How to select and install the filter "Geyser"?

The filters of Geyser Corporation are reliable and inexpensive. For three decades, the company from St. Petersburg has been manufacturing water purification devices, gaining respect among professionals and the general public. Production of "Geyser" is in good demand on all five continents.
Special features
Geyser Corporation develops innovative filters for water treatment. The range includes dozens of unique developments. "Geyser" successfully engaged in water purification, many models are considered the company's know-how and have no analogues in the world. The degree of purification is not inferior to the quality of water in mountain glaciers.There are filters and cartridges cheap.
To work successfully, the inlet pressure can vary from 0.55 to 8.1 atmospheres.and the water temperature should not exceed +40 degrees. The smallest filtration rate is only one and a half liters per minute.
Filters "Geyser" are designed for different water, you can use them individually as well as the whole family. Many types of cartridges are subject to recovery, which significantly reduces their cost.
Using the products of the corporation "Geyser", the customer gets the opportunity to use good cleaning water for a long time. Almost every consumer can find in the company's products a model that optimally meets his needs.
Among the popular multi-stage filters that can work in the kitchen, it is necessary to highlight the "Lux" and "Elite". The Prestige reverse osmosis cleaner is in great demand. Many prefer such models as: “Griffin”, made in the shape of a jug, “Aquarius” and “Amigo”.
Household filters
The manufacturer offers a separate line of filters that are used in everyday life.
- "Jug" - This is the simplest filtering device. It takes up little space and is simple to device. In economic terms, it is inexpensive, it can be purchased by every working citizen. The cartridge is usually enough for three hundred liters, that is, it is recommended to change it once a month. Much depends on the quality of water in a particular area, how many people live in an apartment. The “jug” system cleans the water from chlorine and rust. The device has a small size, it is convenient to carry it, for example, to the country in the summer.
- Stationary - this is the main flow-through water purifier “Geyser”, which is placed under the sink, and the faucet is displayed separately. A new replacement cartridge can be delivered in a few minutes. The filter is effective in eliminating small mechanical microparticles, harmful chemical compounds and pathogenic bacteria.
Water, undergoing purification, is saturated with beneficial compounds due to the presence of a mineralizer. Special cleaning devices are ideal for softening hard water. The company "Geyser" offers a large selection of polyphosphate filters, which allow to reduce water hardness and clean it well.The main filters "work" with any water, because they are one of the most effective devices for water purification. The simplest version of the filter purifies water from impurities using ion exchange resins, as well as sorbents.
Filters for cottages
And also the method of reverse osmosis is very popular. In this case, special membranes are used that effectively eliminate any unwanted elements. There are also nano mebranes - this is the original development of Geyser Corporation, with its help water is purified by 99%. The operation of this filter is similar to the functioning of reverse osmosis, as well as favorably differs in that it leaves useful compounds in water. The device filters out all harmful impurities, passing the purified water molecules.
The purity of the water does not differ from the water of the glaciers of Antarctica. It helps to remove excess iron, transforming it into rust. Even water for technical purposes after passing through a similar filter becomes crystal clear.
The main filter is installed directly into the main line, which makes it possible to use water also for economic purposes.The device is notable for its efficiency and great resource.
In country houses the installation of water filters allows you to save significant sums required for the wiring of communications.
In each locality there is a certain type of water, so you should select the necessary filter, based on the following parameters:
- chemical composition;
- degree of pollution.
Filters for businesses
Filters for enterprises are represented by the following varieties:
- coarse and fine mechanical cleaning;
- iron neutralization systems;
- chlorine absorbing filters;
- softening filters;
- mineralizing filters;
- integrated devices.
Popular models
It is worth paying attention to the most popular models of filters from the company "Geyser".
"Aragon 2"
“Aragon 2” is an innovative material that removes most of the harmful compounds hazardous to health: chlorine, metals and pathogens. This filter softens the water, since silver blotches in the filter have a disinfecting effect. The activated carbon filter is effective when it is necessary to purify water from chlorine compounds, sulfur and organic matter.
Aragon 2 is the original design of the corporation. The cartridge "works" in such areas as:
- softens water;
- removes heavy metals and harmful impurities.
"Aragon 2" from the company "Geyser" is a cartridge of complex purification that is suitable for all types of water. The presence of silver in the cartridge has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. The cleaning level is 99.8%.
It has ion exchange, is an effective absorption mechanism, it is able to trap microparticles. Effectively removes toxins and pathogenic bacteria from circulation. Silver threads interfere with reproduction of microorganisms in the cartridge itself. The cartridge will lie down to recovery.
"Aragon 3"
Modification "Aragon 3" is used in devices "Typhoon" from the company "Geyser". It is compatible with the international standard 10BB and 20BB. It is made of "Aragon Zh" and carbon block.
It has such advantages as:
- counter release;
- self-indication;
- the possibility of recovery;
- significant filtering surface;
- duration in work.
