How to make a closet in the toilet?

In small apartments there is often not enough space for storage. This also applies to plumbing facilities, they often simply do not have a place where you can conveniently fold detergent, toilet paper and other accessories. The construction of the closet in the toilet will help to change this situation.
Special features
Plumbing facilities in apartments often have small sizes, so you want to use every inch of space. A closet in the toilet, made by hand, will be the best option for storing things. It is an ideal storage place on the shelves of various small items. Here you can put the tools for repair work, which probably will be in the house, there will be a place for other important items.
It is impossible not to agree that the locker in the toilet will be a very convenient and practical item for this room.
You can build shelves, wall cupboard or pencil case yourself. The final result of the work depends on how correctly the size of the cabinet was chosen, its color. Furniture in the toilet should be beautiful, comfortable and functional. Usually the toilet is small, so the furniture should not be bulky and voluminous, so as not to visually take away a small space of the room.
Before starting work, you should choose your favorite model and draw a detailed work plan. For the manufacture of the closet in the toilet should make a drawing with detailed measurements. There are so many options for shelves and cabinets for sanitary facilities, among them you should choose the one that is suitable for a particular room.
When choosing a model, one should take into account the design feature, namely:
- preference should be given to moisture resistant materials;
- when installing the cabinet, it is important to leave free access to pipes or valves, water meters and other sewer fixtures;
- the size of the furniture must exactly match the size of the room;
- the cabinet must be securely fastened to the wall;
- have enough shelves to store as many things as possible there;
- sanitary cabinet should be functional and harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.
The closet in the toilet can be put on the floor, hanged on the wall, one of the interesting options is a built-in closet. The hand-made products, matched to the overall style of the room, in calm colors, look harmonious.
A cabinet mounted on the floor can be considered the easiest to install. Typically, this design is U-shaped. The shelves in these products are both open and closed, there may be mixed types of structures.
To install such furniture is easy, during installation take into account the size of the room. The cabinet must be of appropriate size. It should not touch the toilet and cistern, its shelves should be at a convenient level so that they do not interfere with visitors in the toilet.
A hinged locker in the toilet can be called, perhaps, the most successful choice for sanitary rooms. Such structures are mounted directly above the toilet, it can also be a built-in cabinet in a niche.When choosing such a model, it should be noted that hinged modular systems should not reach the toilet or cistern.
You can hang a wall cabinet for the most necessary things in the toilet., and you can build a structure in order to hide the pipes. It is important that the furniture in the toilet successfully complements the overall interior of the room and matches the color scheme of the room.
A corner cabinet for the most necessary hygiene products can be a good option for small rooms; it can be hung on one side. A pair of corner shelves that are placed in different angles from the toilet bowl will look good and organic. Directly near the toilet you can build a small technical cabinet, it will become a place where sewage pipes and valves will be hidden, besides, it can become a convenient place to store tools.
A built-in wardrobe can be the most functional furniture for sanitary rooms. It will fit perfectly in a niche, hide the sewage system and plumbing system, create an original and unique design in a small room.
Installation of built-in cabinets should be approached more carefully,since such structures are located directly near the pipes and condensate or a small leak can lead to material damage.
When choosing this type of construction, it is necessary to carefully make all measurements in order to exclude possible gaps or other defects.
It is quite simple to choose an interesting model of a locker for a toilet, it is only necessary to decide which type will be better suited for this room. The most popular can be considered several models.
- Lockers with rolling doors. Such furniture is often installed in a small room. The convenience of such models is that they have a roll up, products can be hung in the most inconvenient place.
- Shelves using pseudo-blinds. The doors in these models do not use movable strips, so the contents on the shelves will be well ventilated.
- Plumbing hatch that will close the niche with the pipe. Usually this hatch is a frame made of a corner; a metal door is attached to it. Although this construction will be inexpensive, the appearance of such furniture will not always be perfect.
