Atoll Water Filters: Product Overview and Operation Tips

The result of the collaboration of Russian technology and the American manufacturer was the emergence of a new product in the domestic market. Atoll has been known in Russia since the mid-1990s; in a short time, the company was able to gain greater fame and gain a huge number of satisfied customers. That is why this manufacturer is one of the leaders in its segment - in the production of filters for water purification.
The subject of our article is the products of the company Atoll. We will talk about how to choose filters for water purification and what are the features of each of them.
Features and benefits
Despite the relatively high price of filters from Atoll, the company was able to positively establish itself on the Russian market.
The company's products are very popular because they have several advantages in comparison with other water purification systems.
- Atoll filters have an international NSF certificate, which confirms the quality of products, its components and materials from which they are made.
- High-quality water purification. In the Atoll water purification systems, only the most effective technologies from leading developers are used, which not only have proven themselves well, but also expand their area of expertise through research and development in the field of water purification.
- Ease and reliability in use and maintenance. The company's products are well thought out and made; its installation and operation is very simple and does not cause any difficulties. However, if you still have difficulties, you can always refer to the detailed instructions for connecting and using.
- The system has several tubes that are made in different colors, which greatly simplifies the external perception of the filter system.This helps not to get lost in them and properly care for the filter.
- High build quality allows you to use the system for a long time.
- We should also mention the reliability of Atoll products: the manufacturer buys all consumables only from major suppliers (Pentair, Slim Line, Big Blue), who are trusted and have an excellent reputation on the international market. Before adding one or another element to the water treatment system, the company thoroughly checks it and conducts a number of tests of its strength and ergonomics.
- At a high level, there is also a design of filters, which not only looks presentable, but also emphasizes the ergonomic product. Moreover, all models look modern and stylish, which allows them to fit into any home interior.
- The manufacturer also provides additional equipment for ready-made systems. They can be understaffed by inserting bio-cartridges that help create the so-called effect of melt water, or add a water UV disinfectant to the system. The latter option is suitable for those who live outside the city.
- Filters do a good job in different conditions: in a city apartment, and in a country house.
- An important point is the conformity of price and quality: the cost of Atoll products is not the lowest, but still affordable for all. Consumables are also available, which are available in almost any household product store. Search for individual parts (for example, replacement cartridges) is not a problem, since the filters are adapted to the highest international standards.
- Having gained the trust of its customers, the company greatly values this purchase. She never offers them new, but untested technology. They must pass a quality and safety check, and only after these parameters will not cause doubts, will the novelties enter mass production.
The company provides a wide range of water treatment systems.
- For example, there are fairly simple and low-cost models of flow-through cleaners, among them - Atoll A-450 STD. The filter has four stages of water treatment and has an average throughput of 10 l / h.
- Other model Atoll A-575 BOX STD with a reverse osmosis system, is the premium version of the previous filter. It processes a larger volume of water - 15 l / h, which is ideal for a large family. Moreover, the five-step purification system allows to obtain water of the highest quality both in terms of biochemical composition and taste.
- For large enterprises, a system such as Atoll A-5400EPwhich costs about 35 thousand rubles, but it is intended for processing a huge amount of water - up to 1000 liters. This allows you to use the system in the field of public entertainment: it is suitable for cafes with high traffic and for restaurants. By its structure, it is a membrane filter with a mineralizer, which also has a water pre-treatment unit built on a metal frame.
In addition, there are two pumps that increase the pressure in the system. However, the kit does not include a storage tank, which the customer buys later, after calculating the volume he needs.
The great advantage of this filter is that it is controlled by an electronic mechanism using a special controller.
- There are also flow systems presented in the Atoll D-21 STD, Atoll D-31 STD filter line. They differ from each other only in throughput: the first one will be the best solution for a small family, while the model number D-31 STD will be able to provide water for the whole office.
They consist of several steps of water purification. The first one is designed for coarse pollution, the next one removes harmful substances - heavy metals, chlorine and pesticides. The third stage is additional and is designed to produce a deeper purification of water from harmful compounds. The Atoll D-21 STD system has two stages of cleaning, and the Atoll D-31 STD has three levels, as can be seen from the names. Both models with S marking avoid scaling and are used for low-quality, hard water. The above two types are especially good for households, they can be installed directly under the sink and get running water of drinking quality.
Materials and components
When buying a filter, customers immediately receive in the system set all the component parts and instructions for installing and operating a particular model. The kit includes all the necessary parts for this.
First of all, these are replaceable cartridges that directly purify water and act as filter elements. Their use makes Atoll products universal and allows you to tune the device for different parameters and characteristics of the treated water and any quality already purified. The manual contains indicators that need to be taken into account when working with the filter, after a time they can change, which means that it is necessary to change the cartridge.
In the passport of the product there is also a so-called compatibility table, which allows you to select similar parts of the filter based on the specified parameters. Included are multi-colored tubes, each of which performs its function. In this regard, they are made in different shades. This allows you to completely eliminate confusion in the connecting elements and eliminate the possibility of incorrect connection of the system. Without exception, all finished products are also thoroughly tested for strength and tightness by hydraulic tests.
