We choose lining for interior decoration

Any repair work is completed with a decorative finish, thanks to which the room takes on a beautiful look and pleases those around with its interior. Today, the construction market is represented by a chic selection of finishing materials, but lining deserves special attention among them. It not only has an original design, but also reliably protects the walls, acting as a good sound and heat insulator. In addition, this material does not require additional processing and is easy to install.
Special features
Lining is a board of various shapes and sizes, which is designed for interior decoration.The product is characterized by high technical and operational properties.
Usually, the lining is made of natural wood, so it does not contain chemical components in its composition and is absolutely harmless to human health.
Such material serves for a long time and after installation creates a healthy microclimate in the room.
He has major advantages.
- Beautiful appearance.
- Resistance to temperature changes.
- High noise insulation.
- Huge scope of application. As a rule, a decorative product is used for interior lining of walls in apartments, houses, cottages, balconies and terraces.
- Large assortment of colors and textures. Thanks to these qualities, products can be chosen for any style design of rooms.
- Affordable price. Covering one square meter will be much cheaper than finishing with other expensive materials.
In addition, the wall paneling can be fixed to the walls in different ways, which allows you to create unusual compositions in the interior. As for the shortcomings, they are few. The main disadvantage of the product is considered to be low moisture resistance.But despite this, claped walls in baths and saunas can serve for many years. Also, the bars with moisture drops are reduced or expanded, quickly ignite and are not resistant to insects. To extend the life of the material, it is recommended to additionally cover it with a protective compound.
Wooden board is considered to be the classic version of lining, but thanks to modern production technologies, products made of other materials can also be found on sale recently. They may differ in design, but they are all united by a single principle of installation and form. Depending on the type of raw material used in the creation, lining is of several types.
This material is characterized by high environmental friendliness, creates a breathable coating on the surface of the walls and can be painted or varnished.
Since wood can be of different classes, wood paneling is divided into 4 types.
- Extraclass - the board has excellent quality, has no defects, is reliable in operation, but is expensive. It, as a rule, is used not only for internal, but also for external wall cladding.The thickness of the lining allows you to use the material for frame construction, its design is characterized by a beautiful performance.
- "A" class - on these boards may be small knots, but they are not inferior in their qualities to the products of the extra class.
- "B" class - quite strong finishing material, but various defects are noticeable on it. Since the product has high strength, it is used for wall cladding in bathhouses or on balconies.
- "C" class - It is considered the cheapest board, it is often chosen for the decoration of non-residential premises and inside the outbuildings.
Wooden board may differ in its shapetherefore distinguish between: eurolining and regular lining. Lining has the most close view to the natural wood. Such a plank under the log, which can be decorated inside a wooden house, looks originally in the interior. No less popular are the options for decorating rooms with a bar-shaped material. As for the usual lining, it has standard sizes and shapes.
Such decorative panels are best suited for ceiling lining, as the material is too fragile and on the walls will not be able to withstand large mechanical loads.Dies produce different colors and textures, so they harmoniously fit into any style of the room, filling the space with notes of modernity.
It is the best of all to install plastic lining horizontally, thus the area of the room will visually expand.
It is undesirable to use this type of material for wall cladding in the kitchen or in the bathroom, as high humidity in these rooms will reduce the performance of the finish.
Molded plastic has many varieties and differs not only in design, but also in color, the way of installation. Boards with imitation of marble, granite and natural wood are very popular. The thickness of the plastic wall paneling is considerable, the strength is high, therefore it is also installed outside the premises.
Externally, the material is very similar to natural wood, quickly mounted and presented a chic selection of colors. Ideal for decorating the ceiling and walls. The only drawback of this board is the instability to moisture: when it gets wet it starts to deform and stratify.
Lining can be produced not only in different shapes and sizes, but also differ by the presence or absence of chamfers.
Depending on this material is divided into the following types.
- Ordinary - characterized by a flat surface. On the front side of the board there is an additional chamfer, thanks to which, upon completion of the installation work, seams are created on the surface. As a rule, the chamfer is angular and rounded.
- "Calm" - in such a wall panel there is no chamfer, therefore, when cladding, the joints are invisible. The material ideally imitates the walls of the timber and is available in a thickness of no more than 25 mm.
- Landhouse - is one of the most expensive types of wall paneling, since special manufacturing technologies are used for its manufacture, and the front side of the board is subjected to milling. As a result, drawings of a tree in the form of knots and carving are formed on the outer side of the board.
- "Block house" - is a profile through which you can imitate the lining of the timber. Since the board has a rounded front part, after its assembly the wall will look as if the house is built from a real log.
