How to turn on the gas column?
Using gas to heat water in the house is very convenient. And sometimes this goal is solved with the use of special devices. But it is not enough to choose and install a gas column - it still needs to be turned on correctly.
Special features
All systems that burn natural or liquefied gas pose a potential hazard. That is why their launch into work is done in a rather complicated way, from a technical point of view. Even if the owners themselves everything seems simple and easy, still the ignition takes place using a number of details. Disruption in the work of at least one of them blocks the start of the heater.
Be sure to comply with all requirements specified in the instruction manual and other accompanying documents.
Types of water heaters and their work
Systems in which a continuously operating wick is installed should be ignited at the beginning of each day. Almost always they are left to work from morning to evening. If the ignition is successful, the column is ready to turn on at any time. It starts to act as soon as the hot water tap is opened. There is another type in which there is no wick, but there is automatic equipment that reacts to the opening of the DHW circuit.
Ignite the old column will not work if the pressure in the pipeline is very small. But the most modern designs are designed for a pressure of 0.3 atm. and higher. Both schemes have a significant flaw: after opening the tap, one cannot expect heated water to flow from it immediately. She should have time to warm up and walk to the mixer. Usually it takes a few minutes, and when choosing a instantaneous water heater, it remains only to put up with this circumstance.
Basic rules for handling old columns
Water heaters of the latest generations are equipped with various security features. By acting automatically, they free users from most protective actions. But to properly ignite a gas column of an obsolete sample is much more difficult.This also applies to piezoelectric starters, and to products ignited with matches. It is strongly recommended to act as follows:
- to assess whether there is a pull (a match or a paper strip helps);
- move the lever or knob to the left;
- press the button of the solenoid valve and ignite the wick with matches;
- release the valve for 15-20 seconds;
- if after this the wick has gone out, it is necessary to kindle it again (two attempts of ignition are a variant of the norm, and not a reason for alarm).
If the wick constantly lights up only the second time, there is a problem with the solenoid valve. When it is lit, it is required to open water and as soon as possible move the right lever to the left. This starts up the main burner.
Varying the location of the lever, they set one or another heating of the fluid. When you turn off the column, first stop the main burner, and only then stop the flow of water, and not vice versa.
If the water heater is equipped with a piezoelectric element
Piezoelectric ignition is much more convenient and somewhat safer than using ordinary or even elongated "fireplace" matches. You need to work with him like this:
- press the electric valve (most often, enough gas is generated in 15–20 seconds to ignite);
- press the piezo element twice or three times (if everything is correct, the wick is ignited the first time);
- to regulate work the same way as when setting fire with matches;
- in case of failure of the piezoelectric element, ignite the flame manually.
Electric ignition water heaters
Modern water-heating systems based on natural gas use, for the most part, automation, which gives a spark due to the energy from the network or from batteries. If all parts are working and working as they should, the burner starts up in seconds. Before starting it is worth checking whether the gas and water are supplied. Attempts to light a fire in their absence - this is the reason for at least 50% of the failures.
When the water supply is working normally, and the flow of gas occurs without interruption, only then it is worth thinking about the breakdowns of the column itself.
Why does the system light itself
Even the oldest gas water heaters are equipped with devices designed to eliminate spontaneous operation. This function is usually assumed by the water flow regulator. If the column still lights when the faucet is locked,possible leakage in hot pipelines. By eliminating such a leak, you can again use the water heater without any fear. When the valve is turned, and the burning does not stop, the diaphragm needs to be changed, it is too thick with salts of rigidity and it reacts slowed down or does not react at all.
Additional questions
People often ask if it is possible to open the cold-water tap with the column running. The answer may be one - negative, and the point is not only that it is expressly prohibited by the instructions of the manufacturers. Usually, immediately set the required temperature of heating, which will allow you to abandon the mixing of water. If both the column and cold water are used at the same time, the heat is broken. The water heater goes into abnormal mode and quickly breaks.
Even worse, such a violation contributes to the accelerated fouling of the heat exchanger with scale. Modern speakers have a special switch from winter to summer mode and back. This device instantly adjusts the temperature to the desired value. At the same time, gas consumption is decreasing, which is very important against the background of a continuous rise in its prices.
Speakers with a wick that operates continuously, it is recommended to turn off in the evening and light early in the morning.
Safety requirements
Having felt the smell of mercaptan, it is absolutely not necessary to kindle a column. Do not leave the valve open if the burner is not lit. When the chimney is working normally, but there is no craving, there is a weakness in natural ventilation in the room. This is usually associated with the installation of deaf plastic or aluminum windows. The problem is solved by installing a vent valve.
Starting a Bosch unit
The water heater of a leading German company is ignited as follows:
- open the flow of gas and liquid;
- transfer the regulator to the status "Enabled";
- then it is transferred to piezo-ignition;
- triggered contacts emit a spark;
- the button is held until the flame starts to burn normally;
- releasing it, set the required power;
- if you want to stop burning, move the regulator to the “Disabled” position.
Regardless of the specific model and device layout, in order for it to work stably, it is required:
- systematically clean the column itself (as prescribed by the manufacturer);
- control the heat exchanger;
- examine chimney ducts from time to time, eliminating blockages;
- take care of cleaning the water entering the gas column, and ideally softening it.
How to wash the column without dismantling the radiator, see the following video.