Characteristics and features of use of Vaillant geysers

A geyser is a gas flow heater. The water that it heats is used for domestic needs.
The Vaillant geyser can surely be called a reliable device, it has an exemplary German quality and is quite simple to operate. The manufacturer offers a lot of models of the device, which can be of different capacities, performance and, of course, cost. Before purchase, each buyer should become familiar with the principles of operation of the device, its design, as well as problems that often arise during operation.
Special features
Vaillant Group is engaged in the manufacture of products of this category in Germany.Today, this water-heating installation can be called one of the best in the world. All devices are considered adapted for use in the conditions of Russia, so they can save resources.
Vaillant operation is completely silent. In this technique has an attractive appearance and does not heat up from the outside. The main advantage of these geysers is their low cost. Also, the positive characteristics include efficiency and environmental safety. Savings are caused by low burner consumption and low energy prices.
Among the shortcomings of these devices is worth noting inflated prices. In addition, if the column breaks down, it will be extremely difficult to find spare parts.
Equipment repair service centers are few.
Principle of operation
Vaillant is heated to about fourteen liters of water per minute. They are often used for installation in homes and apartments.
The scheme of their work is quite simple.
- Heat exchanger This is an element of plate type, which is located near the combustion chamber. The water that is supplied through the heat exchanger passes through the pipe, at which time it is heated from the walls of the chamber.
- Burner. It performs an important function, providing combustion in the chamber. Usually, the element is made of stainless steel, but in some models an alloy of chromium and nickel can be used. There are two types of burners - with constant power and modulation. In the first there is no regulation of automatic heating. But you can easily put it on the panel, then the device will independently maintain the temperature. Modulation is able to automatically respond to changes in work. Many models have a temperature detector that can adjust power to a constant temperature.
- The combustion chamber. This is the so-called node that is designed to burn fuel. The apparatus can be concentrated two types of data elements: open and closed. Open is an open type design, inside of which the gas is burned. The air that supports the flame comes from the room. The device of such a plan is the use of natural thrust, so be sure to install a chimney. Closed has a higher efficiency.It can be of a turbocharged type, with details fixed that are capable of creating artificial cravings. In such devices are presented chimneys with coaxial type.
- Ignition system. To start up the apparatus, it is necessary to ignite the burner. A piezo-ignition system works by converting a mechanical action into a spark. When the column is turned on, the button is pressed on the body and the piezo element is activated. This detail forms a spark that ignites not only the soldering iron, but also the central burner. Models that have electronic ignition, the most convenient to use, to start the speakers just open the faucet.
- Automation. Geysers are equipped with automatics, thanks to which their use has become simple and comfortable. These elements include thrust sensors, water pressure control detectors, thermocouples, and hydraulic valves.
This brand sells models that have different technical specifications. The main difference between devices is their power. This indicator can determine how much water will be heated in a minute.
Thermal power devices of this company ranges from ten to twenty-five kW.
When choosing a gas water heater for domestic purposes, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- power that determines the rate of heating;
- ignition option that happens automatic and semi-automatic;
- burner characteristic;
- the method by which the products of combustion.
Consider the most popular models Vaillant.
MAG OE 11-0 / 0 XZ C +
This model is characterized by excellent performance and affordable price. This reliable device, which has a power of 17.5 kW, heats eleven liters of water per minute and can be started at a fairly low pressure. The design of the model is quite simple, on the front panel there is a viewing window through which the flame is controlled. The body of the device is made of steel, and installation is made on the wall.
Lack of model - dimensions.
AtmoMAG exclusiv RXZ / RXI
It is characterized by piezo firing and electronic ignition. The column is equipped with ten power levels. The modulation of the burners is automatic, it provides a stable outlet temperature. The device has an LED indicator, a thrust sensor and a copper heat exchanger. In one minute the column is capable of heating fourteen liters of water.
Disadvantages - a small service life, expensive repairs.
Atmomag exclusiv GRX
Ignition in the device is provided by the built-in generator, the burner is self-modulated, the power comes from the internal generator. The device is mounted on the wall.
