The subtleties of insulation of wooden houses outside
Wooden houses are considered to be one of the most popular types of buildings, especially if we are talking about the countryside and about the buildings of the beginning and middle of this century, where many of them have buckets. Change housing can not all, and not always have the opportunity to do so. But nevertheless, the issues of energy saving and energy efficiency in our time of high tariffs for resources and communal concern everyone. And today we will talk about how to insulate wooden houses outside.
Features of wood insulation
Any wood has a property that allows it to absorb moisture. With the help of various impregnations, it is possible to reduce the hygroscopicity of such a material, but this property cannot be completely eliminated.If there is an effective ventilation system, then the moisture can quickly and efficiently evaporate and it will not have time to have any negative effect on the wood, which will keep a good microclimate in a village or town house.
But the violation of the movement of air masses leads to the fact that condensate begins to accumulate and the tree begins to swell, which is why fungus and rot begin to appear on it, and the air begins to smell characteristic. In order to avoid such problems, it is recommended to follow these tips:
- use only insulation with good vapor-permeable characteristics;
- it is better to insulate dry walls, but not wet and damp;
- close the waterproofing membrane type insulation on both sides;
- between the trim and insulation leave a small gap of air.
If it is planned to paint the walls of a wooden house or it is just necessary to warm the joints, then paint with sealant should also be chosen vapor-permeable.
As a rule, those are made on acrylic base. And of course, the surface must be prepared before weatherization.In addition, the logs themselves or the surface of the outer boards should not be damaged by bark-like pests.
Ways of facade insulation
It should be said that for the insulation of a wooden house outside, there are two technologies of outdoor insulation:
- ventilated facade;
- wet facade.
The first technology is suitable for frame houses. The frame is mounted on the walls, and then sheathed with siding, clapboard or some other finishing material. In this case, insulation is placed between the finishing material and the wall. This technology is very good because it eliminates wet work, and in this case the facade itself will be more solid and durable.
In the second case, the walls of the house are simply glued with insulation, after which they are plastered using a technology specially developed for this purpose.
Now we will tell more about the features of each of the methods.
Ventilated facade technology
The process of creating the so-called ventilated (or hinged) facade includes several parts:
- facade preparation;
- arrangement of the ventilation gap and the installation of the frame;
- sheathing frame.
If we talk about insulation that can be used with this method, it should be said that mineral wool is the best solution. Many people want to carry out insulation foam.
And, in principle, with this method, its use is also allowed. It is only necessary to remember that the foam is very poorly resistant to the effects of fire, and also does not allow steam and moisture. And this may adversely affect the microclimate inside the house. Therefore, in this case it is better to give preference to mineral wool.
If we talk about racks for the frame, then either bars or boards are used for it. They can be attached to the walls using brackets or parts of metal. By the way, as an option, you can apply a profile that is used to install drywall. In addition, you need a vapor barrier film, which will protect the insulation from getting wet, the material that will be used for finishing: siding, wall paneling, block house or some kind of facade material.
Also for the implementation of this method will need mezhventsovy insulation. Usually, jute tow is used in this quality, which is an excellent protection for seams, but you can use special foam or any other materials that are suitable.You will also need an antiseptic for wood so that it can resist moisture. It is usually applied under the plaster.
Now let's talk about the features of another way.
Wet facade technology
It consists of the following parts:
- facade preparation;
- installation of insulation;
- reinforcement;
- painting.
If we talk a little more, then in this case it is also better to give preference to such material as mineral wool. In addition to insulation, in this case it will also be necessary to purchase a special glue for mineral wool, an anchors in the form of umbrellas, a special reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass, perforated corners, primer, paint for the facade, and decorative plaster. After all these materials are purchased, you can proceed to work.
Characteristics of materials
The decision on the insulation of a wooden house must be taken with an eye on the quality of its construction. If the thickness of the walls is chosen correctly, then in addition to do the insulation, it may not be necessary. But it is necessary to warm the wooden house if it is cold.And if he is also old, then, most likely, one simply cannot do without it.
But at the same time it is important to choose materials for this in order to maximize their effectiveness. Not all insulation is recommended for insulation of houses of this type outside.
It is important to understand that insulation can be of two categories:
- natural;
- artificial.
The first category does not violate the microclimate at home, as it allows it to breathe. The second category of materials will be more affordable in terms of price, but the use of such materials may not always be safe for health. But the question is, what better to insulate a wooden house, is really very important. Those who prefer natural materials often use algae mats, saman, or hemp fiber. Sometimes house owners also resort to warming with wood and sawdust. But this, say, is not a very ecological way of warming.
And those who believe that artificial heat insulation is not a bad solution can insulate houses with extruded polystyrene foam, basalt slabs, isopink, isover, penoplex, and even expanded clay.