The complete set of some filters includes a special membrane which is intended for deep water purification.It is made from synthetic materials and it has special pores. Thanks to them, when water passes through the membrane, large elements are retained. This allows at the initial stage to rid the water of impurities and pollution.
A transparent flask is also included in the kit; this element allows you to see and evaluate the condition of the cartridge and contaminants in it. On the surface of each flask there is a thread for installation in the system.
Wiring diagram
Installation of water treatment systems can be done independently, without the help of professionals. This is possible due to the fact that a detailed instruction is included in the filter package, referring to which you can manually connect the system to work. This process is quite simple, since all the structural elements are installed without the use of professional tools: there is a special quick-release fastener that allows you to assemble the filter yourself. This, by the way, ensures fast connection work, order in the filtration system and ease of operation of the filter. It is also very easy to connect multi-colored tubes.
Included are replaceable cartridges that need to be changed over time, how to do this is written in the instructions. For each type of filter has its own way of installing the cartridge.
Atoll flow systems are installed in the kitchen, under the sink. For filters in which the reverse osmosis mechanism is provided, additional space should be allocated, since they use a separate tank for the accumulation of filtered water. If the filter is installed for the first time, and the process seems complicated, you should contact the manufacturer’s service centers. A specialist will be sent from there to install the water treatment system.
Service and Repair
It is quite simple to use the filter, however, its long operation implies the replacement of cartridges. To do this, you need to purchase a similar and similar element and integrate it into the water purification system. You can change the cartridge yourself, the main thing is to follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
In order to replace a spare part, it is necessary:
- shut off the water supply and close the taps;
- unscrew the filter housing;
- then you need to disconnect the tubes that lead to other elements of the filtration system;
- dismantle the cartridge and prepare a new one for connection;
- install new item;
- the next step is to attach the tubes;
- then turn on the tap water;
- after some time (about 15 minutes), it is necessary to open the tank valve;
- the last stage is the flushing of the entire filtering system, for this we collect a full tank, and then it is drained.
The first time replacing cartridges may seem difficult, which sometimes leads to system breakdowns. If this happens, you should contact the service center, providing a specialist who can fix the problem.
According to Atoll employees, the main value of their company lies in the trust of their clients. They, in turn, note that water turns out of incomparable quality. In general, customers appreciate the products and say that they are very high quality, effective, convenient to use - the filter does not flow and does not break for a long time. Some users write that they managed to attend a public presentation of the manufacturer,which demonstrates a very friendly approach to its customers and is not trying to aggressively sell products under the pretext of new developments or the miraculous effects produced by filters.
For the most part, reviews of these water purification systems are very complementary, but there are also buyers who write about the high price of Atoll products. However, they also note that although the purchase cost a lot for the family budget, the cost is justified by the result: the water is tasty. Other users have noted that changing cartridges is also not easy, because they are becoming more expensive; but at the same time leaving the old cartridge, which has accumulated dirt, salt and rust, they also do not dare.
Very rarely, people note malfunctions in the operation of the water purification system, they mostly work reliably and produce tasty water, which is far from the jug filters. Most often, people are advised to purchase a model Atoll A-450, which is inexpensive, but does an excellent job with its task.
Useful tips
I would like to separately say how to choose the right filter that will clean the water for a long time.
The choice of cleaning system depends on several parameters:
- the level of pollution in the source water and its quality in general;
- required performance;
- financial capabilities of the buyer.
The first of the above criteria can be called key - if water comes directly from a well (which is also possible, although in rare cases) or from a new well through a relatively new pipeline, then there is no point in installing a new, expensive water treatment system with five steps of purification. If the water is initially of high quality, then you can do with a water flow filter, which involves only two stages of purification.
On the other hand, living in densely populated cities and regions with highly developed industrial areas, you should pay attention to more complex systems, because in such places the composition of the water may include hazardous chlorine compounds, heavy metals and pesticides. Proceeding from this, it is worth buying models in which the possibilities of water softening and disinfection are provided. Atoll products of this type are present: they are denoted by S or U indices.
Another important criterion when choosing a filter is its performance, which is determined by the number of consumers. The best option for a large family is the Atoll system with reverse osmosis: the performance of this model will be 10-15 l / h, it will allow to process a larger volume of water in a shorter period of time. For small families, consisting, for example, of 4 people, a system with low throughput is enough, such models allow you to clean 3-6 l / h. However, the most common option is a model that allows processing from 4 to 8 l / h.
It is important to note that the company provides products not only for the household, but also for the owners of large firms and enterprises. They will be able to buy high-quality systems based on reverse osmosis, whose throughput is very high and is about 1000 liters per day!
With regards to finance, we note that the price range of Atoll products is very wide: there are both low-cost filters and fairly expensive water purification systems. It is important to know that buying them is better when ordering on the Internet: there will be an opportunity to save 15-20% of the model cost. Thus, everyone will be able to find an Atoll filter that will satisfy all requests and will not adversely affect the budget of a family or company.
For information on how to install Atoll water filters yourself, see the next video.