Repair of bathroom: interior decoration and installation of plumbing

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in any home. So, its repair should be made especially carefully. It is important to immediately solve the problem of combining the bathroom and toilet, choosing the best way of planning. Combining the bathroom will significantly save usable space and put in it all the necessary plumbing equipment.
Special features
Repair of the bathroom has a number of features that are important to consider at the planning stage. The work itself should include the dismantling of old equipment, the replacement of old pipes, the placement of new plumbing equipment and the laying or checking of electrical wires. In conclusion, it is necessary to make finishing work.
In addition to the main stages of repair, it is important to think of a room heating system.
According to many years of experience, it can be concluded that it is not enough to heat the bathroom with metal radiators alone, so it is better to pay attention to the warm floors.
You can make them in two ways: using an electric cable and hot water. Both options have their pros and cons, so you should carefully study the features of each method.
Taking into account the specifics of the bathroom, you need to remember about the waterproofing of the room. For this you can use pasting or coating material. It is believed that pasting is a better option, since this material is easy to install and can be fixed, which gives a guarantee of durability and durability of waterproofing.
It is especially important when designing the bathroom to find the right materials for finishing all surfaces. This should take into account performance properties and aesthetic appearance. All this will eliminate the occurrence of various problems when using the room. After all, the bathroom is a place of high humidity, and not every material is designed for constant contact with water.
The choice of sanitary equipment is another important point in the organization of the bathroom. All pieces of furniture should be in harmony with each other and not interfere with the free movement. Significantly save space will help mounted structures, which, in addition to their intended purpose, also perform a decorative function.
Special attention during repairs should be paid to the organization of water supply. It is optimal for water to acquire metal-plastic pipes that have high strength and have an acceptable price. In addition, it is important to supply high-quality mixers and filters in order to prolong the life of sanitary equipment.
Electrical equipment of the bathroom should be grounded and protected from moisture. To avoid short circuits during operation of the premises, you should consult with a specialist or hire professional workers to install electrical appliances.
Repair of the bathroom can be cosmetic or capital, which significantly affects the work and costs. This is due to the fact that redecorating involves updating an already existing interior, while capital rework requires complex processes.Difficulty may lie in the placement of new plumbing, partitioning and elimination of the consequences of leaks.
Renovation requires serious training, consisting of:
- project development;
- calculation of financial costs;
- dismantling of old equipment and coatings;
- plumbing replacement;
- surface leveling;
- create ventilation;
- finishes;
- electrical wiring;
- installation of equipment;
- installation of a new door.
Comprehensive repair of the bathroom and toilet should take place in stages, to ensure quality and safe space.
Style and design
The modern interior of the bathroom is practical and attractive. Modest rooms, furnished with inconspicuous furniture, are no longer relevant. They have long been replaced by projects that combine comfort, coziness, multifunctionality and aesthetics. There are quite interesting and unusual options that exclude boredom and routine.
Regardless of the size of the toilet and bathroom, an experienced designer is able to offer a ton of ideas to create comfortable and beautiful areas.When interior design you need to use moisture-resistant lighting, waterproof furniture, mirrors and functional accessories. All this will allow you to create a unique place in which you can safely and safely perform sanitary and hygienic procedures.
If the bathroom has a large area, then it will fit Provence style. It is ideal for a rustic, calm atmosphere. Inherent in it are pastel muted tones, walls decorated with paintings and flowers, forged elegant elements and bright textile accents.
Highlight the good taste of tenants will help classic style, which is characterized by laconic forms and the use of natural materials. The classic bathroom interior is a symmetry in selected pieces of furniture and rectangular or square shapes. As for the color design, the classic loves rich tones of natural wood. And to dilute the interior, you can resort to red, green or purple.
The space will look elegant and refined Moroccan stylewhich involves the use of ornaments and metal elements. A large mirror in a forged frame or a recess in the wall decorated with a curtain can complement this style.
A large area of the bathroom allows you to install not only standard equipment, but also additional elements. For example, bidet, shelving and shower. If homeowners have the opportunity, then it is possible to install a jacuzzi.
It is reasonable to divide the combined bathroom into functional zones, separating the bathtub from the toilet with a screen or a cornice with an opaque curtain. It is possible to differentiate zones by means of a two-level floor or contrast finishing.
Making a small bathroom, you need to rely on the ideas and advice of experienced designers. A small area is not able to accommodate all that often tenants want, so it is important to use some tricks. For example, the decoration of walls and floors should be monotonous and preferably in bright colors.
It is important to provide bright lighting and to resort to the installation of built-in plumbing. Replace the bath can shower, and the washing machine can be placed under the hinged sink.
Finishing materials
Repairing a separate or combined bathroom with your own hands allows you to create the perfect atmosphere and express your individuality in it. To start the repair, you need to create a future design plan that will take into account all the features of the room. To do this, draw a diagram indicating the size of the room and the desired arrangement of furniture. It is important to calculate the approximate cost of purchasing materials and interior elements.
The ceiling in the bathroom and toilet are usually just putty and painted. This is a budget and practical option that requires the purchase of special moisture-resistant materials. In addition, the uneven ceiling is quite difficult to self-putty.
