How to properly use and repair gas heaters Junkers?

Geysers are necessary for houses and apartments in which there is no central hot water supply. This technique is safe and reliable, it is easy to use, it allows you to change the degree of heating, which is a big plus.
Special features
Characteristics of Junkers say that the device is ideally suited for Russian conditions. It is adapted to the pressure that is maintained in Russian gas pipelines, and is equal to 13 millibars. In addition, the system is able to work with low water pressure inherent in Russian water pipelines. Junkers enough 0.1 atmospheres to perform the functions provided.
Such a gas burner is capable of heating from 11 to 16 liters of water per minute, which is considered a very high figure. In addition, the power of the flame automatically changes, depending on the strength and size of the flow of water. Designs are safe and able to serve for a decent amount of time. The devices are capable of providing fast water heating and look great, which explains their popularity around the world.
Strict design, a variety of models that differ in performance, design and ignition system, reasonable price and simple management are among their main advantages.
Device and principle of operation
A typical column consists of a casing that connects to the chimney through a pipe, a heat exchanger (the best is copper), a gas burner, an ignition system, sensors and the mechanism responsible for the gas supply. Geyser is connected quite simple.
Its principle of operation can be viewed on a model that has a piezo igniter.
- The slider is set to the middle position, after which you need to click on it. At this point, the valve opens, and the gas enters the wick, which is a igniter.
- The piezoelectric element located at the bottom left of the gas column delivers a spark that ignites the gas. At the same time, the slider button is held down for 40 seconds. When it is released, the wick still continues to burn.
- At this time, the thermocouple of the column is heated, which then will keep the electromagnetic gas valve open.
You can set the required flow of water and gas.
In general, all Junkers columns can be divided into three groups, depending on the type of ignition.
- Those that belong to the B series, do not have a igniter that can burn continuously. Two batteries are responsible for the ignition, and the column itself turns on automatically. Security systems control cravings and flames, there is a fuse. Water pressure in the water supply affects the temperature.
- The P series operates on a piezo-freeze basis. This means that the igniter does not stop working. Water and power have to be adjusted separately.
- Finally, the G-Series models work thanks to HydroPower technology. There is no igniter at all, and a hydrodynamic generator is responsible for the ignition.
Such a water heater can serve up to three water points.
Produced models are standard and mini.The difference between them is only in size. Prices for Junkers products are determined on the basis of dimensions and additional services such as delivery and installation. Reviews are often positive. Users only mention the need for timely cleaning of equipment and elimination of blockages.
The preference is most often given to models of the Junkers brand with piezo-ignition. When the hot water tap is opened, gas will flow to the main burner. As a result, it will ignite from the igniter and heat the water.
Installation and connection
It is better to entrust installation and connection to a specialist who has been instructed to work with this type of equipment. In addition, he will be able to suggest what original parts should be purchased, diagnose equipment and prevent any malfunctions. Nevertheless, even a professional must follow the instructions that are sold with the product itself.
- The column is usually mounted in a warm room near the chimney so that the flow of combustion air is not difficult. There is no need for additional protection of flammable surfaces.The device is installed in compliance with the required intervals, separating it from the wall and furniture. The temperature in the room should be above zero.
- The cover is first removed, then it leans toward itself and rises. By connecting the Junkers to the gas network, it is necessary to install shut-off valves as close as possible to the installation. Before joining the water pipes, they will need to be thoroughly rinsed, otherwise sand, lime and other contaminants will lead to a delay in the water supply. Both pipelines (gas and water) should ideally be combined with the parameters of the column.
- To avoid blockages, it is necessary to install protective filters.
- The column is attached to the wall with brackets. It should not rest on water or gas pipes. If the column has electric ignition, then you need to insert two batteries, the power of which is 1.5 Volts.
- At the end of the work, the shut-off valve and water valves are closed, and the operation of the thrust sensor is checked. The launch takes place according to the instructions.
