Features of the design of toilets in the style of "loft"

The loft style is interesting in that it is radically different from all other interior styles. The dwelling looks as if it had recently been industrial or warehouse, but at the same time it has a special comfort.
In this style, not the whole apartment can be decorated, but one of its rooms or even a bathroom. Although it should be noted that in most cases the interior design "loft" completely covers the whole dwelling, thus, without losing its integrity.
It is used primarily in studio apartments, where the entire space is one room, sometimes divided into zones.
What makes a loft style different?
First of all, this direction implies the rejection of all the traditional signs of comfort and convenience. There are no carpets, classic curtains, wallpaper, furniture with upholstery.
Loft features:
- high ceiling;
- deliberately rough walls;
- floor made of concrete or stone;
- the minimum number of walls between the rooms;
- almost complete absence of curtains;
- big windows;
- “Factory” parts, for example, water pipes or wires, pieces of raw “brick” wall;
- artificially damaged or aged furniture and other interior details.
At once it is necessary to make a reservation that in an apartment with a very small area with low ceilings, the loft will look like an unfinished repair. In addition, in a dark, cluttered with furniture and other details of the room will be very gloomy, if it is decorated in a similar style. For the loft is important light, space, as well as brevity and directness.
Not every person will like the loft style. This is a modern and fashionable trend, in which it will be comfortable for young people and creative individuals - those who love studio apartments and do not want to spend a lot of money on repairs. It is important to consider the height of the ceilings and the area of the room, which is planned to issue.
Features of the design of the toilet
Loft style bathroom or toilet decoration is an innovative and non-trivial solution. But at the same time it is quite simple.
No need to think that deliberate rudeness and artificially aged parts require the installation of used or cheap plumbing. Just the opposite - the rougher and untreated the walls and the floor will look, the more expensive and unusual the bathtub, toilet bowl and shower cabin should be.
Of the elements of decor will be required only:
- mirror;
- lamp;
- towel dryer;
- poster or mosaic on the wall.
The frame for the mirror, the lamp and the towel dryer must be made in metallic shades: silver, gold or copper.
When using this style, the maximum costs will be associated with the acquisition of plumbing, and the finishing will take a minimum of time and money. Pipes for water and sewage, boiler design - all this does not have to be masked. On the contrary, these details will be key elements in the future interior design.
In this case, one should not forget about the need for reliable insulation of electrical wiring, since electricity in the bathroom should not be in contact with water. This can be avoided by carefully insulating electrical wiring.
One of the important nuances is the selection of colors for the toilet room, aging of parts,harmonious combination of all elements. At the same time, the design should not look like it was working on it for a long time and diligently. The highlight of the loft is its ease and simplicity.
The most suitable materials are brick and concrete. Bricklaying can be laid out one of the walls. If the bathroom is small, it is better to confine yourself to fragments, creating the effect of a “dilapidated” wall. It is better to treat it with antiseptic against the formation of fungus and mold.
An interesting option would be to finish the wall with imitation bricks, as well as mirrored tiles or ceramics.
Concrete flooring can be an extremely bold solution for styling a loft style bathroom. Then the room will receive the necessary level of contrast for this style. It is better if these are areas of concrete that perform a decorative function. A solid floor made of this material may cause some inconvenience, since after water procedures it is not very pleasant to get up on the floor from a similar material.
Design Tips
You can use both dark and light shades. The first, used in small quantities, will create a contrast in the room.But too bright tones - orange, yellow, purple - should be avoided, because they violate the concept of style. Red may be an accent, but it is permissible to use it only in small quantities.
The ceiling needs to be made light or even white. Do not follow this rule only when its height exceeds 2.5 m.
If the concrete is too radical material for laying the floor, you can use a floor of boards or tile with a matte texture.
Windows (if any) are unlikely to miss a lot of sun. In this case, you need to create an artificial sensation of fluorescent lamps. This can be done with the help of both spotlights and LED strip.
Plumbing for the bathroom in the loft style should not be decorated with lots of details and patterns. Acceptable use of strict forms and straight lines.
Not everyone is able to feel comfortable in a room decorated in this style. Therefore, before you decide to apply it in your apartment, you need to spend some time in a room with a similar interior.
You also need to think about heating the toilet room. By itself, a loft is a rather cold interior because of the presence of textures such as stone, brick, and raw walls.Therefore, if the atmosphere in the bathroom is too cold, it will be uncomfortable in it.
It is important to remember that loft is a concept that involves the use of not old or used things and materials, but artificially aged new and high-quality interior elements.
See the following video on how to properly place a loft-style ceramic tile in the toilet.