Brita water filters: principle of operation, types of devices and recommendations for use

Every day we drink more than two liters of fluid, and it has a significant effect on our body. Someone drinks it from bottles or from the tap, without thinking about the cleanliness and safety. Only those who use the most advanced cleaning systems can afford this “luxury”. We will understand the difference between the filters of the Brita brand from the others, what are their principles of operation, what types of devices exist.
Features and modifications
Today, this company is recognized as one of the foremost professionals in the field of improving water quality.The company is developing rapidly in this area and guarantees compliance with all standards and norms in its cleansing systems. In addition, all components of the filtering devices are thoroughly tested and tested by the factory for compliance with established properties. From this we can conclude that the cleaning systems of this brand are reliable and safe.
A characteristic feature of the devices of this brand is that the company abandoned the use of natural (schungites, zeolites) or synthetic (sodium cation exchangers) ion-exchange resins. These species are widely distributed and, by eliminating metal ions (for example, calcium or lead), release sodium ions into it.
If the concentration of sodium ions in a liquid increases, the pH value increases, and as a result, an alkali reaction starts to occur in it.
As you know, if such a reaction occurs in water, then it is not useful. It clogs the body with slags. When ingested, it has to produce an increased amount of acid for good digestion. Therefore, Brita uses only hydrogen-type resin for filtration.
This solution has helped achieve many advantages:
- Specialized steel cleaning devices extract more metals from the liquid, they even take away such as aluminum.
- The resulting liquid is now characterized by good properties, has become more useful. Her pH decreased and she began to give a weak acid reaction.
- Brita cleaning systems have been able to affect such an indicator as increased stiffness, and in fact it causes scaling. This achievement gave the brand a special uniqueness.
Replaceable cartridges became one more chip of Brita. Inside of them are laid particles of ion exchange resin and activated coconut charcoal. Due to the content of coal, which is coated with silver, the cartridge has a bactericidal effect. Such effect is offered by replaceable cartridges Classic and Marella XL.
The company offers several options for its cleaning devices, which include filter bottle, filter jug, filter cooler, cleaning cartridges. The choice of model depends on what you need: to clear your drink or you need to filter all the liquid that flows through the faucet.
The most popular model produced by Brita was the jug.This is due not only to the low price, but also to its ease of use. His first and defining task is to make the water not hard and tasty.
To understand why the filter jug became the most popular, it is worth considering its device in more detail. When the liquid flows through the cationic cartridge, hardness salts adhere to the cationic resin. And it saturates the liquid with sodium ions. As a result, we get a clean, odorless drinking water, soft and tasty.
When creating her cleaning device, Brita tried to achieve the following goals. Primary: to achieve a water quality that can be compared with the natural, as from a pure spring. This task was solved by creating a special device - a cartridge. Inside this element is activated coconut charcoal, which is specifically coated with silver, and has ion exchange resins.
Brita filtering devices remove chlorine-containing compounds, chlorine, and heavy metals, phenols, oily substances, and various toxic compounds also disappear. All this undoubtedly enriches the quality of the liquid obtained, significantly reduces its rigidity and gives it bactericidal properties.
Another goal that the developers wanted to achieve is a convenient application and an aesthetic look. Of course, the task was completed, as the Brita jugs with a capacity of up to 2 liters are very simple and comfortable to use. They can even decorate the kitchen. Being a constant source of clean and healthy drinking water, they have a simple design, made in different colors.
It is very pleasant to use them. It is enough to just pour tap water or a well into a clean pitcher (if necessary) and wait until it passes filtration. The whole process takes about a few minutes. And after the expiration of a certain period of time, the branded cartridge is replaced with another one just like new.
The shape of the pitcher for such a filter was developed by Brita in a special way. As is well known, the purity of the liquid exiting during the purification directly depends on how long it has passed through the purification system. In jug types this time depends on the hydraulic resistance of the sorbent layer and the weight of the liquid. And the constancy of these variables ensures the desired composition of the filtered liquid.
Advantages and disadvantages
Users are increasingly choosing Brita products due to the undeniable advantages of this company.
- Reliability. If the jug is used carefully, it will last a long time. And the Brita cartridge itself should last for a very long time. According to the instructions for its application, it is recommended to change it only once a month.
