Geysers Zanussi: types, nuances of choice and recommendations for use

Geysers Zanussi gained great popularity in Russia due to compactness, security and adaptation to water and gas supply of our country. In this article we will get to know them in more detail.
Brand features
Zanussi began its history in Italy back in 1916. It all started with the creation of a wood-burning stove, which was very popular. Next was the creation of a plate with a cast-iron surface. Since its creator has always relied on simplicity, quality and affordability, the company managed to stay afloat when other similar companies were forced to close due to the revolution and the ensuing fascist dictatorship.
In the 50s the company expanded significantly, the number of employees and the range of products increased. So, they began to produce gas, electric and combination stoves, then the first refrigerator was released, followed by a washing machine. The company specializes in their production so far. However, in addition, the brand also produces other household appliances, for example, gas water heaters, which we will discuss in this article.
Device and principle of operation
The device of geysers is equipped with the following configuration:
- copper heat exchanger with anti-corrosion coating;
- burner with stainless nozzles;
- temperature controller, with which you can prevent the device from overheating;
- a device that monitors the presence of thrust and turns it off in case of its absence;
- water node, which is responsible for the regulation of the column;
- electric block
These are the basic elements that are included in any gas column brand, regardless of model. In general, they are divided into two types - with an open and closed combustion chamber. Regardless, the principle of their work is the same. First, cold water passes through a heat exchanger, where it is heated with a burner,which is located under it. Oxygen naturally enters through the ventilation system. The exhaust gas, turned into smoke, escapes through a special chimney, which is connected to the column.
Technical characteristics of geysers consist solely in heating and water supply. Therefore, their efficiency, compared with gas boilers, is lower. Different models are included in different ways. Specifically, the brand Zanussi offers modern models with electronic ignition. They are considered higher quality and functional. They are switched on with the help of two batteries, which create a charge for the spark.
You do not need to light a match or press a button to turn it on, just open the tap.
What models exist?
GWH 10 Fonte
The model that won first place among the columns with an open combustion chamber. This is a universal unit that is suitable for an apartment or a private house.
Features and modifications of this device are as follows.
- A classic design that most consumers rely on. The column fits perfectly into any interior, complementing it with its restraint.
- Silent operation, economical use of resources and complex protection system, which takes into account various possible faults.
- Electrical ignition, which runs on two batteries.
- Display.
- The system ensures stable operation of the device even with minimal pressure.
- Affordable cost in the region of 6000 rubles.
GWH 10 Fonte Glass
Practically no different from the previous version. In addition, it is equipped with a glass facade with various images with a kitchen theme. The model is suitable for those who prefer stylish and unusual solutions in their kitchen. For example, model GWH 10 Fonte Glass Lime - with the image of lime on the panel, perfectly fit into the interior in light green or beige tones.
Italian cuisine lovers will love model Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte Glass La Spezia with the image of pasta, spices and olive oil. Fans of travel will certainly appreciate the facades with images of cities, beaches, seas and other landscapes that are represented in this lineup. For example, on the facade of the model GWH 10 Fonte Glass Venezia The image of the gondola floating on the Venetian canal. Such a column will fit into almost any modern interior thanks to a stylish black and white solution.
GWH 12 Fonte Turbo
Automatic gas water heater, which does not require a chimney. With the help of a built-in fan, it produces its own traction without distracting you from important matters.
Column modifications:
- security system with multiple levels of protection;
- equipped with electric ignition with two standard batteries;
- has a special LED-display, which displays the water temperature;
- It works smoothly even with a slight pressure and supplies water well;
- "Insides" are made of stainless steel, which significantly extends the life;
- has a closed combustion chamber;
- affordable cost - around 10,000 rubles.
GWH 10 Fonte LPG
Model with electronic ignition, which is equipped with an LCD display with an indicator of the temperature of water. It is most often chosen by the owners of country and country houses, since it works on a liquefied gas cylinder. Access to natural gas or electricity away from the city is not always there, and this gas water heater can provide you with a stable supply of hot water in any situation.
