How to use and repair gas columns Electrolux?

To solve the problem of heating water in a private house or apartment today is not difficult. In this situation, it is advisable to use gas water heaters. A good version of this equipment is the device from the company Electrolux, which is well proven. Products in this category are safe, they are not difficult to use, and are not very expensive.
Special features
Electrolux water heaters are equipment that can heat water and maintain its temperature for a long time without interruption. The design can perform its functions in any conditions.The technical features of the devices provide speakers with reliability and safety. Water heating equipment of this company is able to work not only on one or several points of water intake. It has found wide use both in the household sphere, and at offices.
Each model has its own characteristics and performance, so when choosing a product, the buyer must be guided by personal taste and needs. Consider the main characteristics of the columns Electrolux.
- Power. The manufacturer sells a product that can be of three types and differs from each other in performance and power: low-power equipment - 17-19 kilowatts; medium power - 20-24 kilowatts; powerful - 25-31 kilowatts. Each option presented may work for a certain number of water intake points.
- Control method. Manual control method has long been outdated, it was replaced by a new, more advanced. Modern models of gas columns Electrolux have a built-in burner with independent power modeling. Due to this, the equipment is able to control the temperature mode, as well as to maintain it at the required level, even with insufficient pressure. The automatic system independently selects and regulates the temperature.
- Type of ignition. The manufacturer sells several models of gas water heaters: manual, automatic and piezo-ignition. The equipment of the first option is now practically not found. Automatic ignition is the most convenient option in operation.
- Security. Electrolux columns are equipped with three-level and four-level security. When unexpected interruptions occur in the system, for example, the pressure changes, a gas or water leak occurs, the device switches itself off.
The Electrolux water-heating technology is characterized not only by improved technical parameters, but also by an attractive design. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves the perfect option, which will perfectly fit into the interior. Geysers are presented both in minimalist style, and with an advanced external panel. Very popular are the devices on the front panel of which you can change the pictures that fit the style of the room.
Electrolux technology is of good quality. The service life of gas columns is ten to fifteen years, but on the condition of their regular maintenance and careful attitude to the equipment.
Device and principle of operation
All gas columns have a similar design and functioning system. The Geyser Electrolux on the body has knobs - toggle switches, they regulate the power of heating and water supply. Each unit has its own capacity, some columns can heat up to sixteen liters of fluid per minute. Thanks to the optimal chimney connector, the equipment of this manufacturer is characterized by versatility. Geysers can work together with exhaust system.
Items of equipment:
- control pads and adjustment buttons (many Electrolux models are equipped with a display on which you can see the water temperature and all other indicators);
- solenoid valve;
- copper heat exchanger;
- openings for water and gas inlet;
- opening to exit the heated fluid;
- chimney hole;
- drain cock;
- fasteners elements.
Due to the quality of parts and design, this equipment is absolutely adapted for use in our country. If the water supply pressure or gas pressure changes in the pipeline, the device will function at the same level.In the case of gas columns are mounted two tubes, the first for the flow of gas, the second - water. At the bottom of the equipment are burners that have a basic look and a pilot. Depending on the model chosen, the device has electrical ignition, piezo ignition or manual ignition.
There is nothing difficult in the principle of operation of the water-heating column. The heat exchanger passes cold water, the liquid in it is heated thanks to the burners located below. The necessary oxygen for combustion penetrates into the apparatus through the ventilation system. The gas that is exhausted exits through the chimney. The flow of heated water enters the sink through the pipe.
Popular models
Electrolux has proven itself at its best. This is evidenced by reviews of buyers and professionals. The Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus is a heater in demand today that has a capacity of 20 kW and a capacity of ten liters of water per minute. Due to the presence of electric ignition, it is easy to use the equipment; to do this, you need to change the batteries in time and open the mixer. The dimensions of the device make it possible to install it even in a small room.
The steel torch of this model and the heat exchanger from copper have the long term of use. The radiator does not have oxygen and lead, so the technique is absolutely safe for others. Nano Plus has a temperature limiter that protects the device from overheating. Judging by consumer reviews, this model is not only compact, but also easy to use. Deficiencies are practically not noticed, but buyers say that if improperly configured, the equipment can malfunction and make noise. That is why it is necessary to strictly follow the rules in the instructions.
Another interesting model of equipment is the Electrolux GWH 350 RN gas water heater. Its main advantages are:
- long service life;
- simplicity of design;
- capacity up to fourteen liters of water per minute;
- the presence of a window for controlling the flame;
- the presence of piezoelectric ignition, so the device does not need to change batteries.
