The water purification system in the apartment: the types and subtleties of choice

In apartment buildings, there is a system of centralized drinking water supply. Of course, before entering the residential apartment water treatment is carried out, but it is impossible to say with certainty that even after it, the water is completely ready for use. In order to get water that is truly free from mechanical impurities and dissolved salts, it is necessary to use additional cleaning systems that are available in a wide range.

Special features

The current water purification in the water supply system proceeds according to the same type scheme, it consists of several stages.

First you need to put a mechanical filter - here it is optimal to use trunk options that are equipped with replaceable polypropylene cartridges.Such cleaners effectively trap iron, sand, and other suspensions, which not only improves the quality of the water, but also prevents the occurrence of rust. Trunk devices are embedded directly into the water supply system, this allows you to completely clear the running water by 100%.

Keep in mind that for cleaning hot water it is necessary to use special designs that are resistant to high temperatures. The use of coarse filters allows not only to purify water from mechanical impurities, but also significantly increase the service life of the entire plumbing system in the apartment.

At the next stage, hot and cold water is cleaned from chlorine and metal impurities., for this purpose, they also use trunk water filters with carbon cartridges, and the result of applying the cleaning system is immediately noticeable to the naked eye - after passing through it, the water acquires a bluish tint, and the unpleasant smell of chlorine disappears.

While taking a shower from the water purified in this way, the inhabitants of the apartments do not complain about the unpleasant feeling of tightness of the skin that occurs after hygienic procedures using unfiltered water.

In the third stage, hardness salts (calcium and magnesium) are removed, which contribute to the formation of scale and deposits on the inside of the pipeline and other sanitary elements in the apartment. The filters that are used for this purpose contain special softeners.

Well, at the finishing stage, a filter is used, which is installed directly on the sink - it is used to produce high-quality drinking water.

The most stringent requirements are imposed on modern water treatment systems. - it must be efficient, environmentally friendly, ergonomic and reliable. As a rule, it includes filters, as well as hoses and containers for the supply of clean water, but at the same time it has minimal dimensions - the most popular options are compact models that can be easily placed under the sink.

Of course, a private house or cottage has a great advantage over apartments when it comes to creating a water purification system, since it is possible to allocate a separate room or an isolated space for it, the space in the apartment is limited in size and layout.Therefore, all elements of the cleaning system are constantly in contact with the residents.

But it should also be borne in mind that apartment buildings are fed from a common central water supplytherefore, there is no need for pre-treatment, because the water comes to the houses already purified from mechanical impurities, pathogens and dangerous compounds. The main purpose of filters in apartments is the removal of calcium, magnesium salts, as well as excess chlorine.

In the conditions of small apartments, filter jugs and other systems equipped with storage tanks for the storage of filtrate are optimal.

Often, water treatment systems in apartments contain non-standard water treatment methods: magnetic field, ultrasound and the like. However, most city dwellers prefer a standard approach to water treatment, which over the years has shown itself to be reliable and fully compliant with current norms and standards.


To remove particulate matter, mechanical filtering is used, the filters are divided into options with and without auto-flushing.

The first have compact dimensions, their diameters correspond to the parameters of the pipe in which they are mounted.

Typically, the body of such products made of brass or stainless steel, and threaded connections can be very diverse in materials and sizes, they are selected in each case individually. Such filters have a fairly low price - as a rule, their cost does not exceed hundreds of rubles, although there are more expensive brand models.

Since the grids are periodically clogged, they have to be cleaned regularly, so the lower part of the bulb is usually removable, it can be easily unscrewed and removed, and after cleaning the mesh, it returns to its place.

The auto-wash filter is equipped with a spigot and tap, which are installed in the bottom of the flask. With the help of a hose, the nozzle has access to the sewage system, therefore, if it is necessary to clean such a filter, you just need to open the faucet, and the incoming water under pressure will wash all the contents into the sewage system. After that, the crane is closed and the device can be operated further.

As a rule, such filters are equipped with a pressure gauge, with which they determine the degree of mesh clogging: if the pressure drops, then it is time to clean the filter.However, if the filter is equipped with a transparent flask, then a manometer will not be needed - the degree of contamination can be determined by appearance.

Depending on the type of connection, all mechanical filters can be flanged or coupled. Flange is usually used for the production of main filters, which are installed in high-pressure water pipes.

Disk filters are less popular. They are a set of rings, the surface of which has scratches of different depths. At the same time, the disks are very tightly pressed against each other, the water, when passing through them, contacts with all the hollows so that all large particles settle on their walls. Since the movement is spiraling, then the removal of suspensions is quite high quality.

