Rules of the organization of water supply of a private house

Even a decade or two ago, living in a private house meant putting up with a number of inconveniences in everyday life, which invariably appeared in this case. As an example, it is easy to call the absence in such a construction of a bathroom, or at least a shower, washing in the kitchen, manual washing of clothes and, of course, the fact of having a toilet exclusively outside the house. The lack of centralized water supply assumed the constant replenishment of water supplies only with water from a well, which was physically rather difficult. The situation was better if water could be taken from the column.
All the same, it put people in front of the need to constantly walk for water and simply took precious time. Again, washing dishes in a basin and swimming in it is not the best solution.And most of the above problems were solved only by connecting the house to the centralized water supply. The most interesting thing is that it is not necessary to do this with the help of state structures. You can do it yourself, even on the basis of a well or a well. And this will provide an opportunity to use various civilizational benefits not worse than in an apartment. From this article you will learn how to implement it in practice.
Special features
The water supply of a private house is the provision of a building of the specified type with water. There are various solutions to provide residents of the house with water, depending on what water sources there are near the building. It should be noted that the normal supply of water can be said only if the residents who live in it do not have any problems in the provision of water resources.
The regulation of this issue should be carried out according to the main regulatory act - SNiP 2.04.01-85 under the name “Consumption rate of water by consumers”. The regulation of water consumption at this rate is from 80 to 230 liters per person per day. Such a large variation depends on whether there is a sewage system in the house, a shower or bath, a column providing heating, as well as water supply of a centralized type.
It is clear that in high-rise buildings this question is practically not worth it at all due to the presence of most of the above benefits. And at the cottage or residential cottage will have to provide water on their own.
Sources and subtleties of water intake
It should be said that there are several options for the formation of a water intake mechanism. Much will depend on the water supply source, as well as other points.
If we are talking about centralized water supply, having in mind the water supply system, then its creation is possible only if the water main passes at least not too far from the building you are interested in. To connect to it, you should visit the organization that provides maintenance of such mechanisms and on whose balance sheet it is. Here you need to be told about the conditions under which you can connect your house to the tap branch.
You should be told about where the connection point will be, how deep the water pipes will be laid, what diameter they will have, and what pressure you can expect.
If we consider the practical side, then this option has certain disadvantages:
- rapid fall or lack of any water pressure;
- fairly poor water quality and the presence of various impurities;
- in case of an accident, the building remains without water, and for how long, it is often unknown;
- You have to pay for this service every month.
There is also an autonomous water supply. Such a mechanism is usually implemented based on the use of a well or a well. Consider both options.
The answer to the question, better well or well, depends on the following factors:
- the location of the aquifer and depth;
- the performance that a water core can provide;
- properties of the earth itself.
If we talk about the option based on the well, then it is usually done when the water consumed in food will be at a depth of 5-16 meters. The layer of aquifer should be large in order to have enough capacity to provide for family needs.
It is better to count on a family of four. As a rule, such a family needs about 200 liters per day.
The advantages of such a water supply system will be that if electricity is disconnected, and, accordingly, automatic, then water can be obtained using the simplest bucket on the rope.The operation of the well can be carried out for about 50 years, which is significantly longer than the life of any well. You can also significantly reduce the cost of construction work, if you independently dig a well shaft. In this case, you have to pay only the material of the walls of the well and the installation of the rings themselves.
Before making this or that decision, you should communicate with people who already use the chosen option. You can take water for analysis to see if it is suitable for everyday use. Most often, if there are wells in the area, then it makes no sense to make wells. Exactly the same situation will be with wells.
If we talk about this option, the wells are different. For example, there are wells artesian type or solutions "on the sand."
The well “on the sand” is called so because it usually affects the aquiferous layers above, which are located in the sandy horizon. It is usually located behind the loam layer, which filters the groundwater. Typically, such a well has a depth of up to 50 meters. In general, the flow of a layer of water may be different depending on the region, so that the indicated depth of the well can easily be different.There are cases when a depth of 15 meters is sufficient for drilling a well, if you get to the river under the ground.
