Isover Classic: the technical characteristics of the insulating plate

In the process of repairing or under new construction, it is important to take care of the preservation of heat in the building, since it is known that about 40% of it is lost through the walls and about 30% through the roof. Isover “Classic” mineral wool is a time-tested thermal insulation material on the Russian market for over 20 years.
For reference: the Saint-Gobain group of companies that produces and sells building materials, including Isover thermal insulation, as well as other innovative high-tech products for this industry, was created more than 350 years ago in France. The head office is located in Paris.
The material has a fibrous structure.Made from natural minerals: sand, limestone, soda. At a temperature of 1300 degrees, the thinnest glass threads, light and strong, which are the basis of the Isover “Classic” heat-insulating mats, are obtained from them. Synthetic binding components, which contain a relatively small amount, for example, polyurethane, give additional elasticity and density to the material.
For ease of use, mineral wool Isover is available in two forms: slabs and rolls. In any case, low weight, ease of installation make it easy to cope with the work, sometimes even one person. Moreover, the material is easily cut with a construction knife with a long blade (from 15 cm).
The elasticity of wool allows it, after strong compression, to straighten to its original shape and size, without losing performance. Manufacturers use this property when packing. The material, compressed compression 6 times, is tightened with a shrink film (“UPK” - single package). This method saves space during transportation and storage. The Multipack package (MUL) is even more economical. In this method, several "CPC" are subjected to even greater compression compression.With the help of polyethylene film, they are connected to modules. Blocks of several modules laid on a wooden pallet are covered with a stretch film.
The same property allows the installation of mineral wool with little or no additional fasteners. The material cut with allowances, straightening after compression, tightly fills the space between the profiles or bars of the frame.
Special features
To assess the thermal insulation quality of the product, you need to know its coefficient of thermal conductivity. Due to the fibrous structure of the slab inside, there is an air gap, and air, as is well known, is the best heat insulator in nature (air heat transfer coefficient is 0.0243 W / m-K at 0 degrees C). The average value of thermal conductivity of Isover is 0.038 W / m-K at 10 degrees C (corresponds to GOST 31924-2011), that is, slabs and mats can effectively keep heat inside the house.
In addition, the material is a good sound insulator. It is noted that the greater the thickness of the interlayer, the higher the airborne sound insulation index. But the increase in density is unlikely to achieve an improvement in this indicator.
Other specifications:
- water absorption at partial immersion per day - up to 1 kg / m2;
- heat emission at 25 degrees C - 0.041 W / mK;
- vapor permeability - 0.55 mg / mh-Pa;
- thermal insulation density - 15 kg / m3.
An important property, which largely determines the safety of the material, its flammability. Almost the entire range of heat insulators Isover belongs to the NG group - non-combustible. Some brands that have an additional vapor barrier in the form of a foil-coated film (for example, Isover “Sauna”) are classified as weakly combustible. The self-burning time is almost zero, the smoke generation is moderate, the coefficient does not exceed 500 m2 / kg.
Isover "Classic Plus" plates are available in standard size: width - 610 mm, length - 1170 mm. The thickness of the brand "Classic Plus 50" is 50 mm, "Plus 100" - respectively 100 mm.
Width of rolled grades, for example, Isover Classic Twin 50, usually 1220 mm. The length of a piece of different names may vary. The thickness is usually 50 mm, but other options are possible depending on the brand.
Consider the popular models of thermal insulation Isover.
Isover "Classic Cooker"
Recommended for the following designs:
- external warming of frame walls;
- heat and sound insulation of partitions;
- insulation of suspended ceilings.
Available in two types, differing in thickness:
- “Classic Plate” -50 / E / K - 50 mm, 14 pcs. in the package, 10 m2, 0.5 m3;
- "Classic Plate" -100 / E / K - 100 mm, 7 pcs., 5 m2, 0.5 m3.
Isover "Classic Twin 50"
This is a rolled heat insulator, so it is recommended to use it when you want to immediately close a large surface area with as few joints as possible.
You can apply:
- for wall insulation outside;
- for penthouses and internal roof insulation.
In a roll, as a rule, there are 2 pieces with a length of 8,200 or 6,150 mm and an area of 15–20 m2. Material thickness - 50 mm. There is also the Isover “Classic Twin Promo 80” brand, respectively, with a thickness of 80 mm with an insulation area in a roll of 18 m2.
Production technologies of heat-insulating materials in the company are constantly being improved. Several new items with improved features are now being proposed, the names of which indicate their direct purpose.
Isover "Warm House"
- for floors on logs;
- for floors.
Available in two types of packaging:
- 2 mats - 50 x 1220 x 5490 mm; area - 13.4 m2; volume - 0.67 m3;
- 2 mats - 50 x 1220 x 7000 mm; area - 17.1 m2; volume - 0, 85 m3.
Possible use (with a thickness of 100 mm) for the walls under the cladding. Thermal conductivity - 0.040 W / mK.The mats are laid in one, 100 mm thick, so when working you can choose the right one - 50 mm or 100 mm.
Isover "Warm Roof"
- for mansard insulation;
- for pitched roof.
- for floors on logs;
- for walls.
