Izovol: features and types of products

Every person wants his home to be warm and cozy. To achieve an optimal atmosphere by insulating walls, floor and ceiling. This achieves a uniform circulation of heat in the room, so you can save a lot on heating. One of the modern high-quality insulation is Izovol - environmentally friendly mineral wool of Belarusian production. You will learn about the features and types of such products by reading this article.
Izovol recognized insulation last generation. The manufacturer, located in Belarus, produces a wide range of mineral wool. The raw materials used are gabbro-basalt rocks and its analogs.formed by volcanic lava eruptions. A special approach to production allows you to reduce the cost of it and the cost of insulation.
The material is characterized by a fibrous structure saturated with air. Due to the large amount of air in the product, the insulation has almost zero thermal conductivity.
The environmental friendliness of the material is confirmed by quality certificates of Belarus, Russia and Europe. In the production of completely eliminated the use of coke and blast furnace slag. Using only natural ingredients allowed us to achieve such high performance qualities that Izovol products possess.
Raw materials are presented in the form of plates, rolls and mats, and all have their own characteristics. To the touch, mineral wool can be soft, hard or semi-rigid - depending on the series. In addition, each of the species is a dry material, which is especially valuable.
Izovol insulation is a modern building material and is widely used in the construction industry for covering interior and exterior walls. It is suitable for use in flammable buildings (baths, saunas).
To date, such products are not very well known to Russian consumers, but those who have already managed to test the material, leave only positive feedback.
The company appeared on the market 10 years ago. The manufacturer claims that the insulation is able to maintain its quality from 50 to 80 years.
Material advantages:
- for the production of environmentally friendly raw materials;
- Izovol products do not emit toxic substances and are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- It is resistant to fire: does not ignite, but melts at 1200 ° C;
- high level of noise and sound insulation;
- excellent vapor permeability;
- almost zero hygroscopicity;
- resistance to chemical, alkaline products, alcohol compounds, essential oils;
- corrosion resistance;
- does not attract the attention of rodents and insects;
- it is not subject to rotting and a mold;
- tolerates loads well;
- considerable term of operation;
- wide range (mats, plates, rolls, covers);
- easy installation
The material has a high level of elasticity, which contributes to a fairly easy work even with hard-to-reach areas.
Izovol mineral wool is hypoallergenic and does not harm human and animal health.
Numerous laboratory tests have confirmed the high quality and remarkable operational properties of the material.
A plate of Izovol mineral wool with a thickness of 10 cm and a density of 100 kg / m3 is equal to the masonry:
- from the rounded bar in 25 cm;
- building bricks in 160 cm;
- concrete in the 50-75 cm;
- silica brick in 200 cm.
All heaters of this manufacturer are divided into several groups, each of which has its own definition. The numbers in the marking indicate the density level of mineral wool.
This option is universal and is suitable for thermal insulation in a private house, cottage, city apartment. Such materials can only be used for installation on the facade of the building, the roof, cold attic, as well as for floor insulation on logs.
- thermal conductivity - 0.036 W / mK;
- vapor permeability - 0.3 mg / mchPa;
- moisture absorption (with full immersion for a day) - 1.5% of the volume;
- density - 25 kg / m3;
- is completely non-flammable.
This type of basalt wool is widely used in the insulation of roofs and ventilated facades of buildings, attics, ceilings, floors and other wall structures.It is suitable for arranging the thermal insulation of industrial equipment, ventilation systems.
- density - 50/60/90 kg / m3;
- thermal conductivity - 0.035 W / mK;
- steam conductivity - 0.3 mg / mchPa;
- is completely non-flammable.
This material has a higher level of density (compared to previous varieties). It is advisable to use for insulation of roofs. Often it is laid as the first layer in a two-layer thermal insulation.
- level of thermal conductivity - 0.035 W / mK;
- compression resistance - 35 kPa;
- moisture absorption level (with full immersion for a day) - 0.05%;
- is non-flammable.
The material is made in the form of square plates. Suitable for laying on horizontal surfaces.
This type is suitable for thermal insulation of floors under a concrete screed. This material is well tolerated by large loads, it is resistant to compression.
