Coarse water filter: types, subtleties of choice and installation

The quality of water in a private house and in a city apartment leaves much to be desired. For its cleaning, experts recommend using several cleaning steps. The first stage of this procedure is performed by installing coarse filters, the task of which is to trap mechanical elements, sludge, sand, and rust particles that have entered the water.
Special features
Coarse filters are designed to retain large particles (hard and soft), thereby ensuring the primary purification of water. When used in individual water supply systems, such devices delay mainly sludge, sand, clay coming from a well or wells.With a centralized water supply, such contaminants do not fall into the water, but when transporting water through outdated pipes, it contains rust particles. In this case, the chemical composition of water remains unchanged.
Coarse filters are also mounted before installing the counters, washing machine and dishwasher, which reduces the risk of damage due to poor water quality and thereby prolong the operation of equipment.
Thus, among the main functions of coarse filters are the following:
- the elimination of pollutants, due to which water consumption may become hazardous to health;
- protection of the plumbing system (pipes, gaskets, joints and bends) against abrasive wear;
- prevent clogging of pipes;
- protection of household appliances and water meters from damage and wear caused by exposure to contaminating particles;
- elimination of extraneous tastes and odors of water caused by ingress of foreign particles into it.
Such devices may have different designs, dimensions, and degree of water purification, but they all work according to the same principle - they create a barrier to the passage of contaminating particles and allow water to pass through.
Depending on the features of the device, the coarse water filter may be of one of several types.
The most affordable and simple, but nevertheless effective devices. Installation points - main cold and hot water supply in city apartments, a point to the heating block in private objects. In addition, distinguished mesh filters, mounted directly on the crane. They are an excellent option to give, because they are easily mounted, and at the end of the season they can simply be removed and reinstalled on a crane in a city apartment.
The strainer can have a different diameter of permeable holes - from 20 to 500 microns. Purifying ability due to the small mesh size. In addition, they distinguish devices that are manually cleaned (mud dressers), as well as analogues having the function of self-flushing and a system for draining polluted water.
The sump can be straight or oblique. The first is mounted on horizontal sections of the pipe, the mud pit is directed downwards. The skew filter is suitable for installation on both horizontal and vertically directed pipes. Depending on the type of installation, strainers are coupled and flanged.
Modern products are equipped with pressure regulators, so that it is possible to maintain a constant pressure of water. A useful “refill” is a double pressure gauge, installed before and after the sump. If there is an excessive difference between the readings of the devices, it is necessary to clean the filter.
The advantage of mesh devices is their low cost and durability, strength, ease of installation, the ability to install on hot and cold water. This makes it possible to combine them with meters and install them in front of each household appliance connected to the plumbing system. However, such models retain only large particles, and if we are talking about a mud collector without a self-cleaning system, then it is necessary to clean it quite often.
Disk drives
Disc filter has special discs of high-strength plastic, which are characterized by the presence of grooves of a certain depth. The principle of operation is based on the ability of the disks to shrink, thereby forming a cylinder with grooves. The latter detain heavy suspensions and let water through. Cleaning fineness is 5-250 microns.For convenience, many manufacturers paint discs in different colors depending on the size of the cells.
Due to their high strength, increased productivity and resistance to high and low temperatures, they are widely used in industrial environments.
They are part of a multi-stage cleaning system, which is usually mounted independently or under a sink. Provide a higher degree of purification compared to mesh models, since particles of 0.5-30 microns in size are retained. They are suitable for the delay of small garbage. Devices are installed under the sink, provided that the water flow is not very intense. For stronger threads, autonomous analogs of greater power are required.
The principle of their operation is based on the retention of contamination during the passage of cleansing compositions (granules), between which there is a small gap. And clay, silt and other similar impurities tend to settle on surfaces when the pressure of the water flow decreases, which happens when liquid passes through the filtering layer.
Represent the case filled with filtering material.The body can be steel or plastic. The first withstand high temperatures, are more durable and durable, but have a higher cost. Usually they are mounted on the hot water supply line, and for pipes with cold water choose more affordable plastic options.
However, most modern models of plastic cartridges are characterized by versatility and are suitable for cleaning both cold and hot water. The advantage of this body is its transparency, so that you can control the degree of pollution.
Polyester acts as a filtering base. (sometimes filtering nonwoven fabric) or an insert from a grid. The latter is usually removed from the device, it can be washed and returned to its place. Polyester analogues, as a rule, are subject to replacement. Exact information about the possibility of washing or the need for replacement is usually indicated by the manufacturer of the filter.
Pressure head
Equipped with a pressure regulator, as in such filters water is supplied and cleaned under pressure. This causes their bulkiness, however, it is precisely the pressure devices that cope with the delay of multi-fractional contaminants, which gives a high degree of purification.
Depending on the diameter of the pipe and performance distinguish between household and industrial devices that have the same principle of action. Differences concern only dimensions. There are also different sizes of filtering cells, which, in turn, affects the degree of water purification.