Water purified from mechanical impurities can be used for washing, washing dishes, cleaning and other domestic needs. However, it is not suitable for drinking or cooking. Relatively speaking, it can be used for oral administration only after boiling, and in order to be able to drink water without heat treatment, you need to use fine filters that can effectively remove most of the dissolved in the formsubstances and disinfect it.

Most often for this purpose use one of several popular options.

Filter jug

This is the most budget and affordable option that effectively reduces the content of chlorine, copper and iron fluids, softens water and retains mechanical impurities.

Purification occurs when water passes through a replaceable cartridge, which contains:

  • activated carbon - necessary to remove chlorine-containing compounds and microorganisms;
  • polypropylene fibers - which are used to precipitate residues of solid impurities;
  • ion exchange resin - allows you to remove the salt of calcium and manganese, as well as heavy metal compounds and radionuclides.

The advantages of jug filters include ease of use and low price.

Of the minuses worth noting the short life of the cartridge and the lack of opportunities for their recovery.

When purchasing jugs, you should give preference to brands of well-known manufacturers, since cheaper options often produce only coarse cleaning.

Attachment on the crane

Another popular type of filter, which on the principle of action are similar to jugs.At the moment of passing water through such a nozzle, all chlorine compounds and mechanical impurities are removed at the inlet. Individual species can also remove hardness salts, heavy metals, iron ions and aluminum, and in addition, nozzles containing activated carbon are purified from most varieties of bacteria, phenol and organic matter.

The popularity of nozzles due to the ease of installation and small size. The drawbacks are the same as those of pitchers, and in terms of the cost of cleaning per inlet liter of water, it turns out that these filters are more expensive than multi-stage cleaning systems.

Multistage cleaning

The effectiveness of cartridge filters largely depends on the number of degrees of purification - that is, individual filter elements that can trap certain types of contaminants.

Such systems can be one-, two-, three- or even four-step.

Single-stage contain universal inserts with a multilayer structure, they are quite cheap. However, their effectiveness raises a lot of doubts, because in each region the composition of water varies greatly, and in the case of using universal systems one cannot expect that the impurities specific to a particular locality will be removed from the water.

Multistage filters are a body of several flasks., each of which contains a special filtering component, which removes strictly defined types of pollution. These flasks are interconnected by means of overflows, flowing through which the water is gradually cleared. The advantage of such a system is the ability to install a specific filter for your tap water analysis - this significantly improves the quality of cleaning. However, such filters require free space, are distinguished by complexity of installation and high cost. In reverse osmosis, such filters require a substantial amount of water - in order to clean 1 liter of water, up to 5 liters of “waste” is necessary.

There is an opinion that deep water purification washes out all the trace elements useful for humans, this theory has not found any evidence or refutations, but for those who fear the loss of their useful properties by water, water mineralizers are always on sale.

Separately, we dwell on the options of filters that are used in multistage systems for cleaning from various types of dissolved substances.

If the water acquires a brown tint and a characteristic taste, then this may indicate a high iron content in it, such a phenomenon often occurs when water from wells and wells is used. Such water causes the formation of deposits on the walls of sanitary appliances and clogs the shut-off equipment, if the concentration of ferro compounds exceeds 2 mg / liter, they must be removed.

The best solution in this situation would be to use a catalytic filter. - it is a fairly large balloon in which catalysts are placed; such equipment requires connection to the electrical network.

Backfilling contained in filters of this type accelerates the oxidation of bivalent iron and its removal as a precipitate several times.

With the introduction of the composition of the filling of special components, manganese, chlorine and other substances can be removed.

As a rule, the removal of sediments is carried out according to a certain schedule, most often at night. Backfilling is effectively washed under the pressure of water, all pollutants are discharged into the sewage system, usually at night.

Catalytic filters are very complex and expensive equipment, but they are the most reliable and durable of all those on the market.

There is another way to remove iron salts from water - aeration. To do this, water is pumped into the tank with air, which is pumped through the nozzles as a suspension, is oxidized, and the resulting oxides remain in the filter.

There are two types of filters for water purification of this type - pressure and non-pressure. For a more active oxidation, an oxidizing agent may be supplied to these units — hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite. In this case, biological treatment of water is also carried out - from germs and bacteria.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

When buying a water filter it is very important to choose a truly high-quality product that will effectively purify water from all types of contaminants. Unfortunately, today's market is literally flooded with a wide variety of imitations, which claim to perform complex cleaning, and in fact only remove solid particles and chlorinate.

Based on consumer feedback, a rating of manufacturers was made, whose products proved to be high-quality and reliable.