Two types of packaging:
- 2 mats - 50 x 1220 x 5000 mm; area - 12.2 m2; volume - 0.61 m3;
- 1 mat - 150 x 1220 x 4000 mm; area - 4.88 m2; volume - 0.75 m3.
Designed with high moisture resistance. Thermal conductivity - 0.037 W / mK.
Isover "Sauna"
Recommended for thermal insulation of rooms with high humidity:
- for a floor on logs;
- for walls;
- for ceilings (ceilings).
- 1 mat - 50 x 1200 x 12500 mm; area - 15.0 m2; volume - 0.75 m3.
The material is covered with foil film to enhance vapor barrier. Rolled material has advantages in warming surfaces with a large area, because it is possible to close the entire area with one piece. At the same time, the probability of the formation of cold bridges is low, since there are fewer joints. It is convenient to use for rafters with non-standard pitch, the material is easily cut, while there is little scrap, which allows you to save.
Thermal conductivity - 0,041 W / mK; water absorption at partial and temporary immersion - no more than 1 kg / m2.
Isover "Warm House Stove"
Recommended for lagging floors.
With a thickness of 100 mm it is possible:
- for external warming of walls under a covering;
- for walls from the inside;
- for frame walls.
Available in two types of packaging:
- 14 plates - 1170x610x50 mm; area - 10 m2; volume - 0.5 m3;
- 7 pieces - 1170x610x100 mm; area - 5 m2; volume is 0.5 m3.
The material does not break, does not slip, does not require additional fasteners. Thermal conductivity - 0.038 W / mK.
Isover "Warm Walls"
It is recommended to use for insulation:
- external frame walls;
- walls outside under the casing: block house, wall paneling, brick, siding and the like;
- walls from the inside.
Thermal conductivity - 0.036 W / mK; vapor permeability - more than 0.7 mg / mh-Pa. Two types of packaging, similar to the plates "Warm House". Moisture resistance enhanced (technology Aqua Protect).
Isover "Quiet House"
Recommended for thermal and noise insulation:
- suspended ceilings;
- interior partitions;
- floors on logs, floors;
- walls from the inside.
Thermal conductivity - 0.038 W / mK. With a wall thickness of 100 mm, taking into account the double layer of plasterboard on each side (12.5 mm) Isover “Quiet House” allows you not to hear conversations in the next room (airborne sound insulation index is 54 dB, which corresponds to GOST SP 51.13330.2011). Available in 50 mm thick, 14 pcs. packaged. When using slabs, even one person can do the work, especially when insulating small rooms.
Advantages and disadvantages
We summarize all the advantages of Isover insulation:
- effectively retains heat (according to calculations, 50 cm of material can replace 95 cm of a brick wall);
- applicable to any building component;
- creates a good sound insulation;
- does not break during installation and use;
- due to its elasticity, it fits snugly to the surface, does not slip, does not require additional fasteners;
- due to compression in the package takes up little space during transportation and storage;
- allows you to save on utility costs up to 67%;
- does not emit toxic substances when heated;
- safe for health in operation;
- it is eco-friendly;
- refers to non-combustible materials;
- resistant to mold, mildew and rodents.
There are minor flaws:
- Pretty expensive. But given the economy of consumption and long service life, we can say that in the end Isover costs only slightly more than other heaters.
- Does not withstand high pressure, therefore it is recommended for non-loaded structures.
- Caution should be exercised when working, since glass fiber particles can be dangerous to the skin and respiratory tract.
- We must not forget about the high hygroscopicity of the material.When a heater absorbs moisture from the air, with good ventilation, it is able to give it back without losing its qualities. But if a large amount of water gets inside, the material will completely lose its insulating properties.
- In order to ensure that the defects do not manifest themselves in the course of operation, it is important to follow the rules for transporting, storing and installing insulation boards.
Recommendations for working with the material
First of all, you need to take care of safety in order not to harm your health. It is necessary to work in overalls, gloves and a respirator.
The process of laying in general will not differ from the installation of other heaters.
- Surface preparation. As with any other work, it must be cleaned.
- Frame installation. A vertical crate is made of bars 50 x 50 mm. The pitch is usually 600 mm. When weatherize the roof, the rafters serve as a frame, on the floor - lags.
- If the recommended step is respected, the plates are tightly mounted without additional fasteners. If rolled material is used, for example, for a roof, it should be cut with allowances of about 2 cm, then fixing is also not required.For reliability, you can "shoot" staples construction stapler or use dowels.
- When insulating walls outside, you can perform another layer of insulation on a horizontal crate.
- Steam or waterproofing. Membranes of the same manufacturer may be used.
- Ventilation clearance. Install another crate in the form of pressure bars. This is not required only when warming the floor.
- Installation of facing, for a floor - the finishing basis under final finishing.
Customer Reviews
The characteristics declared by the manufacturers, thermal insulation Isover "Classic" fully complies. Most of the material meets the expectations of customers. It is noted convenience in work, the ability to independently perform the entire installation, which allows you to save on call masters. Some complaints, such as skin irritation after working with mineral wool, are most often associated with safety violations.
In general, we can conclude that the products of the company Isover is widely used in private housing, which is deservedly so.
On how to insulate the roof material Isover Classic, you will learn in the next video.