- Cabinets with hinged doors. Such models can be of a different design, size. From the choice of the size of the structure will depend on its functionality and practicality.
- Product with compartment doors. For this design there is no need to create additional space in order to open the door. Such products can be hung near the mezzanine.
Shelves can be both closed and open. For closed shelves it is assumed that there are doors that make the construction a bit heavier. However, a locker with a door will contribute to a more aesthetic appearance in the toilet, because sometimes there may be a mess on the shelves, and closed shelves will hide this flaw from the eyes. Mirrors are often hung on the doors, this creates an additional convenience of their use.
AT building stores you can find shelves and lockers for the toilet for every taste, but they are not always the right size or do not fit a particular room.
In addition, building a locker with your own hands will be cheaper than the store version, when doing work, all wishes can be taken into account, which relate to the size, type, color and material for manufacturing.
Near the toilet, you can put a case or cabinet with shelves, such furniture is more suitable for large bathrooms. Often, a roll-out drawer is placed near the toilet bowl, such an arrangement is very convenient in order to get the necessary thing out. Optionally, you can sew a niche over the installation with drywall or close it with a mirror.
In the manufacture of the closet in the toilet should stop the choice on the most convenient and functional modelsbesides, such a product should not stand out from the general color range. When choosing colors it is better to give preference to soft, pastel tones, they are perfect for a small room.
A locker made in contrasting colors will also look good in the toilet. Such an accent area will create the appearance of a spacious room.
For those who adhere to the practice of feng shui, for painting cabinets and other elements in the room, you can use shades that are combined with water, such as blue, white, green.
When choosing the size of the product should be remembered that the lockers in the toilet should not take up much space. Especially the dimensions of the product are relevant in the arrangement of small rooms.
Furniture in the toilet should be done according to the size of the room. A small cabinet will look great in a small toilet, but narrow shelves above the toilet will also look harmonious here.
In the event that the toilet is large, you can choose a completely different option. In a large room you can place not only a wall cupboard, but also a pencil case or cabinet.
When choosing a hinged locker, you should consider the optimal dimensions; do not make the shelves too wide so that they do not hang over your head. Shelves with a width of 20 cm just fit to make the cabinet look harmonious.
Consider which materials are best for choosing when making your own bathroom cabinet. The product is made to the toilet, therefore, for sanitary rooms it is necessary to choose materials that are not afraid of high humidity. If the toilet is a separate room, and not combined with a bathroom, in such rooms you can not be afraid of moisture. The choice of material for the decoration of individual toilets will be greater than with the combined version of the bathroom.
It is easiest to build shelves with your own hands in the toilet; to do this, just select the material for the shelves and hang them using the corners at a convenient height.
The closet to the toilet can be made of many materials.
- Chipboard, MDF plate. This material is pressed from sawdust with resin. Most often for the manufacture of furniture using MDF plates.
- Natural wood. This material is quite expensive, so it is not suitable for the budget option. To reduce the price of a product a little, you can use MDF or chipboard as a base, and make cabinet doors made of wood.
- Drywall This material is very often used during repair and construction work, suitable for covering and leveling walls, it can be used in rooms with high humidity.
- Plywood. If the room is laid on the walls tiles, you can take as a material sheets of plywood. Then they are pasted over with the same tile that was used when laying the walls.
- Plastic. Plastic products are often used in sanitary premises, as they are not afraid of moisture.
- Glass. Glass cabinets can be called more expensive material. If glass is used to make the cabinet, it is necessary to sand the edges well in order not to injure your hands. After grinding the edge of the product will be smooth.
- Metal. For the manufacture of furniture for sanitary premises, you can take the metal. Often metal products are used in rooms where the loft style is chosen.
A toilet with a wardrobe can be considered a sort of storage room. The price of the finished product in the store can be significant, so it is easier to make the facade and frame yourself. Thus, in a niche you can hang the shelves and hide them from your eyes with a door.