Such a solution will be optimal, because there will simply be no blocking of pipes and filters with sand. Such an aquifer system will work for 15-20 years. And the usual sand - a maximum of 5-7 years. Manually making it will be significantly cheaper, but pulling out the soil will be less. In addition, there are excellent chances to get on a large layer of aquifer with clean water. But machine drilling will be significantly more expensive and its efficiency will be lower, as the machine simply pierces a well of a given depth.
And this is not the case when the deeper the well, the better.
If we talk about wells artesian type, they usually use the aquifer, which is located in the limestone rocks. Their depth is much more sand and is about 130-140 meters. The water here will be significantly better and its supply will be virtually unlimited. Water intake is carried out without any special equipment, because water is under the influence of pressure and just shoots up. In addition, sewage or groundwater is completely excluded from such a well. You can use the well for about half a century, that is, just like a well.The price of drilling will be significantly higher than the option "on the sand." This is mainly due to the significantly greater depth.
But the main problem will not even be this, but the fact that such wells need to be registered, because we are talking about strategic state reserves.
And all this paperwork can take significant time.
Note that the options for the implementation of the water intake of the technical category are usually located no closer than twenty meters from the cleaning mechanisms, pits for compost, and the like. For their arrangement, the site must be chosen that is not submerged, where waterlogging and subsequent infection with bacteria are completely excluded. It should also be noted that the structure for water intake should be surrounded by a blind area, whose width is about two meters, as well as a clay castle with a meter depth and a half-meter width. Its surface part will have a height of 70-90 centimeters and a cover that protects against dust and precipitation.
The mechanism of water supply is one of the main components of domestic life. It makes no sense to talk about her work again.The network project is designed so that the building is fully supplied with water according to the needs of the owners.
It is necessary to organize the mechanism so that the water enters the points of intake from the water metering unit. Such a mechanism makes it possible to significantly reduce housing costs.
In order for such a system to function qualitatively, it must be equipped with technical devices and equipment that provides not only partially, but also a fully automatic operating mode. For the system to become so, the installation of a hydroaccumulator is necessary. It is used as a buffer tank, where a water reserve is formed, or as a device that allows you to maintain a stable water pressure in the mechanism. A membrane tank will also be required. It is usually divided into 2 compartments. In one there will be water, and in the other - air. They are separated by a rubber membrane. When the tank is filled with water, the air part is compressed more and increases the pressure inside the tank.
When the pressure rises, the electrical switch turns off the pump.
At the moment when the water supply valve opens somewhere, the pressure in the system slowly begins to fall. The electric relay reacts again to this change. It activates the pump again when the level of consumed water reaches the 50 percent mark. The use of a hydroaccumulator allows not only to automate all water supply systems and to create water reserves, but also to significantly extend the service life of pumping equipment by reducing the number of its inclusions and shutdowns.
It should be said that autonomous water supply mechanisms usually consist of external and internal elements. The internal part usually includes pipes laid from the source to the water intake points, plumbing equipment, fittings, accumulation tank, pump, and also a hydroaccumulator.
In order to select the features of the mechanism as accurately and correctly as follows:
- articulate the requirements for how intensive and regular water supply you require;
- understand what are the sources of water supply, as well as how much this or that system will cost;
- analyze water quality;
- pick up the equipment and calculate the approximate cost of building engineering networks.
How to choose?
In order to make the choice of the water supply mechanism in the case under consideration, or for some kind of similar construction, it is necessary to proceed from a number of criteria. The type of water supply system chosen will also determine the budget that a person is willing to spend on it. It should also not be forgotten that the choice of the water supply mechanism can be based not only on the conditions in which the family lives, but also on the goals to be achieved. This choice is also influenced by the type of water supply system.
There are two main categories:
- gravity;
- pressure head
Both options have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, the gravity version has an affordable price, and savings in equipment in this case will be very decent. Simply put, the gravity mechanism is a water tower or a tower, as well as a tank. Given that the capacity of the tower is at the top, consumers get water without any pumps. Self-flowing systems are usually used at summer cottages or in country houses where no one lives on a permanent basis, since the heating of water in such tanks, as well as its cleaning, is a rather problematic issue.
