Geysers "Astra": types and operating rules

Unfortunately, the domestic system of housing and communal services still leaves much to be desired and does not provide the consumer fully, so people have to rely on their own strength and install additional devices in heating and water supply systems. For example, to purchase gas water heaters.
Special features
JSC PKO "Heat exchanger", producing gas columns "Astra", has existed for over 50 years. Perhaps our grandparents also used its products. True, then this company was called differently.
Column "Astra" is designed to work with hot water. Only gas is used as fuel.
The device of such a column is quite simple and includes several components. The main part - a rectangular case - is mounted on the wall. On the front panel there are windows for ignition and combustion control, a power button, gas supply adjustment knobs. Below are the fittings of the gas supply, hot and cold water, and on top is the pipe of the chimney.
All major components are located inside the case and mounted on the rear panel. It also provides mounting holes. The combustion chamber is made of high quality refractory material having a long service life. The conciseness of execution is an advantage in the market of models and provides the manufacturer with a high demand for their products.
The principle of operation is as follows: to inject gas into the gas block and the igniter, turn the ignition burner knob to the left and turn on the device by pressing the button — the burner will be switched on in series. The hot water outlet temperature is set by the position of the adjustment knobs. Turning from right to left increases the flow of gas, thereby increasing the temperature of the water, and from left to right - on the contrary, decreases.
According to the functional components of the column is conventionally divided into water and gas part.In the market, you can purchase repair kits and spare parts for each node separately, as well as the whole node as a whole.
Specifications columns "Astra" make it easy to compete with other manufacturers. The main advantage lies in the power of the device: in some models it is equal to and even exceeds 20 kW. A large combustion chamber and a relatively small gas consumption distinguishes this brand.
Of course, each model has its own nuances in the characteristics, but it is possible to derive common values. For example, the supply of hot water is approximately 10-12 l / min, the range of outlet water temperature is 35-60 degrees, the operating pressure range is 0.5-6 bar.
The manufacturer also thought about the safety of its products. If the burner goes out, the water supply will stop.
Any model comes with a passport and instruction manual, where the rules of operation and safe operation are set out in detail, as well as the circuit diagram of the device.
Currently on the market there are many geysers with unusual colors. Consumers sometimes make a mistake, preferring color to the detriment of technical characteristics.Geyser "Astra" does not seek to stand out due to the appearance, and relied on the performance, has its own model range.
Model 8910-00.02
has high power - up to 21 kW and a capacity of 12 l / min. Dimensions - 700x372x230 mm. The chimney has a diameter of 120 mm. Gas consumption per hour is 2.3 cubic meters. m. Ignition occurs manually.
Open type combustion chamber. Easy to check thrust. The gas connection pipe is 3⁄4 inches, the water pipes are 1⁄2 inches. The weight of the device is 15 kg.
Model 8910-08.02
has a little less power (up to 18 kW) and productivity (10 l / min). However, fuel consumption is also lower - 2 cu. m / h The weight of the unit is 14.7 kg. The rest of the device is very similar to the previous model. Manual ignition
Model 8910-15
It has one fundamental difference - this system with electronic ignition of the burner, which is very convenient. Now there is no need to worry about the presence of matches.
Power of the unit reaches 20 kW, productivity - 10 liters of hot water per minute. Gas consumption is 2 cu. m / h The weight of the column is 13.9 kg. The diameter of the chimney is 135 mm.
Model 8910-16
It is also equipped with an electronic automatic burner ignition system.This automatic device is a power record holder (up to 24 kW). Water unit heats at a speed of 12 liters per minute. Gas consumption - 2.3 cu. m / h The weight of the device is 14.7 kg.
It should be noted that spare parts for the Astra columns can be easily found at reasonable prices.
How to use?
The purchase is completed, and the connection is made by employees of the relevant service. To turn on the column, first of all, you need to check the cravingsby attaching a strip of paper (2-5 cm wide and 20 cm long) to the side holes in the case. If from a distance of 15 cm the paper was attracted to the holes, then everything is in order.
Then it is necessary to open the taps - first the gas valve, then the water valve. After that, you need to act in accordance with the type of model. For devices with manual ignition, turn the pilot burner knob to the left to the “Open” position. Then you need to light a match and bring it closer to the igniter located on the front panel of the device while simultaneously pressing and holding the button of the solenoid valve.