Some items for the cabinet can be purchased in the store, the main parts are made independently. In the event that the shelves will be placed in a niche and pass through the pipes, you should cut each shelf separately, since the pipes are not always exactly aligned. Holes are made for a specific size of each shelf.
Standard hinges can be used to secure the door. After fixing the door, you should check how conveniently it opens and closes. When choosing materials for doors, wood, MDF or chipboard are preferred for plates, although it is often possible to find roller shutters as doors.
When choosing accessories do not need to save money, you should choose products from proven and well-known manufacturers
Accessories that can be useful for the manufacture of the cabinet:
- hinges;
- one or two handles for the door, depending on the type of shelves;
- magnets;
- fasteners, corners and so on.
Independent production
Before starting repair work in the toilet, you should make sure that the plumbing is working. If possible, it is better to change the old valves in advance, to fix the problems, all this will allow not to resort to emergency works in the toilet in case of breakage.
To make a closet in the toilet with your own hands, you need to choose the material and prepare the tools.
For work you will need:
- roulette;
- level;
- screwdriver;
- electric drill and jigsaw;
- film or other material that is useful for covering the flooring from dirt.
Before you begin, you should make a drawing with a detailed description of the measurements. The more will be indicated on the drawing details, the easier it will be to carry out work on the manufacture of the cabinet. If there is a need, carry out the purchase of materials, accessories.
In the case when for the manufacture of wood take, the surface of the tree should be varnished or treated with special means. Often, wood products use wood stain, such an inexpensive material allows you to quickly refine even the most inexpensivevarieties of trees and give the product a certain shade, ranging from light colors to brown or black. Often use unusual tones of stains, a very original can look like a cabinet made of wood, covered with stain of blue, green or even pink.
After the preparatory work proceed directly to the manufacture and installation of the cabinet. On the wall make the markup for the frame.
At this stage, the installation of the whole structure is carried out, which provides for several sequential actions.
- Making a frame for the cabinet. To do this, you need bars that connect the corners.
- Harvested frame attached to the wall, focusing on the preliminary layout. The frame will serve as the basis of the cabinet; therefore, the fasteners should be chosen securely so that they can support the weight of the shelves with the objects standing on them.
- There is mounting of holders for shelves (corners, pins, bars).
- The formation of shelves. When sawing a lot of time can take the work of cutting room for the pipe, if it passes through the cabinet.
- Install shelves.
- At the final stage it is necessary to fasten the hinges and hang the doors.If it is planned to glue films, tiles and other materials on the doors, carry out such work prior to their installation.
It is not very difficult to make a closet to the toilet on your own, especially if you already have some experience in such work. If this work seems difficult, you can buy furniture in the store or order the selected model to order. Employees of the company will be able to go home, make the necessary measurements, give the necessary advice and recommendations. A specialist will help determine the choice of material, size and type of construction, help you choose a color.
In the next video you will see features of the manufacture of the cabinet in the toilet.
Beautiful examples in the interior
In a small plumbing room is to put a closet for storing the necessary things for the toilet. A small wall cabinet or structure installed on the floor behind the toilet or next to it will become a place for folding detergents, towels, toilet paper and other accessories.
The white wardrobe that is installed directly on the floor looks very nice, such furniture will organically fit into the interior of the toilet in light colors.Closed shelves will hide the bath accessories and hygiene items on the shelves.
No less convenient will be a small cabinet with sliding shelves, mounted on the floor next to the toilet.
Plumbing closet behind the toilet will hide the sewer pipes, valves and counters.
Wooden cabinet, made by hand.
A rather non-standard design: even in such a small room we managed to put on the shelf even a washing machine.
Practical ideas for a small toilet:
- A narrow room with an imitation of a bookcase is a rather unusual solution for sanitary facilities.
- Roller shutters with a picture to overlap the bathroom.
- An open metal rack with glass shelves will allow you to store a lot of necessary things directly above the toilet, a successful installation eliminates the entry of debris behind the tank.