is necessary to study the features of the soil on the site, the depth of the water (if there are no public keys) and determine the type of structure. After that, you can proceed directly to the installation. The task can be facilitated by pre-made drawings, which will display all the necessary data - depth, diameter, selected type, materials used in construction. It is not bad to supply this plan with sketches - they will help to visualize what the well will look like, whether it will fit into the existing landscape.
Drafting can be entrusted to professionals. But its independent creation does not take much time and effort.
You can decorate the well with different materials - this will not affect its functionality, but it can give a certain look. For example, a stone will help create designs in the style of a Swiss chalet or the Middle Ages. The unusual look of this material, both natural and artificial, makes a special impression. Decorated with plants and flowers, it will resemble medieval structures and create the appropriate mood.
When finishing wood you need to remember about the sensitivity of this material to moisture. It will need to either cover the protective compounds, or paint, otherwise it will not last long. Beautifully looks building in the spirit of the village well. It can be chopped, equipped with a crank - crane.
Such a structure is most often made of rounded logs in the shape of a quadrangle. A tree can be closed with a ring of concrete, and between them add pebbles or small clay - this technique will allow you to decorate the structure and protect the tree from the effects of water.
To recreate a truly rustic atmosphere, the well can be equipped with a roof covered with shingles or thatch, roof racks should be covered with beautiful carvings, a trolley wheel instead of a handle, and a wooden bucket instead of a bucket. It must be made with high quality, do not let the water through and do not spoil its taste. Tiled designs can be made in a modern or Mediterranean style. In the latter case, it is important to choose the right color scheme - this is often the combination of blue and white. You can add bright accents, such as yellow.
If at arrangement of a well concrete rings were used, then they can be plastered,paint or coat with siding. For painting, you will need paint that is well tolerated by moisture and the environment.
If the well is decorative, you can decorate it with fresh flowers. It will not be very convenient to get water through the thickets of plants, and as a decor this option will look very beautiful. You can use ampelous (curly) species, decorative or blooming. And you can make a spectacular composition, combining several types of plants so that throughout the season the well was buried in beautiful vegetation. Well, if the flowering period they will take turns in turn - some have bloomed, others bloom.
The space around the well should also not be overlooked - it should harmoniously combine the structure with the rest of the landscape, create a single composition. Depending on the finishing of the well itself, the adjacent territory can be decorated with flowers, plants, laid out with tiles, stone, paving stones, covered with sand. It will look good paved or sandy paths leading to the well - then it will become the compositional center of the entire site.
How to finish?
The construction of the well in the country house includes several stages, and the finishing is the last one. First of all, choose the place where it will be located, the type of its device and the method of water supply (if the well is water-bearing, not decorative).
It can be equipped with a collar or the so-called crane - a lever for lifting water. In the first embodiment, the rope on which the bucket is tied is attached to the collar and, winding it around the collar, lifts the water from the bottom.
Ogolovok - upper, protruding element of concrete rings or felling - can be open or closed with the help of the house.
To build a house above the well, you need to stock up:
- edged board 100x25 mm;
- wooden bar 100x80 mm;
- door hinges;
- bitumen or ruberoid mastic;
- flat slate;
- self-tapping screws, nails;
- a hacksaw;
- jigsaw;
- plane;
- bayonet spade;
- water level;
- tape measure;
- a pencil.
Below is a sequence of works.
- First of all, the ground near the mine is leveled and covered with pebbles by 5 cm, watered with water, and tamped well.
- Then proceed to the collection of the frame - used for this board. Racks are carried out on a flat place, boards are nailed to them, which will serve as the upper and lower trim of the frame. Fix the boards with screws. Connect the remaining racks.
- Assembled frame set around the well and complete the assembly.
- Then proceed to the truss system. After the rafters are combined, they are assembled into one whole structure.
- The next step is the door. It is made in the roof of the house, hanging on the hinges.
- When everything is ready, go to the crate. With the help of bitumen mastic fixed roofing material, after that - flat slate.
- In the end, the whole structure is sewn with boards - the house is ready.
All this can be easily done by hand. The help of professionals may be needed only when directly digging a well or drilling a well, as well as installing concrete rings.
Here, too, there are some nuances. For example, vibroform is often used to make well rings. It is better to choose such products - they have an increased wear resistance and durability, they are easier to tolerate vibrations.
Then it remains only to draw a well outside, so that it looks attractive and in harmony not only with the landscape, but with the rest of the buildings.
Tips and tricks
Now wells rarely perform their original function - water supply.Most often they serve simply as a decorative element of the site. In this case, their design depends only on the taste of the owners. An experienced designer, of course, will help to create a unique object that will please the eye, but this may require considerable resources. Self-made wells in no way yield to the work of experienced professionals.
First of all, you need to decide on the style of the future structure, because the choice of material will depend on it.
Country style is, of course, a tree. In this case, any natural materials at hand - straw, dry grass, live plants, and wood are well suited. The carving, cornices on the roof above the well, earthen pockets and a tub will harmoniously look like an alternative to an iron bucket.
Concrete well can be plastered, painted and painted. Well suited plant motifs, images of flowers, animals.
The main criterion for choosing materials is their resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. They must be well tolerated by all these impacts and maintain their original appearance.
In addition, do not forget about the maintenance of the well.
So that the water in it was always suitable for drinking, you need to follow some rules.
- As mentioned earlier, any sources of possible water pollution should be located at a distance of at least 30 m from the source.
- If the well is open (without a house), then it must be provided with a lid.
- It does not hurt to install fencing, especially if there are small children in the house.
- For the winter, the well must be insulated so that the water in it does not freeze. To do this, use straw, hay, sawdust. Any synthetic materials are not allowed.
- As necessary, the well must be cleaned.
- After the well is cleaned, it must be disinfected.
- As the old equipment wears out, it must be replaced with a new one.
Beautiful examples
A well can be decorated not only with wood or stone - a brick is also well suited for this purpose. It has high strength, density, resistance to mechanical damage, attractive appearance. Among the drawbacks is the ability to absorb moisture and break down, so the finished masonry should be coated with a hydrophobic varnish.
The wooden well is an old Russian classic. Above it, you can install the roof, and on its edge to put the "lace" of wood. Roof-supporting posts can also be threaded.At the corners of the well, you can install carved decorative stands.
If you make a well with stone, natural or artificial, it will have a special character: with a touch of antiquity. Moss or succulents will look good between the stones - this will give an extra age to the building: it will look like an old building, which has more than a dozen years.
The roof over the well can be made in the form of a pagoda - you get a design in the oriental style. In this case, the cap itself must be calm, not striking, so as not to distract attention from the unusual roof.
A well buried in verdure and flowers is a good solution if its role is decor. Here you can use different types of plants, combining them so that one bloom after the others. On vertical racks you can start climbing species - you get a bright, spectacular, unusual composition.
In the next video you will find the assembly of a carved house for the well.