You should also provide a list of artificial insulation for the house:
- mineral insulation, which includes various types of wool: stone, glass wool and basalt;
- penoizol;
- ecowool;
- Styrofoam;
- polyurethane foam.
In general, as you can see, the choice of insulation for the creation of thermal insulation of a wooden house is very large. But how to choose the best solution? You can try to study the technical characteristics of insulation, which will be discussed below.
Stone wool
This type of insulation is often made of basalt or from melts of other rocks. As a rule, this material contains three components:
- stone fibers;
- binding additives (carbamide, formaldehyde resins);
- water-repellent additives.
This material is attributed to non-combustible, as it easily withstands heating up to 600 degrees and does not change its physical properties and characteristics under the influence of such a temperature. Also stone wool has good vapor resistance and low thermal conductivity. Most often, this material is presented in the form of plates or mats, and is covered with kraft paper, fiberglass or foil.Basalt slabs are rather dense, which allows them to not only shrink when properly insulated, but also keep their shape well during the entire period of use.
In addition, this material perfectly resists the appearance of microorganisms. To mount such a plate is very easy due to its low weight and size.
If we talk about the shortcomings, then there are not so many of them at such a plate. The main thing is the low strength of the fibers: if the material is squeezed or started to cut, then dust is quickly formed, which is very easy to inhale. For this reason, it is better to work with the material, previously wearing a respirator. Another disadvantage of this material will be a fairly high price, so if the budget is small, it is better to look for alternatives.
Ecowool production is carried out from the waste of the cardboard and paper industry. For this reason, this type of insulation is 80 percent cellulose. In order to improve the characteristics of cellulose, its fibers are mixed with flame retardants and antiseptics. Such material can absorb and release water without loss of its insulating properties.If you make a choice in favor of such insulation, the condensate will never appear. In addition, it has excellent sound insulation properties, and it does not emit any harmful substances. By the way, insects or rodents do not start up in this insulation due to the presence of special additives in its composition.
This type of insulation is a friable light gray mass, which is tightly packed in bags of 15 kilograms. Before warming the mass is poured out of the bag, loosened with a mixer, and then laid. The effectiveness of such a material depends on the density of the layer. If the material is compacted too loosely, it shrinks very quickly and forms cold bridges. But if such cotton wool is laid tightly, then it will not change its characteristics during the entire service life.
If we talk about the disadvantages of ecowool, then first of all it should be called the technology of its installation. This requires a special pneumatic installation, which has a high price and requires special knowledge. That is, in this case it is also necessary to spend money on the search for certain specialists.
Glass wool
Glass wool is made from broken glass melts where borax, limestone and other components are added. The link in this case will be either bitumen or polymers of a synthetic type.Glass wool has long fibers, which allows it in terms of elasticity to exceed analogues on another basis, and also to have a high mechanical density, despite the low density.
It should be noted that glass wool is vapor-permeable, retains heat well and is not afraid of exposure to chemicals that are chemically aggressive. It does not burn and calmly withstands heating to 450 degrees without changing the physical properties. And also she is excellent in resisting sudden temperature changes.
Glass wool is produced in the form of mats, plates and rolls, including foil-coated. Its greatest disadvantage is the tauntedness of fibers, which cause the strongest irritation of the human skin and easily get into the eyes and lungs. In addition, it is rather fragile, which is why it is quite difficult to work with it - before putting it in, you need to wear good and tight clothes, as well as gloves.
This material is the most affordable in terms of cost. It has excellent performance characteristics, which allows with its use significantly save on heating.This material is made in the form of panels of various sizes and thicknesses. For carrying out external thermal insulation work, material with an average density is used. Here it is important to understand that the greater the density of a heater, the worse will be its insulating qualities. True, resistance to stress will be higher. Too dense material is usually used for floor insulation.
This material has a small mass and is a good barrier not only for cold air masses, but also for sound. It has a low thermal conductivity, due to which it retains stored heat in the room for a long time. It is easily cut and fixed on the wall.
In addition, it is resistant to temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation, does not absorb moisture and has a long service life. At the same time, this material has several disadvantages. Its mechanical strength is extremely low: the material is very easy to break and crumble. For this reason, once mounted on the wall, it will require protection by reinforcement, as well as the application of a decorative coating. By the way, they can also make interior trim by placing it, for example, under drywall.
The disadvantage of the material can also be called its poor resistance to fire. Moreover, when exposed to high temperatures, it can release substances hazardous to health. By the way, if it is supposed to use glue for fixing a material, then it is necessary to find out whether this or that particular glue brand is suitable, as some types can destroy the material.
