The device and the details of the installation of automation for ventilation

Ventilation is an integral part of both conventional residential and public and industrial erections. To maintain the most comfortable conditions in the available space, the ventilation systems are equipped with additional automation. Today we will get acquainted with the device of similar elements, and also we will consider subtleties of their correct installation.
Automation features and capabilities
Automation ventilation system performs several important tasks. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Thanks to automation, the entire system is working properly and is always under control. Usually mounted special analyzer crashes.Modern developments make it possible to control the automatic systems remotely - the operator only monitors the operation of the existing device, and can also make its own adjustments, establishing certain modes.
- With the help of automatic equipment, it is possible to analyze individually and monitor the functioning of each existing mechanism. In addition, it is possible to track the overall activity of the ventilation circuit. The sensors of the unit give out certain data, the automatic system examines the position and makes its own corrections in the action of the vehicle. If an accident has happened, then the corresponding shutdown signal is sent to a special start button.
- Automation in ventilation systems is also designed to save the valves and the water heating circuit from the destructive influence of low temperature values. In addition, automatic equipment does not allow the temperature to go down to dangerous values.
- Auto control system allows you to adjust the ventilation in the room. Thanks to this addition it is possible to switch various modes.So, in conditions of sudden fluctuations in loads and temperatures, automation can reduce the speed of rotation of existing fans, as well as deactivate the equipment completely.
- If there is such a nuisance as a short circuit or other similar problems, then the automation simply blocks certain mechanisms in order to prevent a fire or electric shock to people.
As you can see, the automation that comes with the ventilation system performs many functions and avoids many serious problems. In addition, it is much easier to adjust the ventilation with automatic components.
The device of automatic ventilation systems varies, and depends on a specific type of heater. The ventilation with electric air heater consists of the following components:
- a regulator responsible for setting one or another temperature regime;
- controls of the fans of the supply and exhaust systems (the most successful are devices that produce stepwise or smooth control);
- indicators of the use of the ventilation device;
- devices responsible for maintaining the optimum temperature in the available space;
- devices for switching off and indicating pollution of air filter elements;
- elements of protective off with excessive heating equipment;
- Auto deactivation systems for short-circuit currents and significant loads.
As for the automatic ventilation with a water heater, the main element here is a special controller, which is made in Sweden. The remaining elements are set for:
- fan control;
- support of the established temperature condition of air;
- mode switching;
- control valve actuators with return spring parts;
- control the operation of the pump responsible for the circulation of fluid in the heater;
- tracking the temperature of the fluid in the return line in various modes;
- deactivate the power supply in case the air filter is very dirty.
Also in the automatic ventilation systems there are such important components as:
- temperature, humidity, flow and pressure sensors;
- actuators;
- speed and temperature controls;
- previously mentioned automation shields;
- executive mechanics.
Installation of ventilation systems
Before installation of ventilation systems with automatic components requires competent drafting. To do this, you need to have certain engineering skills, so it is best to entrust such work to professionals.
Current technologies make it possible to design quite complex automatic control systems for ventilation systems. For this reason, their installation and subsequent adjustment, even in the presence of a well-designed project, should be carried out only by experienced specialists. It’s not recommended to do this work with your own hands, especially if it’s a very complex scheme. Any shortcomings and mistakes made in the course of installation can provoke a serious disturbance of the air exchange, due to which there will be conditions in the existing space that are impossible for people to stay.
An equally important step in carrying out such work will be commissioning. At this moment, the operation of the assembled ventilation system as a whole is checked, and all the necessary indicators are given in accordance with the project developed in advance.
As a result, proper ventilation will contribute to the formation of a comfortable microclimate in an existing room or a dedicated area. The use of modern technical devices gives a lot of advantages, ensuring faster execution of the required commands.
Setup and Management
Newly installed ventilation systems must be properly configured. Of course, the correct distribution of air flow must be taken into account even at the stage of project development, when a number of required engineering calculations are carried out. However, in this case it is important to consider that:
- when designing, sections of standard type air ducts are used more often, and the air itself can go at them at different speeds;
- the lion's share of schemes has certain areas where it is possible to correctly distribute the air only by hand.
Given these features, we can conclude that the adjustment of the ventilation system with automation is also better to entrust to specialists. The order of these works is as follows:
- first, using an anemometer, determine and calculate the average speed of air passing through the ventilation grill;
- then, using the size of the living section of the lattice, calculate the volume of air, based on a special formula;
- with the aid of a control valve, the volume of air entering the grille is reduced or increased;
- an air flow valve is inserted into both the air outlet and the grid;
- by changing the angle of the flap of the control valve, all the required measurements of the velocity of the air masses on the grids are carried out again;
- All identified parameters are checked with the project, and in case of discrepancies, the system is configured further.
The main control capabilities of a properly installed ventilation system with automation are:
- sequential start;
- sequential stop;
- reservation and addition.
Professional Tips
Automation is necessary for ventilation systems not only because of ease of use and high efficiency, but also because of the possibility of self-regulation by the operator of certain processes with which the current technology can easily cope. That is why you should not neglect the installation of such equipment. Refer to companies that not only offer automated systems,but they also provide all the accompanying services: they are engaged in the design, installation, adjustment and repair of equipment.
It is better for specialists to adjust the automation in the ventilation scheme. For this purpose, specialized tools are used, which are usually not found in the tools of ordinary home craftsmen.
We must not forget that every device that is present in the ventilation automatic system must have its own set of necessary documents: a passport, instructions and wiring diagram. Be sure to verify the presence of all listed items. Automation ventilation system - the perfect solution not only for private homes, but also for commercial organizations. This is due to the fact that no more than 1-2 operators will be needed to work with such devices (a whole department with staff is simply not required). Due to this fact, you can seriously save on staff.
On the modern market, you can find cutting-edge equipment that can be connected to the "smart home". In this case, the ventilation can be controlled using Bluetooth or a Wi-Fi network. Of course, such systems will cost morebut it is very convenient and easy to use.
To learn how to set up automatic ventilation systems, see the following video.