Toilet "Anti-Splash": the advantages and functions of the system

When choosing toilets, most buyers try to choose the option that has as few side effects as possible, for example, splashes and splashes when draining. Currently, preference is given to products with the "Anti-Splash" function. When choosing the product you like, you need to adhere to specific parameters, although the new models still surpass those released later.
What it is?
Toilets "Anti-Splash" began to be produced long ago, but due to the small performance they were not in demand. Modern products are designed with the highest quality and using the latest technology.The design of "Anti-Splash" in the toilet implies a minimum amount of different splashing when using it. The design is made in the form of a ceramic bowl, it has a special ledge. It prevents the dispersal of splashes when draining the water and contributes to the retention of persistent "flavor" of the sewer.
The main drawback of products of this type is a decent water flow. In addition, a certain amount of water always accumulates on the protrusion, which helps the formation of lime scale, rust and various contaminants. But in our time it is not a big problem. Now on sale there is a large assortment of various cleaning products, with the help of which you can easily get rid of various stubborn dirt.
Good work of “Anti-Splash” occurs only when the drain hole design is properly installed. It should be narrow and shifted to the front or back of the toilet bowl. In addition, the water level in the bowl should be the lowest, and discharge should occur over the entire surface of the bowl. Today, double-wash porcelain designs are becoming increasingly popular.
How to choose?
In this product "Anti-Splash" a funnel shape has been developed that is best suited in terms of personal hygiene.
These toilets differ from others in the following parameters:
- the drain hole is smaller than usual;
- drain is shifted to the rear wall;
- the drain channel is located below similar products;
- the front of the bowl, falling, goes into the ledge, and then smoothly into the drain channel.
This design contributes to the best protection against splashing, but the main spray absorber is assigned the role of low water level in the drain hole. If there is a desire to buy a product with the Anti-Splash system, it is necessary to take into account other parameters and characteristics. First of all, you should consider the size of the bathroom.
With a small area of bathrooms, which predominate in urban apartments, the best option would be a suspended toilet or a floor-standing with a hidden cistern. When installing such a toilet bowl will be more free space.
These products are suitable for almost all premises, because they can be connected to all currently available drainage pipes.In addition, some versions of the Anti-Splash system are equipped with heated seats, a bidet, equipped with a rational drain mechanism and treated with a special enamel preventing pollution. When choosing, the focus should be on the design of the drain hole. It should have a narrowed shape, be sure to be shifted to the front or back. The top edge should have a special rim that makes splashing difficult.
Buying this product, you should look at the internal form. The back of the toilet bowls of this system must be made at an angle.
Drain system can be represented by such types:
- horizontal, where the drained water flows on the back of the toilet bowl;
- circular when the water is drained from three points, ensuring better washability.
The second type is preferable to the fact that this flush function produces a uniform flushing of the entire bowl design, which facilitates the process of care.
When buying is worth paying attention to the toilet lid, which gives the product a complete look. Many covers are made in the standard version, but there are also models with automatic finishing.When closing a product it is a very necessary fixture, thanks to it the lid does not knock on the toilet and does not damage its cover.
Always pay attention to the integrity of the product, the absence of any minor damage, cracks and chips.
The inner part of the toilet bowl should be covered with enamel, for persuasiveness it is possible to run along the surface with your fingertips. You must check the availability of all components: gaskets and fasteners. If the gaskets are made of silicone, then they are the best option, since they have a long service life. For more convenient use for a long time, it is worth paying special attention to the height and size of the toilet seat.
Bowl Shape
All toilet bowls are made with the following forms of bowls.
- Visor. Its main difference is that it almost completely prevents splashes from entering the person. However, when such a toilet is used by men, splashes from urine fall on the walls and under the bezel. And the water does not fall on this section of the toilet bowl and it has to be washed frequently, which creates some inconvenience;
- Disc. This type of toilet bowl design has been used for a long time, now many manufacturers are returning to it. This form of the bowl also prevents splashing, but with the use of a circular drain system in the toilet. But they also have a significant drawback - splashes fall on the surface of the walls of the room;
- Funnel shape. This type of bowl is best suited for toilet bowls with the Anti-Splash system, because it distributes water more evenly and efficiently when flushing. In addition, a small amount of water is wasted, the toilet bowl after the flush remains clean.
Drain outlet
A lot of attention is paid to the selection of a flush toilet bowl. It depends entirely on the sewage system installed in the bathroom.
Toilets are made of the following types of drains:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- slanting.
It is necessary to give preference to one or another type of neck before the installation of the toilet bowl. If desired, it is worthwhile to arrange the toilet against the wall, this will help to increase the free space, and then make sure that the design with a horizontal funnel is suitable. If you can not install a sharp slope of the drain corrugations, you must take a toilet with a slanting view of the drain neck.
Space saving
If in the apartment the bathroom occupies a small area, then to save free space, you can give preference to the toilet with the "Anti-Splash" function of the suspended structure. The difference of this type is that it is mounted in the wall thanks to a special mount. A tank with water in this type of toilet bowl is placed behind the false wall and is not visible, on the wall there is only a push button for flushing. The tank of this design is compact, flat and made of plastic.
The undoubted advantage of this type of toilet bowls is considered to be the best conditions for keeping the floor clean, as well as the simplicity of the work on laying the floor tile and combining the pattern.
Before buying a toilet with the Anti-Splash system you should read the reviews, because they are not all positive. Products of new and unknown manufacturers are not always in reality similar to the necessary standards, and sometimes during operation they do not withstand the warranty period.
When purchasing this type of toilet, you should not completely trust the sellers that the products have the function of "Anti-Splash." This does not always coincide with reality.Under the guise of this system, they can sell an ordinary toilet, and it can no longer be returned, as hygiene products are not accepted back.
In some cases, the proposed toilets, embedded under the "Anti-Splash" system, are not equipped with all the anti-splash gear. There are products with a "shelf", but without tilting the back wall or vice versa. They are not able to absorb all the drops that fall on the wall, so they often have to be washed with a brush. Real units with the “Anti-Splash” function should have all the proper parameters.
Most well-known manufacturers at the moment handle the toilet to a special enamel, which does not absorb pollution, which is very convenient for those who do not want to use household chemicals.
On the intricacies of the choice of toilet see below.