How to get rid of condensate on the toilet bowl?

The operation of sanitary devices in the bathroom or in the bathroom is sometimes associated with the appearance of rather specific problems. This concerns the accumulation of moisture on the toilet cistern. To eliminate such unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to understand exactly what factors entailed the occurrence of such inconveniences.
Condensation on the toilet bowl contributes to the formation of an increased level of humidity in the room, due to which dampness appears and an unpleasant odor accumulates. Such a microclimate makes components of sanitary equipment made of metal worthless, causing rust and corrosion.And this is fraught with all sorts of problems, ranging from small stains on various surfaces in the room, to the formation of leaks and other more serious damage to the toilet. For occupants, mold and other microorganisms will be dangerous, for which such conditions are most favorable for reproduction.
Most often, condensate forms where there is a temperature difference, and due to its properties, bathrooms and toilets are just such a room. As a rule, the temperature in the bathroom is sometimes quite high, especially in the winter. And the water that makes the toilet drain is colder, it’s not difficult to quickly cool the tank itself.
There can be several reasons why excess moisture is collected on the toilet.
- Frequent use of the device, due to which the water entering it cannot warm to the optimum room temperature. In residential premises where a large family lives, they use sanitary ware several times more often than in apartments where one or two people live. Frequent discharge of water contributes to a perceptible difference in temperature between the water from the pipeline and the temperature indicators in a residential area.
- The appearance of problems in the drain system, due to which water with a normal temperature goes away, and the missing volume is filled with cooled from the pipeline. Various failures of shut-off valves entail the provision of a toilet cistern with cold water, in winter its temperature is about 3 degrees Celsius, and the room during the winter period warms up to a temperature above the 20 degrees mark. The difference of 15 degrees or more contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the surface of the toilet bowl, which sweats.
- High humidity in the room. Often the bathroom in the apartments is combined with a bathroom, where they additionally have a laundry dryer. The presence of a damp cloth, water that drips from the pipes, as well as a combination of these phenomena significantly increase the concentration of moisture in the air. Plastic and ceramic surfaces do not allow it to dry, so they are covered with drops.
- Malfunction of ventilation of the toilet room or its absence. There are cases when a special window for airing tightly sealed in during the repair work. This entails a failure in air circulation, and excess moisture from it condenses onto the surface of the flush tank.
- Arranging the bathroom in such a way that in the immediate vicinity of the toilet there will be many hot water pipes, heating radiators or towel dryers.
After identifying the cause, which contributes to the fact that the toilet bowl is fogging up, it is necessary to take measures to combat the phenomenon of condensate.
First of all, you need to check how well the tank itself functions. The technology of performing such work is not particularly difficult. For this, it is necessary to observe a little how the mechanism implements its functional tasks.
When the toilet is not used, but water still flows from the cistern, even if it is poured in a small trickle, the drain system needs repair. Such a leak can be determined by the formation of a trace of water, which eventually manifests itself inside.
To fix the problem, you need to check every detail of the device., special attention is paid to connecting elements and inlet fittings. If it is not possible to cope with the task independently, it is better to take the help of a specialist who can perform both diagnostics and repair of breakdowns.Calling plumbing is an ideal solution for users who do not have enough knowledge and practical experience to get rid of plumbing breakdowns. Repair will eliminate the problem and resolve the issue with the wet surface of the tank.
If the problem is that the toilet is used too often, then installation of a two-step button on the mechanism can help. The latest models of sanitary devices are initially implemented in this configuration. The button can be easily purchased at any building supermarket, the cost of production is quite affordable for most consumers.
By installing the button, it becomes possible to drain only a certain part of the water that is contained in the toilet bowl. The button is a system that consists of two modes of discharge - full and partial. This feature makes it possible to save water, which is relevant today for the majority of owners of apartments and houses, and also allows the incoming fluid to warm up over time. This will reduce the likelihood of moisture on the surface of the toilet.
