Cup Toilets: Features, Disadvantages and Benefits

The toilet bowl forms are currently funnel-shaped, canopy and dish-shaped. The choice of these devices is one of the most important decisions during the repair of the bathroom. This article will discuss in more detail the features, advantages and disadvantages of the toilet bowls.
Design features
The dish-shaped toilet bowl is an equipment equipped with a platform (shelf) where waste products accumulate and then are removed under the influence of water flow. The drain hole is always shifted forward.
The model is currently considered obsolete, but does not lose its popularity.
A significant advantage of toilet bowls with a bowl-shaped bowl is the absence of splashes. In addition, if you inadvertently drop the keys, phone or other important item in the toilet, it will not immediately fall into the sink, but will linger on the shelf. The advantages of toilet bowls end there.
The disadvantages include the following points:
- devices with this type of bowl can not be called economical, a large amount of water is used for flushing;
- not all waste is well washed off the shelves, so often have to use a brush;
- water stagnates on the platform, which leads to the formation of rusty deposits;
- in bathrooms with toilet bowls of this type there are often unpleasant odors;
- Since this model is old-fashioned, not all manufacturers make toilets of this type, so you’ll have to shop around to find such a device.
Popular models and brands
The design with a dish-type bowl, first of all, is made by Russian companies.
An example is a firm Santekincluded in the union Roca since 2007, as well as other best manufacturers of sanitary ware in the world.The choice of products of this brand is quite wide, the quality is at the height, and the price is acceptable. This manufacturer uses foreign technologies and components, which allows its product to meet European standards. Dish toilets of the brand are represented by models "Boreal", "Caesar", "Breeze" and many others.
Another Russian plumbing brand is SANTERI. He is also a member of the group of companies. Roca since 2010, and enjoys all the advantages of the concern. The manufacturer of this brand is in the Kaluga region. He began his work in 1991. The materials from which SANTERI equipment is made are environmentally friendly and meet all international standards. Plumbing is glazed, resistant to chemical attack, and also has a special whiteness and long service life. In the assortment of toilet tops of the brand you can find models such as "Ultra", "Orion", "Version". The last two, in addition to white, are presented in beige, blue and light green.
Lobnensky plant is a fairly well-known manufacturer of toilet bowls. Plumbing of this brand is made in the city of Lobnya.The quality is high, a special service at the enterprise is responsible for it, the price will not hit the wallet. The choice of products is quite extensive, including the toilet toilets presented models "Debut", "Comfort".
A sample of another Russian manufacturer of sanitary equipment is the brand “Oskol ceramics”. The company is located in the city of Stary Oskol, equipped with Russian and Italian equipment. The manufacturer uses high-quality environmental materials that meet all international standards. Products are resistant to aggressive chemicals and will long delight their owners with exceptional whiteness. Ceramic toilet bowl "Rainbow" from this brand is a model with a shelf. Also models with a plate are Salyut, Optima Standard, Universal Standard.
You can meet a Polish company in the market. Hybner. Products of this brand occupy one of the leading places in Russia. It has been producing sanitary ceramics since 1990. For all the time of its existence, the company is constantly improving. Its products are of high quality and meet the quality standard ISO 9001: 2000.The company uses high-tech equipment and innovative production methods. Hybner toilets have an eco-stop button that allows you to control the flow of water when flushing. And also the 3/6 system, which saves water consumption.
Models with a shelf are Neptun, Premier, Kancler.
Tips for choosing
The type of bowl is not the last criterion when choosing a toilet bowl. If you decide on this, then you should pay attention to other characteristics.
Toilets are floor, wall and mortise.
Floor toilets most common. Such a device is attached to the floor with screws.
They are of two types:
- compact;
- monoblock.
The compact design involves the separation of the bowl and cistern, which, in turn, can be placed on a solid or added shelf. This solution makes it possible to change part of the device if necessary.
Monoblock is a complete system, some parts are not subject to repair, but it is much cheaper than the previous version.
Wall-hung toilets are less common, due to complexity in installation. In this case, the bowl is attached to the false wall, behind which the drain tank and the drain system are hidden.But this type of design takes up less space.
Mortise is most often used in places with high traffic (cafes, theaters, hospitals).
There are three types of connecting the device to the sewer. They correspond to the possible location of sewer pipes in your house: with direct, oblique and discharge into the floor. In the first case, the drain device is made horizontally. Oblique release made half angle. Release to the floor - vertically. The choice of the type of drain depends only on the location of the drain pipes in your home. Choosing the appropriate issue, you do not have to purchase additional connecting corrugations.
Toilets differ in the type of drain:
- rear - flush sewage more efficiently due to the strong flow of water emanating from the rear wall;
- circular - washes all the walls inside the bowl without splashing.
Materials for the manufacture of toilet bowls may also vary. The most common and inexpensive is faience. It has a porous structure, due to which it absorbs odors and makes care difficult. Porcelain is an expensive but better material. Not so often in the store you can find plumbing, made of stainless steel or natural stone.
The choice of sanitary equipment depends on the budget and personal preferences. Knowing the pros and cons of the characteristics of the toilet, make a purchase with the necessary requirements will be easy.
Tips for choosing can be viewed in the video below.