Characteristics and features lining "Calm"

Fashionable design options are made with natural materials. Wood has a special value, as it has unique external properties and excellent performance. With the help of wood embodies the most cozy and beautiful decor.
What it is?
The cost of natural materials is high, everyone cannot afford to buy them. The use of “Stiel” lining is an excellent choice from the variety of products on the market. What it is, and what parameters characterize this method of finishing, consider.
Lining looks like a classic board used for platingmade from natural raw materials. Pine, cedar, birch, linden, and other wood bases are used to manufacture the “Calm” lining. From other varieties, this finish is distinguished by the absence of grooves at the edges of the panel. To connect the parts of the cladding here are provided fasteners "thorn-groove". The technology makes it possible to embody a smooth and smooth surface decor with an exact imitation of solid wood.
The notches present on the profile perform a ventilation function. Circulation protects the board from mold infections.
Molded "Calm" is a quality lumber. One trim panel is a clean planed dried board with certain dimensions. The production technology of the board is similar to the methods of manufacturing europrofile. Distinctive features of lining - a thinner profile. And during the assembly there is no parting between the panels, since there are no recessed grooves. Fastening panels invisible to the eye. The material is allowed for use in both internal and external decoration.
Manufacturing materials
Linden, alder panels are deciduous species of material.Linden, birch, aspen, oak, alder, and other options look like wooden flat panels with a width of about 70 mm with rounded edges and a missing shelf on the side of the spike. The panels are in demand due to the unique qualities of hardwood. This wood is characterized by excellent strength and density. The panels will not lose their original appearance even under the influence of various external conditions.
These species do not rot, they do not start the mold. Any hardwood materials should be treated with an antiseptic. Finished clapboard is suitable for cladding and the exterior of buildings. The facades lined with clapboard look presentable and amazingly beautiful.
Coniferous species, for example, pine, cedar, and other conifers, can serve as the basis for the production of “Calm” lining. "Calm" from Angarsk pine is the best suited for facing rooms inside. This breed is characterized by a unique surface pattern. The panels are suitable for finishing not only the attic or veranda, but also the living room and other rooms in the house. To vary the variations of design can be wood coloring, as well as the choice of combinations of different species.
Lining made of pine, birch or lime is an inexpensive finishing material. Products made of cedar are an elite variety of finishes, which can only be used to finish some internal parts of a room.
The smell of coniferous wood is unique, has healing qualities.
Cedar clapboard is used not only for home interior, but also for executive offices, facing bank halls, shops.
The dimensions of the “Calm” lining are different. The material of the domestic manufacturer is mainly in the width from 9 to 15 cm. The length of the panels is up to six meters. The variations in the thickness of the panels vary from 1.2 to 2.5 cm. The width of foreign-made material ranges from 8 to 14 cm. Boards are from 1.25 to 2.1 cm thick. The panels are the same length as the domestic manufacturer - up to six meters
Unlike classical variations of lining, “Calm” has variations with other parameters. For example, the width of domestic material can be from 120 mm to 140 mm, and the thickness of the profile can be from 1.5 to 2.5 cm.
Molded "Shtil" foreign production is identical to the size of other types of materials."Calm" is characterized by differences in the length of the finishing board. For example, it varies from 2 meters to 6 meters. Such a variety allows to obtain less butt joints on the facing surface. Finishing turns out more equal and integral. The most widely used classes are "Extra" and "Premium." They are related to higher quality species.
Depending on the class, the appearance of wooden products varies. Classes are divided according to the presence of knots on 1 meter panel. The smaller they are, the better is the quality. Scope of lining is interrelated with the type of foundation. For example, pine or spruce panels are suitable for covering the porches and loggias. The structure of the needles is distinguished by increased resinousness, thanks to which the lining acquires good water-repellent qualities. Coniferous lining is not suitable for finishing steam rooms in the baths. Since, due to the high degree of tar, such lining begins to exude a sharp and unpleasant odor.
Hardwood panels do not emit resin, and therefore allowed to finish the pair. Such a lining will have a positive effect on the human body due to the subtle curative smell.Expensive woods, such as cedar wall paneling, can only be used for finishing small decorative elements. The panels with the highest cost are often made from rare woods.
Lining "Extra" class can only be used for finishing inside. The quality of the material is very high. The class is divided into varieties: A, B, C. Here it is worth a closer look at the nuances of choosing one or another variety, depending on the qualities of the variety. Variations on sale imply the presence of varieties with characteristics: AB, BC.
The nuances of choice
It is clear that its cost depends on the quality of wood. When choosing a wall panel in a store or sawmill, fold a couple of rails of different varieties together, evaluate the texture of the panels. This assessment is called visual. Consider that the cheapest grade of panels is C. The price of a grade varies depending on the type of wood used in production.
The most acceptable in use and at the price of the panel of grade B. They can be used for cladding ceilings, walls. The standard working length of the panels is up to six meters. Boards grade A class "Prima" or "Elite" - a very expensive material.
Tangible benefits of grade A lining:
- a wide panel that allows you to sheathe the room pretty quickly, without making much physical effort;
- the possibility of mounting in a horizontal version, and in the vertical;
- the thorn-groove system provides a very simple installation;
- few wastes that are inevitable in working with other varieties;
- availability of special ventilation slots.
Differences in the appearance of varieties:
- A - rare knots without rot and plots with appearing resin are visible;
- B - the presence of a larger number of knots, as well as sections with a flowing resin;
- C - blue is allowed in places with appearing resin, falling knots.
In the presence of a large number of defects allowed adherent facing surfaces. When substandard areas are cut out, the missing length is added by other quality panels. With this method, there is a large amount of waste.
Beautiful examples of plating
Finishing inside or outside a building with clapboard “Calm” is one of the inexpensive ways to transform a home. The panels are manufactured according to modern technologies, which affects the increase in performance. Some types of panels do not require any maintenance and treatment with fungicidal agents.Wood paneling is always in fashion.
Classical lining from boards - ecological material. It fits well in most fashionable interiors. However, if you use this material everywhere, then a peculiar dacha effect appears. Therefore, the lining should be used selectively, for example, to decorate and create fashionable accents.
- Wood panels can be present in the interior decoration of walls, on the ceiling, in other interior details.
- The possibility of painting the wall paneling is a positive decorative advantage of this material. For example, white lining is well suited for the embodiment of the Scandinavian interior.
- Painted wall paneling is often used for cladding facades, street elements, such as gazebos. Painted lining inside the arbor for a long time retain their original qualities.
- Today creature manufacturers have diversified the range of clapboard. In addition to the classic boards for plating, in the shops you can find good and interesting, from the point of view of the designer, materials. For example, cladding boards overlap simulates lining "American".
- The block house will easily cope with imitation of log stacking.
- Choose options lining in accordance with the conceived design.As you can see, standard boards can be supplemented with other types of designs.
On how to quickly attach the wall panel, you will learn from the following video.