Sometimes the cause of the accumulation of condensate is not the mechanism of the sanitary device. The question may relate to other issues, for example, a high level of humidity. This phenomenon is often the root cause of the accumulation of moisture on the outer surface of the tank.
Proper arrangement of ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom will help not only to get rid of the misting of various devices in these rooms, but also to optimize the microclimate throughout the home.
The first step is to resort to installing a fan with good power., the installation of which occurs in a circular gap in the wall. Now, many types of devices for ventilation can be easily connected to the light switches in the room, so that they will do their job when the lighting in the bathroom is turned on. Moreover, the installation, tied to the lighting, can be carried out in the reverse mode of the fan - that is, the mechanism will begin to supply fresh air when turning off the light in the room. In light of the fact that devices for ventilation in the process of work still emit noise, models that will work with the lights off are more in demand.
In order for ventilation to contribute to lowering the level of moisture and airing, in bathrooms and toilets certain models of doors are often installed that have special grilles or openings for air circulation. Such design features of door panels provide free access to humid air from the room, and that, in turn, rather quickly mixes with the general microclimate in the apartment.
It will not be superfluous to additionally clean the ventilation channelsleading to the bathroom, air exchange in the dwelling also depends on their condition. Lack of traction will indicate that the channel is clogged.
Another factor affecting the work of general ventilation in the apartment may be the closing of the window with any material. The plug must be removed, as ventilation in the bathroom is mandatory. In the first time after the purchase of housing this factor could simply not pay attention. However, it can cause in the future a number of unpleasant phenomena, among which the main ones are condensate, fungus, unpleasant smell in the room, corrosion of water pipes.
The hole is sometimes closed up, guided by the aesthetic componentwhen the window for ventilation does not meet the requirements of the owners in appearance. But today there are a lot of beautiful ventilation grids on sale, which will make this obligatory component more accurate, not attracting too much attention.
How to raise the temperature of the water?
The next way to help fight strong condensate is to increase the temperature of the fluid in the toilet bowl. This can be done by ensuring that the tank is filled with slightly warmed water. For the winter season, this technology will be very useful.
You can access the warm fluid in the system in the following ways:
- Acquisition of a water heater that will heat the liquid before it is poured into the tank.
- Warming of a pipe through which there is a liquid. This method has a fairly affordable price, but will require the implementation of a number of works. The first thing you need to buy material for insulation, which wraps the supply pipe.
- To make a smaller pressure with which water flows into the apartment. This will reduce the speed of filling the tank, so that water can quickly reach room temperature.
Many experts prefer the installation of a double-flush cistern. Although the product has appeared on the market not so long ago, it is already in great demand, since it is considered the newest alternative development in the field of manufacturing sanitary fixtures. The high cost of production is justified by its efficiency, since the toilet does not “sweat” due to the peculiarities of its design.
The device is a reservoir made of plastic and a body with an interlayer for air. This configuration feature will help to make the difference between the temperatures completely insignificant, which eliminates the risk of moisture on the device.
Useful tips
In the case of a drainage tank self-leakage, it will not be possible to eliminate the problem of condensate by arranging ventilation or achieving a balance of water and air temperatures. Failure without fail needs to be eliminated completely.
Many experts advise in the course of the fight against condensate to equip the tank insulation with their own hands. This can be achieved by pasting the inner or outer walls of the tank with insulating materials, and fixing it with a sealant. The tank is treated with the composition inside, including the bottom, and the insulation is glued.All joints are sealed with a sealant, after complete drying, all parts return to their places.
Effective methods of dealing with excess moisture are dehumidifiers, which are installed indoors. The device is purchased based on the degree of humidity, the area of the room and cost.
Devices can be of two types:
- condensate;
- absorption.
In devices of the first type, the air cools down, and the moisture comes out in the form of condensate. The latter is in the form of a container containing a special filler that absorbs excess moisture from the air.
How to get rid of the condensate on the toilet bowl, see the following video.