Geysers Baxi: models and causes of their breakdowns
Water heaters have a fairly wide scope, and for a number of reasons they are much more practical than full boilers. But even outstanding designs can break. And the traditional European quality, alas, does not guarantee complete protection against such problems.
Special features
It should be noted that the company Baxi produces not only flow-through, but also storage water heaters. But still, a considerable number of customers prefer columns in the traditional sense of the word. More recently, the products of the Italian brand in Russia belonged to the premium segment. But after the recent transfer of production capacity to Iran, the total value of the goods has declined markedly, and the quality level has not changed.
Modifications and alternatives
Before talking about the columns themselves, you should pay attention to alternative proposals from the same concern. Accumulative water heaters of the Italian company are presented by the SAG3 model. These devices are suitable for both domestic and industrial sectors. As the manufacturer claims, to use them to replace outdated heating equipment means to ensure a stable flow of large amounts of water.
The difference in design is:
- open type combustion chamber gas;
- piezoelectric ignition;
- autonomy from power supply;
- high-quality enamel on the walls of the storage tank, reliably inhibiting corrosion;
- possibility of installation both on the walls and on the floor;
- neutral in environmental and sanitary heat protection.
But there are situations when neither such equipment nor the outdated model of the Main 24 fi boiler does not suit consumers. In such a case, the Baxi gas column comes to the rescue, ensuring the flow of water in a flow-through mode. The Italian company has developed for this purpose a family of devices SIG-2. All of them are equipped with an open-type combustion chamber, but there is a definite difference.So, models 11i, 14i are equipped with an automatic ignition module, and in version 11p a piezoelectric method of producing a spark is used.
The volatile modification 11i receives electric current for gas ignition from the Lr20 battery supplied with the column. The system is equipped with a module that monitors the air ionization characteristic of a burning flame. If it goes out, automatics sends the appropriate commands to the working nodes. The device 11i is capable of providing a nominal heat output of 22 kW and a supply of 11 liters of heated water per minute. In version 14i, these parameters are 29 kW, 14 liters of water.
Automatic Baxi models are equipped on the facade with a liquid crystal screen, which shows:
- preset water temperature;
- its achieved level;
- conditional error codes.
As for the mechanical controls, two of them are brought to the body, which determine the heating of the fluid and the pressure of it, respectively. Manual ignition on the 11p model is achieved through the use of a prepared piezo element and a regulating button inserted into the front panel. The advantage of the non-volatile design is its relative cheapness, achieved, among other things, by eliminating the digital screen.The system has a thermal rating of 22 kW and a water capacity of 11 liters in 60 seconds.
Automatic speakers are equipped with:
- hydraulic valves;
- thrust indicators;
- copper heat exchangers;
- devices that regulate water temperature;
- Setaak gas pressure indicators;
- economizers.
The copper heat exchanger is harmoniously docked with the hydraulic group made from high-quality brass. The gas burners themselves are made from stainless steel. Any Baxi column is equipped with devices that provide smooth modulation of the assigned power. Integrated into them and the gearbox that controls the gas pressure. Automated models monitor the fire with an ionization element, and piezoelectric ones are equipped with a thermocouple.
Technical characteristics of gas columns can not be described fully, if not to mention the dimensions of the device. The 11 l model has dimensions of 58.2x31.4x24.5 cm, with the version designed for a flow of 14 liters, they are increased to 65x36.5x24.5 cm. The cross sections of chimneys in these cases are 11 and 13 cm. Connecting both water and and gas occurs using choppers cut into ½ inch.If you change the jets, gas Baxi can be transferred from natural to liquefied fuel.
Likely problems and their resolution
Even selected Italian speakers may have some technical problems. Troubleshooting is directly dependent on the type of equipment.
If there is no spark in SIG 2-11p, the reasons may be related to:
- disconnected wire of the piezoelectric part;
- malfunction of her own;
- poor piezoelectric connection;
- deformation of the electrode.
A different approach is needed when the 11i, 14i column does not ignite. First of all, it is worth checking the health of the batteries. After that, inspect the wire through which current flows to the electrode. In addition, it is necessary to examine the electrode itself, the automation, the membrane. Such manipulations and subsequent repair (replacement) should be performed by trained specialists.
The user can create the required water pressure by turning the regulator to the extreme position. It so happens that the spark seems to be slipping, but it is still not possible to turn on the column. A very common cause is the contaminated ignition nozzle of the ignition device,which is blown and cleaned mechanically. You should also check whether the electrode responsible for ignition is correctly positioned.
Additional measures are checking the opening of the gas valve, the removal of air trapped in the pipeline and the replacement of the problem of the electronic unit. When the burner ignites randomly extinguished, you will have to change either the thermocouple or the coil. Judging by the reviews of customers, it is sometimes found that the fuse is burning, but it does not initiate the burning of the main torch. The solution to the problem is to increase the water pressure in the system or change the worn membrane. Sometimes there is another problem: even when the water is stopped, the burner does not go out.
First, clean the gas valve shutter. Then disassemble the piston or rod in the water valve, if their cleaning does not help, these parts will have to be changed. The next step involves testing the microswitch lever (only for models with automatics). Devices operating on liquefied gas may experience a similar disturbance if the regulator malfunctions. Too long ignition, accompanied by clapping in the burner, is “cured” by adjusting the power of the flame, cleaning the fuses and injectors.
In the case when the plates of the heat exchanger are clogged too quickly, it can be assumed that the reason for this is inadequate, in the dustiness of the room. Examine the chimney and increase the level of thrust if necessary. You can fight the yellow flame if you use only the type of gas that the column is tuned to. Also often helps cleaning the burners. The appearance of the smell of gas means the need to inspect the pipeline and all joints with soapy water in compliance with standard precautions.
It so happens that the “fragrance” of gaseous products of combustion spreads around the room. Solve the problem begin by checking the chimney draft and the quality of smoke removal. It is also worth assessing whether the gas consumption has not increased excessively, because of its intense combustion may exceed the evacuation capacity of the chimney. If, when a new battery is introduced, the column screen shows the temperature sensor readings, but the system does not work when the hot tap is opened, you need to adjust the screw that presses the push button button to the microswitch lever. Strict observance of these recommendations will significantly extend the life of the column and get maximum of itbenefits.
For the main problems with the gas boiler Baxi ECO 4s, see the following video.