Golden toilets: luxurious bathroom decoration

The words "golden toilet" have long become the personification of costly bad taste, and sometimes the subject of jokes. Meanwhile, this plumbing item can become a real gem of the toilet room decor, if you choose the right model and correctly fit it into the interior. But you need to understand that this will not be a budget decision.
Japan and China are the world's leading manufacturers of gold sanitary ware, which includes gold toilet bowls. The Japanese company InaxCorp produces toilet bowls and a bidet of pure gold without impurities 24 carats. For example, the cost of the InaxCorp toilet bowl is about 200,000 euros. Typically, these products are equipped with the results of modern achievements of the sanitary industry: self-cleaning functions, automatic flushing, music delivery.
Italian companies also produce gold plumbing, it is more budgetary than Japanese counterparts. For example, in the line of the company Galassia there is a toilet bowl in a golden hue, but this is only a chrome finish. He himself is made of sanitary ceramics and sanitary ware. However, it looks decent. Available in full gold color or partially colored (lid and tank may be white). May have horizontal or vertical release. The buyer has the opportunity to choose a similar sink and bidet for this model.
Model Della Otti Versace can be called gold with a big stretch. In this shade made only trim on the rims of the seat, tank and base. The toilet itself is made of white porcelain. The ornament is represented by a characteristic gold pattern, which is often used on accessories, clothing and footwear, as well as dishes and other interior items of the Versace fashion house.
Della Otti Versace is not the only equipment with golden decoration, in the model range stand out:
- Boston super plus;
- Quattro super plus;
- Globus super plus;
- Quattro wood;
- Antler super plus.
All of them are united by the “Versace” pattern, which decorated the rims of the seats, bases and cistern. The Quattro wood model is also equipped with a black lid for wood, all other models are made in white.
Toilets Della Otti can decorate the bathroom better than pure gold. They look extremely noble and elegant.
If you choose an apron with a similar ornament in the bathroom, you can make it really fashionable and modern. Laguraty models, decorated with a gold pattern on a white background, are equipped with a double drain system and a microlift lid. At the same time, they cost about 30,000 rubles, that is, much cheaper than natural gold toilet bowls. But you need to understand that this is not a completely precious object, there is not a hint of high cost and luxury.
Interior styles
In order for the plumbing from precious metals to look harmonious in the interior, you need to choose the right style in which the bathroom will be decorated. This is by no means any style, since in itself expensive, luxurious plumbing is not suitable for every apartment or house. The most modern is the loft style, in which a toilet bowl of gold can become a real gem. Deliberately rough walls and cement floor will create an original contrast with the expensive and rich model.
It should be borne in mind that the bathroom in no case should not be small. Otherwise, all attempts to make gold equipment an organic part of the decor will be doomed to failure.This remark is true for any interior in which installation of a similar design is planned.
In a limited space, a golden toilet will not be so noticeable.
The classic style can also include a golden plumbing. But it is better if this color is not predominant. Then the patterns on the rim of the sink, bathroom, toilet bowl can overlap with the similar design of the frame of the mirror, lamps, doors. This combination will create the illusion of an ensemble of interior composition.
In the modern style of the interior, the “precious” toilet will take its place if the rest of the decoration consists of achromatic tones (better than gray). Then there will be no overload of the decor with glitter and shine. As for such styles as marine, Scandinavian, Provence, minimalism, in them too luxurious plumbing equipment will look alien. It is necessary to carefully approach the interior design.
Baroque or rococo, these styles need luxury. It can not be too much. Therefore, gold toilets and sinks inlaid with precious stones and a bidet completely covered with rhinestones are allowed here.
It is important to comply with a single design style plumbing.
Choosing a toilet made of pure gold for the toilet, you will have to spend money on strengthening the floor surface. Models of this precious metal weigh so much that the ordinary floor simply will not stand them (at least 250-280 kg). As for the chrome equipment, its weight does not differ from the standard. In this case, no additional thickening of the floor is required.
How to make yourself?
Gold plumbing afford not many buyers. If you do not leave the thought of how well such a toilet would look in the toilet room, you can try to make it golden with your own hands. There are many ways to paint plumbing. The simplest of them is to use a can of appropriate paint. It is necessary to cover with newspapers or paper those parts that cannot be stained. Next you need to spray the paint in accordance with the instructions on it.
Decoupage can be another way to decorate the toilet. It requires careful preparation. The main material that is used to work in this technique is napkins, but not thin kitchen ones, but three-layer napkins.When performing a decoupage, 2 lower layers are separated from the napkin, leaving the face with a pattern. One pack will be enough for the project. You will also need acrylic glue for decoupage, varnish, soft brushes. They can be purchased at any office supply store.
Gold leaf gilding is another opportunity to turn your plumbing into an art object. This technology requires a large margin of patience, because the work must be done very carefully. Without the appropriate skills, this will be difficult to do, because the golden surface must be flawless. Any flaw (scratch, crack, even a random speck of dust) can ruin the result.
Gold leaf can be free or transfer. The first is the thinnest layer of precious metal. It can not be touched, so the master must be a great craftsman to apply layers without flaws. As for the transfer, its layers are fixed on silk paper. On the decorated surface it is transferred along with it. After gluing, the paper is removed. Novice decorators easier to work with this type of tinsel.
Putting gold leaf is a sequence of certain actions. First you need to cover the surface with two or three layers of acrylic primer. All layers should dry well. After that, the surface must be sanded, for example, with emery paper with an abrasive of 240 or 400. Next, apply a varnish, the surface is dried.
After this, it is necessary to re-grind, but with abrasive 600. Next, mordan is applied to the toilet, the surface is dried to give the necessary stickiness. After that you can apply the gold leaf itself. It is carefully transferred to the surface and pressed with a brush so that there is no shear. Drying will take at least a day.
Gilding is divided into two types:
- oily (has a matte surface);
- glue (glossy).
The latter is applicable only to certain types of materials. It is suitable for wood and certain types of plastic. Oil gilding can be used on any surface, including sanitary ware. If there is no desire and funds to invest in pure gold leaf, you can use potal. This is copper with zinc or aluminum, it is much cheaper, they are applied in the same way as tinsel.
Gold sparkles can decorate the toilet better than paint. Gold pasty paint is hard to work with a large, irregularly shaped surface. It is applied with a finger and rubbed into the coating. But due to it, you can make the toilet golden and vintage, aged. The effect can turn out to be unusually beautiful (especially if you support the plumbing with a frame for a mirror or an apron on the wallpaper).
How to turn an ordinary toilet into a gold, see the following video.