The filter device is quite simple. It is a mesh enclosed in a case. The latter has an inlet and outlet. Below the nozzles is the so-called sump - a place where filtration is carried out. In this area, the velocity of the water decreases, so large particles (sand, rust, sludge) settle in the hull. The rest of the water tends to the grid, where it also cleans.
The material used to make the mesh is usually steel, sometimes brass or bronze. In any case, it is a metal that withstands contact with water, mechanical damage, and pressure.
The body (flask) of the filter is made of metal or plastic, and there are also combined models. Steel products, or having a steel box, suitable for hot water pipes, plastic used to clean cold water.
Polypropylene is most often used as filtering components of the cartridge device. It provides high-quality filtration, is chemically inert, resistant to biological factors.
Polypropylene is wound from a cord, so that large suspensions remain on the outside of the cartridge., and smaller ones settle on the twisted surface of the cord. They are enough for quite a long time and even being filled with such a cartridge does not cause a decrease in water pressure in the pipes.
Polypropylene cartridges withstand temperatures in the range of 1-52 ° C and are suitable for cleaning cold and warm water. Filtration of a hot liquid is carried out by means of devices that have a cartridge of fibers impregnated with a special substance based on cotton material. Temperature impact on the system can reach 93C.
Filtering fibers may have additional carbon deposition, so that they acquire the ability to purify water from chlorine. Although it is usually the task of fine cleaning cartridges that are installed after the type of devices in question.
Famous manufacturers and reviews
Today the market has a large number of primary water purification filters. The most famous, approved by customers, are products of several brands.
- Honeywell. Compact devices that have several versions depending on the features of operation. For cold-water lines, usually devices of transparent plastic are chosen; for DHW pipes, similar models are purchased that have a protective box made of brass. The advantage of devices of this manufacturer is the absence of the need to dismantle the entire system during repair or cleaning. The system is cleaned automatically. In the collection of this brand are mainly systems for industrial filtration, however, household filters are also available.
- Valtec. Products are made of steel and brass, which ensures their durability, increased strength, durability. Equipped with self-cleaning system, capable of trapping particles of no more than 100 microns. They have gauges that simplify the process of managing the system, as well as indicators to monitor the degree of contamination of filters.Can be installed on pipes with hot water, as they withstand up to 115-150С.
- "Sapphire –P". Compact models (in height below many analogues), presented by filters for hot and cold water with manual and automatic control. Have the function of self-cleaning and regeneration by means of reverse current. In automatic models, you can set the period or amount of purified water, after which the self-cleaning process starts. They have a special controller that starts automatic cleaning after a specified period or after processing a certain amount of water. The required period or volume indicators are set through pre-programmed by the user. Devices trap particles up to 100 microns in size, suitable for domestic and industrial use.
- "Soyuzintlekt". Universal filters that provide not only mechanical, but also sorption and antibacterial cleaning. In addition, in these filters is the saturation of water with oxygen. This, in turn, allows to reduce water consumption (the amount of liquid decreases,but does not affect the user's feelings in any way), improves its quality (water becomes more voluminous, foams, in such water soap or detergent is better washed).
The developed line is suitable even for pipes with increased water pressure and can be installed on the domestic hot water line, the devices are resistant to corrosion.
- "Geyser". The most popular was the “Typhoon” line. Available in a metal filter, suitable for hot and cold water. The equipment serves not only to delay impurities, but also to soften water with a high iron content. Models for very hard water are also available. Three-stage purification systems are gaining more and more popularity, in which the first stage of purification is carried out by coarse water purification systems.
- "Barrier". Production differs in simplicity of operation, availability. For a long time, the company's specialization was the production of cassette filters for jugs, but today the main activity is the production of stationary filters. It is a cartridge-type filter, which, as users say, changes the taste characteristics of water for the better, eliminates an unpleasant odor.
- "Aquaphor". The company has been producing various water purification systems for a long time (about 15 years), and therefore its range includes a large number of manual and automatic coarse filters. The special trust of customers is the “under sink” system, which can be installed on hot and cold water pipes.
The disadvantage of these models is the complexity of the installation, however, when buying a product from official representatives, the installation will be performed by professionals for free.
How to choose and install?
Important selection criteria are retained dirt size and performance. The performance of the filter is determined by the volume of water to be purified and the required quantity for a particular user. At the same time, high performance should not cause a decrease in water pressure in the faucet.
When using low-capacity filters, you can mount the cumulative capacity.where the purified water will flow while the faucet is closed. After the tap opens, the purified water accumulated in the tank is consumed.
Select the size of the cells or mesh should be based on the quality of water, the nature and size of impurities. If the size of the filter elements will exceed the size of the contaminating particles, the effect of the filter will not be.
When using small fraction systems for purifying highly contaminated water with large particles, the filter will often have to be removed and cleaned, and its elements must be changed. With intensive use in such conditions increases the risk of premature filter failure.