There are some flaws in consumer feedback, which arise when using this model:
- large body dimensions;
- the flame does not fire instantly.
Often, users prefer the Electrolux GWH 275 SRN water heater model. This device is unpretentious, simple and reliable. Benefits:
- simple and at the same time interesting design;
- simple design that is not burdened by electronics;
- long service life;
- reliable elements due to which water leakage is excluded;
- quick connection and no need to change batteries.
- the gas column must be turned off during long periods of absence, as a pilot light is installed in it;
- the knobs are too sensitive, so there are some difficulties in setting the temperature.
User's manual
Anyone who has purchased a water-heating equipment must use it properly without violating safety rules. Basic terms of use:
- do not use the gas column at a time when there is no traction in the chimney;
- do not use broken equipment;
- the room in which the gas water heater is installed should not have leaks - in the event of such a situation, it is necessary to air the room and call the gas service.
Every geyser owner should remember that gas leaks can be very dangerous. The instruction manual that comes with the kit must be fully implemented.There are situations when the column does not work when the water is turned on or it heats the water slightly. In this case, you will need to check its heating elements. It is important to know that any heating element has an expiration date, so the user must have batteries in place to change at the right time.
Anyone who has just purchased Electrolux equipment is interested in the question of how to turn on the column and light it. First of all, it is necessary to turn on the valves for supplying water and gas. This is done in three ways.
- Manually.
- Piezorozhzhigom that use is quite simple. To turn on the device, it is enough to press the button, as a result of which the filter is ignited.
- Automatically. It is a pleasure to use equipment with such a system, because there is practically nothing to do, everything is done by a technician.
To properly configure the gas column, do not have to use a lot of knowledge and skills. On the panel of the device there is a scale and two handles. On the first scale there are divisions, and with the use of the handle the necessary fluid supply is set. At the same time, the second scale and the handle are designed to adjust and adjust the gas supply.Adjust the operation of the gas column should be immediately after installation of the device. Thus, it optimizes the operation of the device and the flow of water and gas.
It is necessary to carry out adjustment of a consumption of water, being guided by a nominal pressure that is specified in technical data sheet of goods. In order to set the performance value, the hot water tap opens, the dial is set on the scale, and the tap is closed.
To prepare the gas tap, first of all you need to install equipment at the minimum level. After you need to connect the column to the network or insert the batteries. Next, open the valve on the gas pipe. After the hot water tap opens, the device automatically turns on and the liquid heats up. In many Electrolux models, an economy mode is provided, the setting of which is described in the equipment manual.
Faults and their removal
Geysers are devices that are used continuously, so damage can occur even at the most expensive model. The main problems faced by the user in the operation of this type of technology, can be called the following.
The column does not ignite
There are several reasons for this situation. First of all, you need to check the ignition of the igniter, if it is defective, then you should call the master who will clean the element. In columns with electronic ignition it is recommended to check the solenoid valve, it often cuts off the gas supply. The solution can be a simple battery replacement. The geyser does not turn on if there is no draft in the ventilation well. Eliminate the blockage will help her back. As the cause of the lack of ignition, we can consider the wear of the water membrane. When deformed parts should be changed. Also, do not forget about the possible clogging of the filter, which you can easily replace yourself.
The equipment turns off during operation
When it is noticed that the column lights up, but after a time goes out, you need to pay attention to the temperature sensor. To check its state, it is possible to re-start the burner, and if the situation repeats, the reason is hidden in the sensitivity of the element. In this case, the equipment should be taken to the service center. If the column is turned off randomly, and also does not light up even after a time,this position causes the valve to close. This problem is also better to contact specialists.
Geyser does not heat the water to the desired temperature.
The cause of the problem may be insufficient power of your equipment. To prevent such a situation, you should not simultaneously open the taps in the bathroom, kitchen, sink. Burner clogging can also cause insufficient water heating. If the flame has a yellow color, then you will need to call a specialist who cleans the element.
During the operation of the gas column you can hear the claps
To cause such sounds can either be too strong or very weak gas pressure. In order for the operation of the equipment to be no longer accompanied by extraneous sounds, it will be necessary to clean and adjust the burner.
Geysers from Electrolux are household appliances that are characterized by good performance, long service life, reasonable price, ease of operation and a pleasant design. But according to experts, gas equipment in the house is not only an opportunity to simplify life, but also a high level of danger. That is why such a technique must be treated carefully, properly operated,timely carry out maintenance and repair.
How to repair the Electrolux gas column, see the following video.