- Saving. A liter of Brita fluid costs 2 rubles. This is many times cheaper than the cost of bottled water from the store. Moreover, among manufacturers of purchased water there are often fakes, and home filtration in this case is more reliable, it guarantees quality.
- Comfort to use. When you use one of the methods of cleaning Brita, you do not need to bring home 19-liter bottles. Filter jugs take up much less space, which is especially important for small kitchens.
Despite the obvious advantages in using such cleaning systems, there are also negative aspects.
Buyers have the following disadvantages:
- These cartridges in Brita (pitcher type) have to look. Of course, they can be ordered online, but this is not always convenient.
- The body of the jug (it is made of plastic) is easy to scratch.Moreover, cracks may occur as a result of an accidental fall, or from any rough impact.
- Often users are misled by the high filtering rate. People begin to think that during this time the filter does not have time to properly clean. And if the cartridge has not yet completely missed the liquid, then in the case of an attempt to pour it, it will spill. Therefore, below we will consider the correct setting of all models of cleaning devices of this brand, so that the water quality in operation is not worse than the manufacturer promises.
Installation: options
So, always follow the recommendations indicated on the box of the cleaning device you purchased. If the model is older than 10 years, then first, it is necessary to lower the filter into a clean liquid for 10–15 minutes.
Owners of newer models will suit the rules written below.
- Remove the existing filter device and dispose of it.
- The jug should be cleaned with soapy water.
- Hands should be clean.
- Remove the device.
- Open the faucet.
- Substitute the filter under cold water for 15 seconds.
- Install a new filter.
- Pass the low temperature water on top of the jug.
- All these steps should be repeated approximately once every 30 days, or when 150 liters flow through the filter.
Fixing the filter device in the crane
Buy the appropriate cleaning system. Inside you will see 2 adapters.
This type of filter is considered external and you just need to remove it if it stops working.
- Twist the cap on the tap. It is necessary to screw the device itself onto the external thread.
- Remove the filter.
- Screw the tie rod of the main unit.
- Gently rotate the nozzle to connect the filter to the faucet. Check the reliability of the crane.
- Now you need to make sure that he does not miss. To do this, skip warm water for 5 minutes. This is necessary in order to bring it into working condition and remove the remnants of factory coal.
When a red light comes on, the system should be replaced. Green indicates full performance. There is also another filtering method - installing a triple filter for a crane. The instruction should be read individually on each purchased device.
If you want to use the filter jug as long as possible, The manufacturer recommends the following actions:
- A special cartridge called Brita Maxtra should always be in 100% moisture. So, it will retain all its cleansing properties.
- Replace the cartridge according to the rules of the developers should be about 1 time in 30 days, for hygiene. Determine whether it works, you can brew regular tea. If a film is visible on the surface of the liquid, it must be replaced immediately.
- When you plan to not use the filter for some time, leave it in the refrigerator, wrapping the cartridge itself in polyethylene. After idle time, it should be immersed in cold water for 1 hour, and then run through it 2–3 cycles for cleaning.
- One of the main rules that all users need to know is that the brand’s main unit is not designed to clean hot liquids. Increased temperature will lead to loss of performance of the ion exchanger, it will no longer saturate the water, and the device will break.
Before choosing a filtration system, it is necessary to study its features and operating principles in detail. Of course, many manufacturers are similar in their developments, but the advantages described in the work of Brita, successfully distinguish this brand from others.
If the family consists of 2-3 people, then you can improve the quality of the water with the help of a filter jug. Feedback from users - this is really a convenient way. It has low cost, easily understands and washes. Users pay attention to the lack of sediment, despite many years of use. For many, it lasts as much as 3 months, but this is an individual opinion, since the lifetime of a Brita cartridge is directly related to the water quality in the area where you live. More precisely - from its rigidity. If the figure is small, then the filter will work for you longer, compared to areas with the worst condition of water supply systems.
Let's add some specifics: if this value is 15 German degrees of hardness, then the life of your cartridge will be 100 liters. In large metropolitan areas, water is often softer in quality, hence the life of the cartridge will last more than 150 liters.
If there is a request in the constant cleaning of all the fluid that flows from the tap, then the following device will be a good option for you - a flask with a small tap. It is installed at the source, and connected with a flexible hose.
Brita PURITY ST water filter installation guide is waiting for you in the next video.