Features and modifications of this device:
- has a European-style chimney;
- equipped with a sophisticated security system that prevents emergencies;
- works on liquefied bottled gas;
- affordable cost - around 6,000 rubles.
How to choose?
The model range of this brand is not very broad, and customer reviews are not as common about them as the columns of other brands. This company, as we mentioned above, specializes in the manufacture of refrigerators, electric stoves and cooker hoods, which are characterized by excellent quality. However, this does not mean that the column of this brand will be a bad decision. Just before you buy will have to explore more information about these devices.
All Zanussi columns are devices with a copper heat exchanger that has a special anti-corrosion coating from the inside. If the device is replaced with nozzles, it can work on liquefied gas, which is convenient for owners of private houses. Please note that in comparison with columns of other brands, Zanussi does not have the ability to modulate the flame, and this is a significant drawback. If the pressure in the water pipes changes, the column does not guarantee a stable leaving water temperature.
In order for the water to be at the desired temperature, it must first be manually adjusted.
Experts advise to pay attention that all devices of this brand are low-power, therefore they will not be suitable for owners of a large family or for installation in hostels, motels, etc., since they will not be able to provide enough hot water to two points at once. With a capacity of 10 l / min, you can either take a bath / shower or wash dishes in the kitchen. Doing everything at the same time will not work or you will have to choose a more powerful column.
All models of this brand are equipped with auto ignition. Up to 25 degrees, the water is heated at a rate of 10 liters / minute. All columns have a LED display, they are assembled in China, but according to Italian technologies, therefore they are guaranteed to have good quality. According to the owners, there is not much difference between the models, therefore, if you decide to stay on this brand, you will have to make only one choice - between one or another design. Fortunately, a variety of drawings on the front panel allows you to choose the appropriate option, regardless of whether you install the column in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
How to use?
Setting the gas column begins with the adjustment of water. Almost all Zanussi speakers have auto-ignition, so it is much easier to tune them than regular ones. They are equipped with only one regulator, which is responsible for power and temperature of heating. Built-in diagnostic system evaluates the performance of all nodes at startup.
If something is wrong, a red indicator is displayed on the panel - so the technique is blocked from turning on. In this case, you need to adjust the pressure. Unfortunately, despite the existing instructions, you can not be sure that you can configure the device the first time.
If you are unable to adjust the column, it is better to contact a specialist.
Also during the operation you may encounter various malfunctions.
- The column does not light up. In this case, you need to make sure that the valves on the gas and water pipes are open. There may also be non-working batteries, try replacing them.
- If the column does not heat well, cold water flows from the tap. It is necessary to fasten the pressure in the water pipes using the regulator, which is located on the front panel. Then set the gas regulator to the maximum value.
- The column spontaneously turns off. Most likely, this is due to the lack of traction in the chimney. To fix the problem, you need to clean it - by yourself or by calling specialists. The second option is more preferable in this case.
However, many problems can be fixed by yourself, without the help of professionals. If the column ignites poorly or does not ignite at all, this may be due to clogged exhaust or problems with ventilation. If the traction is bad, the system will not work. To resume traction, you will need to eliminate the blockage - you can remove the soot with your own hands.
Another possible problem is discharged batteries. If your column with electronic ignition, do not forget about the periodic replacement. Poor water pressure can be another reason that the column will not work. If everything is in order, it may be a problem with a deformed membrane or clogged filters. You can also replace them or clean the pipes with your own hands. If the pilot light goes out all the time, the reason may lie in the incorrectly adjusted water supply. When the column is turned on, it is not possible to open the cold water tap, as this can lead to breakage.Heating is regulated only by the gas supply.
As you can see, Zanussi geysers have many advantages, but they are not without drawbacks. Budget cost, ease of operation and original design - the main criteria by which buyers make a choice in favor of the goods of this brand.
How to choose a gas water heater, see the following video.