Absolute leaders are products of the Aquaphor brand. This company sells a wide range of a variety of cartridge filters - for drinking water, for the shower, as well as for washing machines and dishwashers. Among the products of this brand you can always choose the installation, focused on the treatment of both cold and hot water, which completely neutralize all types of chemical compounds. However, among the products you can find such filters, whose tasks include only a rough cleaning - all information about the functional purpose is placed on the package.

Not less popular are filters from German manufacturer Honeywell., which offers devices that can withstand significant excess of the working pressure in the water supply, which can be up to 10 times. Among the products offered by this brand, you can find both coarse and fine filters, and the main filter element is a special metal mesh, which is closed in a reliable flask of high strength.

Among domestic companies, the New Water purification systems are very popular. Products of this brand differ in price availability and extremely high quality. The assortment list of products includes main filters with a separate tap, the degree and level of water purification in which can be adjusted by changing cartridges.

A large number of users prefer the brand "Geyser", the company tirelessly introduces the latest technological developments into production, thanks to which cleaning systems based on ion-exchange polymer were created.

It should be noted that under the brand "Geyser" a lot of different filters are produced, the products are represented in all regions of our country. In the stores you can find both the simplest household models and complex industrial installations, which can simultaneously clean up quite large volumes of liquid.

Atoll - the company operates in the market of cleaning systems more than one decade and tirelessly investing in the improvement of its products. As a result, each newly created model released in this production has an ever more perfect and reliable attachment and a longer service life.At the same time, the production cost is low, due to which filters of this brand are available to the Russian user.

Coolmart is a Russian company located in Vladivostok. The enterprise started its activity more than 20 years ago, starting with the release of one of the first remineralizing water purifiers in our country. Today, the bulk of production is sold in Primorsky Krai, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

And users also note the high quality of Fibos products.

Learn more about the filters of the brand "New Water", you can find out by watching the following video.

How to choose?

In order to choose the optimal water treatment system for installation in an apartment, it is not enough to get feedback from relatives and friends, you must take into account your own operating parameters.

If financial opportunities allow, then the best option would be a nanofilter, which will serve faithfully for many years without requiring replacement of the cartridge, and the water after it will be perfect.

But if finances are not limitless, then depending on the characteristics of the composition of the water, it is possible to select and assemble filters of different types.

To begin with, let's focus on the aspects of choosing a main filter.

First of all, one should take into account the fact that in apartments there are usually two main highways: with hot and cold water. But when it comes to individual heating, then you should use a cleaning system for cold liquid.

In order to choose the main choice correctly, one should take into account a number of fundamental points.

  • Loss of working pressure in the system - as a rule, they are in the range of 0.1-0.6 bar and higher. If the water pressure in the plumbing is small, then this fact should be given special attention - of course, you should not abandon the idea of ​​water treatment, but installing an additional main pump will not hurt.
  • The indicator of hydraulic losses is important in the case when the filter is planned to be installed in apartments on the upper floors.
  • The performance of the filter - it is calculated as the ability of the cleaning system to pass through a certain amount of water.
  • Consumption volume - as practice shows, it is always better to buy such a parameter with a large “margin”.
  • Dimensionsbody format - the overwhelming majority of manufacturers offer consumers filters of the Slim Line or Big Blue types. The first differ in diameter of 114-130 mm, and the second -184 mm and the size of the cartridge 10. It is the second option that is considered ideal for home use.

When purchasing a main filter, if possible, try to get a model with flushing - it is not just more convenient, this option is much more effective in catching pollution.

Replaceable cartridges differ in their filtering properties, for example, there are options that eliminate ferrous salts, pesticides, or reduce the percentage of chlorine.

As for the devices themselves, here the marking can tell about the purpose and possibilities of the installation:

  • BA - these products are used to normalize the percentage of iron;
  • BS - optimal for water softening and elimination of hardness salts;
  • with activated carbon - effectively removes chlorine and its compounds;
  • polyphosphate - used to soften water, eliminates even the oldest limescale deposits and reliably protects the pipeline and household appliances from the formation of scale.


In conclusion, several recommendations for choosing water filters based on consumer feedback.

There are many different filter options for effective water purification, the choice of the optimal model depends on the conditions in which it will be used.

If your family is small and consists of 1-2 people, then you can purchase the simplest “Geyser Griffin” in the form of a jug, but if the structure is installed for a large organization, then you should prefer the Coolmart CM-101-PPG desktop dispenser with a large tank.

      Most often, it is enough to organize the supply of purified water directly from the tap., the “Typhoon 10BV Geyser” pre-filter copes with this, and if you don’t have a desire to mess with the installation of equipment, then just buy a crane nozzle, for example, “New Water T5”.

      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

      Entrance hall

      Living room
