Air freshener for the toilet: the subtleties of choice and production

Air freshener for the bathroom allows you to create the necessary level of comfort. Even with good ventilation, unpleasant odors will accumulate in the room. It is possible to cope with them both with the help of store tools, and made by hand.
Special features
Toilet air freshener is used to eliminate unpleasant odors. Quality compositions instantly fill the room with freshness and pleasant aroma. Some air fresheners can also perform the disinfection function, killing harmful bacteria in the air. On the properties of the funds primarily affects its chemical composition.
Air fresheners have a different principle of action. There are flavoring, deodorizing and combination products. Flavors do not kill the unpleasant smell, but only hide it. Such agents, as a rule, have a persistent and strong aroma that affects the olfactory receptors, which allows you to mask the bad odors in the room.
Deodorizing air fresheners affect the molecules themselves, which are responsible for the formation of a bad smell, neutralizing them. Deodorants are usually available without fragrance. Aromatic deodorizing air fresheners belong to the category of combined means.
The range of air fresheners is constantly expanding. Means differ not only in their composition and smell, but also on the principle of action.
The main classification is as follows:
- aerosol cans;
- microspray;
- gels;
- wall electronic devices;
- dry fresheners in the form of plates for toilet bowls;
- automatic sprayers.
Spray fresheners - the most common version of such funds. Aerosols are convenient to use.To spray the flavored composition, it is enough just to shake the bottle, remove the cap from it and press the button.
Microspray by the principle of action does not differ from standard aerosols. The difference lies in the composition of the mixture and the resulting effect. Microspray is more concentrated, which allows you to effectively deal with unpleasant odors and fill the room with a pleasant aroma longer. The tool is available in the form of a small case with interchangeable cans, which is attached to the wall.
Gel fresheners are a small cartridge, inside which is a flavored gel. The cartridge is placed in a special frame that is installed on the stand. The convenience of this type lies in the fact that the gel constantly fills the air with a pleasant aroma until it is completely dry. Then the cartridge can be easily replaced with a new one.
Electronic devices to combat odors appeared relatively recently. Work devices from the mains or battery. Replaceable aerosol cans or gel cartridges are installed in the device.
The devices are equipped with special sensors that will allow you to adjust the operating mode of the device:
- Set the frequency and intensity of spraying.
- Regulate the operation time of the device.
- Set limits on spraying freshener. For example, the sensor may respond to the inclusion of light.
Toilet bowl fresheners can be produced in the form of dry solid plates or special blocks, inside of which is a gel. When flushing water, a part of the substance is brought out and flavors the air.
Automatic dispensers are a unit with replaceable aerosol cans. The device automatically sprays the air freshener in accordance with the selected mode.
Which is better?
When choosing an air freshener, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to its appearance and composition. Some products may be unsafe for health: adversely affect the respiratory system or cause allergies.
The greatest danger to health are funds in the form of sprays. The composition of aerosol air fresheners includes toxic substances that easily penetrate into the human body after spraying the mixture.Funds in the form of gels also contain harmful components, which makes them no less harmful than aerosols.
When buying an air freshener is not worth saving. Inexpensive sprays do not eliminate unpleasant odors, but only temporarily mask them. Quality tools work on a different principle: first neutralize the bad smell, and then fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
Customer reviews will help you choose a suitable remedy to eliminate unpleasant odors in the toilet. Rating of the most popular air fresheners combines only well-known brands.
- Air Wick. Products manufactured under this brand have a wide range of odors. Means are issued in the form of aerosol cans. An automatic sprayer with replaceable cartridges is also produced.
- Glade. Flavors of this brand are available in the form of aerosols and automatic dispensers. Buyers note the high quality of the product and low cost. Glade fresheners do not mask unpleasant odors, but eliminate them.
- Ambi Pur. The brand is very popular, primarily due to the excellent combination of price - quality.
- Bref. The freshener of this brand is produced in the form of blocks with gel filler and in the form of small bottles with gel. The tool is designed for toilets and helps in the fight not only with unpleasant odors, but also with microbes.
How to do it yourself?
The safest option to freshen the air in the toilet is the use of self-made formulations of natural ingredients. Making the tool with your own hands, you will be sure that there are no harmful substances and synthetic flavors in its composition. Consider the most popular recipes means to combat unpleasant odors.
To make the freshener itself at home is not particularly difficult.
Essential oils
One of the easiest home remedies for removing odors is essential oil. The range of aromatic oils is quite extensive, so you can easily choose the right fragrance to your liking. It is not recommended to use only liquids with too strong sweet smells.
For the manufacture of freshener on the basis of essential oils will need a glass vial with a volume of more than 20 milliliters from under the drugs with a wide neck.At the bottom of the tank must be put cotton rolled up in a ball. On the cotton wool must be dripped 5 drops of aromatic oil.
Open container should be placed next to the hot pipe. Heating the bubble will contribute to the active evaporation of the essential oil. It is recommended to change cotton wool at least once a week.
Another recipe freshener is to mix the essential oil (20 drops), half a glass of nine percent vinegar and water (1.5 cups). The resulting solution is placed in a glass jar. The container is closed with a lid in which several small holes are preliminarily made, and mounted to a hot pipe. You can also place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray the air freshener as needed.
Refreshing gel
Advantages of funds in the form of gels in the first place is economical consumption. Make such fresheners on the basis of gelatin. On a gas stove, 500 milliliters of water should be heated to almost boiling. In hot water pour 30 grams of gelatin and mix thoroughly.
To the mixture, add 20 milliliters of glycerin, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 10 drops of essential oil.Oil can be replaced with natural ingredients such as lemon peel or mint leaves. Manufactured composition must be placed in a glass jar with a wide neck and put the container in the toilet.
Tips and recommendations for use
Features of the use of air freshener for the toilet, above all, depends on the type of tool. For any product on the package there is a detailed instruction that describes the principle of action of the product and indicates recommendations for use.
The shop air fresheners often contain harmful ingredients.that may adversely affect health. Especially it concerns means in the form of spray. You should not spray such fresheners too often and in large quantities.
The most convenient to use automatic sprayers. Such fresheners have a small expense. In addition, the device will operate in accordance with the selected mode.
The toilet is a special room, as the space in it is rather limited and there is often no good ventilation.
Frequent use of store fresheners can only spoil the air in the room, filling it with a too sharp and strong aroma.
To learn how to make an air freshener with your own hands, see the following video.