Density of insulation Isover for the facade: how to choose?
Warming of the facade is not an idle question for residents of many regions with cold winters and hot summers or in places where piercing winds are frequent guests. Choosing the products of the European company Isover, you will not be disappointed. It has excellent characteristics and has excellent quality.
Material Features
The company Saint Gobain, which produces facade insulation, began its work 75 years ago. For such a long time, it has achieved significant results, constantly working on innovative technologies, and today many European and domestic construction organizations use Isover products. Today, the company's products have become even more accessible for Russians: several Saint Gobain enterprises are located in Russia.
The company developed its unique product based on mineral wool.But mineral wool is a soft material, prone to deformation, while Isover has the necessary rigidity. Technical data of this material is one of the best among similar products. He has many advantages:
- it is an environmentally friendly material made from natural substances;
- it is very light - the average value is 45 kg / m3;
- has improved flexibility and elasticity;
- it is very easy to transport, it can be compressed 3 times, after which it will return to its original shape;
- perfectly copes with the function of insulation;
- non-flammable;
- durable - the manufacturer guarantees a service life of 50 years;
- has good vapor permeability;
- provides a good level of sound insulation;
- it is not subject to rotting;
- it is simple to mount it, the presence of professional skills and special tools is optional;
- is a "breathing" material, helps to maintain a good indoor microclimate;
- products are manufactured in a wide range that allows you to choose the appropriate type of insulation;
- it is steady against fluctuations of temperature and seasonal changes of humidity, does not change the sizes;
- does not require careful preparation of the base before installation, which saves consumables and time costs;
- products are produced in rolls and plates, which allows you to choose the method of laying.
It is not necessary to cover it outside with facing material - the insulation has a beautiful appearance.
Despite the remarkable properties of the product, you still need to consider some points:
- dusting is possible during cutting, so work should be carried out in a respirator and protective clothing;
- insulation should be laid on the surface, well cleaned from dust, dirt, old layers of paint;
- before installation it is necessary to apply primer on the insulation plates;
- due to low density may be damaged by strong external influences.
Scope of application
Isover is widely used in industrial and civil construction, it can be used both outside buildings and indoors. The presence of different types makes the material multifunctional:
- it is used in multilayer masonry and for ventilated facades, suitable for horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces;
- they are warming floors between floors, pitched and flat roofs, walls;
- it can be used to warm attic rooms, floors and partitions;
- it is suitable for the bearing walls of the building;
- great for floors and ceilings;
- some types are specifically designed to insulate piping to protect precise equipment from cold air;
- Isover is used to create additional sound insulation in the room, used on wall partitions and suspended ceilings.
Varieties and Characteristics
There are many types of Isover products, and choosing a suitable variety should examine the characteristics of the product and relate them to the tasks ahead. To insulate the facade of the cottage, cottages, small houses, often use Isover "Facade Master". It is effective for preserving heat in the house and does not damage its appearance. For smaller structures, this is a material with optimum strength and density.
This material is a plate with a thickness of 50-200 mm, a length of 1000 mm and a width of 600 mm. Since the mass of the plates is small, the installation can be carried out quickly and with good quality. This will also contribute to the high level of adhesion of the plates with the adhesive composition.
"Plaster Facade" has good characteristics. Created by the latest technologies using mineral wool for the basic base, the product is suitable for insulating buildings of various types. Available plates, the plate has a standard size.
For frame walls, suspended ceilings, various partitions, the inner insulating layer in the hinged facade system is suitable Isover "Light." For its production using volcanic rocks with a minimum of synthetic binders. The basalt plate has a length of 1200 mm, a width of 600 mm, and a thickness of from 50 to 150 mm.
It is easy to work with the material, since it is easy to cut it; when installed, it will not require additional fasteners. Providing high thermal protection, the material will create and sound insulation.
Especially for thermal insulation of walls created Isover "Warm Walls". It is suitable for external frame walls, for external walls on which facing will be made, which will be lined with brick or siding, clapboard. But it is also suitable for wall insulation from the inside, for attic, pitched roof. Insulation will maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house, which will contribute to enhanced water-repellent properties of the product - in its manufacture technology is applied AquaProtect.
In addition, the material has a high elasticity, therefore:
- restores its shape;
- will not break during installation;
- does not slip in the frames;
- He does not need additional fasteners.
In cases where the insulation will not bear the load, it is advisable to use Isover "Classic Plus". Mineral wool with special fiber formation is used for its manufacture, which allows to improve the effect of heat and sound insulation, although its density is 11 kg / m3. It can be used for walls and partitions, floor and ceiling insulation, isolating different types of roofs. It is a durable material with high performance. It is absolutely eco-friendly, does not harm human health.
It is very convenient for transportation and storage, as in packaging it is compressed to a small size, but it does not lose its qualities. Special packaging material protects against adverse factors. It should be noted that all Isover heaters are fireproof, they do not burn. All goods are certified.
How to choose?
Choosing insulation, you need to take into account some of the nuances. First of all, consumers are price oriented.Of course, a good product may not be very cheap. Isover products are the best value for money.
To select the appropriate insulation should make a thorough analysis of its characteristics. It is necessary to take into account the indicators of thermal conductivity, density, vapor permeability, pay attention to the size of the plate and the manufacturer's recommendations on the application. Some materials have a wide range of applications, and they can be used to make insulation of walls, partitions, floors, ceilings, and so on.
Other materials have a specific orientation, and they can be used only for a specific task, such as, for example, "Ventfasad Top" or "Ventfasad Bottom".
An extensive range of materials is intended for facade insulation, and they can be used when the “wet type” exterior finish is planned. Some materials do not need to be applied finishing plaster.
Insulation may have a different density and, accordingly, different weight. Lighter materials are designed for use in indoor areas, they are not subject to great demands on the temperature regime and maintaining high humidity.More dense materials are used in places that are subject to temperature extrusions to other influences.
Isover is a light material, its weight is well maintained even thin-walled structures. When choosing also need to pay attention to the number of plates in the package and on the area that they can cover. Depending on the thickness of the plates, the package may contain different amounts of them (usually 3-8).
Tips and tricks
Buying material, do not be lazy to study its characteristics, so as not to be mistaken with the choice of the right one for your purposes. And also carefully calculate the required number of plates on the area.
Make sure that during storage the integrity of the sealed package is not broken - this can lead to deterioration of the insulation and its unsuitability for use.
Before installation, remove strong dirt and remove large surface irregularities. It will not be superfluous to treat it with a fungicidal agent - this will relieve the formation of mold. Installation of insulation plates does not require professional skills. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
All work should be carried out using a respirator and a protective suit to prevent dust from forming in the respiratory organs and on the skin, since the smallest particles can cause cough and severe itching.
Starting work and priming the slab, use an adhesive as a primer. When installing each subsequent row, the vertical seam should be slightly offset from the previous row.
In order for the coating to last longer, it is desirable to apply a reinforcing layer on top of the insulation. For this purpose, an adhesive is applied to the insulation and a reinforcing mesh is pressed tightly against it. It is necessary to wait for the drying of the reinforcing layer and primed it. Now you can apply a layer of decorative plaster or produce a different type of lining. High-quality reliable coverage you guaranteed.
On how to warm the plaster facade, as well as instructions from Isover, see the following video.