Osmosis for water treatment: definition, system design and features of the filter
In recent years, the demand for the purchase of a water filter and its installation in an apartment or in the country has been increasing. The modern customer is interested in the features, system design and secrets of how to make the right choice.
What it is: basic concepts
Even in ancient Greece, there were attempts at primitive desalination of sea water. In the 60s of the twentieth century, special devices were developed for this purpose. Based on them, innovative technologies for water purification have been created using innovative technologies. Osmotic pressure moves the solvent to the membrane, which passes some substances and prevents the passage of others.It helps cleanse the fluid, thereby preventing poisoning and outbreaks of infectious diseases.
In nature, there is an interesting phenomenon: lymph and blood are washed by living cells and after passing through the membrane, which serves as a membrane, slags are removed, and nutrients and all the useful substances remain. Balanced salt and mineral metabolism is provided. Living organisms are characterized by natural osmosis.
There are two types of osmosis. Direct - one-sided penetration of solvent molecules through a special membrane. The jet flows into the vessel until the concentration of the impurity content in the liquid is equalized.
With reverse osmosis, the result is completely opposite: the membrane is not used to equalize the density of the solution, but to separate the purified water from the liquid saturated with impurities. External pressure acts on a highly concentrated solution, its direction changes, then there is a pushing through the plate and immediate release from impurities harmful to health.
Scheme and principle of operation
The water pipes of our houses are often supplied with unresponsive water from rusty and dilapidated pipes. The best option to make it drinkable will be the connection scheme of the reverse osmosis system. The unit is connected to the water supply, conveniently placed under any sink.
In the membrane method, radioactive isotopes, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, viruses, bacteria, lead, arsenic, cadmium, phosphates, various suspensions, metal salts and other harmful solvents are separated from pure water.
Operating principle: At the first stage, in large vertical flasks, a preliminary cleaning takes place, at which large particles of rust, earth, sand, and various pieces are retained. Oil products, chlorine, phenol and other particles are eliminated. At the next stage, after passing the jet through a semi-permeable porous membrane, the pathogens are destroyed.
After that, two streams are formed: crystal clear, not requiring boiling, ready for use slowly enters a special reservoir, and liquid with impurities enters the drainage system. After the final cleaning, the jet through a special crane enters any container:glass, jug, jar, kettle.
The structure and role of the membrane
The membrane is a filtering element of reverse osmosis. It serves as a barrier and consists of a composite polymer having an uneven density. Two layers are interconnected. Filtration is carried out through the pores of the material. It lets only oxygen and water molecules pass, and dissolved salts, viruses, metal ions are retained.
Without it, the concentration in the vessel would simply level out, but not decrease. The jet passes through it and as a result of a decrease in the concentration of the solution is purified.
When contaminated, the membrane surface must be periodically flushed with a strong flow or blown with compressed air. Regeneration will restore the original characteristics of the device.
Basic equipment
Completion of the unit: prefilter, filtering unit, pumping equipment, piping installation, regulating and measuring instruments, wash tank. There are additional cartridges: mineralizer, ionizer, bioceramic cartridge, softening cartridge.
Features and Features
The reverse osmosis device consists of several cartridges with filters and membranes, a tank for purified water. The simplest design includes three pre-filters, a membrane and a carbon filter for final cleaning. More complex includes a mineralizer, ionizer, softening and bioceramic activator.
An additional mineralizer cartridge will enrich the water with magnesium, sodium and calcium. Ionizer ionizes and removes negative ions, and therefore toxins do not enter the human body. Bioceramic activator will restore the structure of natural water. The softening activator will adjust the stiffness.
Filters produce from 170 to 250 liters of drinking water per day. The total resource ranges from 4,000 to 15,000 liters. A family of four will last for about 2 years. Change the cartridge pre-cleaning should be every six months and once a year - finish.
Malfunctions of the reverse osmosis can be indicated by the continuous murmur of a liquid, when the pump is operating during shut off water, when there is no jet when the tank is full, when all sorts of extraneous sounds appear, with a sharp increase in meter readings.
Pros and cons of cleaners
Consumers appreciate the device for the compactness of equipment placement, automation of the installation, the possibility of embedding additional filter cartridges, unpretentiousness during operation. In heat and power engineering, the low cost of operation compared with ion exchangers is considered to be a definite advantage, since in this case, in the absence of regeneration, reagent reserves are not required.
Reverse osmosis system cleans from solutes and microorganisms almost 100% and makes water its composition closest to distilled. Chlorine, manganese, cadmium, lead, phosphates, pesticides, nitrates and other unnecessary impurities are removed. Newborn children and people with allergies are encouraged to use it without boiling.