Technical characteristics of the cartridge "Aragon 3" are presented in the table:
vendor code | 300544 | 300567 |
Productivity, l / min | 20-30 | 42-52 |
Normal porosity, microns | from 1 | from 1 |
Pressure, atm | 8,1 | 8,1 |
Temperature, ºС | from +4 to +96 | from +4 to +96 |
The “Standard” filter is a universal and powerful water purification system that is suitable for every household. It gives you the opportunity to get a large amount of clean water in a short time. This model effectively protects water from any contamination and aggressive chemical compounds. It is considered the best filter, which organically combines price, quality and comfort in use.
The “Standard” filter has the following parameters:
- location under the sink;
- water connection;
- triple cleaning;
- the presence of sorption;
- pretty long life.
There are such types of replaceable blocks as:
- for very hard water;
- for soft water.
This filter is installed under the sink. It effectively eliminates pathogens, softens water, removes almost all aggressive and toxic chemical compounds, including heavy metals (mercury, lead, magnesium).
Eco cartridge has the following characteristics:
- maintains pressure to 8,1 atm;
- efficiency - up to 3.7 l / min;
- cartridge life - up to 100 liters (depending on water quality);
- temperature - from +4.2 to + 42 ° C;
- the case is made of stainless steel without nickel additives.
The cleaning level is manifested as follows:
- microparticles up to> 2.2 μm - 98%;
- lead, mercury, aluminum - 96%;
- chemical compounds - 100%;
- rust - 96%;
- petroleum products - 92%;
- pathogens - 98%.
Filter "Allegro" from the company "Geyser" is made on the principle of reverse osmosis, has five degrees of purification. It is analogous to the well-known Prestige model. In its case there is a cartridge and a membrane. The difference from the “Prestige” filter is that there is a separate storage tank, the body of which is made of food grade plastic. Cartridge mechanical filtration is made of foamed PVC.
It is characterized by gradient porosity, the pores are constructed in such a way that the entire volume of the material works, each pore changes its diameter, going deep into the material. This structure allows you to extend the work of the cartridge. Its resource is designed for more than six thousand liters. The filter is not recoverable.
The filter "Max" is one of the latest models, which does not change the properties of water, can even clean hard water. The cleansing process is balanced.It is represented by three cartridges arranged in a specific sequence. The Max filter removes mechanical microparticles and heavy metals, salts, and organics. The frequency of replacement filters - 1 time per year. The manufacturer gives a guarantee of up to 5 years. The cartridge performs complex work and requires replacement rather rarely, which can be considered a significant advantage of the Max model.
Filter "Classic" is focused on water with a high content of iron. It can function for 12 months. Besides iron, the Classic filter effectively detains heavy metals and chlorine. It is used to remove chlorine, heavy metals, various salts, and mechanical microparticles. The latest cartridge (BAF) uses innovative development, it contains new sorbents and special ion-exchange materials. Filter resource exceeds 10 thousand liters. New cartridge BAF - this is a significant step forward due to its technical characteristics.
The “Classic” model uses the following cartridges:
- PP - removes only mechanical microparticles;
- Aragon 2 - for multivariate cleaning;
- BAF is a multivariate cleaner.
How to choose?
Choosing the right filter is not a very complicated matter, but you still need to know some of the features of such devices.
When choosing the device you need to consider some points.
- It should be understood whether the water is intended for technical or drinking purposes. If the water is technical, then the filter performance indicator is important. The calculation for one person is 145 liters of water per day. If the water is taken from a well, then it can be spring, key and well. It should be borne in mind that wells up to 45 meters most often belong to the first group.
- If the filter is chosen for a private household, then it is imperative to determine the quality of the water, how hard it is. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a special analysis, ordering it from a specialized organization.
- An important factor is how many water consumers daily exist in fact. It is believed that a person needs about two liters of drinking water per day.
- In order to conduct one hundred percent water purification, it is better to take a reverse osmosis complex, with the additional dosage of the mineral composition of the liquid. Reviews of reverse osmosis are only positive.
Replacing filters is a simple operation, so it can even be performed by a beginner. You should follow the recommendations that can be read in any leaflet located on the package. It is important the presence in the package of the desired key, which allows you to unscrew the container. To change the cartridges in the membrane filter, turn off the water supply from the storage tank. These actions eliminate enough pressure.
Then on the floor should lay a rag, unscrew the flask and remove the filters. The flask is thoroughly washed and dried. Carbon cartridges have carbon lining. Replacing the filter should be done slowly, so as not to damage this node. It is important to respect the placement of filters. At first there is an element at which cells have five microns, then the filter with smaller pores - one micron is located.
The outer surface has a rubber seal that is located in front of the thread. It each time should be treated with petroleum jelly or silicone. After changing the filters, the system is connected. If the main filter requires replacing the cassettes, then it is worth performing the same actions, but only the water will close in the riser.
To clean the flasks well, you should stock up with a separate vessel. For dismantling and subsequent regeneration, a complete tool must be present.
In the next video you will find a self-replacement cartridge cartridge Geyser "Typhoon".