- "American" - a smooth transition between the chamfer and the spike is made in such a clapboard, therefore the product has the appearance of siding panels.
- "Bilateral" - both parts of this board are made facial. As a rule, it is used in the case when you need to sheathe small partitions.
Which is better
Lining for interior decoration is represented in the construction market by a huge assortment, therefore, each of its appearance is distinguished not only by its unique design, but also by its technical characteristics. To make the right choice and determine which of the materials is the best, you need to take into account many nuances.
Currently, manufacturers produce lining of both hardwood and softwood. The board of pine and other conifers contains many essential oils and resins that protect it from the formation of mold and fungus. In addition, such a wall paneling serves a long time, is easily processed and has an unusual texture. Also products from coniferous trees have high thermal insulation and fill the space with a pleasant smell. Therefore, if you need to beautifully arrange the interior inside the house or apartment, then the best option is not to choose.
If you plan to finish the sauna or bath, then you can give preference to wall paneling made of hardwood, you can also sheathe the toilet. After special treatment, such a board does not emit tar, it withstands high temperatures and is not afraid of moisture. Oak planks are in great demand among the masters: although it is expensive, the price is justified by the quality. In a private house, this material is perfect for decorating slopes and second attic floor.
For covering the walls of a country house or cottage, you can also use a wall panel made of birch or linden. A pleasant shade of these types of wood will allow not only to embody an interesting design of the room, but also create a special atmosphere of home warmth and comfort in the room. Beautifully looks decorative wall decoration clapboard in the hallway, bedroom, bathroom, it is suitable for the corridor, and doors decorated in this way will become a real decoration.
In a country house built of timber, it is possible to sheat with such a board not only the walls of the premises, but also the places of the door opening.
Tips and tricks
In order for decorative decoration clapboard served for a long time and pleased with its beauty, it is necessary not only to choose the right material, but also to know the technology of its installation, to study the reviews.
Since the construction market offers a huge selection of lining, it will be difficult to determine the purchase.
To avoid mistakes and quickly sheathe the walls with your own hands, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.
- Before you purchase a material, you must carefully check it for any factory defects. To do this, you need to view all the boards in the package, as the front lamellae may be ideal, and inside there will be a marriage. In this case, the panels should be smooth, without curvature. If the board has deformations, then the purchase should be abandoned, because there may be further problems with its installation.
- Comb and puzzles lining should not have chips, knots and cracks. Check the integrity of the locks can be using Klyimera.
- To determine the length of the wall panel, it is necessary to calculate in advance the surface area that you plan to sheathe. As a rule, the length of the boards is from 30 cm to 6 meters. Different is the width of the material. Wide lining is more prone to deformations, so for decorative trim it is best to purchase a board of various sizes. This will simplify the installation process and will create an interesting effect in the interior.
- Wooden wall paneling can be combined with other types of decoration, that is, one of the walls is sheathed with natural wood, and the other is covered with wallpaper or coated with plaster.
- It is necessary to acquire lining taking into account characteristics of rooms where it is planned to establish it. Since some types of material are unstable to moisture and temperature extremes.
Beautiful examples
Today lining found broad application not only in construction, but also decorative finishing of rooms. So that the interior of the apartment does not acquire the “sauna effect”, the design of the walls and the ceiling should be done correctly, taking into account the general style of the rooms and the color scheme. If the room is dominated by too bright colors, then for clapboard paneling, it is advisable to choose pastel shades of boards.
For living rooms is considered a good option brown lining. But in order to favorably emphasize the beauty of natural wood, there should be good lighting in the room. In the living room it is recommended to sheathe only the walls and avoid ceiling decoration. It is interesting to play on the contrast in this way: select one main wall in the room and decorate it with dark boards, and paste the rest with light wallpaper.It is possible on the contrary, to apply for finishing the wall paneling of light shades and supplement it with materials of darker tones.
Unusually looks lining in the dining room or in the kitchen. For these rooms it is best to give preference to light beige or light gray colors. Many also choose a classic white board color for dining rooms and kitchens. To highlight the white textiles, walls and light furniture in the interior, you can make several color compositions from the wall paneling. Thus, the room will turn out at the same time cozy and stylish, and the bright range will visually expand its space.
Good fitment and for the design of bedrooms. At the same time in the bedroom she sheathes the wall near the bed. To make the design interesting, you can lay out the boards in the form of a “mini fence” in such a way that the strips smoothly pass to the ceiling. In the bedroom will look beautiful lining of any color and texture. When choosing it, you should not forget about the harmony of shades and create an interior in such a way that the wooden material is harmoniously combined with the ceiling, floor covering and furniture.
How to sheathe the wall clapboard, see the next video.