To create this type of mineral wool, blast furnace slags are used, that is, wastes of the metallurgical industry. This determines the availability of this type of material. Slag wool has a slightly higher thermal conductivity than basalt insulation. The material can easily heat up to 300 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, then it starts to deform and loses its characteristics. As a rule, slag is made in rolls and slabs, often with foil coating. It has a low stiffness, which is why it is excellent for heat insulation of uneven surfaces, as well as excellent heat insulation and sound insulation characteristics. Also, it can not occur mold.
But slag has several disadvantages:
- hygroscopic;
- does not like temperature drops;
- when ingested moisture releases acids;
- in case of contact with skin, causes extreme irritation.
Polyurethane foam
Polyurethane considers the material of a new generation. It is a sprayed heat insulator. It minimally absorbs moisture, and also has minimal thermal conductivity. The most interesting thing is that the higher the density of polyurethane foam, the higher its thermal conductivity. In fact, this material envelops the building and does not let in either cold air masses or moisture.
This material is an excellent solution for buildings in an area with an arctic climate, since its characteristics are extremely effective for such natural conditions.
True, experts are quite ambiguous in assessing the need to use this material as a heater. According to some, the use of polyurethane foam for wooden buildings is not worth it, because the tree just does not breathe, because of what begins its slow destruction. According to others, if you correctly calculate the thickness of the polyurethane foam coating for wooden walls, the surface will always be dry and perfectly protected from rotting,and the moisture exchange that wood needs will be carried out indoors, not outside.
Natural heat insulators
As stated above, in addition to artificial, there are also so-called natural heat insulators. These include slabs made from sawdust type Steico Flex, straw. And you can also use the insulation of clay, which is also considered insulation. In general, this category of insulation in terms of environmental friendliness is an excellent solution. In addition, they are inexpensive. But their main disadvantage is the complexity of creation. Also, flax fiber, which has excellent antiseptic properties and prevents the appearance of mold and fungus, is used as a natural insulation. This material is easy to cut, install, and just work with it.
Separately, you need to talk about the material Steico Flex. This material is a fiberboard mats that are easy to install and process even without the use of tools.
This material can not only insulate the walls, but also the floor, as well as the ceiling. In addition, such insulation would be an excellent solution not only for a wooden house, but also for a house made of chopped lumber or overlaid with bricks.It also has excellent sound insulation characteristics and responds well to temperature extremes.
Its use allows you to make the microclimate in the house as comfortable as possible for its residents.
Thickness calculation
The important point is the calculation of the thickness of the insulation. It should be noted that the thickness of the insulating layer depends on the thickness of the walls of the house, as well as climatic features. But to know how thick a heater should have is simply necessary. If it is too much, it can adversely affect the house, and an insufficient amount will cause low efficiency of the insulation process as a whole.
In addition, this parameter significantly affects the design of the frame, as it is very important to know at what distance from the walls the guides for the exterior casing should be carried out. It’s easy to make such calculations yourself, especially if you apply a certain calculation method. Its essence is that the total heat transfer resistance of a wall of several layers of structure R should not be less than that calculated for a particular climatic region.
It should be noted that the wall is not only the felling itself, but also the entire interior, the insulating layer, and the exterior of the facade.Each layer has its own thermal resistance index, which must also be calculated.
To determine the required thickness of insulation, it is necessary to know the coefficient of thermal conductivity of each layer, as well as their thickness. The calculation will be carried out according to the formula: Rn = Hn / λnwhere:
- Hn is the thickness of a specific layer;
- λn - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from which a particular layer is made.
As a result, the calculation formula will be as follows: Well = (R– H1 / λ1 - H2 / λ2 - H3 / λ3…) × λуwhere
- λу - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the specified insulator;
- Well - the thickness of the insulation.
To find such factors is quite simple. Sometimes manufacturers even point them out on the packaging. To measure the thickness of the layers is also not work. If you do not want to calculate everything manually, then you can use the online calculator. It already has all the necessary basic and frequently used building, insulation and finishing materials.
Preparatory work
If we talk about the preparatory work before the insulation of the house, then they should be done in the dry and warm season, so that the walls are not frozen or damp.The surface of the walls must be cleaned of maximum quality from dirt, dust, moss, fungi. It is imperative to conduct a thorough examination of the interline seams. If you find any voids, then they need to be repaired with a sealant, and then sealed with a sealant. The same method can be applied if you find deep cracks in the tree of a log house.
After that, priming is carried out. The primer is applied with a brush, carefully processing all grooves, irregularities, and end cuts of logs.
Note that if the wood absorbs the primer too quickly, then it is applied in two layers. After that, you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, and only then proceed to the process of insulation.
