Filters "Prestige" from "Geyser": which model to choose and how to install it?

Many ordinary people find it difficult to imagine completely clean drinking water, in which there are no impurities, no salts and bleach, bacteria and viruses, and also no unpleasant "flavors". Such water can easily be consumed every day, if you use special cleaners for tap water, intended for use in everyday life. An excellent choice is the filter "Prestige" from the company "Geyser".
Special features
The latest generation of tap water purifiers has been released using completely new modern technologies and perfectly copes with all the existing goals and objectives.Undoubtedly, membrane systems that are in demand on the market can also be referred to models of such cleaners, since they are just perfect for cleaning too hard tap fluids. When using conventional filters, it is very important to accurately capture the time when it is necessary to change cartridges, otherwise when boiling in a kettle or on cups, dangerous traces of scale will quickly appear.
The unique “Prestige” system from “Geyser” offers excellent quality of purification and maximum operating comfort: the reverse osmosis membrane resources are much more than those of the usual cleaning cartridges. Thus, the operation of filters requires less cost, while their cost is not very high.
A filter with a reverse osmosis system is an original device that uses a modern system for the complete purification of water from ordinary plumbing. Filtration is carried out by a special innovative membrane, which selects from the liquid any hazardous substances that may be present in the water.
The reverse osmosis system is connected immediately to the domestic water supply system, its daily work can be divided into the following operations:
- primary cleaning of the required amount of water;
- treatment of the fluid during its passage through the existing membrane;
- its accumulation in a special storage capacity;
- supply of safe fluid with a special tap.
The impurities detected by the device are directly transferred to the ordinary sewage system. The operation of the reverse osmosis device is carried out until the tank is full, after which the inflow of water will stop by means of automation. Reverse osmosis is great to actively operate in the country. Purchase a reverse osmosis filter for quick cleaning of the liquid - this is the best way to meet various household needs. In the current difficult environmental situation, this system should be installed in the homes of those ordinary people who are really seriously concerned about their health and their loved ones.
The cost of a complete set can be considered acceptable for an ordinary inhabitant, so almost every person can buy it for their home.
The striking efficiency of the molecular technology of high-quality liquid purification with “Geyser” membranes can be explained by the small parameters of the cells of the membrane itself; in size, they are no larger than a liquid molecule - just up to 0.012 microns.For this reason, various impurities of viruses and bacteria, ranging in size from 0.02 to 0.4 microns, are easily cleaned, completely leaching into the drainage. Therefore, it is not necessary to fear for the quality of drinking tap water. As a result of a rather complex purification on many levels, it turns out purified water, which will not contain hazardous impurities, traces of biological organics and harmful compounds. "Prestige" from "Geyser" even a very dirty liquid from the city water supply system will make as close as possible in terms of purity parameters to water from a spring or even melt water from mountain glaciers.
The use of the mineralization system in “Prestige” with reverse osmosis will enrich the water with a number of useful salts, which in fact will return its natural composition to the water. It is interesting that the water purified by this process actually changes its molecular structure, after which it is possible to detect high biological activity in it. Cooked on this water food will have great nutritional value, and the taste parameters of this food will open even brighter, because all the useful components of the products will just go into the water.
Among the most noticeable shortcomings of the reverse osmosis construction are the following:
- solid cost of purchase and installation, which is justified by the excellent effect;
- the need to attract specialists in the process of installing the kit;
- impossibility of installation without the scheme and instruction;
- substantial water consumption (almost no savings);
- tank can take up a lot of space.
“Prestige” from “Geyser” is, first of all, a filter for active household purposes, which offers three stages of liquid purification. During operation, it will detain salts of chlorides, heavy metal impurities and various bacteria. The efficiency of the cartridges is 0.13 liters per minute. In about 30 minutes of using a water purifier, you can clean and get 3-4 liters of clean water. Just one cassette with enough is enough to clean 3 thousand liters of liquid. That is, with constant use of the filter throughout the day, it will last more than 14 days.
The device with reverse osmosis consists of the following elements:
- a number of replaceable cartridges;
- carbon block;
- innovative unique membrane;
- post filter with coal base.
The full package of the Prestige device from the Geyser company includes a special storage tank. This device will allow to stock up some amount of clean water. All cartridges are placed separately, together with the system of mineralization and accumulative capacity create a single whole. The appliance, which is installed in the kitchen, often located under the sink. A special faucet is installed on top for the removal of clean water, which makes the use of filters extremely comfortable. All elements of the filter are fixed with special devices made from a special material.
There are several varieties of filters "Prestige" from the company "Geyser".
All of them are marked with special letters and numbers.
- M is a basic kit that includes a mineralizer. Filters "Prestige" M are equipped with a double key tap.
- P - has a high pressure pump. It is believed that the devices "Prestige" P can return its natural benefits to water.