In addition, for the manufacture of fittings and piping is selected material resistant to corrosion, which has a positive effect on the duration of operation.
A wide range of performance characteristics attracts both residential and industrial enterprises. Mass consumption contributes to a huge selection of reverse osmosis models for sale.
The disadvantages include the fact that too high degree of purification removes calcium, magnesium, etc., useful for the body. Mineralization is required, but not complete purification, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, medical professionals often oppose the filtration of tap water. The problem is proposed to be solved by mineralization with special cartridges.
If meters are installed, it is necessary to know that ¾ of the liquid will be in the sewage during filtration.
Criteria and nuances of choice
Brand manufacturer - the main selection criterion. Acquisition of goods by companies with an excellent reputation guarantees a long service life without sudden breakdowns. Periodic replacement of modules is inevitable in any case, because the device has a certain resource. Quality is determined by the color of the bulb: white or matte without any stains. The transparent surface of the bulb means that the walls are very thin and can break under the pressure of high pressure.
The flask should not be too heavy and not very light, without the smell of plastic. Quality is the one that is installed in a glass by the internal method.Reliable seals on flasks - double.
The hull should be smooth and free of pores easily penetrated by bacteria and solid particles. When using recycled material microcracks occur, leading to a split body. For an apartment and for a house it is better to choose a tank with a plastic case, and for a dacha - from metal. Attention should be paid to the number of cleaning steps, displacement of the tank, the presence of a pump, the presence of additional functionality.
What affects the operation of the system?
Installation of water purification is made taking into account the quality of water entering the house. To avoid malfunction of the reverse osmosis system, you need to study the pressure.
Under reduced pressure, the passage of the jet through the membrane will be carried out with great difficulty, which will reduce its life. At the same time, there are other problems: the pre-cleaning cartridges are quickly contaminated, the storage tank cannot be filled to the end. Water consumption increases inefficiently.
If the pressure is below 3 atmospheres, it is necessary to install a booster pump. The optimum pressure within 4-6 atmospheres will ensure the membrane smooth uninterrupted operation. The service life of the unit will increase accordingly.
Rating of reverse osmosis filter manufacturers
It is better for Russian consumers to use filters of domestic producers than well-known foreign companies. Foreign filters are expensive, not designed for water pipes in Russia. If they break, there may be problems with the supply of spare parts.
Today, in the top five of Russian manufacturers of reverse osmosis filters: Atoll, Geyser, Novaya Voda, Barrier, Aquaphor.
The leading position is occupied by the model A-590E of Atoll. Attracts cost, quality, high performance. But the design is cumbersome. For the operation of osmosis Atoll in a water pipe, the pressure must vary from 3 to 8 atmospheres. With a sharp increase in pressure, the system can fail. Low pressure will result in half empty operation. To eliminate such shortcomings, a new model with a pump has been developed. The price at the same time increased.
The advantage of the Geyser filter is a unique ultra-sensitive membrane with a capacity of 0.0001 microns. Built-in protective layer does not settle to dirt. Water becomes pure and useful thanks to the filter enriched with coconut activated carbon.
The representative of the rating TOP-5 Barrier has only four periods of purification.At the first stage, polypropylene fibers are involved. The second is eliminated organic sorption filter. The third period is characterized by the removal of contaminants through drainage using an ultrathin composite polyamide membrane. In the fourth stage, minerals are restored in the form of conditioning.
To eliminate the taste and odors used activated carbon treated with silver.
The company Akvafor represents the device of thin cleaning Morion. It is compact with universal automation and special storage. Less solution is drained into the drain, and therefore there is always at least five liters of purified water in the tank. 100% filtration leads to the fact that to return lost minerals, the filter turns into a multi-component and more expensive.
One of the latest modifications is the smart system from the company New Water. In addition to the reverse osmosis filter, the system is equipped with a mineralizer and a bioceramic activator.
The increased performance of the filters, the unusual design of the faucet with LED-indicator, which reacts to the hand brought to the body, distinguishes New Water from other manufacturers.
Of the many new products of this company, it can be noted that the automatic 6-speed system with electronic control has a display, an electric pump, electrical sensors and valves. At pollution of a membrane washing is carried out.
The latest development - Shungit + with six stages of cleaning. A silicon-schungite filler participates in the activation of the jet, where silicon disinfects water. Excellent cleaner with a bactericidal action.
Features of reverse osmosis filters are described in detail in the following video.