The main characteristics of the cartridge "Barrier" and tips on how to use

Today, the fact that you need to drink at least one liter of liquid per day is undeniable. However, attention should be paid not only to the quantity of water, but also to its quality. Running water cannot be used for personal consumption, since it contains a lot of heavy metals, pesticides and other substances. Therefore, the acquisition of the filter is a prerequisite for a healthy life. One of the leaders in the field of water treatment is the company "Barrier", which produces special jugs and filters.
Special features
People who pay attention to their health understand that there are substances in the composition of running water that have a negative carcinogenic effect on human health.If you drink untreated tap water, then all these compounds will enter the body.
To avoid this, it is necessary to purchase filters "Barrier", which will help to create clean drinking water, because they have indisputable advantages over other products.
- Barrier filters do a good job and perfectly purify water. Moreover, drinking water becomes more tasty, which becomes possible due to the fact that the sorption method used in the filters is the absorption or absorption of one chemical element by another. In addition, water is filtered in order to rid the water of large foreign particles from the water.
- The efficiency of water purification is very high. If it is estimated by various parameters, it is more than 90 percent for each criterion. For example, in active chlorine, the level of purification is 95 percent, in heavy metals - 91%, in organochlorine compounds - 91%.
- A wide range of filters that differ in their characteristics and purpose. For example, there are cartridges that can process up to 350 liters of water.And also in the line of filters there are many design solutions that can fit into the interior of any style.
- Barrier jars are made of high-quality materials, among them it is worth noting BASF plastic of excellent quality from a foreign manufacturer. Thanks to its use, the company provides an excellent filter housing that is durable and light.
- For all models, the company uses unique technologies that ensure the effective operation of interchangeable cassettes. Thanks to this approach, these cartridges quickly relieve the flow of liquid from the detrimental effects of harmful substances - sediment, sand, dissolved iron, pesticides and chlorine. Moreover, there are some types of cartridges that can distill hard water.
- Significantly improves the taste of purified water.
- Easy selection of a suitable option, as the manufacturer offers a variety of products that differ in purpose and price. Thus, you can easily find the model that will satisfy all customer requirements. Price often plays a leading role, however, Barrier products are available and do not have an unreasonably high wall.
Cartridges "Barrier" have some disadvantages.
- Filters are designed for a small number of users - for a family consisting of 1-3 people. If a larger number of people enter the family, the cartridges will wear out more quickly, which entails the purchase of new cassettes, which will undoubtedly affect the budget.
- Low level of cleaning fluid. Compared to other types of filtration, jug filters cannot guarantee 100% disposal of the smallest types of contamination.
- Low filtration rate. To get distilled water, you must wait from a few minutes to half an hour.
Water purifying filters at home have many differences, ranging from the original color and design solutions, to dimensions, different uses and the use of different types of replaceable cartridges. And the difference lies in the resources of the cassettes. To understand the difference between them, it is worth considering the main models of filters "Barrier" and their replaceable cassettes.
- "Ultra" very popular among buyers because it has several advantages. First of all, the volume of treated water is 200 liters, which is a good indicator for home filters.This model is designed to purify water that comes from open sources - it removes various bacteria and harmful substances from the fluid, which is due to a special hollow fiber membrane that helps avoid impurities from entering the drinking water. The cartridge "Ultra" also has a sealed thread, which ensures easy insertion of the cassette into the jug model. Cartridge "Classic" operates on a similar principle.
- Cassette "Stiffness Iron" designed to work with hard water and reduces its performance, which helps get rid of scale and reduces the likelihood of its formation. The cartridge helps purify water from heavy metals and iron. Moreover, the volume is also important - 350 liters. Often, these cassettes are included in the kit, consisting of three models of cartridges for filters, which allows you to successfully purchase goods at a bargain price. The company has several sets of cartridges, among them also "Expert Complex".
- Set "Profi Osmo" stands out among other filters because it is intended for trunk use - these filters are installed under the sink in the kitchen.They purify running water from dangerous impurities and add a pleasant taste to the liquid, making it potable. An important feature is the ability to recycle huge amounts of water - up to 5,000 liters. This filter is suitable for use in multistage reverse osmosis systems. This model has various high-tech elements, for example, a special membrane, which is made on the basis of the latest developments in the field of chemistry and water purification. It stops heavy metal ions and chlorine particles, together with this occurs the conditioning of water and the elimination of unpleasant taste.
- The system of main purification refers to the system. Expert hard, which is also installed under the sink. It has several stages of water purification: one of the components of the system is the “Softening” cartridge, which significantly reduces the water hardness due to ion exchange resin. In addition to this method, mechanical and sorption methods are used to remove various harmful substances from the liquid: chemicals, sand and sediment.
This filter can be used for a long time: from six months to a year.
Cleaning details
Often, the filters may be contaminated, and some household craftsmen themselves want to clean the device, which can be done through such simplest manipulations:
- remove the cartridge from the filter housing;
- the jug should be thoroughly washed with soda or other cleaning agent;
- cut off a special cap that is on the cartridge, which will help to see a special filtering mesh;
- it must be cleaned and rinsed with warm boiled water;
- install the cartridge back into the jug body;
- Pass soda or salt solution through the filter;
- if the water has a salty taste, then you need to skip it through the filter several times until a pleasant taste appears.
Often people make mistakes in this process, which leads to breakage of the filter. In order to restore it, you can contact the service center, whose experts will fix the damage.
Replacing cassettes
There are several types of replaceable cartridges, which are used to clean the flow-through liquid, clean hard water and decontaminate it from open freshwater sources. This is due to the presence of hollow fibers, ion exchange resins, coal of the highest quality, sometimes even silver is present in the cartridges.
Those who use filters for a long time know that organic compounds are very harmful not only to the human body, but also to filters. Having a cumulative effect, they interfere with the further operation of the cartridge. In this regard, the tape must be periodically changed.
For different types of filters has its own replacement system that needs to be taken into account. If you need to change the cartridge in the jug filter yourself, you must first pour out all the liquid from the jug body. Next, you should open the lid and, holding the opposite ends, try to remove the color container with the cartridge. This must be done very carefully, since residual liquid may spill out of the cartridge. After that, you need to eliminate the used module - you need to unscrew it counterclockwise, holding the cartridge from the bottom.
At this point, do not forget about the adapter, which can also be unscrewed. If this happens, you need to screw it back into the flask.
Next, you need to thoroughly wash the filter container in warm water, then you need to open the packaging of the new cassette and do the above steps in reverse order.The color case into which the cartridge is embedded must be inserted into the filter so that all the slots are in the place intended for them. The first treated water must be poured out, since the first water filtration is of a cleansing nature and is used to rinse the filter.
To replace the cartridges in the main filter, it is necessary to do the following manipulations:
- shut off the water and reduce the pressure on the device by opening the tap for clean water, which must be left open;
- turn the cartridges counterclockwise and disconnect them from the filter housing;
- removing the package, you need to insert new filters into the filter housing and screw it in until it clicks - this should be done from left to right to avoid errors in the filter;
- open the valve common supply due to this from the tap clean water will leave the air, and then dirty muddy liquid;
- filtered water should be left for 10 minutes, after which the water will be clean and ready to drink.
The review of cartridges "Barrier" see below.