Minvata Isover Sauna: Characteristics of Foil Insulation

Heaters occupy a separate segment in the field of finishing and building materials. Depending on the type of construction they use one or another product, which differs in composition and operational characteristics. For the design of saunas and baths used heaters of a special type. They are not afraid of increased moisture and “pack” heat inside the room. Among the rich assortment, high-level buyers appreciate the folded mineral wool “Isover Sauna”.
Special features
Having your own bath and sauna is not only an opportunity to enjoy your time, but also certain responsibilities. Construction and equipment must be maintained and periodically inspected.In order for the steam room to perform its original task, it is necessary to create the required temperature conditions.
The Russian manufacturer Isover takes into account the features of the construction in the manufacture of insulation.
The brand has taken care not only about the effectiveness of the material, but also about its convenient installation and durability.
Thermal insulation of the above series is a light mats, the installation process which can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists. The mineral wool used to create the finishing material is made from carefully selected raw materials. The material is completely safe for people, animals and the environment. In the process of manufacturing mineral wool company uses innovative equipment and high-tech fiberglass.
Isover brand products successfully compete with large firms and are among the leaders in the market. The company's secret is Tel's own technology, developed by experienced specialists.
Special foil is applied on insulation mats. The process of foiling with aluminum increases the vapor barrier of the finishing material.On top of the metal layer is applied fine-mesh mesh, which gives additional reinforcement to the material.
Opinions of experts
Experts from the field of construction and repair are called heaters from the series "Sauna" multifunctional. Using them. it is possible not only to warm the room, but also to provide reliable vapor barrier. Work with the use of this finish does not take a lot of time and take place without much difficulty.
Foil insulation is considered the most effective and high quality among similar products. Products clearly demonstrate excellent performance. The material has several advantages that are not available to heaters without foil.
Finishing is recommended to use for facing the ceiling.
The use of the original material “Isover Sauna” is a guarantee of reliable thermal protection. Insulation will create and maintain the necessary temperature conditions in the room. Experts noted the very coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material.
In the bath is very important thick and soft steam. Without it, the steam room will not perform the function assigned to it. Insulation from the brand Isover boasts excellent vapor barrier.
The product will not only keep the heat indoors, but also protect it from unnecessary sounds and noises.
The use of insulation will create a comfortable and cozy environment in the room.
Fire safety is an important characteristic for finishing materials. Insulation from the above series has fire resistance class G1. This indicates a weak flammability. The material is made on a non-combustible basis, which makes its use safer and more practical.
This product boasts a long service life. This property has only certified products. Over the entire period of service insulation will fully retain all performance characteristics. This quality is significantly affected by the correct installation of the cladding.
For the convenience of buyers, the company offers a huge variety of mat thickness: 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm. In this case, the maximum parameters can reach 12500 × 1200х50 millimeters.
Having picked up suitable dimensions, you will carry out repair as soon as possible.
Manufacturers took care not only about the efficiency of the material, but also the safety of products. Insulation is an environmentally friendly product, completely safe for people of all ages and animals.The material is recommended for use on the basis of objects with high environmental and hygienic requirements. For example, if the house is allergic.
Laying mineral wool "Isover Sauna" - a simple, easy and intuitive processwhich does not require special skills. For this work, experts are involved only as a last resort. Sheets are attached to the structure using a stapler.
Due to the special texture and composition of mineral wool, it demonstrates excellent resistance to rotting, the formation of fungus and other damaging biological effects. This indicates a high environmental friendliness of the product.
Despite the many positive qualities, the product has a minus that customers have identified. It is about the high cost of the product. It is possible to find material in the market of heaters, which will cost approximately 50% cheaper, but a high-quality insulator cannot be cheap.
The cost is fully justified by the quality, expressed in reliability, practicality, durability and practicality.
Basic properties
To understand the effectiveness of the material of the Sauna 50/100 series, special attention should be paid to technical indicators:
- Heat conductivity index (constant 103) - 0.041.
- Insulation retains all operational properties even at high temperatures. The maximum allowable figure is 200 degrees Celsius. Even under the influence of high temperatures, the insulation does not emit harmful volatile substances.