- level of thermal conductivity - 0.037 W;
- vapor permeability - 0.3 mg / mchPa;
- is non-flammable;
- density - 175 kg / m3.
Thermal insulation for pipes
Izovol Mat - insulation for large diameter pipes.It can be used both for thermal insulation of pipes and for insulation of industrial equipment, chimneys, air ducts.
- the density of the material can vary (40, 50, 60, 70.80 kg / m3);
- resistant to temperatures from -180 to + 570 ° C;
- level of thermal conductivity - 0.034 W / mK.
Material dimensions may vary.
This material is used for thermal insulation insulation, as well as to create acoustic comfort in the room. Can be used for arranging professional recording studios. In construction, it is popular for warming the main types of structures, pitched roofs, frame walls, partitions.
It has the ability to drown out noise, while maintaining high levels of thermal insulation.
The density of the plates is 35 kg / m3. As well as the previous species, is non-combustible material.
The Izovol product range includes other series (in addition to the above materials):
- Izovol "KV-150", "KV-175", "KV-200" - universal;
- Izovol "В-50" "В-75", "В-90" - for ventilated facades;
- Izovol "P-100", "P-175" - for thermal insulation of floors;
- Izovol "F-100" and "F-150" - for exterior walls.
High-quality mineral wool Izovol "Acoustics" is widely used as a sound-insulating material.It is suitable for installation on walls, floor, ceiling, elements of ventilation systems and air ducts. One package consists of 4 plates (total volume 0.24 m3).
When choosing a mineral wool, it is important to pay attention not only to the type of insulation, but also to its series:
- SS and SC - designed for insulation of sandwich panels;
- L - lightweight material;
- P - suitable for laying on the floor;
- F - it is intended for warming of the bases.
Izovol mineral wool is distinguished not only by the characteristics, but also by the size of the plates, the thickness of the sheet:
- "Isobel" - 100x60 cm, thickness - 5, 7.5 and 10 cm;
- "ST-60" - 100x60 cm, thickness - from 4 to 25 cm;
- "K-100" - 120x100 cm, thickness - 6 cm;
- "P-175" - 100x60 cm, thickness - up to 10 cm;
- Mat - 100 cm, thickness - from 4 to 10 cm;
- "L-35" –100x60, thickness - from 4 to 25 cm.
Useful recommendations
The peculiarity of laying mineral wool is its transportation, storage and proper installation.
By following a few simple tips, you can avoid problems during the operation of the material:
- transportation of mineral wool should be carried out in closed vehicles;
- packaging should be monitored closely, it should not be damaged;
- during transportation, the slabs can be stacked in piles no more than 2 meters high, and mats and rolls should be transported only in an upright position;
- Store the material in a dry and warm place, protected from precipitation;
- It is better to cut the rolls before unwinding, and it is better to cut the plates separately;
- when working with mineral wool, use protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a protective mask;
- for maximum effect, it is recommended to lay the mineral wool around the perimeter of the building;
- when laying the material in the room it is recommended to provide good ventilation;
- the thickness of the insulating layer for each region is selected individually;
- in some cases, it is necessary to lay the material together with vapor barrier;
- after completion of the work, it is necessary to wash hands, face, change clothes and thoroughly clean the room.
Usually, in their reviews, consumers talk about the ease of use of mineral oil Izovol. Many prefer it to other materials - due to its versatility, since it is possible to choose insulation for heat, noise, sound, fire insulation. It is very popular among construction professionals and amateurs. The ease of cutting and styling makes installation easier and makes it affordable for almost everyone.Even without the necessary experience, you can easily cope with laying mineral wool Izovol.
However, Izovol products have several drawbacks. The high price of the material is not available to everyone, so they often make the choice in favor of cheaper, but not such high-quality materials.
There are some inconveniences in work. There are reviews about the complexity of cutting material for insulating hard-to-reach places (for example, window slopes). However, experts can easily cope with such problems using professional equipment. The material is recognized as one of the best on the market - and not at all in vain.
Remarkable technical characteristics, performance, wide assortment, durability - this is why Izovol products are so much loved by most consumers from Russia and the CIS countries.
For more information on the use of Izovol, see the following video.