PVC panels have a long service life and relative cheapness. This finish does not require special care and looks very nice. In addition, you can install an economical PVC panel.
To decorate the ceiling in the bathroom can be drywall, tiles or plastic. Of course, the most affordable option is plastic, which is simple to install and does not require special care.
Luxurious in the toilet look mirrored ceilings.To install them, you must use durable metal profiles. Mirror panels are expensive, and their installation is possible only by experienced professionals. In addition, the mirror surface whimsical care and require regular polishing.
Stretch ceiling in the toilet allows you to visually expand the space due to the glossy surface and hide irregularities. It has a long service life, is moisture resistant, eliminates the formation of mold and mildew and is represented on the market in a wide color range. The disadvantages of tensioning structures include the high cost and the need to attract specialists for their installation.
Like any other surface of the bathroom, the walls must be finished with a moisture-resistant material. One of the most common methods is wall cladding with moisture-resistant plasterboard, which, thanks to a special coating, is able to repel moisture. You can decorate the walls with this material in two ways: install the sheets on a metal frame or simply glue the walls with plasterboard panels.
Very carefully in the bathroom looks ceramic tile, which is represented by a huge range on the construction market.It has high performance properties, such as hygiene, durability and decorative.
Laying tiles - a time-consuming process, requiring experience and accuracy, therefore, when finishing the walls with tiles, it is best to contact a specialist.
The classic version of the wall decoration is painting with latex-based paints and varnishes. To finish the wall surfaces with paint, you must first align them, and only then paint them with a roller.
It is interesting and original in the bathroom, combined with the toilet, look waterproof wallpaper 3D. For finishing it is better to choose acrylic or vinyl wallpaper. This type of coating has a high decorative and operational qualities, but may become unusable if water gets into the joints.
In many old apartments, the walls in the bathroom are made of slate, which creates some inconvenience during repairs. Painted asbestos cement sheets do not look very beautiful, so it is important to find material that will correct the situation. To finish slate walls, you can use ceramic tiles, pre-primed surface with a special composition for non-absorbent bases.And you can sheathe the walls of moisture-resistant MDF, pre-treated concrete contact.
The flooring requirements in the bathroom are high. Floors must have a solid, durable and moisture-resistant surface. Most often in the bathroom you can find ceramic floors, as ceramics have a lot of positive qualities. Firstly, it is unpretentious in care, secondly, it is moisture and fire resistant, and thirdly, it can serve for more than 50 years. But samples of ceramic tiles have poor sound insulation and low resistance to mechanical stress.
No less popular floor covering is porcelain, which is not afraid of water, fire, bacteria and sunlight. It is durable and durable, but has a high cost. It must be carefully transported and cut.
Uncommonly look bulk floors. Most often they are used to hide irregularities and other defects. They do not require serious care, are not afraid of water, have a long service life and are represented by a rich variety of design solutions. But the self-leveling floor is very difficult and long to install - this will take about a month.Therefore, when installing such a structure, it is necessary to equip a temporary bathroom.
Vinyl floor is a fairly affordable option with a wide range of colors. It has a low price, it is easy to care for and easy to install. But the vinyl tile is not without flaws: it is prone to yellowing, is susceptible to deformation and is able to release toxic substances during combustion.
Decorate the floors in the bathroom can wood - an environmentally friendly material. Wooden coatings have a beautiful texture and a warm pleasant surface. For a bathroom, it is best to buy a tic coating, as it is practically not susceptible to deformation and is practically not afraid of water. A significant disadvantage of wood is fire hazard, besides cheap breed is prone to deformation.
Sometimes for the repair of floors may need screed. For rooms with high humidity, the ideal solution would be a wet screed that copes well with vapors, condensation and humidity.
Plumbing installation
You can install the plumbing in the bathroom with your own hands, if you follow the established standards.The choice of equipment and communications should be based on the size of the room, convenience and ease of maintenance. Plumbing should consist of quality materials and fit into the interior. The layout should be organized wisely. This is especially important if the joint room is small.
If the owners of the apartment cannot, for some reason, do the repairs themselves, you can always use the services of a master. But it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the price list in advance in order to know what repairs will have to be done independently.
To begin the installation of plumbing equipment you need to install pipes. They can be laid in an open or closed way. It will look more harmonious in a hidden way, as it allows you to completely hide communications. But the maintenance of the hidden approach can be difficult, because for the repair of pipes will have to open the structure.
An important step in the installation of plumbing is the choice of pipe material. Independently easier to mount plumbing communication using polypropylene pipes. It is easy to work with them and they form a reliable and durable construction.To connect the pipes, you will need special fittings that are mounted with clips.
Installation of sanitary devices can be carried out using a tee-plate or collector method. The collector method allows to reduce pressure drops, since all the plumbing elements will be separately connected to the water supply. In addition, this option is ideal for beginners.
Sewerage installation should be done according to the scheme. First you need to remove the old toilet and replace the riser. It is necessary to cut it in the middle and insert metal wedges into the incisions. The upper part of the pipe is fixed, and the bottom is loosened. After the done manipulations, the old standpipe is dismantled and a new one is installed, which has high noise absorption.