If you decide to approach this issue more rationally and efficiently, then it will be an excellent solution for you to have a pressure equivalent. It works as expected - on a combination of pumps, as well as a hydroaccumulator, which is installed in the water supply mechanism. The use of this option allows you to be sure that the water in your house will be constantly in the required amount. The cost of this type of mechanism will be higher than the self-flowing system. But the difference in operation will be significant, and for people who value comfort, this will be a much better solution than torture with a gravity system.
Installing pressure solutions will be exactly the right solution if you use a water supply system based on a well or an artesian source. In such places, the water is clean, that is, there is no need for its purification and filtration. In general, if you install a filter, you can be sure that the residents of the house will drink clean water.
But the most important advantage of such a system will, of course, be the possibility of obtaining what quantity of water is needed at any time of the day and year.
Wiring diagram
Now we should talk about plans to connect various systems depending on a number of factors. And this is not only a water source. Much will depend on the goals of the tenants and their wishes and needs. The structure of the system built on the well and the system based on the artesian well will be different. For this reason, this issue should be discussed in more detail.
Water supply mechanisms of a private house from a well contain three main parts:
- water supply source;
- pumping device, which consists of a hydroaccumulator and a pump;
- pipeline.
These are the main elements, and there are also minor ones:
- automatic equipment;
- filters for cleansing;
- water heater;
- borehole caisson.
There is nothing difficult in the arrangement of this type of mechanism, so it is possible to do it yourself. It should be said that even when you make the calculation, make it in such a way that the water supply and sewerage are made together and you can mount them immediately at a time. In order to draw water from a well, a pipeline should be laid from it.The laying of pipes will consist of work with the ground, namely, tearing out trenches, laying pipes and creating a tight connection between them. In one part, the entire construction of the pipeline is connected to the source, and in the second - to the consumer. Also in the system connect one of the types of hydroaccumulator, which usually has automatics. You should also ensure that the pipes are insulated. The best solution would be to simply fill the trenches with concrete, and also process the resulting tunnel with hydrocement. This technique has been implemented for quite a long time, because first you need to hold the formwork, make the reinforcement, provide access and so on, which makes it highly expensive.
In this case, you should not try to lay pipes below the ground freezing point, unless it is at a depth of two meters. The best solution in this case would be the usual laying of pipes, but also the use of complex insulation and heating cable. With the latter, everything is clear - it is attached with a special tape for mounting, usually made of aluminum according to the instructions. As a rule, one end of the cable is clutched at the factory, and there will be a plug at the other end. When it was installed, it remains only to turn it on.
When the cable is installed, it is necessary to make a comprehensive pipe insulation. It is better for her to use materials foil plan, which are based on fiberglass or fiberglass. In order for pipes to withstand corrosion, it is better to choose solutions from polypropylene. To heat the pipeline, you must use a resistive single-core or two-core cable. It is best to take a twin wire and not try to save.
The important point is that there are such wires with constant and variable connection. It is best to take a model with changeable resistance, because it will be cheaper and will constantly work at full capacity.
Yes, this option will be more expensive, but it will consume less energy.
In general, the best solution in this case would be a self-regulating wire having a resistance of variable type. It is usually sold as prefabricated sections that have different lengths.
Now let's say a little about the hydroaccumulator. Pipeline water enters the accumulator, and from there - to consumers. Many consumers generally buy expensive pumping solutions from European manufacturers, where the hydraulic accumulator is not needed either.But it’s not possible to mount such a solution on your own, unless the person is an expert on working with electronic models of this type.
That is why the hydroaccumulator will be simply necessary. It must accumulate moisture and ensure a certain level of pressure in the system. As a rule, it is mounted on an accumulation tank.
Central water supply
If we talk about the water supplying scheme of a private house of a centralized type, it implies putting in order all the legal documents that secure the right of a person to own a house, as well as the site on which it is located. That is, in the first stage, you first need to get in the office of the geological cadastre a plan of the site where the house is located, on a scale of one to five hundred. On it exactly all the communications going underground, which are located on the site, as well as the routes of pipe laying from the central water pipe that pass through it should be plotted.
