Euro lining of pine: the pros and cons

Among the huge variety of finishing materials, differing in appearance, strength and durability, wooden lining is of particular demand (eurolining). It is made from various types of wood. Manufacturing companies use both softwood and hardwood. At a high level, buyers appreciated the material from pine. This finishing material has a number of significant advantages, due to which it became a leader.

    Special features

    Lining made of pine is produced from a large, massive and dense board. It is made by a factory method. In product catalogs you will find several varieties that differ not only in size, but also in quality and classification.

      Benefits of softwood

      Experts and ordinary users have compiled a number of features of the raw materials used for the manufacture of finishing materials. The first thing to note is light weight, compared to other breeds. In addition, the material has the strength, density and reliability to constant loads and mechanical damage. The finishing of the raw materials does not adversely affect the lattice design, causing heavy pressure.

      The natural moisture of pine is low, if we compare this figure with hardwood. Material for preparation quickly learns, which reduces the cost of processing and manufacturing. The result is the best price available to many buyers.

        Another distinctive feature is a long service life. A large volume of resin is concentrated in the pine. These ingredients are used as preservatives. They give the finishing material durability. The spruce tree known to all has almost the same properties. But the cost of lining from spruce below pine products due to the allocation of resin.

        The pine tree has an attractive color with an expressive golden pattern. The drawing is very original and interesting.By means of finishing material it is possible to organize an original decor.


        The natural coniferous wood trim has advantages, which should be reviewed before purchasing the product.


          Natural natural material is always in great demand due to the appearance. Wood is associated with home warmth, coziness and comfort. Many buyers are attracted by the original drawing on the boards. Such material combines expressiveness, refinement and a certain simplicity.


            Lining is practical and long life, even without taking into account the additional processing of protective and antiseptic mixtures. High-quality finish will retain the beauty and shape for many years after installation.


              The specific weight makes the installation process simpler, easier and more convenient. The same applies to dismantling.

                Price and range

                Despite the fact that natural wood is used in the production, the price of such finishing is affordable. Thanks to the popularity you will find the wall paneling in any hardware store. A wide choice will satisfy the most demanding customers.The assortment helps to translate into reality a variety of design ideas.

                  Experts note that the installation of the boards can be carried out independently due to certain advantages mentioned above. Additional expensive equipment for the transfer and transportation of lining in the process will not be required.


                  The material has a natural and environmentally friendly. The product is completely safe for health, even when it comes to allergies, children and animals.


                    Experts and ordinary buyers did not find significant shortcomings of this finishing option. All the disadvantages are associated exclusively with the characteristics of the tree, such as burning and the need to process from the negative effects of moisture, mold and fungus.


                      Depending on the quality, there are 4 types of lining.

                      • "Extra". This is the highest class of finishing material. In accordance with established standards, all boards should be smooth and free of defects, such as knots, cracks, bumps, notches, chips, and so on.
                      • Class A. The second classification of quality. The presence of the core part is allowed, as well as small cracks, gouges and some knots.Pitch pockets are possible.
                      • Class B. The maximum size of the allowable knots is up to 2 centimeters. The size of the resin pockets - 3h50 millimeters. Cracks - from 1 to 50 millimeters.
                      • Class C. Boards of this grade are rarely used for cladding residential premises. In this case, on the boards you can find knots, the size of which reaches 2.5 centimeters. There are also non-through cracks, the length of which reaches 5% of the length of the canvas.

                      First grade produced by the method of splicing. Masters resort to this technique due to the fact that a flat and perfectly flat rail cannot be cut from a solid-type array. The sizes of boards can be various.


                      There are many different configurations, let's dwell on the most popular ones.

                      • Fourth. This type is also called standard. This is the most popular and affordable option. The simplest type is a planed board with chamfers that can be removed from the longitudinal side. The material is practical and convenient to use. In production apply not dried wood. Most often the material is used for technical purposes.
                      • "Thorn into the groove." The second variety has spike-to-groove connections.Pine lining of this type has a slight recess. This is done for a special effect - water flows down when installing a vertical type. The moisture content of the material is from 12 to 16%. The maximum thickness of a single board is 16 millimeters. Handle the product with a planer.
                      • Spliced ​​lining. Dry finishing material, chamfers from the longitudinal side. This type is wider than standard dimensions. The maximum width is up to 145 millimeters, while the optimum figure is 90 millimeters. It is recommended to use such lining when decorating the ceiling.

                      How to choose for finishing of lining of the necessary grade and the size, it is told in video.

                      Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

                      Entrance hall

                      Living room
