Toilets with oblique release: design features

People are drawn to comfort: they make a renovation in apartments, acquire areas outside the city and build houses there, share bathrooms and put showers in the bathroom and toilet with lifter in the toilet. The article will address the question of what it means to the toilet with an oblique release, and what is its design.
Design features
There are two types of toilet bowls, the bowls of which have different directions of the outlet: in one of them it is directed vertically, in the other - horizontally. Among the horizontal also there are differences - toilets with direct and oblique releases. The latter is sometimes called corner release.In some sources, the direct and angular variants are attributed simply to various types of toilet bowls.
In Russia and countries formerly in the USSR, the most common in construction connections with sewage systems are flush toilets with horizontal release. And especially - with the angular (oblique) of his option. This circumstance is explained by the typical location of sewer pipes in the Soviet urban city planning. Currently, little has changed, multi-storey buildings are built on the same principle. In the toilet rooms of the apartments to put a toilet with a vertically directed outlet pipe is simply impossible.
Oblique release - this means that the end of the outlet pipe connecting through the knee to the sewer drain is made at an inclination of 30 degrees relative to the floor.
Such a constructive solution has a great advantage over toilet bowls with other options for discharging contents into the sewer system.
Now there are many toilet bowls of different types, design, color, and even a set of functionalities in the stores - luxury bathrooms with heated seats, like in a car, a sliding bidet, and even a hairdryer.In clear plumbing stores, for obvious reasons, most toilet bowls are with an angular output of the exhaust system.
The fact is that toilet bowls differ not only in the appearance of the bowl, but also in its internal structure. And this is a more important point, which is crucial when choosing a toilet bowl for your home.
According to the design of the bowl, the toilet bowls are divided into the following types.
- Dish-shaped with a solid-cast shelf - a type of toilet bowl, which is already becoming a thing of the past, but is also on sale. A shelf (or a plate) is the very element on which substances of waste products are contained that are intended to be subsequently drained into the sewer system;
- Visor with a solid-cast shelf or slope - the most common type, having undeniable advantages in its design. Has a shelf, located under a slope of 30-45 degrees to the front or rear wall of the bowl, or a visor specially arranged in the bowl;
- Funnels - also have a spread, but a slightly different character: this type is more popular for installation in public places than in apartments.
One has only to look inside the bowl, and the type of its device immediately becomes clear.It is not difficult to figure out which outlet nozzle - straight, oblique or vertical - a toilet for an apartment or house is needed, even where it has never been, but there are sewer pipes. Everyone knows about the practice of modern construction of apartments under the "black" and "gray" keys.
By the way the socket of the sewer pipe is arranged, on which the adapter connecting the outlet pipe and the sewage pipe will be screwed, a conclusion is drawn about the design of the future toilet bowl.
It is also useful to know about the nature of the flow movement when draining water from the tank into the bowl. There are the following ways to wash the contents in the bowl and clean it:
- cascade, in which water through the pipe in one stream washes the bowl;
- circular, when the drain of water washes the bowl through several holes arranged in a circle under the rim of the bowl; in modern models, the water jet from the holes is directed downwards at an angle in order to cover a larger area of the washout.
And another feature that is important for the selection and installation of a toilet bowl is the option of connecting the flush tank to the water supply network. There are tanks with a lower supply of water, in which the water supply hose is connected to the tank inlet below, and tanks with a side supply (inlet on the side of one side of the tank, closer to the lid).
Advantages and disadvantages
The device for the bathroom with an oblique release has its pros and cons. But positive qualities prevail, as evidenced by good demand for these models. The advantages of the product are reduced to several points.
- The main advantage of this design is the absence of a strictly fixed position of the toilet bowl in relation to the sewer pipe, which is notorious for products with direct or vertical release. Allowed the location of the sewer to the toilet with an angular outlet at an angle of 0-35 degrees. This circumstance gave reason to call such a construction universal.
- Thanks to the inclined release of the toilet bowl, its installation to the sewage system is greatly facilitated. Any small inaccuracies in the location of the sewer socket are easily compensated.
- Such a bowl rarely clogs, because in the device of its release there are no sharp turns at a right angle - only smooth ones at an angle of 45 degrees. The inclined structure does not create a mass of waste of great resistance.