After the technical conditions of connection were obtained, you should write an appeal to the local "Vodokanal". It is possible that this service may be paid. In addition, connection conditions can be prepared by the relevant authority within one calendar month. Formation of the project after their receipt will also be paid, but it must be done. Implementation can be ordered in a special design department of the “Vodokanal” itself. In the presence of technical conditions, the next step will be to obtain consent for connection from the SES. As a rule, this also takes one calendar month. In spite of the fact that, as a rule, the organization itself, which is developing the project, is coordinating it with the city utility workers - gas workers, power engineers, communications workers, it will not be superfluous to get the applicant’s permission from all the above structures, because The response time to the appeal in these organizations will also be thirty days.
And only after the project has been drawn up and carried out all its coordination with the competent authorities, it is necessary to carry out its registration with the sanitary-epidemiological authority in order to obtain the relevant permits.
It should be noted that in the overwhelming number of cases in the company, which will be the project, will be offered a scheme of the water supply system in the building, where there are several points for connecting household appliances and sanitary equipment. It is considered standard. Internal wiring in this case can be anything depending on the wishes of the customer. Although it should be said that it should be such that the system can be easily upgraded at any time.
For example, make it a bypass line in a house.
This is not surprising due to the fact that specialists in design organizations clearly understand that the process of building a house can take a long time and that for some period significant adjustments can be made to its design, which will have to significantly change the internal layout. . The only thing that can be said for sure is that the water meter is always installed in the place where it is marked on the project.
During the design, if specialists are involved in this process, then right away at the site of the object survey, the host’s wishes will be taken into account on where to place these or those devices, as well as how it will be better to lay communications.If we are talking about the construction of a standard building according to a standard design, then the design of the water supply system will be carried out according to a standard sample for this category of buildings.
Like any other work with engineering-type mechanisms, the formation of a water supply system for privately-built buildings should be carried out in a clear and precise sequence. First, it should be equipped directly with a water source, that is, conduct, for example, horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
After this installation is carried out:
- pipes, both those outside, and those inside;
- various pumps and additional equipment;
- cleaning filters;
- distributor;
- devices that will warm the water.
The final stage will be the implementation of the direct connection of sanitary equipment.
It should be noted that the methods of installation of water supply mechanisms with pumps of submersible and surface types may differ significantly. If we talk about surface centrifugal solutions, they are usually installed in the outer branch, where the insulation was previously carried out, or directly in the basement of the house.But the submersible pump is usually simply connected to the cable through which electricity is supplied, as well as to the hose, after which it sinks into the water and is suspended on a cable from nylon, which, as a rule, is in the device configuration.
In order to carry out water with a submersible pump, it is necessary to measure the size of the cable and hose before lowering it. They are usually connected with plastic clips every four meters between each other and attached to the pump. After that, holding the cable exclusively and by no means the cable or the hose, the pump is lowered to a depth that was determined in advance and securely fixed. The manufacturer usually writes on the package the allowable distance to the bottom. Now on the casing pipe is required to fix the cap.
Through the hole located in the center, electrical cable and hose are discharged. Now you need to tie the cable. At the final stage, it is necessary to fasten the bolts well, so that the whole structure is completely sealed. Now you can proceed to the next stage - laying and installing the supply pipe.
If the well is not too deep, then the cable, made of nylon,which holds the pumping device, is tied to a rubber band, which is attached to the head, which must dampen the vibrations of the pump.
The next stage is the laying of external pipes. Commonly used pipes made of polyethylene or metal-plastic. The latter solution is stronger, but if it’s about bending the pipe, this model will be worse. Also sometimes used for this pipe of steel. They may not have a galvanized coating or have it, and also be coated with a special anti-corrosion treatment. If the pipe is really high quality, then it should be labeled. He also should not emit a chemical smell. It should not be unnecessary strips and stains.
If we talk about laying the pipeline, then it should be done lower than the level of freezing of the earth by 50 centimeters. If the installation will be done at a shallower depth, you should use insulation.
The connection of individual sections of pipes will be carried out with the help of collet fittings without seals and fum-tapes.