- PM - this kit comes with a pomp and a mineralizer. A special mineralization cartridge can be added to the kit of this device, which helps to ensure that water acquires the maximum of useful properties after its high-quality purification.
- 2 is the most compact system of water purification with reverse osmosis.
- 3 is the model with the highest performance.
Scheme of the purification process
The original filter with reverse osmosis effect provides multi-step cleaning of the fluid, including the following cleaning steps:
- Stages 1–4 are the pretreatment of water with coarse-type filters, which remove suspended solids from a liquid with parameters greater than 5 μm, sediment or sand, and various hazardous components;
- Stage 4 is the fine purification of a liquid through a reverse osmosis membrane (this is a molecular purification method); The unique invention of the company "Geyser" is the second layer of protection at the membrane in order to prolong the time of its operation;
- Stage 5 is the filtration of a liquid through a carbon post-filter, after which the colors and taste parameters of the water become better;
- Stage 6 is a softening, mineralization of a liquid; with their help, the filtrate by its properties becomes similar to water from a spring; natural mineralizer made with the use of dolomite, which enriches the water with useful nutrients.
How to choose?
The choice of the filter is significantly influenced by the volume of fluid consumed per month. To provide drinking water to a large family of 5-6 people for several months, it is sufficient to use a compact cleaning system.The system for cleansing tap liquids has long gained immense popularity due to its rich assortment and the ability to quickly select the necessary replacement cartridges. At least, consumer reviews in this matter are only positive. Before purchasing it is worth considering the total resource of the device, as well as the volume of the capacity of the reverse osmosis system itself. It is best to call the model of your device to the seller in the store so that he can correctly select the desired version of the required module. If there is a possibility of mineralization on the filter, then it is quite possible to acquire an additional resource, since the useful qualities of a liquid for drinking can never be called superfluous.
Judging by the consumer reviews, the Prestige water purification system from Geyser suits them mostly, although there are some complaints about the rapid wear of parts and cartridges.
Wiring diagram
For each subspecies filter has its own wiring diagram, which must be performed according to the attached instructions. It is worth rememberingthat the manufacturer always reserves the right to include certain improvements in the system’s design and kits without describing them in the instructions attached to the kit.
The installation of the system must be carried out by a specialist to ensure the quality of work to the consumer. But if it is not possible to find an experienced master, the installation can be done with your own hands, but with the strictest observance of the attached instructions for the installation work.
Before you start the installation, you need to remember such characteristic features of the system as:
- components of the factory type can not be disassembled;
- the system has already been tested at the factory for holding a certain pressure, so it should not be overloaded;
- deformation or accidental opening of any of the existing elements can easily lead to damage to the product;
- Connect the device directly to the water supply.
First you need to unpack the filter box, remove the original packaging and all existing plugs, and then perform the following steps:
- shut off the flow of fluid in the main connection;
- installation of the adapter tee;
- it is very important to properly seal the connection;
- adapter returns to ball valve;
- In a special nut you need to insert a tube of green color;
- after this manipulation, the pipe is screwed completely into the fitting of the crane, and its unused edge must be connected at the entrance of the product;
- the valve of the liquid storage tank is placed in the storage tank, then, with one end, a tube of blue color is inserted into the valve and the other into the tee installed in advance;
- need to prepare a drainage outlet; For this process, a neat 7 mm hole will have to be made in the drain tube;
- after this, a clamp can be put on the drain pipe;
- A red tube that restricts the drainage flow must be inserted through the collar into the hole prepared in advance; the clamp on the drain tube is securely fastened with screws.
Precautionary measures
Any filter needs to be properly operated, so owners need to remember certain rules, since the components of the device are quite fragile and are quite easily damaged even with insignificant impact. Consumer reviews in this regard often tell of their negative experience with the deformation of the device.The return filter, like its operating mechanism, should in no case fall. After a fall, it is likely that the filter will no longer work as effectively as before.
It is better not to install the device in a place where the sun's rays often fall, for example, when mounted on a well or wells, and in the cool seasons of the year it is worthwhile to place the container and the cleaning device in special insulators.
Replacing the cartridge in this system is a simple matter; however, you must first familiarize yourself with the basic steps in this process.
To change the cartridge, the system is opened in the following order:
- first shut off the water supply to the device;
- pressure descends, for which it is necessary to remove the outlet tube, which bends;
- using a special key (it will be included) a neat opening of the device is performed;
- the used cartridge is removed, a new one is put in its place;
- all the above actions are performed, only in reverse;
- after that the water supply is connected.
By purchasing the Prestige Water Purifier from Geyser, you can always be completely confident in the high quality of water.
In the next video you will find a review of the household system of reverse osmosis "Prestige" from "Geyser"for cleaning tap water.