A big "minus" of such products is noise when flushing. In the combined areas of the toilet and bathroom, they occupy a large area.
And if you use hanging bowls that have hidden flush cisterns or attached models, then there are other inconveniences associated with the repair or replacement of toilet bowls.
Among the bowls with the design of the internal structure, the advantages of a visor-type model are, of course:
- waste is cleaned off, rarely additional manipulations are required to clean the bowl (for example, with a brush);
- the presence of a visor and a low level of “water on duty” in the water seal prevent its splashing and subsequent ingress of particles of water and sewage on the skin of a seated person;
- thanks to a hydrolock in the room unpleasant smells and gases from the sewerage get.
In comparison with the funnel-shaped counterpart, a visor toilet has a “minus” - a large water flow for flushing. But part of the issue is solved by installing a dual-mode flush button (with the appropriate device for this in the tank).
Engineers of bowls with a funnel-shaped inner shape are trying to eliminate splashes in their models. They are looking for the perfect placement of the outlet channel in the bowl and the nominal water level in it, at which there should be no splashing. This system was called "anti-splash."
Manufacturing materials
The most popular and respected material for the manufacture of toilet bowls is porcelain. For people looking for a budget option, made faience products. For public toilets, stainless steel and plastic devices are suitable.
But expensive bowls and devices that rely on them can be poured out of artificial marble or cut out from natural stone, and also made of glass.
The most hygienic and durable (with careful treatment) is a porcelain product. Faience is considered an analogue of porcelain, but it is much inferior to it in strength, durability and resistance to detergents. Its only "plus" - low price.
Popular models and brands
Comparing manufacturers of plumbing, among the domestic can be distinguished the best of them:
- Santek - is the leader of Russian plumbing, producing universal products at affordable prices. Regularly ranks high on the ranking in terms of quality and cost of products;
- Sanita - also one of the leaders. The products of this manufacturer are exclusively of porcelain,which is not inferior to the materials of leading western suppliers of toilet bowls. Unfortunately, the bowls of this company do not have anti-splash (special shelf on the rim of the bowl). But the pricing policy of the enterprise is most popular;
- Santeri - this manufacturer at the expense of design ideas and high technology creates a competitive plumbing equipment that is in good demand from the domestic buyer.
All enterprises use foreign technological lines.
Among the import manufacturers of sanitary ware, having good reviews about affordability and quality, such companies can be mentioned:
- Gustavsberg - Swedish concern, supplying convenient sanitary equipment for apartments, including for disabled people;
- Jika - Czech company that has production facilities not only at home, but also in Russia, which puts its toilet bowls in a number of inexpensive, but high-quality products. One of the sought-after items are Jika Vega compact toilets with a funnel-shaped bowl and a dual-mode flush;
- Roca - Spanish brand of plumbing production: different collections for small spaces and toilets with electronic control; attracts and diverse product style.
Among manufacturers of elite products, the most famous brand is AM.PM (UK, Italy, Germany).
For cottages, offices or apartments with a small family budget, inexpensive models of toilet bowls are Katun and Tom products of the Universal Novokuznetsk plant. They have porcelain funnel-shaped bowls, slanting descent and tanks with a bottom or side liner.
Installation Tips
A distinctive feature of the toilet with a slanting release is that the installation does not require special plumbing skills. For the case of replacing the old toilet tips are as follows:
- measure the base level on the horizontal area and correct irregularities that can lead to loosening and cracking in the bowl;
- if the base is not sufficiently dense or contaminated, then it is better to remove it and pour a new one;
- Mount the bowl to the floor is better to mount on screws - it will be more convenient to work with mounting the bowl;
- The final tightening of fasteners should be done after the bowl is fully installed with the outlet connected to the sewer system.
All devices of the tank are sold already assembled, it remains only to insert them in the right places according to the drawing and the manufacturer's instructions.
The main task is to connect the outlet to the sewer bell. This makes one of three options:
- directly into the socket (ideal when replacing single-type toilets);
- using corrugated plumbing sleeves;
- using eccentric cuff.
The main thing with any method is to reliably seal the joints with sealing rings and sealant. And after the end of work, give time for drying of the sealing compound.
How to choose a toilet and which one is better, see the next video.