If the work is carried out according to the technology of the hinged facade, it is necessary to carry out its preparation, which consists of the following stages:
- the dismantling of all elements of the hinged type that may interfere with the work (antennas, canopies, window sills and ebbs);
- wall treatment with antiseptic impregnation;
- closing with insulation of interventure cracks, if any.
In general, this is a tentative list of preparatory work. But it may differ depending on the type and structure of the house, the chosen technology of insulation, as well as the characteristics of the building itself.
Installation steps
Consider the approximate algorithm of insulation as in the case of ventilated facade technology, and in the case of wet technology, which are done with their own hands.
So, if the preparatory work on the creation of the curtain wall is done correctly and the technology is observed, then the installation of the framework for insulation starts.
At the first stage it is necessary to equip the ventilation gap. To do this, attach to the walls of the board with a thickness of 2 centimeters. You can have them as you like. The main thing is that later it was possible to attach racks to them.
After that, we attach a vapor barrier to the boards with a stapler. It is imperative that it be necessary to have a tight fit and an overlap so that there is space between it and the wall. Places where there will be joints should be taped. It should be noted that the insulation of the ventilation gap is important, since if this is not done, then moisture can accumulate between the insulation and the wall, which will lead to bad consequences. After this, the racks are installed.First, two extreme posts are mounted, between which the ropes should be pulled. These will be peculiar beacons for intermediate rails. Installation of the outermost racks is carried out at the same distance from the wall and only vertically.
If the boards are used as drains, they should be strengthened with metal corners and screws. After that, the installation of intermediate rails, which are located at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the slabs of mineral wool, is performed.
Now you need in the space between the racks to lay the insulating material. As a rule, in this case it is better to use mineral water. Mats should fit as much as possible to each other and racks so that there are no gaps in the insulation. After that, a vapor barrier film is attached to the frame. It should also be overlapped. It is fixed with the help of horizontal slats, which will also hold the insulation. This completes the facade insulation in this way.
After that, you should trim the frame, which will be the final stage. Finishing may be different. If you do not have any pronounced preferences, then focus primarily on the price and quality of the material.
For example, lining - an eco-friendly material that allows you to keep an attractive appearance of the house. And if you take the vinyl siding, then this material is easy to clean and does not require any special care.
If you decide to apply siding, the sequence of actions will be as follows:
- it is necessary to mount the starting profile, which should be placed horizontally around the perimeter of the house (it will not be superfluous to leave a distance of about ten centimeters from the ground or blind area to the profile)
- appropriate profiles are mounted in the corners of the house;
- the first row of panels is installed: from the bottom the siding is put into the starting profile, and from above it and the sheathing are connected using self-tapping screws;
- according to this mechanism, the whole house is sheathed with siding;
- before you install the last panel, you must fix the final profile;
- at the end, the installation of the remaining elements: ebb, slope, and so on.
At this trim siding ends. It should be said that in the same way the house is sheathed with clapboard, thermopanels or other materials.
If we are talking about a wet facade, then after preparation, the walls of the house with mineral wool under the plaster are immediately pasted over.To begin with, we prepare the glue, after which we apply it to the mineral mats with a notched trowel. It will not be superfluous to use the building level, and also to pull the lighthouses so that all the plates are located in the same plane. After all the walls of the house are plastered, the mineral wool should be fixed to the wall with dowels, umbrellas.
Now window openings, including pediments, are pasted over with mineral wool. It is not necessary to install on the window slopes of the dowel, but on the door slopes it is necessary. After that, we apply the rule to different parts of the walls and check for bumps. After that, glue the perforated corners to the outer corners with glue. In the final we glue the caps with dowels so that the facade is smooth.
Now we carry out the process of reinforcement, which is also called rough plastering. First, prepare the grid, cutting it into pieces of the required size. Then cut into pieces for the slopes. Now we paste a grid on the slopes, after which we perform the same actions with the walls. When everything is dry, apply the glue once again with a thin layer and remove any irregularities. Now it remains only to apply decorative plaster. This process will be easier than reinforcement, and is carried out in the following sequence:
- the walls of the house are treated with a primer (it is best to apply it in two layers);
- preparing the solution according to the instructions on the pack;
- decorative plaster is applied to the walls with a spatula, and the layer should be as thin as possible;
- when the plaster starts to cling to the walls, it is necessary to rub it with the beehive, which will allow you to create a pattern;
- it remains only to paint the house, and everything will be ready.
In general, as it can be seen, it is possible to independently insulate a wooden house from the outside. But it is important to fully comply with the technology of this process, to have a clear idea of the nuances of the work and to determine exactly what method of insulation and what material is suitable for this.
Knowing all this, as well as having certain knowledge, you will be able to qualitatively and well insulate your home without any problems in a relatively short time, which will significantly improve and improve its operational and thermal insulation characteristics.
How to insulate the house from a bar outside, see in the video below.