Reviews of experts say that such a model is not the best option. Constantly breaks the hydrogenerator, which is expensive to repair.
AtmoMAG pro
It is characterized by piezo-ignition, has two power levels and heats eleven liters of water per minute. It is often used to consume hot water for domestic needs.
Disadvantages - works only with a strong water pressure, leakage is possible.
Every device that uses gas in operation must be handled with care. Devices with piezo ignition is a snap to turn on. But before launching a column of any type, it is important to remember to turn on the water.
Devices that have an automatic ignition system, are included as follows:
- an element for power supply is inserted into a special compartment;
- gas valve opens;
- A hot tap turns on, which automatically ignites the burner.
Occasionally, clogging from the air may occur. Usually this happens during the initial launch of the equipment or if it has not been used for a long time. To remedy the situation, you can carry out inciting several times in a row.
Using the Vaillant geysers is easy, but do not forget about the elementary safety rules:
- do not ignite the burner in the absence of thrust;
- if you are using the design for the first time, first read the instructions;
- in the room where the device is located, fresh air must be present on an ongoing basis;
- you should not change the design of the device yourself, as it is quite dangerous;
- if there is a smell of gas in the room, it is immediately necessary to turn off its supply and call the gas service;
- also in the presence of smell it is strictly forbidden to turn on electrical appliances.
Possible problems
Whatever the gas column, it can fail.
Faults may occur due to the following reasons:
- wrong installation and connection technique;
- non-compliance with the instructions for using the devices Vaillant;
- incorrect process of use;
- lack of water supply;
- weak gas supply;
- column clogging;
- long work without cleaning;
- presence of factory marriage.
Let's stop on the most widespread breakages and ways of their elimination.
The column can not be lit while opening the water tap
Most likely, in such a situation the clogged tap for water is to blame. Also, such a problem may occur due to wear of the water membrane, failure of the servomotor or control unit.
You can fix the situation yourself.
- Adjusting knob set to minimum. Turning the handle helps to reduce the water pressure, as well as raising the water pressure, which is why the device can work.
- When the filter is clogged, it is necessary to dismantle and rinse it.
- If the grid in the faucet is clogged with scale or debris, then it is worth unscrewing and cleaning.
Gas goes out and the column overheats.
Thus, the gas column prevents an emergency situation when high temperatures can cause the walls in the heat exchanger to burst.
Diagnostic methods:
- if it is noticed that the color of the flame is red, then most likely the nozzles in the apparatus are intended for another type of gas;
- if water has a weak flow, and may linger in the heat exchanger,it is necessary to clean all connection nodes;
- with a large amount of scale, it is necessary to carry out its elimination to prevent overheating.
Bad water heating occurs
This situation may occur if soot clogged the heat exchanger or the column as a whole. Thorough cleaning will help to organize the operation of the device, it is also possible to replace the membrane.
Sometimes a bad heating of the liquid happens if the hoses for connecting the water are installed incorrectly.
Gas equipment will automatically go out and off
In order to remedy the situation, you can check the water heater, and if necessary repair it. Also, the reason may be in the defective parts or assembly of poor quality. Then it is worth getting a repair kit and fix the situation.
Slamming claps after switching on
This happens if there is a detonation of the mixture of gas and air in the combustion chamber. If the column stopped working, the chamber was prematurely filled with gas. The problem can be solved by replacing the servo motor or the solenoid valve, as well as by clearing the pilot wick.
Technique smokes and forms black soot
To ensure the correct flow of air, it is necessary to clean the gas equipment. This situation happens usually in the cold season.
Water leaks in heat exchanger
This happens if the hoses are poorly connected and the parts are worn out. Accordingly, it is worth replacing broken parts and repairing the heat exchanger.
No matter how expensive and reliable the equipment is, it tends to break and wear. The middle light bulb does not light up, the technique makes unusual sounds, does not it turn on or does it go out spontaneously? All this can be caused by a number of reasons listed above. For such situations to occur as rarely as possible, care should be taken of the technique, as well as regular diagnostics.
For information on how to replace the heat exchanger at the Vaillant boiler, see the following video.