Button hold time can be different and range from 3 to 60 seconds. Set a specific duration of pressing for your device can be empirically.
After the done manipulations, slowly open the hot water, turn the gas supply adjustment knob to the main burner, setting the desired position with a certain outlet temperature. If everything is done correctly, the main burner will light up.
For models with electronic ignition, switching on is even easier: you need to turn on the gas and water supply valves in front of the appliance, and then just turn on the hot water - the column starts up by itself.
Adjustment is made by two handles. The gas flow control knob affects the outlet temperature, and the water flow control knob changes the water flow accordingly.
To turn off the device with manual ignition, you must move the knobs, first the main and then the pilot burner to the right to the “Closed” position. Then make sure that both burners are off. Now you can close the hot water tap and, finally, the common gas tap.
For automatic models, it is enough to close the taps.
From the reviews on the Astra gas water heaters it can be concluded that the units are quite reliable, easy to operate and repair. Breakdowns are rare, and spare parts are easy to pick up in the market.Ease of operation is very popular with the older generation, which does not pursue new-fashioned functionality. And the price looks very attractive compared to foreign counterparts. At the same time, a modest but cute design allows you to fit such a device in any interior.
Malfunctions and methods of their elimination
Despite the proven reliability of the equipment, failures do occur.
- Wick goes out. In this case, you need to check the traction on the side of the device, if necessary, clean the flue from the combustion products. If the problem persists, it may be in the electrical part. It is necessary to investigate the contacts of the electrical circuit with the help of special equipment and eliminate the violation.
- The pilot and main burner does not light up. In this case, you need to check whether the gas valve is in the right position. You should also pay attention to the thermocouple fitting - when loosening it should be tightened. You may need to replace the membrane of the water line that is torn or stretched. The pilot nozzle is clogged - in this case, cleaning is necessary.It may be necessary to adjust the position of the thermocouple sensor so that it is washed by the flame of the pilot burner. Another simple reason is that the water inlet pressure is below the operating range. If all of the above is not suitable, then the fault may be in the solenoid valve.
This item must be replaced by a specialist.
- No water flow at the outlet. It is necessary to check the flow of incoming cold water. Also a common cause is scale buildup on filters. This will require cleaning. The elimination of scale in the heat exchanger tubes is recommended to be entrusted to a specialist.
- The main burner is weak., because of what the water is not heated to the desired temperature. This means that the gas filters and nozzles on the main burner are clogged up - you need to clean them of debris.
- Water dripping. In this case, you can try to replace the gaskets in the joints. But if the heat exchanger is worn out - corrosion and cracks have formed on it - it will be necessary to either seal the heat exchanger or buy a new one. It is worth noting that the application of solder to the leak causes a temporary effect, and sooner or later it will be necessary to replace the element.
- When you turn on the water, you hear the sound of the main burner. This is because the gas pressure is low, or the plug holes and the pilot nozzle are blocked.
At carrying out of any repair it is necessary to observe safety measures. Be sure to turn off the gas in the supply pipe before starting work. The device can be left on the wall, and the front part of the device can be removed with a screwdriver - the bolts are located on the side. Manipulation near the pressure fitting must be done very carefully, because it is easy to damage.
Care Tips
The geyser "Astra" will work for a long time and without fail if it is handled correctly.
You should regularly wipe the dust on the outer surfaces with a damp cloth moistened in soapy water. Do not use chemicals - they can damage the coating.
Do not allow the heating of water over 60 degrees - this will lead to increased formation of scale. It is also not necessary to dilute very hot water with a mixer - overheating and premature wear of the heat exchanger are possible.
Descaling in heat exchanger tubes is possible at home. To do this, the heat exchanger must be unscrewed and immersed in warm water,pour a chemical into the tube and wait a few minutes. Then you must put a hose of suitable diameter on the tube and rinse it with clean water.
It is necessary to periodically carry out maintenance of the device, calling specialists. It is important to clean the water and gas filters, burner nozzles and heat exchanger from the combustion products.
The complex of these activities will increase the shelf life of the column and will delight the owner of uninterrupted work for many years.
How to use the gas column "Astra", see the video below.