Operating rules
It should be remembered that some actions may cause damage to the gas column.Junkers work will be disrupted if fresh air is not provided. In addition, damage will occur when using too long hoses, leading to a decrease in pressure, simultaneous opening of hot and cold taps. Naturally, the absence of periodic prophylaxis will also lead to negative consequences.
We have already indicated above how to turn on the Junkers column — this is done with the help of a valve and a piezoelectric element capable of lighting the wick. It is necessary to ignite the burner, and it will work throughout the day. And, as soon as the hot water valve opens, the boiler will automatically connect. Change the gas pressure and water pressure obtained by switching the two regulating knobs.
If it is decided to clean the gas equipment, this is done according to a certain algorithm.
- The gas and water are turned off first, then the cover is removed.
- At the next stage, the water unit and the smoke receiver are dismantled.
- Finally, at the end of the heat exchanger is removed. The radiator can be washed in warm water, where a non-abrasive cleaning solution is added. The brush should be long-haired and fairly stiff.
- The wick and the main burner are well cleaned with a special awl.In addition, it is necessary to remove carbon deposits from each nozzle. However, it is not recommended to do it yourself. It is better to invite a specialist once a year who will combine testing with descaling. The professional will also remove deposits, check the fixing density of the fittings and clean the plates from the flue gas side.
If there is a smell of gas, it is prohibited to use electrical switches and the telephone in the area where the gas burner is located. It is important to immediately turn off the gas valve, open the windows, ventilate the room and call the specialists who installed the equipment. To avoid dangerous situations, you should not keep liquids and objects prone to fire near Junkers.
When the room temperature drops below zero degrees, the burner shuts off and empties. If before the winter months such a procedure was not carried out, then, connecting the device in the next season, you need to check whether the water is heated.
Possible faults
Of course, the operation of any technology does not always go smoothly, it is worth being ready for anything. Fortunately, a significant portion of the potential malfunctions that occur in a Junkers geyser is easy to solve on your own.
The reasons why the burner does not light up are actually many.
- It may be that both the inlet pipe and outlet pipe were initially installed incorrectly. In addition, water supply may be disrupted.
- There may be problems with the burden. When the chimney is contaminated, the products of combustion do not go away, but accumulate inside, which slows down the equipment. Traction suffers because of the lack of fresh air, for example, with the window closed.
- It happens that the chimney is blocked, and this creates a potentially dangerous situation. We urgently need to disable Junkers and call specialists.
- If the pilot flame goes out, it means that the protective relay needs replacing.
- It may be trivial that the burner does not burn because the battery is low and therefore the automatic ignition system does not function. You'll have to disassemble the front panel and independently charge it or replace the battery.
- Low pressure in the pipeline leads to poor water supply, which again leads to problems in the work.
- The wick goes out when the flame is uneven. As a result, the main burner is also turned off. To solve this problem, simply clean the device.
Sometimes the Junkers column does not light up, and sometimes the device turns itself off.
- The first reason is that the batteries have become unusable.
- The second reason - you need to change the membrane, which is deformed or torn. Well, when the repair kit contains a replacement.
- The next possible option is that one of the monitoring sensors does not work or the microswitch has worn out; this can be determined by the absence of a characteristic click.
In addition, the igniter can become clogged from the inside, which is easy to fix by cleaning. The abundance of rust, dirt in the filters due to poor quality water and electrodes leads to similar consequences. Finally, poor installation, a shut off valve on the pipeline and problems with wires are also common causes of interruptions.
There are a few more common cases. If there is no spark at the device with auto start, then, probably, there is no current of ionization, so, water does not flow. The spark goes out when the flame controller is broken. If the column does not heat the water, the reason may be perforation of the membrane of the water block, contamination of the tubes or improper assembly, but more often - in the breakdown of the heat exchanger.
When the water heater sounds too strong and heats up, it means thatthat the radiator is broken or stung.
Leaking body is a consequence of problems with the heat exchanger or the gland.
You can find out how to light the Junkers gas water heater from the video below.