- Minwat is sold in packs of one mat. The weight of rolls has not more than 0.75 kg.
- The density of mineral wool is 11 kilograms per m3.
- Insulation is recommended to use when working with wooden bases. In this case, insulation will significantly reduce heat loss.
Mats for warming "Isover Sauna" are actively used for cladding baths and saunas of various sizes. Also, the material is recommended for use on the ceiling of the washing room. Due to the presence of aluminum surface insulation performs the task of vapor barrier. Layer reliably holds moisture indoors.
The foil layer works like a mirror, reflecting thermal radiation. This feature saves fuel or electricity consumption required for space heating.
Despite the fact that wood is the best material for the base, mineral wool can be safely laid on the other base.
Experts recommend the use of insulation on the basis of new buildings and renovated premises.
Selection and Installation Rules
The quality of the finishing material “Isover Sauna” is confirmed by the certificates EN 13162 and ISO 9001. This is an internationally certified documentation, which indicates the reliability, practicality and durability of the material. Each buyer has the right to demand from the sales representative these certificates.
Purchase goods only in reliable and trusted stores. It is strongly recommended not to buy insulation and other finishing materials from hands. Because of the popularity of products on the market, there are many fakes and everyone risks becoming a victim of fraudsters.
The manufacturer positions insulation as a reliable insulating material for the walls of baths and saunas. Despite this, many buyers use mineral wool for cladding the ceiling and floor. In this case, a “thermos effect” is created in the room. Warm air and steam remain inside as long as possible.
The main rule that must be followed during installation is that the foil layer must be turned inside the room. If you deploy the mats by the other side, a serious violation of the technology will happen.Such an error will lead to the fact that the material will not perform the functions assigned to it and its service life will quickly come to an end. It is necessary to take the material out of the packaging half an hour before the beginning of the lining. After removing the packaging, wait until mineral wool returns the volume.
When choosing the thickness of the canvas, be guided by the climate in the region. The colder it is, the thicker the mineral wool should be.
Laying material can only be on the crates of wood. In the process, the edges of the mats are slightly tightened. The aluminum cladding layer is fixed with a construction stapler with staples.
For a more reliable fixation and accuracy, the joints and seams of the mats are glued with a dense reflective tape.
Before you begin, you must carefully consider the layout of the insulation and pre-cut the mats, depending on the size of the building. It is necessary to arrange the air gap between the foil layer on the insulation and the exterior finish. Its optimal size varies from 15 to 25 millimeters.
Thin mineral wool is desirable to use in the design of suburban buildings and storage facilities.In this case, a thickness of 50 millimeters will be quite sufficient for reliable thermal insulation.
Insulation can be used in the design of suspended ceilings.
Packaging and storage
Mineral wool “Isover Sauna” is sold in plastic packaging that protects the material during transport and storage. Together with the material in the kit is an instruction. It contains all the necessary information about storage, unpacking and use. Be sure to follow the instructions, especially if you are not experienced in handling such materials.
Minvat from the Isover brand is in great demand despite the huge variety of other manufacturers. Insulation from the above company simultaneously performs several functions (noise protection, steam insulator, heat preservation), and also has several advantages (environmental friendliness, long service life, simple installation, efficiency).
Dense mineral wool, designed specifically for laying in rooms with high humidity, will help to create the necessary microclimate in the room without significant costs. The material can be laid on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. With proper installation, durable and reliable insulation is guaranteed.
Due to the additional layer of foil insulation has gained increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Breaking material along or across is very difficult. Do not forget about the reflective effect of the foil layer.
To make an overall picture of the heater, you must read the reviews from buyers. The network collected both positive and negative reviews. Most opinions are laudatory. The material was appreciated at a high level both by experienced craftsmen from the construction sector, and ordinary buyers.
Users say they did not want the money spent. Insulation completely coped with the task and performed all the functions assigned to it. After his laying baths and saunas functioned perfectly.
In negative reviews, it was stated that the insulation is not suitable for facing large-sized premises. Some users have the impression that the insulation is suitable only for small saunas and baths.
How to insulate the ceiling with mineral wool with your own hands, you can find out by looking at the video below.