Installation of the pipe is usually as follows. Dig a small trench to the depth of freezing plus 50 centimeters.After that, a pillow is made of rammed sand of a river or quarry type at the bottom. Now the bottom must be leveled with a slope of two to three centimeters per meter. The next point is to warm the section of the aqueduct that will be laid, above the depth of seasonal freezing to the place where it enters the building foundation. To do this, we carry out the pipe-laying and pour clean sand on it so that there is no clay.
When laying pipes it is recommended to avoid various connections and not use fittings. Otherwise, repairing such a pipeline will become more difficult. If there is a need to create branches underground, it is best to use welding fittings.
As a result, you get a pretty good monolithic solder joint, where there will be no thread.
The next stage at which to focus your attention is the introduction of the pipe into the foundation. Make this procedure better through a special sleeve. So called a larger pipe. Such a solution will make it possible to repair the pipeline, if necessary. And in some cases, if the pipe is not very long, then it will give the opportunity to pull it out, without digging out the trench, where it is located. You can also make a summer water supply to water the vegetables.He does not need to bury in the ground. If such a system is being deepened, then it is imperative to provide for the possibility of draining in order to preserve it for the winter. A standard bias towards the source of water intake is simply made. It is better to protect a number of pipes from exposure to low temperatures as well as from exposure to the rays of the sun.
For this reason, even for summer use, this option is better to be laid underground.
It should be said that when laying pipes from HDPE, one should take into account the minimum allowed bending radii. They will depend on the SDR. Or it may happen that at the point of deflection the radius of the pipe will decrease so that it will cause an increase in pressure at a given place of the pipe and the load on the pumping device may increase significantly.
We now turn to the installation of the internal section of the water supply of the residential cottage. The layout and installation may vary in different buildings, and very significantly. If we proceed from the individual planning and zoning of the building, the number of floors in it, the availability of plumbing, then an individual water supply system should be made for a private cottage.
You can dilute the internal pipeline using one of two methods:
- collector;
- tee
In general, they do not have much difference. Approximately they can be described as follows. First, you should apply the markup, where the pipes will be located, pre-drill the walls and install the fasteners. At the pipe outlet to the house, it is necessary to mount a ball valve. A collector is now being assembled, and pipes will be connected to it, dividing them into several circuits. Metal-plastic pipes are best connected using press fittings, and models made of polyethylene and polypropylene using a welding machine. Before patching, the mechanism should be evaluated. To do this, you need to inspect the quality of the pipe connection, evaluate the operation of the pump unit, and also check how the control automation works.
If you need hot water or the system will be used for heating, then it will need to connect a device that will be responsible for heating water.
Tips and tricks
Uninterrupted water supply and good pressure can ensure long and efficient operation of various plumbing and household appliances.
To ensure that the water intake mechanism is organized correctly, experts recommend:
- It is best to conduct water supply in the summer, so that you can understand exactly where the water source is located. Moreover, just in summer, the groundwater level is reduced to the maximum.
- When choosing a pump, it is best to choose devices where water sensors are already embedded.
- To maintain a permanent high pressure in the water supply system, too many corners and turns should be avoided during the construction of the pipeline.
- To carry out the installation of the pipeline from the well to the house, it is better to use a special type of food pipe with a specific marking.
- Before using the system, it is necessary to conduct a test launch of the device. This will give the opportunity to check the system for faults and eliminate them without any serious consequences.
- Entering pipes into the construction is best done through the walls using special "glasses" of metal and plastic. Places where input is carried out must be insulated.
- To ensure that the water supply system is uninterrupted, it is necessary that the pressure in the hydraulic tank be less by 0.2 bar than the lower edge in the entire water supply system.
- For proper use of the collector, it is imperative that you first install shut-off valves and a valve to drain the water.
- To create a system that will be as efficient as possible, you should not save on consumables, since then all the same it can cause new costs and costs that will be even more than we would like.
The organization of water supply of a private house with your own hands is a very important issue, which not only requires increased attention from the home owner, but also a clear understanding of how such a water supply mechanism works and what features the various components of equipment have.
Only high-quality materials and a clear understanding of the role of one or another element of the water supply system will make it possible to perform all the work accurately and efficiently, which in the end result will provide the private house with drinking water in the shortest possible time and with minimal resources and money.
To learn how to make a winter water supply from a well, see the video below.