The toilet is installed after finishing the room. For this purpose, the sewer pipe is installed with vertical outlets. Regular gaskets before installation are lubricated with sanitary silicone. And after that, the toilet is connected to the sewer line.
The method of mounting the sink depends on the model chosen.The hanging sink can be hung directly on the wall, and to hide communications, the easiest way is to put a cabinet or a washing machine under it. But the tulip shell has a special stand, so problems with concealing the pipes will not arise.
Installing a bath or shower will not require much effort. For installation, it is necessary to create a flat coating, put the equipment and connect the siphon.
The bath after installation is best strengthened with additional supports.
Common mistakes
Repair of a bathroom and a toilet is the responsible and labor-intensive process demanding big financial expenses. Often, reworking the room is complicated by the small area of the bathroom, in which you need not only to create comfort, but also to save space. Therefore, some tenants do redevelopment of the apartment, capturing the area of the kitchen or corridor.
Proper redevelopment can turn a boring and uncomfortable room into a spacious place. But for this it is important to avoid the mistakes that inexperienced tenants very often encounter.
Improper planning can not only create an uncomfortable bathroom, but also require a lot of money to fix the problem.Therefore, even at the stage of creating a plan, it is necessary to postpone a certain amount, which will help to immediately eliminate the nuances that arose during the repair.
Irrational arrangement of plumbing will create inconvenience for family members. Therefore, when arranging furniture, it is necessary to take into account the height, age and physical abilities of all people living in an apartment.
Combining a bathroom with a toilet can create inconveniences for large families. Residents will have to constantly wait until the bathroom is free.
Incorrect calculation of materials may add additional problems, since with the identified shortage it will be necessary to re-purchase it and it’s not a fact that the tenants will find the one that is needed. And the newly acquired materials of a different color will stand out against the general background.
The priority of fashion and aesthetics can lead to the fact that new-fashioned equipment will be inconvenient to use. Therefore, buying furniture, you should think about its comfort and simplicity.
The lack of waterproofing or installation of a cheap waterproofing system will lead to leakage, which will result in large expenses for apartment owners.
Installing unsuitable lighting fixtures can ruin the overall impression of the room. For the bathroom you need to create a bright, but not very powerful lighting. Use for this you need special fixtures designed for wet rooms.
Installing plasterboard ceilings, even with a special moisture-resistant coating, is not able to protect the room from leaks from above.
A cold tile floor is not only unpleasant, but can also cause frequent colds. The warm floor is a necessity today, and therefore when planning a bathroom this question needs to be put on the first place.
Dark colors visually narrow the space, making the small bathroom and toilet look even smaller and darker. To decorate the bathroom you need to use only light shades, preferably with a smooth surface.
Dismantling of ventilation and pipe-dryers will lead to the multiplication of mold and fungi, which will immediately affect the health of residents. In no case should we ignore the ventilation system.
Tips and tricks
When repairing the bathroom, you must adhere to some rules that will greatly facilitate the process.
- It is not necessary to wall up the space under the bathroom.It is better to use it for storage of household supplies, having built a case.
- It is undesirable to finish the surface of the room mainly in white. The abundance of white color will create the feeling of being in a hospital. But too dark finish not only narrows the space, but also requires frequent cleaning.
- For flooring, it is desirable to select a smooth tile, since the rough surface is difficult to clean from dirt.
- The bathroom should be outlet, because it is often in her head dry or shave. But prerequisite is the protection of sockets from moisture.
- To the water quickly went to the drain, the bath should be placed at a slight slope. The drain hole should be located 5 cm above the entrance of the sewer pipe.
- In order to avoid possible flooding in the bathroom and toilet, you need to install stretch ceilings. They are able to hold water before the arrival of the masters.
- For a comfortable stay in the toilet, it is desirable to install a forced exhaust in it. Thus, no one will be confused by the problem of unpleasant odors.
Successful examples and options
You can make a bathroom for every taste.There are a lot of interesting ideas that are suitable for implementation in the "Khrushchev" and in the new building.
Ceramic tile looks very beautiful and fashionable, with which you can create a unique interior. Color decor and bright accents can complement the decor. Juicy vibrant colors will awaken the tenants in the morning and charge a good mood.
Interestingly in the toilet look contrasting colors. For example, the combination of red and gray betrays the interior of courage and modernity.
Glass panels can replace tiles, which will visually expand the space. Tempered glass panels will reliably protect surfaces from dirt and water.
Architectural concrete will be an excellent option for arranging a loft-style bathroom. This material is durable and safe, and working with him is a pleasure.
Finishing the toilet with siding will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This durable material is not afraid of water and ultraviolet. It is durable, durable and has an attractive appearance. In addition, it is a good noise insulator, which is important for the bathroom.
An incredible result can be achieved with the help of photo wallpaper.Due to the polymer coating, they are resistant to moisture and are not afraid of mechanical damage. Photowall-paper for many years will decorate bathing space.
On how to do the installation of plumbing in the bathroom with your own hands, you will see in the next video.