Do not make a mistake in choosing the filter will help pre-laboratory analysis of water. According to the results of water quality assessment, experts will recommend the optimal type of filter. In some cases, it is advantageous to use 2 successively installed strainer filters with larger, and then smaller cells. This will reduce the frequency of cleaning and extend the life of the device.
The reducer will also become a useful filtering device. It reduces the water pressure when entering the filter, and also extinguishes hydraulic shocks in the system, which provides better cleaning and prolongs the life of the device.
Due to the nature of the structure, direct filters exhibit greater efficiency compared to skew. It is better to choose the latter only if it is impossible to establish a direct model (this usually happens when there is a lack of free space, for example, when the pipeline is close to the floor or another pipe).
For a country house, it is recommended to install 2-3 mesh filters with different cell sizes. As a rule, large-fractional protection is established in a private house, while for a city apartment it is better to choose a more frequent grid.
It is recommended to install additional filters in front of the washing machine and dishwasher. Ideally, they are needed before every household or engineering device, but it is expensive. But it’s still worth installing a filter on the installation before the “washer” and the dishwasher, it’s quite demanding on the quality of water. And the more expensive, the "capricious."
When buying a filter, you should pay attention to the materials - they must be not only durable, but also environmentally friendly. All connecting and threaded elements must be securely fixed, rubber gaskets and seals must fit snugly to the structure.
It is important to understand how necessary certain functions, since their presence increases the cost of the product. For example, devices that soften water with excess iron are very popular. However, it will be useless in the absence of such. Moreover, the water may contain an excessive amount of manganese and potassium ions, which are required to be reduced. The considered type of product in this case also does not cope with the task.
The way out, as already mentioned, is a preliminary laboratory study of the quality and composition of water.
Only on the basis of the obtained data analysis should purchase a filter.
There is an opinion that it is better to give preference to the equipment of the Russian manufacturerbecause it is best adapted to the particular composition of the water in the surrounding areas. Leading positions are occupied by such companies as “Aquaphor”, “Geyser”, “Barrier”. Among the foreign filters, the trust of buyers is enjoyed by German and Scottish brands.
The method of installing the counter is usually determined by its appearance. Professionals advise the use of detachable connections for all types of devices - both for those who need to extract and wash, and stationary, bulk.This will simplify the process of dismantling the device if necessary, to repair it. Proper installation of the main filters with your hands begins with cleaning the surface of the pipe, removing traces of rust, checking its tightness.
To reduce the load on the pipe after installing the filter, it is recommended to fix it to the wall with a clamp.
The place of installation of the filter is the point of the highway from the entrance of the water supply system to the apartment (house) to the subsequent distribution to the water consumption points. If there are counters, then a filter is placed in front of them.
If the meter is sealed, you will have to seal the filter installed in front of itto prevent the "cheat" testimony of the latter. In this case, it is more convenient to purchase special filters, in the cap of which there is an eye for threading the wire seals.
When installing, be sure to seal the joints to avoid leaks. Well, if the valves are installed - then the owner will be able to shut off the water supply during cleaning or repair, to carry out a test flow. When installing stationary models, it is recommended to supplement them with bypass lines,to provide water supply in case of an accident.
It should be borne in mind that installing a filter in most cases entails an increase in the total length of communications.
According to user feedback, the most easily installed strainers. Coupling varieties of them are cut into the water supply (with a pipe diameter of 1 inch, but not more than a diameter of 2 inches), flange - installed on the flange. Flange filters can be mounted on pipelines with a diameter of 2, 3, 4 or more inches. Quite simply, according to the attached instructions, a cartridge filter is installed.
A feature of the self-cleaning device is the need to connect the drainage pipe to the sewer system.
The installation of the charging flask will be more difficult, since its cleaning implies the implementation of the principle of backwashing. In this regard, the piping of such a system requires shutting off the direct flow and supplying water through the bypass line for the period while the filter is being washed. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a system for reverse water supply and drainage of dirty liquid.
The filter can be saved only if it is cleaned or replaced in time.Cleaning strainers without a self-cleaning system involves removing the mesh and rinsing it under water. Before unscrewing the sump, shut off the water to the filter.
After the grid is cleaned, in the absence of damage to it, the system is assembled in the reverse order.
In this case, attention should be paid to the condition of the rubber gaskets; if water is leaking at the joints, the gaskets should be replaced with new ones.
If there is a wash system in the filter, it is cleaned as follows. The first step is to close the water supply to the dwelling by opening the water supply in the opposite direction to the filter. On a gryazevik open a valve or plug, and under the incoming pressure of water rinse the grid. Down should substitute a bucket. Usually 5 minutes is enough for washing.
It is required to change the filter in case of irreparable defects and damages - grid breakage, damage to the casing, broken fastening thread. Cartridge devices do not require cleaning, when the maximum pollution indicators of the filter are reached, the cartridge must be replaced.
See below for an overview of coarse screen strainers.